2,031 research outputs found
Resilience effects of SGK1 and TAP1 DNA markers during PRRSV outbreaks in reproductive sows
The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a major infectious stressor that causes serious health problems and productivity drops. Based on previous genome-wide analyses, we selected SGK1 and TAP1 as candidate genes for resilience, and genotyped three mutations, including a 3′UTR variant SGK1_rs338508371 and two synonymous variants TAP1_rs1109026889 and TAP1_rs80928141 in 305 Landrace × Large White sows. All polymorphisms affected the reproductive performance in the outbreak, but not during the endemic phase, thereby indicating a potential use of these markers for resilience. Moreover, some genotypes were associated with a stable performance across PRRSV phases. Thus, in the outbreak, the SGK1_rs338508371 AA sows had less piglets born alive (p < 0.0001) and more stillborns (p < 0.05) while other sows were able to keep their productivity. During the outbreak, TAP1_rs80928141 GG sows had less piglets born alive (p < 0.05) and both TAP1 polymorphisms influenced the number of mummies in an additive manner (p < 0.05). Remarkably, TAP1_rs80928141 AA sows had around one mummy more than GG sows (p < 0.01). Resilience to PRRSV could be improved by including the SGK1 and TAP1 markers in crossbreeding and/or selection schemes, as they contribute to maintaining a stable number of piglets born alive and lost, particularly mummies, despite the outbreak.This research and the APC were partially funded by FEDER projects COMRDI16-1-0035-03 and RTI2018-097700-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities. M.L. received a postdoctoral grant from UdL-Impuls programme
Participação da odontologia na Equipe de Pré natal na ESF à luz da literatura: oprtunidade de promover saúde
O pré-natal realizado na Estratégia Saúde da Família é uma atividade habitualmente realizada na rotina de trabalho da equipe de saúde. A participação da equipe de saúde bucal dentro da equipe de pré-natal na ESF ainda é pouco expressiva. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a atuação da equipe de pré-natal na ESF e como a Odontologia pode contribuir neste trabalho, por considerar que a mesma é também, uma oportunidade de promover saúde. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica de produções científicas em saúde, através de levantamento na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, nas bases de dados Lilacs, SciELO, sites do Ministério da Saúde e da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de Minas Gerais, com publicações entre os anos de 2005 a 2012. O material foi selecionado entre os meses de Agosto a Novembro de 2012. Existe uma cultura que não valoriza nem estimula a atenção odontológica durante a gravidez. O atendimento odontológico de gestantes é um assunto bastante controverso, principalmente em função dos mitos que existem acerca do tratamento, tanto por parte das gestantes como por parte dos cirurgiões-dentistas que não se sentem seguros em atendê-las, por isso é sempre um desafio organizar e priorizar este atendimento. Pode-se concluir que o cirurgião dentista deve ser inserido nas equipes multiprofissionais que acompanham a gestante durante o pré-natal, como forma de desmistificar os principais mitos que envolvem o atendimento odontológico e atender integralmente essa parcela da população. E também que o pré-natal odontológico é uma oportunidade de promoção da saúde, pois é considerado como um momento oportuno para difusão da informação em saúde
Measurement of the dispersion of air and of refractive index anomalies by wavelength- dependent nonlinear interferometry
We carry out wavelength-dependent second harmonic interference experiments using thin films of an organic dye as nonlinear optical sources. While the measured difference of refractive index between the fundamental and second harmonic wavelengths follows the theoretical expectation for air in a wide spectral region, anomalous dispersion is observed when the second harmonic light lies in the absorption band of the dye. The sensitivity of the technique to small refractive index variations may prove useful for sensing applications as well as for testing models of light dispersion in weakly dispersing and absorbing media.Preprin
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in dementia
CONTEXTO: Demências são cada vez mais prevalentes na população. Sintomas cognitivos costumam ser acompanhados de sintomas comportamentais e psicológicos das demências (SCPD), causando aumento do custo dos cuidados e da carga do cuidador. OBJETIVOS: Identificar na literatura indexada até junho de 2008 artigos relacionados a estudos sobre a ocorrência de sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos (SOC) nas diversas síndromes demenciais para identificar prevalência, características e impacto nos cuidadores em termos de carga, qualidade de vida ou custo socioeconômico. MÉTODOS: Procedeu-se à busca sistemática nos indexadores PubMed e LILACS, utilizando as palavras-chave obsessive, compulsive, obsession, compulsion e dementia, identificando-se 10 artigos. RESULTADOS: Desses, cinco enfocavam primariamente os SOC, enquanto, nos outros cinco, SOC eram objetivos secundários; oito estudos relatavam exames de neuroimagem; oito relataram sintomas compulsivos; dois relataram sintomas obsessivos e compulsivos, enquanto nenhum trouxe sintoma simplesmente obsessivo. A maioria dos estudos aborda pacientes com demência frontotemporal. CONCLUSÃO: A análise dos 10 artigos evidenciou a escassez de investigação de SOC nas demências, a importância da neuroimagem para esse tipo de estudo e grande diversidade de instrumentos para avaliar os SOC. Nenhum artigo avaliou impacto dos SOC nos cuidadores, o que pode direcionar estudos futuros.BACKGROUND: Dementia is increasingly prevalent in the population. Cognitive symptoms are usually accompanied by behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), causing an increase in the cost of care and the burden of the caregiver. OBJECTIVES: To search in the indexed literature until June 2008 articles related to studies on the occurrence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) and trying to identify their prevalence, characteristics and impact on caregivers in terms of loading, quality of life and socioeconomic cost. METHODS: A systematic search was performed in the PubMed and LILACS indexing services, using the keywords: obsessive, compulsive, obsession, compulsion and dementia, having been identified 10 articles. RESULTS: Among those, five focused on primary OCS, while in the other five OCS were a secondary objective; eight studies reported test of neuroimaging procedures; eight reported compulsive symptoms; two reported both an obsessive and compulsive symptoms, while no study reported only obsesssion. The majority of the studies reported cases of frontotemporal dementia patients. DISCUSSION: The analysis of the 10 articles denified in our search highlighted the scarcity on research on OCS and dementia, the importance of associating neuroimaging to this kind of research and the diversity of trials to evaluate OCS. No article evaluated the impact of OCS in caregivers, which could be a suggestion for future studies.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq
Fist report on fumagillin production by Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto gliotoxigenic strains recovered from raw cow milk and clinical samples in Argentina
En Argentina no existen reportes sobre cepas de Aspergillus fumigatus productoras de fumagilina. En este trabajo se describe el aislamiento y la producción de dicha micotoxina por 10 cepas, provenientes del medioambiente rural y aisladas de muestras clínicas. Las cepas de origen rural fueron aisladas de vacas lecheras en tambos de la provincia de Córdoba, y algunas de esas cepas se asociaron a casos de mastitis subclínica. Se definió la composición de un medio de cultivo para optimizar la producción de fumagilina y se desarrolló un método de cromatografía HPLC para su determinación. Es conocido que, además del estado inmunitario del huésped, la virulencia de la cepa es una de las características fundamentales que determinan su potencial patogénico y, en este sentido, la fumagilina es considerada un factor de virulencia. En el presente trabajo todas las cepas estudiadas fueron capaces de sintetizarla y la cepa A. fumigatus RC2243, proveniente de leche de una vaca con mastitis subclínica, se destacó como la cepa más productora. La existencia de cepas productoras de fumagillina representa un riesgo potencial por el pasaje de dicha micotoxina a la leche, lo cual constituye un problema para la salud pública.In Argentina there are no reports on Aspergillus fumigatus fumagillin producing strains. In this work we describe the isolation and mycotoxin production capacity of ten A. fumigatus strains, associated with farm and clinical origin. Farm strains were isolated in dairy calves in Córdoba province from dairy cow milk, some of which were associated with sub clinical mastitis. A culture medium was defined to optimize fumagillin production and a detection method was developed by HPLC chromatography. It is known that in addition to the immune status of the host, the virulence of the strain is a fundamental characteristic that will determine its pathogenicity and in this sense, fumagillin is considered within the virulence factors. In the present work, all the strains tested for the production of fumagillin were able to synthesize it, highlighting that the strain A. fumigatus RC2243, from a sample of cow´s milk with clinical mastitis, was the most productive. The existence of fumagillin-producing strains represents a potential risk of passing mycotoxins into raw milk, constituting a risk to public health.Fil: Alonso, Veronica Andrea. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Agronomia y Veterinaria. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias.; ArgentinaFil: Velasco Manini, Marina Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Pena, Gabriela Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Micología y Micotoxicología. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigación en Micología y Micotoxicología; ArgentinaFil: Cavaglieri, Lilia Reneé. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicoquímicas y Naturales. Departamento de Microbiología e Inmunología. Cátedra de Micología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
Pedagogía Menstrual como Herramienta para el Empoderamiento Femenino
In our society, the application of feminist and gender perspectives to research and social conception of the menstrual cycle continues to be a pending task. In the collective insight, menstruation is still fraught with stereotypes and myths, due to the absence of educational, social, health and political resources for its treatment.
This leads, on the one hand, into the perpetuation of the taboo that encompasses the menstrual experience, and on the other hand, in a lack of knowledge about its main characteristics, phases, symptoms and signs, associated pathologies, etc.
This project aims to highlight the importance of self-knowledge, self-care and the ability to understand the signals from our bodies as personal resources of individual and collective empowerment, through awareness and creation of common learning and experiences in relation to the menstrual cycle.La aplicación de perspectivas feministas y de género a la investigación y concepción social del ciclo menstrual continúa siendo una tarea pendiente en nuestra sociedad. En el imaginario social colectivo, la menstruación se presenta-todavía- como un elemento mitificado y estereotipado, debido a la carencia de recursos educativos, sociales, sanitarios y políticos destinados al tratamiento del mismo. Esto se traduce en la perpetuación del tabú que engloba a la experiencia de la menstruación y en el desconocimiento generalizado de la población acerca de sus principales características, fases, síntomas y signos, patologías asociadas, etc.
Con la presente propuesta de intervención se pretende resaltar la importancia del autoconocimiento, el autocuidado y la capacidad para entender las señales de nuestros cuerpos como recursos personales de empoderamiento individual y colectivo, a través de la toma de conciencia y creación de aprendizajes y experiencias comunes en relación con el ciclo menstrual
Sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos nas demências
BACKGROUND: Dementia is increasingly prevalent in the population. Cognitive symptoms are usually accompanied by behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), causing an increase in the cost of care and the burden of the caregiver. OBJECTIVES: To search in the indexed literature until June 2008 articles related to studies on the occurrence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) and trying to identify their prevalence, characteristics and impact on caregivers in terms of loading, quality of life and socioeconomic cost. METHODS: A systematic search was performed in the PubMed and LILACS indexing services, using the keywords: obsessive, compulsive, obsession, compulsion and dementia, having been identified 10 articles. RESULTS: Among those, five focused on primary OCS, while in the other five OCS were a secondary objective; eight studies reported test of neuroimaging procedures; eight reported compulsive symptoms; two reported both an obsessive and compulsive symptoms, while no study reported only obsesssion. The majority of the studies reported cases of frontotemporal dementia patients. DISCUSSION: The analysis of the 10 articles denified in our search highlighted the scarcity on research on OCS and dementia, the importance of associating neuroimaging to this kind of research and the diversity of trials to evaluate OCS. No article evaluated the impact of OCS in caregivers, which could be a suggestion for future studies.CONTEXTO: Demências são cada vez mais prevalentes na população. Sintomas cognitivos costumam ser acompanhados de sintomas comportamentais e psicológicos das demências (SCPD), causando aumento do custo dos cuidados e da carga do cuidador. OBJETIVOS: Identificar na literatura indexada até junho de 2008 artigos relacionados a estudos sobre a ocorrência de sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos (SOC) nas diversas síndromes demenciais para identificar prevalência, características e impacto nos cuidadores em termos de carga, qualidade de vida ou custo socioeconômico. MÉTODOS: Procedeu-se à busca sistemática nos indexadores PubMed e LILACS, utilizando as palavras-chave obsessive, compulsive, obsession, compulsion e dementia, identificando-se 10 artigos. RESULTADOS: Desses, cinco enfocavam primariamente os SOC, enquanto, nos outros cinco, SOC eram objetivos secundários; oito estudos relatavam exames de neuroimagem; oito relataram sintomas compulsivos; dois relataram sintomas obsessivos e compulsivos, enquanto nenhum trouxe sintoma simplesmente obsessivo. A maioria dos estudos aborda pacientes com demência frontotemporal. CONCLUSÃO: A análise dos 10 artigos evidenciou a escassez de investigação de SOC nas demências, a importância da neuroimagem para esse tipo de estudo e grande diversidade de instrumentos para avaliar os SOC. Nenhum artigo avaliou impacto dos SOC nos cuidadores, o que pode direcionar estudos futuros
Semi-transparent polymer solar cells
Copyright 2015 Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this publication for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the contents of the publication are prohibited.Over the last three decades, progress in the organic photovoltaic field has resulted in some device features which make organic cells applicable in electricity generation configurations where the standard silicon-based technology is not suitable, for instance, when a semi-transparent photovoltaic panel is needed. When the thin film solar cell performance is evaluated in terms of the device's visible transparency and power conversion efficiency, organic solar cells offer the most promising solution. During the last three years, research in the field has consolidated several approaches for the fabrication of high performance semi-transparent organic solar cells. We have grouped these approaches under three categories: devices where the absorber layer includes near-infrared absorption polymers, devices incorporating one-dimensional photonic crystals, and devices with a metal cavity light trapping configuration. We herein review these approaches.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Enhanced stability in semi-transparent PTB7/PC71BM photovoltaic cells
© 2015. This version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/We studied the performance over time of opaque and semi-transparent PTB7:PC71BM bulk heterojunction solar cells. For unsealed inverted configuration cells we observe that when the isolation from the environment is improved, the degradation observed is dominated by one single exponential decay. We demonstrate that a dielectric multilayer stack of approximately 550 nm provides an isolation that increases the lifetime of the cell close to ten times. In that event the fill factor appears to be the PV parameter dominating cell degradation resulting from a decrease in the shunt resistance. An Impedance analysis we performed indicates that a Warburg element, attributed to the presence of slowly moving charges such as heavy ions, must be included in the description of the experimental data. The contribution from such element increases as the cell degrades in good agreement with a degradation dominated by the corrosive effects from external agents reaching the active layer of the device.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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