80 research outputs found

    Sorting mRNA Molecules for Cytoplasmic Transport and Localization

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    In eukaryotic cells, gene expression is highly regulated at many layers. Nascent RNA molecules are assembled into ribonucleoprotein complexes that are then released into the nucleoplasmic milieu and transferred to the nuclear pore complex for nuclear export. RNAs are then either translated or transported to the cellular periphery. Emerging evidence indicates that RNA-binding proteins play an essential role throughout RNA biogenesis, from the gene to polyribosomes. However, the sorting mechanisms that regulate whether an RNA molecule is immediately translated or sent to specialized locations for translation are unclear. This question is highly relevant during development and differentiation when cells acquire a specific identity. Here, we focus on the RNA-binding properties of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) and how these mechanisms are believed to play an essential role in RNA trafficking in polarized cells. Further, by focusing on the specific hnRNP protein CBF-A/hnRNPab and its naturally occurring isoforms, we propose a model on how hnRNP proteins are capable of regulating gene expression both spatially and temporally throughout the RNA biogenesis pathway, impacting both healthy and diseased cells

    Molecular functions of nuclear actin in transcription

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    Actin is not only a major cytoskeletal component in all eukaryotic cells but also a nuclear protein that plays a role in gene transcription. We put together data from in vitro and in vivo experiments that begin to provide insights into the molecular mechanisms by which actin functions in transcription. Recent studies performed in vitro have suggested that actin, in direct contact with the transcription apparatus, is required in an early step of transcription that is common to all three eukaryotic RNA polymerases. In addition, there is evidence from in vivo studies that actin is involved in the transcription elongation of class II genes. In this case, actin is bound to a specific subset of premessenger RNA binding proteins, and the actin–messenger RNP complex may constitute a molecular platform for recruitment of histone-modifying enzymes. We discuss a general model for actin in RNA polymerase II transcription whereby actin works as a conformational switch in conjunction with specific adaptors to facilitate the remodeling of large macromolecular assemblies at the promoter and along the active gene

    Analysis of Global Transcriptome Change in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts After dsDNA and dsRNA Viral Mimic Stimulation

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    The activation of innate immunity by viral nucleic acids present in the cytoplasm plays an essential role in controlling viral infection in both immune and non-immune cells. The dsDNA and dsRNA viral mimics can stimulate the cytosolic nucleic acids sensors and activate the antiviral innate immunity. In this study, taking advantage of dsDNA and dsRNA viral mimics, we investigated the global transcriptome changes after the antiviral immunity activation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Results from our data identified a positive feedback up-regulation of sensors (e.g., Tlr2, Tlr3, Ddx58, cGAS), transducers (e.g., Traf2, Tbk1) and transcription factors (e.g., Irf7, Jun, Stat1, Stat2) in multiple pathways involved in detecting viral or microbial infections upon viral mimic stimulation. A group of genes involved in DNA damage response and DNA repair such as Parp9, Dtx3l, Rad52 were also up-regulated, implying the involvement of these genes in antiviral immunity. Molecular function analysis further showed that groups of helicase genes (e.g., Dhx58, Helz2), nuclease genes (e.g., Dnase1l3, Rsph10b), methyltransferase genes (e.g., histone methyltransferase Prdm9, Setdb2; RNA methyltransferase Mettl3, Mttl14), and protein ubiquitin-ligase genes (e.g., Trim genes and Rnf genes) were up-regulated upon antiviral immunity activation. In contrast, viral mimic stimulation down-regulated genes involved in a broad range of general biological processes (e.g., cell division, metabolism), cellular components (e.g., mitochondria and ribosome), and molecular functions (e.g., cell-cell adhesion, microtubule binding). In summary, our study provides valuable information about the global transcriptome changes upon antiviral immunity activation. The identification of novel groups of genes up-regulated upon antiviral immunity activation serves as useful resource for mining new antiviral sensors and effectors

    Glycogen Synthase Kinase (GSK) 3β phosphorylates and protects nuclear myosin 1c from proteasome-mediated degradation to activate rDNA transcription in early G1 cells

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    Nuclear myosin 1c (NM1) mediates RNA polymerase I (pol I) transcription activation and cell cycle progression by facilitating PCAF-mediated H3K9 acetylation, but the molecular mechanism by which NM1 is regulated remains unclear. Here, we report that at early G1 the glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) 3β phosphorylates and stabilizes NM1, allowing for NM1 association with the chromatin. Genomic analysis by ChIP-Seq showed that this mechanism occurs on the rDNA as active GSK3β selectively occupies the gene. ChIP assays and transmission electron microscopy in GSK3β-/- mouse embryonic fibroblasts indicated that at G1 rRNA synthesis is suppressed due to decreased H3K9 acetylation leading to a chromatin state incompatible with transcription. We found that GSK3β directly phosphorylates the endogenous NM1 on a single serine residue (Ser-1020) located within the NM1 C-terminus. In G1 this phosphorylation event stabilizes NM1 and prevents NM1 polyubiquitination by the E3 ligase UBR5 and proteasome-mediated degradation. We conclude that GSK3β-mediated phosphorylation of NM1 is required for pol I transcription activation

    Nuclear Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein co-regulates T cell factor 1-mediated transcription in T cells

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    Background: The Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) family of actin-nucleating factors are present in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. The role of nuclear WASp for T cell development remains incompletely defined. Methods: We performed WASp chromatin immunoprecipitation and deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) in thymocytes and spleen CD4+ T cells. Results: WASp was enriched at genic and intergenic regions and associated with the transcription start sites of protein-coding genes. Thymocytes and spleen CD4+ T cells showed 15 common WASp-interacting genes, including the gene encoding T cell factor (TCF)12. WASp KO thymocytes had reduced nuclear TCF12 whereas thymocytes expressing constitutively active WASpL272P and WASpI296T had increased nuclear TCF12, suggesting that regulated WASp activity controlled nuclear TCF12. We identify a putative DNA element enriched in WASp ChIP-seq samples identical to a TCF1-binding site and we show that WASp directly interacted with TCF1 in the nucleus. Conclusions: These data place nuclear WASp in proximity with TCF1 and TCF12, essential factors for T cell development. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13073-017-0481-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Mini percutaneous nephrolithotripsy as treatment modality for kidney stones

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    Cilj: Prikazati naše rezultate u liječenju pacijenata s bubrežnim kamencima metodom miniperkutane nefrolitotripsije (miniPCNL). Pacijenti i metode: Retrospektivnim istraživanjem obuhvatili smo pacijente Klinike za urologiju, Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Rijeci koji su između 1. kolovoza 2015. i 31. prosinca 2016. godine zbog bubrežnih kamenaca liječeni metodom miniPCNL-a. Rezultati: U promatranom razdoblju u našem centru operirano je 6 pacijenata ovom metodom, od kojih je jedan bio s transplantiranim bubregom. U svih pacijenata uspješno je učinjena litotripsija s holmium-laserom. Na kontrolnom RTG-u nije bilo ostatnih fragmenata. U četvoro pacijenata poslijeoperativno je došlo do razvoja febriliteta koji je uspješno liječen antibiotskom terapijom. Niti u jednog pacijenta nije bila potrebna reoperacija, dodatne procedure niti potreba za davanjem krvi. Zaključak: Miniperkutana nefrolitotripsija je minimalno invazivna metoda koja se pokazala uspješnom i sigurnom u liječenju nefrolitijaze.Aim: To present our results in the treatment of nephrolithiasis using mini percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (miniPCNL). Patients and methods: We retrospectively analyzed all patients with nephrolithiasis treated with miniPCNL in Department of Urology, University Hospital Rijeka from August 1st 2015 to December 31st 2016. Results: In observed period 6 patients were operated with this novel method and one has transplanted kidney. In allpatients lithotripsy was successfully performed with holmium laser. On the control x-ray the residual fragments were not found in any patients. Postoperatively, in four patients febrility was noticed and successfully treated with antibiotics. Neither the one patient need reoperation, auxiliary procedures or blood transfusion. Conclusion: Mini percutaneous nephrolithotripsy is a minimally-invasive method which is successfull and safe method in the treatment of kidney stones

    Myosin VI regulates the spatial organisation of mammalian transcription initiation.

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    During transcription, RNA Polymerase II (RNAPII) is spatially organised within the nucleus into clusters that correlate with transcription activity. While this is a hallmark of genome regulation in mammalian cells, the mechanisms concerning the assembly, organisation and stability remain unknown. Here, we have used combination of single molecule imaging and genomic approaches to explore the role of nuclear myosin VI (MVI) in the nanoscale organisation of RNAPII. We reveal that MVI in the nucleus acts as the molecular anchor that holds RNAPII in high density clusters. Perturbation of MVI leads to the disruption of RNAPII localisation, chromatin organisation and subsequently a decrease in gene expression. Overall, we uncover the fundamental role of MVI in the spatial regulation of gene expression