201 research outputs found

    Soveltuuko kierrätyslannoite ammoniumsulfaatti tankkiseoksiin herbisidien kanssa?

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    Soveltuuko kierrätyslannoite ammoniumsulfaatti tankkiseoksiin herbisidien kanssa?

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    Luonnonvarakeskuksessa Jokioisissa tutkittiin vuonna 2017 kolmessa kenttäkokeessa nestemäisen ammoniumsulfaatin soveltuvuutta tankkiseoksiin viljoilla yleisesti käytettävien rikkakasvien torjunta-aineiden (herbisidien) kanssa. Nestemäisenä lannoitteena ammoniumsulfaatin voi levittää kasvinsuojeluruiskulla, ja rikkakasvien torjuntaan yhdistettynä lannoitus ei lisäisi ajokertoja. Lisäksi ammoniumsulfaatin on eräissä tutkimuksissa havaittu parantavan glyfosaatin tehoa. Kenttäkokeet liittyvät Nesteravinne-hankkeeseen (2017 – 2019), jossa tutkitaan erityisesti kierrätystypen käyttöä maataloudessa nestemäisinä lannoitevalmisteina. Keväällä 2017 tehtiin esitestit nestemäisen ammoniumsulfaatin (350 g kg-1) teknisestä soveltuvuudesta tankkiseoksiin glyfosaattivalmiste Roundup Bion ja yhdeksän muun viljanviljelyssä yleisesti käytetyn herbisidivalmisteen sekä kahden kiinniteaineen kanssa. Roundup Bio, K-Trio-neste ja Ariane S soveltuivat sellaisenaan ammoniumsulfaattiliuoksen kanssa sekoitettaviksi ja kasvinsuojeluruiskulla levitettäviksi. Pienannosvalmisteet Tooler, Logran 20 WG, Express 50 SX ja Biathlon 4D soveltuivat myös, mutta ennen ammoniumsulfaattiliuokseen sekoittamista ne oli liuotettava pieneen määrään vettä. K-MCPA-neste, Primus ja Starane XL eivät liuenneet ammoniumsulfaattiliuokseen, kuten eivät myöskään kiinnitteet Sito Plus ja Dash. Roundup Bio hyväksyttiin valmisteeksi glyfosaattikokeeseen. Kauralla ja ohralla tehtäville kenttäkokeille valittiin neljä herbisidivalmistetta: K-Trio-neste (diklorproppi-P + MCPA + mekoproppi-P), Ariane S (MCPA + fluroksipyyri + klopyralidi), Tooler (tritosulfuroni) ja Logran 20 WG (triasulfuroni). Glyfosaattikoe perustettiin juolavehnäiselle pellolle, ja kokeessa testattiin normaalia pienempien Roundup Bio –annosten tehoa tankkiseoksissa ammoniumsulfaatin kanssa ennen kevätvehnän suorakylvöä. Ammoniumsulfaatin ja Roundup Bion normaalin käyttömäärän 3,0 l ha-1 tankkiseos ilman kiinnitettä tehosi juolavehnään, voikukkaan ja pelto-orvokkiin yhtä hyvin kuin sama Roundup Bio –annos vesiliuoksessa Sito Plus –kiinnitteen kanssa. Pienin Roundup Bion käyttömäärä 1,0 l ha-1 ammoniumsulfaatin kanssa ilman kiinnitettä tehosi rikkakasveihin lähes yhtä hyvin kuin normaaliannos 3,0 l ha-1. Herbisidikokeissa kauralla ja ohralla esiintyi runsaasti kevätviljoille tyypillisiä siemenrikkakasveja. Ammoniumsulfaatti aiheutti polttovioitusta kauran ja ohran lehdissä tankkiseoksissa K-Trio-nesteen ja Ariane S:n kanssa. Mm. jauhosavikkaan ja peltoemäkkiin sulfonyyliureavalmisteiden Tooler ja Logran 20 WG teho oli parempi vesiliuoksessa Sito Plus -kiinnitteen kanssa kuin ammoniumsulfaattiliuoksessa ilman kiinnitettä. Kenttäkokeiden satotulokset ja glyfosaattikokeen maanäytteistä tehtävien glyfosaattianalyysien tulokset puuttuvat tätä abstraktia kirjoitettaessa. Glyfosaattikokeen käsittelyjen jälkivaikutus juolavehnään havainnoidaan kesällä 2018

    Tarkalla rikkakasvi- ja tuholaistorjunnalla sato moninkertaistuu

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    Mitä kuminan tuholais- ja rikkakasvihavainnoista voidaan päätellä?

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    Juolavehnä hallintaan mekaanisin menetelmin

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    Juolavehnä on viljelysten yleisin monivuotinen rikkakasvi, jonka torjunta vaatii pitkäjänteistä toimintaa. Onnistunut mekaaninen torjunta edellyttää kasvin kasvurytmin tuntemista ja toimien ajoitusta sen heikoimpiin hetkiin.202

    Impact of Pests on Cereal Grain and Nutrient Yield in Boreal Growing Conditions

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    The effect of weeds, plant diseases and insect pests on spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain and nutrient yield was examined. Long-term field trial data was used to assess the impact of different pests on grain yield. In the absence of pesticides, fungal diseases caused the largest annual yield-reduction in spring wheat and spring barley, 500 kg ha−1 on average. Converting yield loss to nutrient yield loss this represented reductions of 8.1 and 9.2 kg ha−1 in nitrogen and 1.5 and 1.6 kg ha−1 in phosphorus, respectively. Likewise, it was estimated that weeds decrease the yield of spring barley and spring wheat for 200 kg ha−1, which means reductions of 3.7 and 3.2 kg ha−1 in nitrogen and 0.6 kg ha−1 in phosphorus, respectively. For insect pests yield-reduction in spring barley and spring wheat varied between 418 and 745 kg ha−1 respectively. However, because bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) incidence data was limited, and aphids are highly variable annually, nutrient yield losses caused by insect pests were not included. Based on the current study, the management of weeds, plant diseases and insects maintain cereal crop yield and may thus decrease the environmental risks caused by unutilized nutrients

    Impact of Pests on Cereal Grain and Nutrient Yield in Boreal Growing Conditions

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    The effect of weeds, plant diseases and insect pests on spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain and nutrient yield was examined. Long-term field trial data was used to assess the impact of different pests on grain yield. In the absence of pesticides, fungal diseases caused the largest annual yield-reduction in spring wheat and spring barley, 500 kg ha−1 on average. Converting yield loss to nutrient yield loss this represented reductions of 8.1 and 9.2 kg ha−1 in nitrogen and 1.5 and 1.6 kg ha−1 in phosphorus, respectively. Likewise, it was estimated that weeds decrease the yield of spring barley and spring wheat for 200 kg ha−1, which means reductions of 3.7 and 3.2 kg ha−1 in nitrogen and 0.6 kg ha−1 in phosphorus, respectively. For insect pests yield-reduction in spring barley and spring wheat varied between 418 and 745 kg ha−1 respectively. However, because bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) incidence data was limited, and aphids are highly variable annually, nutrient yield losses caused by insect pests were not included. Based on the current study, the management of weeds, plant diseases and insects maintain cereal crop yield and may thus decrease the environmental risks caused by unutilized nutrients

    Impact of Pests on Cereal Grain and Nutrient Yield in Boreal Growing Conditions

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    The effect of weeds, plant diseases and insect pests on spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain and nutrient yield was examined. Long-term field trial data was used to assess the impact of different pests on grain yield. In the absence of pesticides, fungal diseases caused the largest annual yield-reduction in spring wheat and spring barley, 500 kg ha(-1) on average. Converting yield loss to nutrient yield loss this represented reductions of 8.1 and 9.2 kg ha(-1) in nitrogen and 1.5 and 1.6 kg ha(-1) in phosphorus, respectively. Likewise, it was estimated that weeds decrease the yield of spring barley and spring wheat for 200 kg ha(-1), which means reductions of 3.7 and 3.2 kg ha(-1) in nitrogen and 0.6 kg ha(-1) in phosphorus, respectively. For insect pests yield-reduction in spring barley and spring wheat varied between 418 and 745 kg ha(-1) respectively. However, because bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) incidence data was limited, and aphids are highly variable annually, nutrient yield losses caused by insect pests were not included. Based on the current study, the management of weeds, plant diseases and insects maintain cereal crop yield and may thus decrease the environmental risks caused by unutilized nutrients.Peer reviewe

    Fifth survey on weed flora in spring cereals in Finland

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    Regular weed surveys provide information on changes in weed communities. The composition of weed flora in spring cereal fields was investigated in southern and central Finland during 2020–2022. The survey was conducted in 16 regions, 226 farms and 549 fields. The occurrence of weeds was assessed in the second half of July from 90 organically cropped and 459 conventionally cropped fields. The weed flora was dominated by broad-leaved species, representing 81% of the total number of 138 identified species. The average species number per field was 21 in organic fields and 12 in conventional fields. The most frequent weed species in organic fields were Chenopodium album 99%, Erysimum cheiranthoides 84%, Viola arvensis 83% and Stellaria media 82%. In conventionally cropped fields, the most frequent species were Viola arvensis 83%, Stellaria media 65%, Galeopsis spp. 59% and Galium spurium 59%. The two most common grass species in both production systems were Poa annua and Elymus repens. The frequency and density of Poa annua had increased substantially in conventional cropping since the previous survey in 2007–2009. The average density of weeds was 384 plants m-2 in organic fields and 147 plants m-2 in sprayed conventional fields. The average air-dry biomass of weeds was 678 kg ha-1 and 151 kg ha-1, respectively. Elymus repens produced almost a quarter of the total weed biomass in both production systems. Changes in weed flora were minor in terms of frequency and density of the most common broad-leaved weed species. Increased infestation of Poa annua in conventional cropping calls for special attention. The dominance of Elymus repens decreased in both production systems since the previous survey