160 research outputs found

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    Relación de Revisores del Año 2019

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    El Comité Editor de la revista Acta Médica Peruana (AMP) agradece a cada uno de los destacados profesionales, expertos en sus respectivas áreas, quienes han colaborado de forma desinteresada y con celeridad en la revisión de los manuscritos que les fueron enviados para su evaluación

    Scientific societies of medical students: the future of research in Latin America

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    En Latinoamérica, desde hace más de 25 años se reúnen los estudiantes de medicina de diferentes países para presentar sus trabajos de investigación en Congresos Científicos Internacionales Organizados por la Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades Científicas de Estudiantes de Medicina (FELSOCEM); así mismo, en cada país existen organizaciones nacionales y locales que realizan eventos similares, que en el caso de Colombia, son organizados por la Asociación de Sociedades Científicas de Estudiantes de Medicina de Colombia (ASCEMCOL), siendo este año realizado por la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga.In Latin America, for more than 25 years, medical students from different countries have been meeting to present their research work at International Scientific Congresses Organized by the Latin American Federation of Scientific Societies of Medical Students (FELSOCEM); Likewise, in each country there are national and local organizations that carry out similar events, which in the case of Colombia, are organized by the Association of Scientific Societies of Medical Students of Colombia (ASCEMCOL), this year being carried out by the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga


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    Gender differences in the intention of recent Peruvian medical graduates to emigrate

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    La emigración médica en el Perú supone un importante problema en la búsqueda de la consolidación de un sistema de salud sostenible. Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia de intención de emigración y sus factores asociados según género en médicos peruanos recién egresados. Diseño y lugar de estudio: Estudio analítico de corte transversal llevado a cabo en Lima, Perú, durante el año 2010. Participantes: Se incluyó a 289 médicos egresados de universidades de peruanas. Intervenciones: Se aplicó una encuesta anónima y autoadministrada que evaluaba la intención de emigración para laborar y sus factores asociados. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico STATA 11.2; se utilizó un modelo lineal generalizado log-binomial como método de regresión de múltiples variables. Principales medidas de resultados: Intención de emigración autorreportada. Resultados: La prevalencia de intención de emigración fue de 42,1%; esta fue mayor en el género masculino (50,0% versus 36,4%; p<0,01). Un manejo intermedio/avanzado del idioma inglés (RP: 1,77; IC95%: 1,04 a 2,98) y expectativas de ingreso económico mayor o igual a 3 600 dólares americanos mensuales en los siguientes cinco años (RP: 1,55; IC95%: 1,09 a 2,21) se encontraron asociados con la intención de emigrar en varones. En mujeres, estuvieron asociados el haber culminado la carrera sin retraso (RP: 1,66; IC95%: 1,02 a 2,71) y proyectarse a ganar 3 600 dólares o más (RP: 1,71; IC95%: 1,14 a 2,57). Conclusiones: Existe una alta prevalencia de intención en emigración médica; el factor económico se asocia independientemente; los idiomas y la regularidad académica difieren según género.Medical emigration is a really important problem for Peru in order to consolidate a sustainable health system. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of emigration intention and associated factors according to gender in recently Peruvian graduated physicians. Design and setting: Cross-sectional, analytic study developed in Lima, Peru in 2010. Participants: Two hundred eightynine recently graduated physicians from Peruvian universities were included. Interventions: An anonymous and auto-administered questionnaire was handed to the study subjects to measure their intention to work abroad. Data was analyzed using the statistical package STATA 11.2, and a log-binomial generalized lineal model was used as regression model for multiple variables. Main outcome measures: Self-reported emigration intention. Results: Prevalence of intended emigration was 42.1%, higher in males (50.0% versus 36.4%; p<0.01). For males, an intermediate/advanced level of English proficiency (PR=1.77; 95%CI: 1.04-2.98) and a monthly income expectation greater than or equal to 3600 U.S. dollars in five years (PR=1.55; 95%CI: 1.09-2.21) were associated with the intention of emigrating. In women there was association with fulfilling the career without delay (PR:1.66; 95%CI: 1.02-2.71) and expectation to win 3600 USD or more in five years (PR:1.71; 95%CI: 1.14-2.57). Conclusions: There was high prevalence of emigration intention in the studied population; the economic factor was associated independently. However, English proficiency and academic regularity differed by gender

    Cultural adaptation and validation of SATAQ-4 “Sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-4” for peruvian population

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    Introduction: Eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia) have been increasing worldwide and nationally. Prior to the development of this disorder, adolescents' present body dissatisfaction, whose study through the ¨Tripartite Influence Model¨ gives us three main pressures: Pressure from parents, media and peers. Factors that are studied through SATAQ-4. We conduct a study to validate the Peruvian version of SATAQ-4 "Sociocultural Attitudes Toward Appearance Questionnaire-4". Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2015. It was started by culturally adapting the test. Subsequently, validity was determined through the validity of the construct, and reliability through internal consistency assessment and intra-observer reliability (test-retest). Results: We obtained a culturally adapted instrument which presented a mean greater than 3 in the Delphi method, an intraclass correlation equal to 0.83 and an internal consistency (Cronbach alpha) of 0.90. The confirmatory factor analysis supported the original five-factor structure and the convergent validity analysis (r Pearson) when compared with BSQ a correlation of 0.70. Conclusions: The instrument adequately measures the construct for which it was created and can be applied in the Peruvian university environment.National Institutes of HealthRevisión por pare