38 research outputs found

    Manajemen Sistem Informasi Pendikakan Islam dalam Tinjauan Alquran

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    Informasi adalah data yang telah diolah menjadi sebuah bentuk yang berarti bagi penerimannya dan bermanfaat dalam pengambilan keputusan saat ini atau saat mendatang. Kemudian Sistem informasi Manajemen adalah suatu sistem yang dirancang untuk menyediaakan informasi guna mendukung pengambilan mencapai tujuan secara efektif dan efesien. Informasi adalah data yang telah diolah menjadi sebuah bentuk yang berarti bagi penerimannya dan bermanfaat dalam pengambilan keputusan saat ini atau saat mendatang. Kemudian Sistem informasi Manajemen adalah suatu sistem yang dirancang untuk menyediaakan informasi guna mendukung pengambilan keputusan pada kegiatan manajemen (perencanaan, penggerakan, pengorganiasian, dan pengendalian) dalam organisasi. Denagan adanya Manajemen Sistem Informasi organisasi pendidikan akan merasa beberapa manfaat sebagai berikut. Pertama, tersediaanya sistem pengelolaan data dan informasi pendidikan. Kedua, terintegrasinya data dan informasi pendidikan untuk mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan. Ketiga, tersedianya data dan informasi pendidikan yang lengkap bagi seluruh stakholders yang berkepentingan dalam bidang pendidikan. Bertolak dari realitas historic, maka tidak salah jika dikatakan Alquran adalah kitab informasi (an’naba’), dan sistem informasi yang dibangun oleh Alquran adalah berdasarkan fakta dan keyakinan. Fakta diperlukan untuk menggali informasi lebih jauh dan mendalam


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    Balanced Scorecard adalah metoda yang dikembangkan Robert S. Kaplan dan David P. Norton untuk mengukur setiap aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh suatu organisasi dalam rangka merealisasikan tujuan organisasi tersebut. Balanced Scorecard semula merupakan aktivitas tersendiri yang terkait dengan penentuan sasaran, tetapi kemudian diintegrasikan dengan sistem manajemen strategis. Balanced Scorecard bahkan dikembangkan lebih lanjut sebagai sarana untuk berkomunkasi dari berbagai unit dalam suatu organisasi. Balanced Scorecard juga dikembangkan sebagai alat bagi organisasi untuk berfokus pada strategi. Penilaian kinerja dengan Balance Scorecard diterjemahkan dalam empat perspektif yaitu: (1) perspektif finansial, (2) perspektif konsumen, (3) perspektif bisnis internal, dan (4) perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Bagaimana Balanced Scorecard diterapkan di lembaga pendidikan Islam merupakan tujuan dari penulisan ini


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    The effectiveness of a school organization is influenced by how appropriate its actions are to the environment because the environment is always changing. Therefore, in organizations, especially managers, they are required to always monitor environmental changes and respond appropriately through various adjustments, both regarding structure, technology, processes, and the behavior of each member towards better development. This study aims to analyze what factors are the sources and strengths for the development of school organizations using the 7S McKinsey Framework method. This research is a qualitative research using the 7S McKinsey Framework method approach, data collection is done by means of interviews and observations. The results found that the Tahfidz Qur'an Islamic Junior High School was able to survive by making breakthroughs of the innovation through creative ideas that were visionary, then supported by the full role of managers, knowledge and management skills of foundation coaches and school principals. So that it can develop across the comfort zone

    Development of Character Education Models in Madrasas Through the Establishment of the Tahajud Prayer

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    This study aimed to examine and explore the development of student character education models through habituation of programmed tahajud prayers in MTs As-Sa'idah. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and study of literature. The results of this study, are: First, the reality of education in the inheritance of the values ​​of character education through the process of habituating the programmed prayer; Second, the tahajud prayer is a character inheritance model that is able to preserve the values ​​of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. The inheritance model of character education through habituation of tahajud prayer are: 1) focus, derived from the doctrine of the Qur'an and Sunnah; 2) Procedure, using a direct learning model. And the Third, the character values ​​that can be implemented as a basis for character building show in 9 of character values

    Enhanching Student’s Memorization Skill of Holy Qur’an Trough the Integrated Tahfidz Program Implementation in Post Pandemic Context

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    The purpose of this paper implementation of the tahfiz program in MI Terpadu Ar-Rifqi Cileunyi district for the 2020/2021 academic year; Inhibitor and backups of the tahfiz program in MI Terpadu Ar-Rifqi Cileunyi district  for the 2020/2021 academic year; Tahfiz program effectiveness in improving rote at the MI Terpadu Ar-Rifqi Cileunyi district for the 2020/2021 academic year. The study involves a qualitative approach with a type of case study. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method. Data is obtained from observation, interview and documentation and then analyzed by data reductin, data display and conclusions drawing nad verification. Studies have found that include the tahfiz program goals, teachers tahfiz, tahfiz materials, tahfiz methods, memorizing the Qur’an color block, talaqqi and muraja’ah, an evaluation of daily, weekly and semester assessments and the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the tahfiz program at the MI Terpadu Ar-Rifqi. Of the increased aspects of surah that memorized by learners, the effectiveness of tahfiz programs falls into highly effective categories. According to the tahfiz materials, the effectiveness of tahfiz programs is highly ineffective

    Transformational Leadership in Pesantren on as Sa'idah, Al Matuq, and Sunanul Huda Boarding School

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    A leadership of Kiai plays an essential act in the Institution structure of Pesantren. The important enrolled of Kiai is a good man on life purpose, a change agent, a negotiator with advice, and a coach calm. The reformer Kiai does on leadership with transformation idea on based charisma attitude and intellectual ideology. The research method is qualitative research with phenomenology approach. The research subjects consist of Kiai, boarding school administrators, students, people residents around pesantren. The respondents are as many as 60 people. The Research locations are at as sa'idah, Al Matuq, and Sunanul Huda Pesantren. With the point, the paper will need to explain into the leadership of Kiai Pesantren especially in order to support the quality management of Pesantren on educational proses. Keywords: Charismatic Kiai, Leadership, Pesantren, Reformer, and Transformational Leadership Abstrak Kepemimpinan kiai memainkan peran penting dalam struktur kelembagaan Pesantren. Hal penting dari Peranan kiai adalah sebagai penunjuk arah dan tujuan hidup, agen perubahan, negosiator dengan nasihat yang terucap dari tutur kata, dan Pelindung dengan sikap tenang. kiai yang berjiwa Pembaharu dan tranformasif adalah dasar perilaku kepemimpinan dengan ide transformatif pada pola sikap karisma dan ideologi intelektual yang kuat. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subyek penelitian adalah para kiai, pengurus Pondok Pesantren, Santri, dan penduduk sekitar pesantren. Penelitian akan mewawancarai 60 Responden. Lokasi penelitian adalah Pondok pesantren As sa'idah, Al Matuq dan Sunanul Huda. Dengan penjelasan tersebut, paper akan menjelaskan tentang kepemimpinan kiai di pesantren dalam manajemen mutu pesantren dalam proses pola pendidikan Islam. Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan, Kiai Karismatik, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Pesantren, dan Pembahar

    Peran Pendidikan dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Sosial dan Psikologis yang Dihadapi Generasi Milenial Akibat Ketergantungan terhadap Gadget (Studi Kasus Pemberitaan di Media Online)

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    Students are a sub-system of education, namely those who take part in educational programs at various levels, from early childhood education to higher education. They are the main focus in the education system. Education aims to shape, guide and prepare them for the future. However, in online media there is news about children who are addicted to gadgets which is very sad. It seems that the goals of national education and the goals of Islamic education will be difficult to achieve if the millennial generation, which in fact is students, is addicted to gadgets. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the social and psychological challenges faced by the millennial generation due to dependence on gadgets and the role of education in dealing with these problems. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive case study method. The results of the analysis show that dependence on gadgets can provide certain social challenges for the millennial generation which can disrupt the development of human social relationships so that they cannot develop as complete humans and can cause a number of psychological challenges that will hinder developmental tasks at each phase of children/students. In overcoming the two challenges mentioned above, education has a very significant role

    Etika profesi guru persfektif Imam Nawawi dan urgensinya bagi pengembangan guru ideal

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    INDONESIA: Guru merupakan “key-person” dalam dunia pendidikan. Guru adalah penentu keberhasilan pendidikan, kualitas pendidikan suatu bangsa ditentukan oleh kualitas para gurunya. Dua hal mendasar yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru professional yaitu ilmu dan adab. Tidak hanya memberikan ilmu pengetahuan tetapi guru juga harus menjadi sosok public figure yang baik di depan peserta didik. Terbentuknya guru yang ideal antara ilmu dan adab menjadi permasalahan di zaman modern. Khazanah Islam dipandang sangat kaya dengan pemikir klasik, kontemporer hingga modern. Hal ini dapat menjadi referensi untuk diaktualisasikan dalam profesi keguruan. Salah satu pemikir masyhur adalah Imam Nawawi ad-Dimasyqi. Tulisan ini diorientasikan untuk mengungkap tentang (1) biografi singkat Imam Nawawi; (2) pemikirannya tentang Etika Guru; serta (3) urgensi etika guru perspektif Imam Nawawi bagi pengembangan guru ideal. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif-deskriptif. Tahapannya antara lain: mengumpulkan data, menggambarkan, menganalisis, mengklarifikasi, dan menginterpretasikan data. Tulisan dikaji dengan menggunakan analisis isi (content analysis). Adapun teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumentasi. Hasilnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) biografi Imam Nawawi menunjukan keistimewaan beliau sebagai seorang pemikir yang telah meninggalkan banyak karya monumental; (2) pemikiran Imam Nawawi tentang etika guru meliputi: etika personal yang menyangkut kepribadian yang harus dimiliki, etika dalam belajar yang mengindikasikan agar guru tidak pernah berhenti meningkatkan wawasan keilmuan, dan etika dalam mengajar untuk meningkatkan kemampuan paedagodik guru; (3) urgensi etika guru menurut Imam Nawawi bagi pengembangan guru ideal: (a) berkenaan dengan profesi: sikap peduli terhadap murid; dan (b) berkenaan dengan tantangan pendidikan modern, yakni niat yang ikhlas dalam mengajar. Dengan demikian, guru dipandang memiliki kemampuan dalam mengembangkan profesinya secara ideal dan profesional. ENGLISH: The teacher is a "key person" in educational background. Determinants of educational success and the quality of education of a nation are determined by the teacher. Two basic things that must be possessed by a professional teacher are knowledge and manners. Not only providing knowledge, but the teacher must to be a good public figure for a student. Tobe an ideal teacher is a serious problem for modern era. Khazanah islam are famous with many smart people such as ancient to modern philosopher. This can be considered to be applied in the teaching profession. One of the famous from them is Imam Nawawi ad-Dimasyqi. This paper is aimed: (1) to reveal about biography of Imam Nawawi; (2) his thoughs on teacher’s manners; and (3) the urgency of the teacher’s manners according to Imam Nawawi for depelopment of an ideal teacher. Qualitative-descriptive is used for this method, which are collecting, describing, analyzing, clarifying and interpreting data. This paper examined by content analysis. As for data collection techniques using literature studies and documentation studies. The results are concluded that, 1) Imam Nawawi’s biography shows his privilege as a philosopher who has left many monumental creation; 2) Imam Nawawi’s thoughts on teacher’s manners are: personal manners concerning personalities that must be possessed, manners in learning to indicate that teachers never stop increasing scientific insights, and manners in teaching to improve the pedagogical abilities of teachers; 3) the urgency of the teacher’s manners according to Imam Nawawi for the development of an ideal teacher: (a) about the profesion: caring attitude towards students, (b) about the challenges of modern education such as sincere intentions in teaching. Thus, the teacher is seen having the ability to develop his profession ideally and professionally

    Curie Point Depth Analysis of Lesugolo Area, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia Based on Ground Magnetic Data

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    The Curie point depth, or magnetic basal depth, of the Lesugolo geothermal area in Ende, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia was estimated by performing spectral analysis on spatial magnetic data and transforming it into the frequency domain, resulting in a link between the 2D spectrum of magnetic anomalies and the depths of the top and centroid of the magnetic sources. Shallow Curie point depths of 16 to 18 km were found in the north-northeast to southeast areas of Lesugolo, while deeper depths of 24 to 26 km were found in the southwest. The tectonic setting beneath the central part of Flores Island governs the distribution of the Curie point depths in the area. Shallow Curie point depth zones are associated with high thermal gradients (30 to 34 °C/km) and heat flow (80 to 100 mW/m2). Deep depths, on the other hand, correspond to zones of low thermal gradient (21 to 26 °C/km) and low heat flow (65 to 80 mW/m2). Both the derived thermal gradient and the heat flow maps contribute to a better understanding of the Lesugolo geothermal system’s configuration. This study suggests that the Lesugolo geothermal area’s prospect zone is located in the center of the investigated area, where the Lesugolo normal fault forms its southeastern boundary