22 research outputs found

    Globally enhanced mercury deposition during the end-Pliensbachian extinction and Toarcian OAE: A link to the Karoo-Ferrar Large Igneous Province

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    The Mesozoic Era featured emplacement of a number of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), formed by the outpouring of millions of cubic kilometres of basaltic magma. The radiometric ages of several Mesozoic LIPs coincide with the dates of Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs). As a result of these coincidences, a causal link has been suggested, but never conclusively proven. This study explores the use of mercury as a possible direct link between the Karoo-Ferrar LIP and the coeval Toarcian OAE (T-OAE). Mercury is emitted to the atmosphere as a trace constituent of volcanic gas, and may be distributed globally before being deposited in sediments. Modern marine deposits show a strong linear correlation between mercury and organic-matter content. Results presented here indicate departures from such a simple linear relationship in sediments deposited during the T-OAE, and also during the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition (an event that saw elevated benthic extinctions and carbon-cycle perturbations prior to the T-OAE). A number of depositional settings illustrate an increased mercury concentration in sediments that record one or both events, suggesting a rise in the depositional flux of this element. Complications to this relationship may arise from very organic-rich sediments potentially overprinting any Hg/TOC signal, whereas environments preserving negligible organic matter may leave no record of mercury deposition. However, the global distribution of coevally elevated Hg-rich levels suggests enhanced atmospheric mercury availability during the Early Toarcian, potentially aided by the apparent affinity of Hg for terrestrial organic matter, although the relative importance of aquatic vs terrestrial fixation of Hg in governing these enrichments remains uncertain. A perturbation in atmospheric Hg is most easily explained by enhanced volcanic output. It is suggested that extrusive igneous activity caused increased mercury flux to the Early Toarcian sedimentary realm, supporting the potential of this element as a proxy for ancient volcanism. This interpretation is consistent with a relationship between LIP formation and a perturbed carbon cycle during the Pliensbachian-Toarcian transition and T-OAE. The recording of these two distinct Hg excursions may also indicate that the Karoo-Ferrar LIP released volatiles in temporally distinct episodes, due either to multiple phases of magmatic emplacement or sporadic release of thermogenic gaseous products from intrusion of igneous material into volatile-rich lithologies.We acknowledge NERC (NE/G01700X/1) and the Leverhulme Trust for funding

    Integrated stratigraphy of Pliensbachian and Toarcian strata from the northern Neuquén Basin, Argentina

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    This is the final version. Available from Borntraeger Science Publishers via the DOI in this record. The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE, ~183 Ma) was marked by globally recognized environmental perturbations, most notably disturbances to the global carbon cycle and climate. To date, geochemical records providing information about the T-OAE have been largely generated from the warm temperate climate zone of the NW European realm. Coeval geochemical records from the Southern Hemisphere, providing a more global perspective on palaeoenvironmental changes associated with the T-OAE, are comparatively scarce. In this study, we present a biostratigraphically calibrated litho- and chemostratigraphic record of Lower Jurassic strata from the northern NeuquĂ©n Basin, Argentina, covering the Upper Pliensbachian and Toarcian upper tenuicostatum to lower Dumortieria Andean ammonite zones, equivalent to the uppermost tenuicostatum to pseudoradiosa European standard zones. The integrated stratigraphic data re-define the stratigraphic position of the Andean tenuicostatum–D. hoelderi ammonite Zone boundary and support near-synchroneity of this horizon with the tenuicostatum–serpentinum zonal boundary in NW Europe. The stratigraphic interval recording the negative carbon-isotope excursion associated with the T-OAE appears massively expanded and organic lean in contrast to the coeval organic-rich deposits in other parts of the NeuquĂ©n Basin and in European sections. At Las Overas, persistent sedimentary organic-matter enrichment was limited to brief intervals of black-shale deposition, possibly coinciding with reduced sedimentary organic matter dilution. Depositional rates and inorganic redox proxies suggest that the development of oxygen-depleted conditions may have been disrupted by the interplay between basin subsidence, sedimentation rate, relative sea-level change, depositional setting and deep-water currents.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Research Foundation–Flanders (FWO)Netherlands Earth Science Centre (NESSC)CONICET (National Research Council of Argentina)Shell International Exploration & Production B.

    Volcanism and carbon cycle perturbations in the High Arctic during the Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordLarge perturbations in the global carbon cycle recorded as carbon-isotope (ή13C) excursions (CIEs) in both organic carbon and carbonate records have been linked to volcanism during the emplacement of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). This link is based primarily on the purported temporal coincidence between CIEs and LIP emplacement. Mercury (Hg) concentration in sedimentary rocks has been used as a regional to global tracer of large-scale volcanic activity, yet few studies have been undertaken on Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous sediments from Boreal localities compared to those for Tethyan (northern mid-latitude) successions. This has limited our understanding of the regional-to-global spatial impact of volcanic activity during this period. This study examines the Hg record as a proxy for volcanism, and the ή13C records from organic matter (ή13Corg) of CIEs from the uppermost Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous (Callovian – Aptian) successions from Axel Heiberg and Spitsbergen in the Canadian Arctic and Svalbard archipelagos, respectively. This interval includes three regional- to global CIEs. These sections show no significant variation in the ratio of Hg to total organic carbon (TOC) across the Boreal-wide Volgian negative CIE (Volgian Isotopic Carbon Excursion, “VOICE”), which has not been associated with LIP volcanism. The examined successions spanning this interval all show some influence from changing environmental or post-burial parameters, however, which could have (partially) overprinted a volcanic signal. Despite some problems in stratigraphically constraining the Weissert Event, increased Hg/TOC ratios are observed across this interval, which may be partially driven by volcanism associated with the emplacement of the Paraná-Etendeka Traps. A spike in Hg/TOC is observed immediately prior to the negative peak of the Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a) CIE, supporting recent evidence of a pulse of High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP) volcanic activity preceding this oceanic anoxic event

    Mercury Spikes Indicate a Volcanic Trigger for the Late Ordovician Mass Extinction Event: An Example from a Deep Shelf of the Peri-Baltic Region.

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    The Late Ordovician mass extinction (LOME) was the second largest Phanerozoic crisis, but its cause remains elusive. Several triggering mechanisms have been proposed over the years, including bioevolutionary events, oceanographic changes, and geotectonic processes. Here, we report the presence of Hg spikes in the Zbrza PIG-1 borehole from the Upper Ordovician deep shelf sections of the peri-Baltic region. A strong positive anomaly in the lower late Katian (Hg/TOC = 2537.3 ppb/wt%) was noted. No correlation between Hg and TOC (RÂČ = 0.07) was distinguished in the Hirnantian, although several positive anomalies were found. Because the Hg/Mo ratio showed trends very similar to those of Hg/TOC, it seems likely that TOC values reflect the redox conditions. In order to evaluate the role of anoxia in levels of Hg enrichment several redox indicators were measured. These showed that the elevated mercury values in the Hirnantian are not caused by anoxia/euxinia because euxinic biomarkers (maleimides and aryl isoprenoids) are present in very low abundance and pyrite framboids are absent. In total, positive Hg/TOC anomalies occur in the lower late Katian, at the Katian - Hirnantian boundary, and in the late Hirnantian. The lack of a strong Hg/TOC correlation, Ni enrichments, and the absence of 'anoxic indicators' (no biomarkers, no framboids, low Mo concentration) at these levels, supports the interpretation that Hg enrichment is due to enhanced environmental loading. We conclude that our Hg and Hg/TOC values were associated with volcanic pulses which triggered the massive environmental changes resulting in the Late Ordovician mass extinction

    Sedimentary mercury enrichments as a tracer of Large Igneous Province volcanism

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    Volcanic activity associated with the emplacement of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) has been linked to most Phanerozoic extinctions/episodes of major environmental change. In recent years, mercury (Hg) enrichments and elevated mercury/total organic carbon (Hg/TOC) ratios have been increasingly utilized as a marker of volcanism in sedimentary records deposited distally from LIPs. The proxy is based on the premise that volcanism is a major natural source of the element to the atmosphere, and that it was especially important prior to anthropogenic emissions. To date, end-Permian and end-Triassic records illustrate the strongest use of Hg as a marker of volcanic activity, supplemented by the use of Hg isotopes and other evidence for LIP eruptions and volatile emissions. Sedimentary records of several other events also document Hg enrichments in at least one region, suggestive of a regional- or global-scale perturbation to the Hg cycle at those times, potentially linked to volcanism. The Cenomanian– Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 appears to be the exception, with strata documenting peaks in Hg/TOC in a small minority of studied records, suggesting that there was only a minimal perturbation to the Hg cycle at that time. Even for events where a global Hg-cycle perturbation apparently occurred, varying Hg enrichments documented from individual archives of the same event indicate that the complex biogeochemical cycling of mercury can result in a strong influence of local/regional aquatic, biological, or sedimentary processes on the precise signature of any worldwide disturbance. Of additional intrigue is an apparent lack of correlation of Hg and Hg/TOC with other volcanic proxies such as osmium isotopes, suggesting that the two systems record different aspects of LIP volcanism and emplacement. Recent studies are beginning to investigate these above complexities, but further work is needed to fully explore the nuances of Hg in the geological record, and how it can be best employed as a proxy for LIP volcanism

    Mercury evidence for pulsed volcanism during the end-Triassic mass extinction

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    The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) has long been proposed as having a causal relationship with the end-Triassic extinction event (~201.5 Ma). In North America and northern Africa, CAMP is preserved as multiple basaltic units interbedded with uppermost Triassic to lowermost Jurassic sediments. However, it has been unclear whether this apparent pulsing was a local feature, or if pulses in the intensity of CAMP volcanism characterized the emplacement of the province as a whole. Here, six geographically widespread Triassic–Jurassic records, representing varied paleoenvironments, are analyzed for mercury concentrations and mercury/ total organic carbon (Hg/TOC) ratios. Volcanism is a major source of mercury to the modern environment. Clear increases in Hg and Hg/TOC are observed at the end-Triassic extinction horizon, confirming that a volcanically induced global mercury-cycle perturbation occurred at that time. The established correlation between the extinction horizon and lowest CAMP basalts allows this sedimentary mercury excursion to be stratigraphically tied to a specific flood basalt unit for the first time, strengthening the case for volcanic mercury as the driver of sedimentary Hg/TOC spikes. Additional Hg/TOC peaks are also documented between the extinction horizon and the Triassic–Jurassic boundary (separated by ~200 kyr), supporting pulsatory intensity of CAMP volcanism across the entire province and providing the first direct evidence for episodic volatile release during the initial stages of CAMP emplacement. Pulsatory volcanism, and associated perturbations in the ocean–atmosphere system, likely had profound implications for the rate and magnitude of the end-Triassic mass extinction and subsequent biotic recovery

    Determining the style and provenance of magmatic activity during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)

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    Large igneous province (LIP) volcanism has been proposed as a key trigger of several major climate and environmental perturbations during the Phanerozoic Aeon. Large-scale carbon emissions associated with one or both of magmatic degassing from the Greater Ontong Java Plateau (G-OJP) and intrusion of organic-rich sediments by High Arctic LIP (HALIP) sills have been widely suggested as the trigger of the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a: ~120 Ma). However, the respective roles of the two LIPs and associated carbon sources in causing this crisis remain debated. Here, six records of OAE 1a from the Pacific, Tethyan, Arctic, and South Atlantic realms are investigated, combining mercury (Hg) concentrations and osmium (Os-) isotope ratios as proxies of LIP activity. Together with previously published datasets, the results indicate globally consistent Os-isotope evidence for LIP activity during OAE 1a, but geographically variable stratigraphic Hg trends. Clear mercury enrichments that match Os isotope evidence of LIP activity, and suggest a Hg-cycle perturbation during the onset of OAE 1a, are documented at one Pacific site extremely proximal to the G-OJP, but not in Arctic, Tethyan or Atlantic records. This pattern highlights significant G-OJP volcanism during the onset of OAE 1a, and re-emphasises the limited potential for submarine LIP eruptions to cause Hg-cycle perturbations except in areas very proximal to source. The absence of clear Hg peaks in basal OAE 1a strata from the Arctic (or anywhere outside of the Pacific) does not support intense HALIP activity at that time, suggesting that the G-OJP was the more volcanically active LIP when OAE 1a commenced. Thus, G-OJP emissions of mantle carbon were more likely to have played a major role in initiating OAE 1a than thermogenic volatiles associated with the HALIP. A transient pulse of HALIP-related subaerial eruptions and/or thermogenic volatile emissions during the early–middle part of OAE 1a, potentially evidenced by more widespread Hg enrichments in strata from that time (including in the Arctic), might have prolonged the event. However, a non-volcanic cause of these later Hg influxes cannot be excluded. These findings challenge previous suggestions that magmatic CO2 emissions from LIPs were incapable of causing major carbon-cycle perturbations alone, and highlight the need for further investigations to establish whether the high volume/emplacement rate of the G-OJP (potentially an order of magnitude greater than other LIPs) made it a unique case that stands in contrast to other provinces where the role of thermogenic volatiles was likely more crucial

    Sedimentary mercury enrichments as a marker for submarine Large Igneous Province volcanism? Evidence from the Mid-Cenomanian Event and Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Late Cretaceous)

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    Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2), during the Cenomanian‐Turonian transition (∌94 Ma), was the largest perturbation of the global carbon cycle in the mid‐Cretaceous and can be recognized by a positive carbon‐isotope excursion in sedimentary strata. Although OAE 2 has been linked to large‐scale volcanism, several large igneous provinces (LIPs) were active at this time (e.g., Caribbean, High Arctic, Madagascan, Ontong‐Java) and little clear evidence links OAE 2 to a specific LIP. The Mid‐Cenomanian Event (MCE, ∌96 Ma), identified by a small, 1‰ positive carbon‐isotope excursion, is often referred to as a prelude to OAE 2. However, no underlying cause has yet been demonstrated and its relationship to OAE 2 is poorly constrained. Here we report sedimentary mercury (Hg) concentration data from four sites, three from the southern margin of the Western Interior Seaway and one from Demerara Rise, in the equatorial proto‐North Atlantic Ocean. We find that, in both areas, increases in mercury concentrations and Hg/TOC ratios coincide with the MCE and the OAE 2. However, the increases found in these sites are of a lower magnitude than those found in records of many other Mesozoic events, possibly characteristic of a marine rather than atmospheric dispersal of mercury for both events. Combined, the new mercury data presented here are consistent with an initial magmatic pulse at the time of the MCE, with a second, greater pulse at the onset of OAE 2, possibly related to the emplacement of LIPs in the Pacific Ocean and/or the High Arctic

    Does large igneous province volcanism always perturb the mercury cycle? Comparing the records of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 and the end-Cretaceous to other Mesozoic events

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    Mercury (Hg) is increasingly being used as a sedimentary tracer of Large Igneous Province (LIP) volcanism, and supports hypotheses of a coincidence between the formation of several LIPs and episodes of mass extinction and major environmental perturbation. However, numerous important questions remain to be answered before Hg can be claimed as an unequivocal fingerprint of LIP volcanism, as well as an understanding of why some sedimentary records document clear Hg enrichment signals whilst others do not. Of particular importance is evaluating the impact of different volcanic styles on the global mercury cycle, as well as the role played by depositional processes in recording global Hg-cycle perturbations. Here, new mercury records of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2: ∌94 Ma) and the latest Cretaceous (∌67–66.0 Ma) are presented. OAE 2 is associated with the emplacement of multiple, predominantly submarine, LIPs; the latest Cretaceous with subaerial volcanism of the Deccan Traps. Both of these connections are strongly supported by previously published trends towards unradiogenic osmium- (Os) isotope values in globally distributed sedimentary records. Hg data from both events show considerable variation between different locations, attributed to the effectiveness of different sediment types in registering the Hg signal, with lithologically homogeneous records documenting more clear Hg enrichments than sections with major changes in lithology such as limestones to claystones or organic-rich shales. Crucially, there is no geographically consistent signal of sedimentary Hg enrichment in stratigraphic records of either OAE 2 or the latest Cretaceous that matches Os-isotope evidence for LIP emplacement, indicating that volcanism did not cause a global Hg perturbation throughout the entire eruptive history of the LIPs formed at those times. It is suggested that the discrepancy between Os-isotope and Hg trends in records of OAE 2 is caused by the limited dispersal range of Hg emitted from submarine volcanoes compared to the global-scale distribution of Os. A similar lack of correlation between these two proxies in uppermost Cretaceous strata indicates that, although subaerial volcanism can perturb the global Hg cycle, not all subaerial eruptions will do so. These results highlight the variable impact of different volcanogenic processes on the efficiency of Hg dispersal across the globe. Factors that could influence the impact of LIP eruptions on the global mercury cycle include submarine versus subaerial volcanism, volcanic intensity or explosivity, and the potential contribution of thermogenic mercury from reactions between ascending magma and surrounding organic-rich sediments