106 research outputs found

    Fake news ed educazione per una cittadinanza illuminata

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    The Fake News’ topic is interesting because it is new and it is old at the same time. If we want to define “fake news” we cannot give it a unique meaning. Someone frames fake news only in the social media area, some others extend the meaning to newspapers, someone else to any kind of mass media (TV, Books, Radio, etc.). But it is sure that our students don’t know how to detect them and how to fight them. The extent of perceived realism of fake news depends also on the extent of hard-news exposure, with the result that individuals exposed to both hard and fake news find fake-news messages less realistic. So we also need to teach our students how become hard-news reader in order to know and detect fake news. In this article we see the “status” of the Fake News problem, how some national and international laws are going on, and some exercises that we can do with our students in order to be “more democratic”.L’argomento Fake News è interessante perché è nuovo e vecchio allo stesso tempo. Potremmo tentare di definire il termine “Fake News” senza però dargli un significato unico. Qualcuno infatti incornicia le Fake News solo nel settore dei social media, altri estendono il significato anche ai giornali, qualcun altro a qualsiasi tipo di mass media (TV, libri, radio, ecc.). È sicuro però che i nostri studenti non sanno né come rilevarle né come combatterle. L’entità del realismo percepito delle Fake News dipende anche dal grado di esposizione dei fruitori alle hard-news, infatti gli individui esposti sia alle Hard che alle Soft news trovano i messaggi delle Fake News meno realistiche. Perciò abbiamo anche bisogno di insegnare ai nostri studenti come diventare lettori critici delle news in generale, al fine di conoscere e rilevare le notizie false. In questo articolo presentiamo lo “status” del problema delle Fake News, come alcune leggi nazionali e internazionali siano in corso, e alcuni esercizi che possiamo fare con i nostri studenti al fine di diventare “più democratici”

    La quinta disciplina di Peter Senge nelle scuole. Una revisione della letteratura

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    The Fifth Discipline (FD) is an advanced leadership and management system ideated in1990’s, it is a widely used system in the management of business companies and it is objectof continuous improvement. The literature about FD is manifold, but in the educationfield it is very poor. This paper aims to provide an overview and to report data of areview carried out on the ERIC search engine. We have found 73 articles, 40 did not talkabout school or higher education; 31 focused only on the 4 disciplines (personal mastery,mental models, shared vision and team learning). But they assume that the fulfillmentof the 4 disciplines transforms an organization into a learning organization. Only 2 paperstook into account the FD in its 7 learning disabilities; 5 Rules and 9 system archetypes.La Quinta Disciplina è un sistema avanzato di management ideato da Senge negli anni ’90.Da allora è diventato un sistema molto diffuso nel settore del business ed è oggetto dicontinue ricerche. Abbiamo fatto una ricerca della letteratura sul motore di ricerca pedagogicoERIC. È emerso che più di 40 articoli su 73 non riguardavano l’ambito della scuolao dell’università; 31 riguardavano le 4 discipline (maestria personale, modelli mentali, visionecondivisa e apprendimento di gruppo) presupponendo che il loro adempimentotrasformi automaticamente la scuola in una learning organization. Solo 2 articoli prendevanoin considerazione gli aspetti più peculiari (7 incapacità di apprendere; 5 Regole, 9 archetipisistemici). 71 articoli si focalizzano sulle applicazioni organizzative mentrepotrebbe essere applicato come un sistema in grado di sviluppare il fattore umano comechiave di crescita organizzativa

    Active and Passive Acoustic Methods for In-situ Monitoring of the Ocean Status

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    Recent European strategic plans for the successful monitoring of the status of the ocean push on the development of an integrated observing system able to further link existing instruments and techniques with the aim to complement each other and answer open issues. A more intensive use of acoustic devices could contribute to the knowledge of oceanographic processes exploiting the characteristic of sound to travel in the ocean for a wide area than in the atmosphere. In this context, the installation of passive acoustic instruments, able to listen to ambient noise on fixed or mobile platforms, could contribute to provide information on sound budget and to enhance the monitoring capacity of meteorological phenomena also in the open ocean. Instead, the deployment of active acoustic instruments can be of benefit for monitoring biological activities through the analysis of backscatter data as well as for monitoring ocean waves

    Fake news and education for enlightened citizenry

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    The Fake News’ topic is interesting because it is new and it is old at the same time. If we want to define “fake news” we cannot give it a unique meaning. Someone frames fake news only in the social media area, some others extend the meaning to newspapers, someone else to any kind of mass media (TV, Books, Radio, etc.). But it is sure that our students don’t know how to detect them and how to fight them. The extent of perceived realism of fake news depends also on the extent of hard-news exposure, with the result that individuals exposed to both hard and fake news find fake-news messages less realistic. So we also need to teach our students how become hard-news reader in order to know and detect fake news. In this article we see the “status” of the Fake News problem, how some national and international laws are going on, and some exercises that we can do with our students in order to be “more democratic”

    Adult Patient Education: A Readability Analysis of Hospital University Campus Bio-Medico’s Patients Information Materials (PIMs)

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    The UCBM’s nurses and doctors have produced patients information material under the form of brochures that we delivered to patients in order to help them better understand their pathology, therapeutic path and procedure to which they will have to undergo. With the Covid-19, doctors necessarily spend less time with patients. This means that patients tend to (mis)inform themselves on internet. We analyzed the PIM’s text readability with the Gulpease index. We submitted a qualitative questionnaire to 100 patients to evaluate the clarity of presentation and the communicative effectiveness and how much these allowed or not them to face their procedure with greater clarity and serenity. Brochures aroused interest in 77% of patients, where 87% declared that «The concepts are clear and I could understand them», 55% indicated that «The information is useful for understanding my condition». None of the them reach 40 pt. of the Gulpease index. Furthermore, the institutional font size was too small. Education of adult patient is a transversal area of pedagogy, medical clinic and communication. Experts from various fields (including patient associations) should collaborate to create informative materials that are useful for both patients and doctors/nurses

    Temporal variations of zooplankton biomass in the Ligurian Sea inferred from long time series of ADCP data

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    Abstract. Three years of 300 kHz acoustic doppler current profiler data collected in the central Ligurian Sea are analysed to investigate the variability of the zooplankton biomass and the diel vertical migration in the upper thermocline. After a pre-processing phase aimed at avoiding the slant range attenuation, hourly volume backscattering strength time series are obtained. Despite the lack of concurrent net samples collection, different migration patterns are identified and their temporal variability examined by means of time–frequency analysis. The effect of changes in the environmental condition is also investigated. The highest zooplankton biomasses are observed in April–May just after the peak of surface primary production in March–April. The main migration pattern found here points to a "nocturnal" migration, with zooplankton organisms occurring deeper in the water column during the day and shallower at night. Also, twilight migration is highlighted during this study. The largest migrations are recorded in November–December, corresponding to lowest backscattering strength values and they are likely attributable to larger and more active organisms (i.e. euphausiids and mesopelagic fish). The results suggest further applications of the available historical acoustic doppler current profiler time series

    Introducing temporal correlation in rainfall and wind prediction from underwater noise

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    While in the past the prediction of wind and rainfall from underwater noise was performed using empirical equations fed with very few spectral bins and fitted to the data, it has recently been shown that regression performed using supervised machine learning techniques can benefit from the simultaneous use of all spectral bins, at the cost of increased complexity. However, both empirical equations and machine learning regressors perform the prediction using only the acoustic information collected at the time when one wants to know the wind speed or the rainfall intensity. At most, averages are made between spectra measured at subsequent times (spectral compounding) or between predictions obtained at subsequent times (prediction compounding). In this article, it is proposed to exploit the temporal correlation inherent in the phenomena being predicted, as has already been done in methods that forecast wind and rainfall from their values (and sometimes those of other meteorological quantities) in the recent past. A special architecture of recurrent neural networks, the long shortterm memory, is used along with a data set composed of about 16 months of underwater noise measurements (acquired every 10 min, simultaneously with wind and rain measurements above the sea surface) to demonstrate that the introduction of temporal correlation brings significant advantages, improving the accuracy and reducing the problems met in the widely adopted memoryless prediction performed by random forest regression. Working with samples acquired at 10-min intervals, the best performance is obtained by including three noise spectra for wind prediction and six spectra for rainfall prediction

    Virtual worlds and virtual reality. An analysis in the healthcare education

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    In the last six years Virtual Reality (VR) and Virtual Environment (VE) became more technologically advanced and accessible being cheaper. In Healthcare, VR is mainly used for students training, professionals training (simulators); rehabilitation/therapy; treatment/diagnosis and pain management. In this review we analyzed 2,252 articles published between 2012 and 2019 on PubMed and we organized them in sections: simulation for students; simulation for residents/novice; advanced simulation for professionals; application in the medical/dental/nursing field (soft skills); review and meta-analysis on simulations or VR and planning of presurgical/surgical or diagnostic cases. We have found that the greater use of VR is about: students/residents training and professionals skills improvement. A small part of VR is used to teach soft skills. This analysis demonstrates the versatility of these instruments. Mondi virtuali e realtà virtuale. Un’analisi del fenomeno nella formazione sanitariaNegli ultimi sei anni la realtà virtuale (VR) e i mondi virtuali (VE) sono diventati sempre più tecnologicamente avanzati e molto più accessibili per quel che riguarda l’accesso economico. In sanità essi vengono utilizzati principalmente per cinque scopi: formazione degli studenti; formazione dei professionisti (simulatori); riabilitazione/terapia; cura/diagnosi e gestione del dolore. In questa review abbiamo analizzato 2.252 articoli pubblicati tra il 2012 e il 2019 su PubMed ed abbiamo organizzato gli articoli nelle aree simulazione per studenti; simulazione per specializzandi; simulazione avanzata per professionisti; applicazioni nei campi medico/dentale/infermieristico (soft skills); review e meta-analisi sulle simulazioni o VR e la pianificazione di casi pre-chirurgici/chirurgici o diagnostici. L’utilizzo maggiore riguarda la formazione degli studenti/specializzandi ed il miglioramento delle abilità dei professionisti. Una piccola parte della VR si sta dedicando anche all’insegnamento delle soft skills. Questa analisi dimostra la versatilità di tali strumenti che potrebbero ben essere utilizzati in altre discipline universitarie

    Mondi virtuali e realtà virtuale. Un’analisi del fenomeno nella formazione sanitaria

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    Negli ultimi sei anni la realtà virtuale (VR) e i mondi virtuali (VE) sono diventati sempre più tecnologicamente avanzati e molto più accessibili per quel che riguarda l’accesso economico. In sanità essi vengono utilizzati principalmente per cinque scopi: formazione degli studenti; formazione dei professionisti (simulatori); riabilitazione/terapia; cura/diagnosi e gestione del dolore. In questa review abbiamo analizzato 2.252 articoli pubblicati tra il 2012 e il 2019 su PubMed ed abbiamo organizzato gli articoli nelle aree simulazione per studenti; simulazione per specializzandi; simulazione avanzata per professionisti; applicazioni nei campi medico/dentale/infermieristico (soft skills); review e meta-analisi sulle simulazioni o VR e la pianificazione di casi pre-chirurgici/chirurgici o diagnostici. L’utilizzo maggiore riguarda la formazione degli studenti/specializzandi ed il miglioramento delle abilità dei professionisti. Una piccola parte della VR si sta dedicando anche all’insegnamento delle soft skills. Questa analisi dimostra la versatilità di tali strumenti che potrebbero ben essere utilizzati in altre discipline universitarie.In the last six years Virtual Reality (VR) and Virtual Environment (VE) became more technologically advanced and accessible being cheaper. In Healthcare, VR is mainly used for students training, professionals training (simulators); rehabilitation/therapy; treatment/diagnosis and pain management. In this review we analyzed 2,252 articles published between 2012 and 2019 on PubMed and we organized them in sections: simulation for students; simulation for residents/novice; advanced simulation for professionals; application in the medical/dental/nursing field (soft skills); review and meta-analysis on simulations or VR and planning of presurgical/surgical or diagnostic cases. We have found that the greater use of VR is about: students/residents training and professionals skills improvement. A small part of VR is used to teach soft skills. This analysis demonstrates the versatility of these instruments

    Upper layer current variability in the Central Ligurian Sea

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    Abstract. Long-time series of surface currents and meteorological parameters were analysed to estimate the variability of the upper layer circulation and the response to the local winds. Current meter data were collected by an upward-looking RDI Sentinel 300 kHz ADCP deployed in the Central Ligurian Sea (43°47.77' N; 9°02.85' E) near the meteo-oceanographic buoy ODAS Italia 1 for more than eight months, from 13th of September 2003 to 24th of May 2004. The ADCP sampled the upper 50 m of water column at 8 m vertical resolution and 1 h time interval; surface marine and atmospheric hourly averaged data were provided by the buoy. Currents in the sampled layer were mainly barotropic, directed North-West in accordance with the general circulation of the area, and had a mean velocity of about 18 cm/s and hourly mean peaks up to 80 cm/s. Most of the observed variability in the upper thermocline was determined by inertial currents and mesoscale activity due to the presence of the Ligurian Front. Local wind had a minor role in the near-surface circulation but induced internal waves propagating downward in the water column
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