126 research outputs found

    Framing Societal Cosmopolitanism in Europe. A Theoretical-Empirical Research Study

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    Inspired by the notion of 'societal cosmopolitanism' (Pendenza 2015a) - that combines at-tachment to local territory and openness towards others - social relations on the part of Europeans are tested empirically. The article posits that this type of cosmopolitanism can exist in concomitance with oth-er relational forms towards Otherness. Its main characteristic lies in the idea that it is not nourished by the abstract principle according to which such status can be attributed only if one feels a 'citizen of the world'. On the contrary, without totally rejecting the idea, societal cosmopolitan mantains that if cosmopolitanism is to shrug off its abstraction, it requires a social anchorage to root it more firmly to real life. From a meth-odological perspective, a contrastive analysis is putting in place relative to research carried out on Europe-an cosmopolitanism and subsequently tested empirically using data from EB71.3. Findings showed that almost 25.0% (30-40% in specific countries) of the European citizens fit the description 'societal cosmopoli-tans'

    Durkheim Reloaded (1917-2017)

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    Una strana sensazione aleggia sui classici del pensiero sociologico: c’è molto più accordo sull’idea che essi siano importanti per la disciplina ma meno sul perché lo siano veramente. Il consenso rimane, ma in discussione è il ‘perché’ e il ‘come’ dovremmo continuare a considerare questa frammentata eredità una bussola per orientarci nel variegato e complesso mondo della contemporaneità, assai di erente da quello in cui quegli studiosi vivevano e scrivevano. Per quanto sia connaturata alle scienze in generale una certa dose di ri essi- vità che impone domande allo scopo non tanto di avere delle risposte, quanto di poter aprire sempre nuovi spazi di riflessione e immaginazione teorico- pratica, la sociologia sembra subire più di altre discipline la pressione costante dell’attualità, che le impone allo stesso tempo una responsabilità pubblica

    (Re)Reading Durkheim

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    Capitalismo e teoria sociologica

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    Curatela di un testo collettaneo che analizza criticamente i contributi teorici e i nuovi casi empirici di declinazione e trasformazione del capitalismo

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    The Looming Shadows of the Walls. Is a Cosmopolitan Europe still Possible?

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    In a Europe of many lights and shadows, cosmopolitan sociology provides a valid theoretical framework to distinguish one from the other. If cosmopolitan sociology is an attempt to understand how individuals, social groups and institutions deal with the challenges of ever more transnational social processes, then the European issue can be fully inserted within such an approach. From this point of view, following the austerity policies and recent events involving Syrian refugees and the attack by Daesh activists at the heart of Europe, sociology has started to enquire whether a cosmopolitan Europe is still possible. Conversaly, in the history of Europe and in its Constitutional Treaties, traces of cosmopolitanism are to be found almost everywhere. In this context, our study examines the crisis pervading Europe today and highlights the standing back to a certain extent of cosmopolitan sociology. At the same time, it stresses the hope that a change of direction will occur and the opportunity grasped of reflecting more deeply on the founding principles of cosmopolitan Europe

    La solidarietà europea allo specchio della crisi pandemica. Ultima chance per l’Europa?

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    During the pandemic, the European institutions, first of all the Commission, have tackled and developed various solidarity tools and actions to combat the resulting health and economic crisis. The aim of the paper is first of all to give an account of this intense activity, but above all to reflect on the meaning to be attributed to them, in order to understand how far the EU, and the member states, have gone beyond the current architrave of its constitution economy, i.e. “competitive solidarity”. As we will try to demonstrate, during the pandemic there were all the elements to be able to rethink a reconfiguration of solidarity. The principle of mutualistic solidarity, in the wake of the emotional flow, has emerged above national egoisms, indeed, governing them; a certain returning “normative cosmopolitanism” has also emerged, however feeble and not well structured. Which, this is the thesis supported, two years after the decreed end of the crisis is however struggling to take off, indeed letting a certain return to the past leak out. The one in which solidarity knows no discounts because it has a price in terms of conditionality

    Scienza, coscienza e democratizzazione della conoscenza. La presenza pervasiva della scienza nella società

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    L’articolo offre suggestioni sul nesso scienza e società, accomunate dal convincimento che la scienza, più che pretendere autorità, dovrebbe mostrarsi autorevole e adoperarsi per fornire un sostegno di senso ispirato dai principi dell’umanesimo. Tale convinzione si sostiene con riferimento ad alcuni importanti autori – Weber, Durkheim, Popper, Beck e Rodotà – e sulla semplice osservazione di una rinnovata fiducia pubblica di cui la scienza sta godendo in epoca di Covid-19, grazie al fatto di essere dispensatrice di soluzioni e perché comunica con i cittadini. Un fatto che esprime al contempo la sua particolare resilienza alla crisi di legittimità dei sistemi culturali moderni e l’aspettativa pubblica circa il compito sociale che da essa ci si attende