43 research outputs found

    Maieutic frame presence and quantity and quality of argumentation in a Paideia seminar

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    The purpose of the current study was to explore the potential associations between the number of maieutic frames and the number and quality of arguments high school students produced in a Paideia Seminar. A maieutic frame is the structure of the kind of talk that occurs when discussants use intellectual dialogue to collaborate to make meaning out of sophisticated text, by responding to open-ended questions. Participants from two different high schools discussed seven seminar texts during the 2002-2003 and 2004 and 2005 school years. The seminar discussions were transcribed and coded for number of maieutic frames, number of arguments, quality of arguments, and type of maieutic question. A nonparametric test was conducted to determine whether the seminars from two different schools could be collapsed across schools. Main analyses were conducted to explore whether when discussions contained more maieutic frames, more arguments were produced, and whether the arguments exhibited a higher level of quality. Similarly, main analyses explored whether more challenging maieutic questions were associated with higher quality of argumentation. The conclusions from the current study were the following: a) degree of maieutic frame presence is highly positively associated with both degree of quantity and quality of argumentation in a Paideia seminar, and b) degree of challenging maieutic question presence is highly positively associated with quality of argumentation. Conclusions from the current study suggested that the maieutic frame is an effective construct to describe the structure of the Paideia seminar discussions, and a helpful tool to explore the conditions that were related to particular outcomes. Because the current study is the first about maieutic frames and argumentation in Paideia seminars, it opens up several new avenues for research about maieutic frame presence and argumentation beyond the context of Paideia seminars

    La relaci贸n entre comprensi贸n lectora y vocabulario receptivo en estudiantes chilenos

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    Si bien la bibliograf铆a especializada ha descrito la existencia de un efecto posiblemente no causal entre vocabulario receptivo y comprensi贸n lectora, y la posibilidad de un efecto acumulativo entre lectura de palabras y vocabulario, no se ha explorado si el efecto de vocabulario receptivo en comprensi贸n lectora es invariante seg煤n los niveles de vocabulario receptivo, sexo y dependencia del colegio en la poblaci贸n chilena de quinto a帽o b谩sico. La muestra se conform贸 por 553 estudiantes balanceados en sexo y dependencia escolar, a los que se le aplicaron test de comprensi贸n lectora y vocabulario. Los an谩lisis realizados mediante regresiones spline muestran que, cuando los estudiantes obtienen puntajes en vocabulario receptivo cercanos a 30 铆tems correctos en el instrumento EVOC, el efecto de vocabulario receptivo sobre comprensi贸n lectora es nulo o mucho menor que cuando los estudiantes tienen mayores niveles de vocabulario receptivo. Estos hallazgos son un insumo a la hora de evaluar la factibilidad de intervenciones que busquen mejorar la comprensi贸n a trav茅s de vocabulario

    La relaci贸n entre comprensi贸n lectora y vocabulario receptivo en estudiantes chilenos

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    Si bien la bibliograf铆a especializada ha descrito la existencia de un efecto posiblemente no causal entre vocabulario receptivo y comprensi贸n lectora, y la posibilidad de un efecto acumulativo entre lectura de palabras y vocabulario, no se ha explorado si el efecto de vocabulario receptivo en comprensi贸n lectora es invariante seg煤n los niveles de vocabulario receptivo, sexo y dependencia del colegio en la poblaci贸n chilena de quinto a帽o b谩sico. La muestra se conform贸 por 553 estudiantes balanceados en sexo y dependencia escolar, a los que se le aplicaron test de comprensi贸n lectora y vocabulario. Los an谩lisis realizados mediante regresiones spline muestran que, cuando los estudiantes obtienen puntajes en vocabulario receptivo cercanos a 30 铆tems correctos en el instrumento EVOC, el efecto de vocabulario receptivo sobre comprensi贸n lectora es nulo o mucho menor que cuando los estudiantes tienen mayores niveles de vocabulario receptivo. Estos hallazgos son un insumo a la hora de evaluar la factibilidad de intervenciones que busquen mejorar la comprensi贸n a trav茅s de vocabulario

    Interpretaci贸n edum茅trica de los resultados de EVOC en estudiantes chilenos

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    The use of vocabulary assessment scores can help teachers monitor student progress and make pedagogical decisions that promote learning. The purpose of the study was to adapt the interpretation of scores yielded by EVOC, a Spanish vocabulary assessment tool, to measure vocabulary range among 1,662 students between the ages of 6 and 14, based on word frequency bands from a corpus. The methodology included confi rmatory factor analysis, the establishment of empirical diffi culty indices, and the assemble of the items in terms of the order of appearance of the words in the corpus of school texts. The results show that it is possible to interpret scores in terms of lexical competence development standards, which should provide for better use of data in the teaching and learning of reading and vocabulary.El uso de resultados de mediciones de vocabulario ayuda a los docentes a monitorear los avances de sus estudiantes y a tomar decisiones pedag贸gicas para promover el aprendizaje. Este estudio tiene por objetivo adaptar la interpretaci贸n del instrumento EVOC, para medir amplitud de vocabulario, en 1.662 estudiantes de entre 6 y 14 a帽os, a partir de bandas de frecuencia de palabras en un corpus. La metodolog铆a incluy贸 an谩lisis factorial confi rmatorio, la determinaci贸n de 铆ndices de difi cultad emp铆rica y el ensamblaje de los 铆tems en t茅rminos de frecuencia de aparici贸n de las palabras en el corpus de textos escolares. Los resultados muestran que es posible analizar puntajes a partir de un est谩ndar de desarrollo de la competencia l茅xica, aprovechando mejor esta informaci贸n en la ense帽anza y aprendizaje de lectura y vocabulario

    Experiencia en el uso de una plataforma digital para el ejercicio de la comprensi贸n lectora y el vocabulario: percepci贸n de estudiantes de primaria

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    Este estudio explora la experiencia de uso de una plataforma digital para ejercitar comprensi贸n lectora y vocabulario seg煤n las percepciones de alumnos de ense帽anza b谩sica. Se analizaron 493 encuestas aplicadas a estudiantes chilenos de 3潞, 4潞, 5潞 y 6潞 b谩sico de establecimientos subvencionados. Las encuestas son complementadas con respuestas obtenidas en un grupo focal con 17 estudiantes de los mismos cursos. Los resultados indican que la mayor parte de los encuestados perciben positivamente el uso de la plataforma, indicando que fue una ayuda para mejorar su comprensi贸n lectora. A partir de las respuestas, se crean categor铆as que describen la percepci贸n de ellos. Se discuten implicancias para la investigaci贸n y pr谩ctica educativa.&nbsp

    Experiencia en el uso de una plataforma digital para el ejercicio de la comprensi贸n lectora y el vocabulario: percepci贸n de estudiantes de primaria

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    This study explores the experience of using a digital platform for reading comprehension and vocabulary based on the perception of students in Chilean elementary education. 493 surveys completed by students in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade from private subsidized schools were analyzed. The survey responses are complemented with answers from a focus group with 17 students in the same classrooms. The results indicate that the majority of students positively perceive the use of the platform, indicating that it was an aid to improve their reading comprehension. From the students' responses, categories are created that describe their perceptions. Implications for educational research and practice are discussed.Este estudio explora la experiencia de uso de una plataforma digital para ejercitar comprensi贸n lectora y vocabulario seg煤n las percepciones de alumnos de ense帽anza b谩sica. Se analizaron 493 encuestas aplicadas a estudiantes chilenos de 3潞, 4潞, 5潞 y 6潞 b谩sico de establecimientos subvencionados. Las encuestas son complementadas con respuestas obtenidas en un grupo focal con 17 estudiantes de los mismos cursos. Los resultados indican que la mayor parte de los encuestados perciben positivamente el uso de la plataforma, indicando que fue una ayuda para mejorar su comprensi贸n lectora. A partir de las respuestas, se crean categor铆as que describen la percepci贸n de ellos. Se discuten implicancias para la investigaci贸n y pr谩ctica educativa. &nbsp

    Preparing Tutors for Assessment, Data-based Instruction, and Reflective Practice

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    This international survey-design study gathered data from 22 literacy clinic directors to garner their insights on how they prepare tutors to work with struggling readers. The respondents describe how they guide tutors to use assessment data to inform instructional decisions about lesson plan design, strategic approaches, texts, and resources. The results also elucidate how tutors reflect on their lessons based on feedback about their tutoring and the impacts on their students. There is an illustration of how literacy clinics support tutors to provide enhanced instruction while contributing to an understanding of the role of literacy clinics within teacher education

    Maternal exposure to a high-magnitude earthquake during pregnancy influences pre-reading skills in early childhood

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    Exposure to an adverse prenatal environment can influence fetal development and result in long-lasting changes in the offspring. However, the association between maternal exposure to stressful events during pregnancy and the achievement of pre-reading skills in the offspring is unknown. Here we examined the association between prenatal exposure to the Chilean high-magnitude earthquake that occurred on February 27th, 2010 and the development of early reading precursors skills (listening comprehension, print knowledge, alphabet knowledge, vocabulary, and phonological awareness) in children at kindergarten age. This multilevel retrospective cohort study including 3280 children, of whom 2415 were unexposed and 865 were prenatally exposed to the earthquake shows substantial evidence that maternal exposure to an unambiguously stressful event resulted in impaired pre-reading skills and that a higher detrimental effect was observed in those children who had been exposed to the earthquake during the first trimester of gestation. In addition, females were more significantly affected by the exposure to the earthquake than their male peers in alphabet knowledge; contrarily, males were more affected than females in print knowledge skills. These findings suggest that early intervention programs for pregnant women and/or children exposed to prenatal stress may be effective strategies to overcome impaired pre-reading skills in children