53 research outputs found

    Edu ja ebaedu narratiivid telesarja “Õnne 13” stsenaariumites

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    The Master’s thesis gives an overview of a narrative analysis method, which is trying to find a common structure of the story by analysing the narratives through roles and guiding forces of the story. One of the goals of my thesis was to test a method that is rarely used in social sciences in Estonia and try to give an overview of the possible usage, key points and threats of this method. The other goal of my thesis was to study how success and failure is being portrayed through stereotypes, ideologies and moral of the stories. To find the answers to the research questions and hypothesis, I took a closer look at ten narratives picturing success or failure in the scenarios of TV series “Õnne 13”. The method used in my research does not follow the ideas of Propp and Greimas to the detail, but is adapted to fit the research goals of the current thesis. Because of the uniqueness of the research material, which is more complex then myths or fairytales that were used in the studies by Propp and Greimas, the used method will have a bigger focus on the context and society. The changed focus is also necessary because of the goal of this research, which needs that context to detect the values, networks, motives and morals of the stories. The chosen method could be criticised for the ambiguousity in detecting the roles, but this in not an obstacle which can’t be overcome in further studies. The key results of the analysis is, that the chosen stories do not always follow the so- called fairytale narrative and this difference is especially visible in the stories picturing the failure. Also, the characters of the success stories are not always noble in their actions and motives, while the failure stories are not always completely negative. The moral messages from the stories often carry a social message, trying to give an advice or a warning about some actions, describe some ideology or show members of the social groups whose life is usually hidden from us. The discussion part of the thesis looks at the parallels between the TV series and popular narratives or characters in Estonian folk tales. This leads to a conclusion, that the stories and narratives told in every culture, bare the face of the given society. We may not like what the stories tell us, but people seldom like the truth anyway.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4037266*es

    Eesti Televisiooni infoliikumine ja Intranet sisekommunikatsiooni kanalina

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    Title of this baccalaureate thesis is “Organisational communication in Estonian Television and Intranet as a communication channel.” The main goal of this research is to analyse the situation of organisational communication in Estonian Television and to find out whether the modern communication channels might push out the more traditional channels. For finding answers to those questions, the author used three different methods. Firstly the author conducted a survey about organisational communication in Estonian Television in March 2004 and compared the results (as much as it was possible) to the surveys made in 2001 and 2003. To analyse the Intranet, the methods of visual qualitative analysis and standardized content analysis were used. The results showed, that the general opinion of the communication was quite negative, but showed some improvements, when compared to the earlier years. The most negative situation is in program and production departments, which are also the biggest departments in this organisation. Intranet is a popular channel amongst employees, but since some workers have no access to the Internet, they are left aside. This makes the internal newspaper more dependable and popular, because besides the access problems, the organisational information in the Intranet is updated rarely, contrary to articles from media, which are updated every day. Also the users of the Intranet aren’t very active in forums and don’t write articles to the Intranet as often as they should. This has created a situation, where the technical options are fit for symmetrical communication, but due to passive users and infrequent updating, the communication is rather asymmetrical. The results of the analysis shows, that it’s too early to start using only modern communication channels, because the organisation is not ready for it and there are lot of improvements to be done, to make the communication inside the Estonian Television fluent and satisfying

    Strawberry leaf surface temperature dynamics measured by thermal camera in night frost conditions

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    ArticleThe aim of the study was to define the strawberry leaf surface and ambient air temperature differences in night frost conditions. The study was carried out at the commercial strawberry field in late autumn at a specific natural climatic situation, corresponding to night frost conditions. Thermal camera FLIR P660 was used for obtaining thermal images and corresponding visual colour images of the strawberry leaves. The images were taken at ten-minute interval. The ambient air temperature, relative humidity, dew point, solar radiation and wind speed data were obtained by Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station. It was estimated that the surface temperature of the specific leaf is comparatively similar at different parts of the specimen and changes noticeably with the variation of solar radiation intensity. The speed of temperature changes was also analysed. During all the measurement period, the considerable difference between the temperature of the leaf and the ambient air temperature was established, especially in absence of solar radiation. The difference of the leaf surface and ambient air temperature reached 8 °C. The study showed that in night frost conditions the plants might be endangered by low temperatures even at the air temperatures above 0 °C due to intensive energy loss by long wave radiation to the sky. It is suggested that the thermal imaging or infrared radiation measurement should be used simultaneously with air temperature measurements for more exact timing of night frost prevention measures at strawberry cultivation.http://dx.doi.org/10.15159/ar.18.01

    Feasibility of Using Electronic Health Records for Cascade Monitoring and Cost Estimates in Implementation Science Studies in the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions

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    Background:One of the most difficult areas in the fight against HIV/AIDS is reaching out to youth aged 13 to 24 years. The proportion of youth living with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy (ART) and who are virally undetectable is low, highlighting significant challenges for reaching the Joint United Nations Program on HIV targets. Objective:This study aimed to assess the feasibility of obtaining key clinical indicators and monitoring treatment, viral suppression, and retention components of the youth HIV treatment cascade in Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions clinics using electronic health record (EHR) downloads and to provide baseline characteristics for the study participants. Methods:EHR data were systematically obtained from multiple clinical sites and used to meaningfully capture clinical characteristics, initiation of antiretrovirals, and retention in care, which are part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 4 continuum of care measures. In addition, this study used standard cost values attached to Current Procedural Terminology codes to estimate the cost per visit. Results:Only 2 of the 4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention treatment cascade measures were assessed using routine EHR data. EHR data are not adequate for monitoring HIV testing or linkage to care because denominator data are not available. However, the data work well for measuring ART initiation and adequately for retention in care. The sites were broadly able to provide information for the required data. However, in most cases, these data are insufficient for identifying patterns of missed appointments because such misses are not captured in the EHR system. Sites with good access to data management resources can operate more efficiently for cascade monitoring study purposes. Conclusions:Data other than EHRs are needed to measure HIV testing and linkage to youth care. EHR data are useful for measuring ART initiation and work moderately well for measuring retention in care. Site data management resources should be part of the selection process when looking for site partners for clinical studies that plan to use EHR data. Study planners should determine the feasibility of additional funding for organizations in need of additional information technology or data management resources

    Teatriõpetus Tartu Waldorfgümnaasiumis: eesmärgid ja protsess

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    Töö annab ülevaate sellest, millised on teatriõpetuse eesmärgid, kuidas need realiseeruvad Tartu Waldorfgümnaasiumis ja milliseid pädevusi teatriõpetus arendab