422 research outputs found
Desmosomes in Developing Human Epidermis
Desmosomes play important roles in the cell differentiation and morphogenesis of tissues. Studies on animal models have greatly increased our knowledge on epidermal development while reports on human developing skin are rare due to the difficult accessibility to the samples. Although the morphology of periderm cells and the process how the epidermis develops very much resemble each other, the timetable and the final outcome of a mature human epidermis markedly differ from those of murine skin. Even the genetic basis of the junctional components may have profound differences between the species, which might affect the implementation of the data from animal models in human studies. The aim of this review is to focus on the development of human skin with special emphasis on desmosomes. Desmosomal development is mirrored in perspective with other simultaneous events, such as maturation of adherens, tight and gap junctions, and the basement membrane zone
SPMT-tekniikka sillan siirrossa
TÀmÀ insinöörityö tehtiin Savon Kuljetus Oy:lle helpottamaan sivusiirrettÀvien rautatiesiltojen tarjouslaskentaa. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia uutta SPMT-tekniikkaa ja saada selkeÀ kuva SPMT-tekniikan suunnittelusta ja kÀytöstÀ rautatiesiltojen siirtÀmisessÀ. SPMT-tekniikalla tarkoitetaan
valmiiksi rakennetun sillan siirtoa pyörillÀ kulkevilla laveteilla oikealle paikalleen. NÀmÀ lavetit nostavat sillan ilmaan ja hiljaa kuljettavat sen oikealle kohdalle ja laskevat paikoilleen. TyössÀ pyrittiin kehittÀmÀÀn SPMT-siirtomenetelmÀn kÀyttö- ja toteutusmahdollisuuksia ja sillan siirrosta syntyvien kustannusten teoreettista vÀhentÀmistÀ.
OpinnÀytetyön teko alkoi sivussa rakennettavan sillan suunnittelusta sekÀ sillan siirtoon vaadittavien suunnittelutietojen tutkimisesta. Sillan siirron suunnittelussa tÀrkeintÀ oli selvittÀÀ sillan rakenteisiin sekÀ perustamisolosuhteisiin vaikuttavat tekijÀt. TyössÀ tehtiin katsaus Suonenjoen Casetapaukseen, jossa silta siirrettiin paikoilleen uudella SPMT-tekniikalla. Tapauksessa huomioidaan maaolosuhteet sekÀ annetaan yleiskuvaus tapahtuneesta. TyössÀ otetaan myös kantaa SPMT-tekniikan toteutettavuuteen sekÀ turvallisuuteen.
Kustannusten ja tuotannon tehokkuuden vertailu SPMT:n ja tunkkaamisen vÀlillÀ on hankalaa. TÀmÀ johtuu siitÀ, ettÀ jokainen työkohde on erilainen. Suurimmat erot syntyvÀt juuri maatöiden osalta sekÀ kaluston rajoittuneesta saannista Suomessa. Kaikista ongelmista huolimatta urakoitsijalla ja tilaajalla on molemmilla sama tavoite, pyrkiÀ saamaan silta siirrettyÀ mahdollisimman nopeasti, edullisesti ja turvallisesti paikoilleen.This project was made for Savon Kuljetus Oy (construction company) to ease their offer calculation in sideways movable railroad bridges. The aim of this study was to examine the new the SPMT-technique and have a clear picture of designing and usage of the SPMT-technique in moving railroad bridges. The SPMT-technique means moving a finished bridge to the right spot with cradles on wheels. These cradles lift up a bridge and slowly move it to the right spot and put it down.
The aim in this project was to develop usage and implementation possibilities in the SPMT-technique and to lower the theoretical costs for moving bridge.
The project was started by designing the bridge to be built on the side of the track and then the needed design information for moving the bridge was studied. In designing the movable bridge the most important thing was to figure out the factors affecting the bridge structures and foundation conditions. A case study in Suonenjoki where a bridge was moved in to the place with the new SPMT-technique was introduced in the project. In the case attention was paid to the ground conditions and it also gave a general description of procedures. The reliability and the security of the SPMT-technique was evaluated.
Comparing costs and the effectivity of production for the SPMT-technique and normal bridge moving techniques is difficult. This occurs because every project is different. It was stated in this project that the biggest differences come from ground work and the limited amount of usable equipment in Finland. As a result of this project it was confirmed, despite of occurring problems, that the contractor and the client both have the same goal, an intention to move the bridge as quickly, cost efficiently and safely as possible to the right spot
Uusi sÀteilylainsÀÀdÀntö painottaa sÀteilyn kÀytön oikeutusta
Röntgentutkimukseen lÀhettÀvÀn lÀÀkÀrin tulee pystyÀ viestimÀÀn sÀteilyn riskeistÀ potilaalle
SydÀmen magneettikuvaus: VirhelÀhteet virtausten vaihekontrastimittauksissa
Phase contrast velocity encoded flow measurement was first introduced 30 years ago and have been subject to constant evolution since. The method has been validated repeatedly to be suitable for numerous clinical applications. It is capable to visualize and quantify dynamic phenomena such as blood flow in any part of the human body without being invasive or using ionizing radiation. Recent publications even suggest that velocity encoded imaging should be used as a gold standard in the flow measurements of great arteries. Despite of numerous possibilities, the method remains underused.
However, phase contrast flow imaging carries some challenges that are limiting clinical applicability. First of all, magnetic resonance imaging is expensive and time consuming imaging modality. Currently velocity encoded flow imaging can be seen as a secondary modality which is used if necessary after alternative methods such as ultrasound. Also, phase contrast flow imaging includes numerous physical and physiological error sources affecting the accuracy of flow measurements. The understanding of these error sources is important to be able to estimate the accuracy of obtained results. An overview on these error sources is presented in this work. Essential theoretical basis to understand the physics underlying the error mechanisms are presented and means to minimize the error are addressed.
The dimensions of human arteries are varying considerably along the flow track beyond the ventricles. Changing geometrical dimension and individual characteristics of cardiac valves are giving a raise to several spatially alternating flow phenomena such as acceleration artefact and voxel dephasing. In this work a research is presented where optimal measurement plane to quantify stroke volume is studied. The importance of optimal measurement plane is studied in both healthy controls and patients with accelerated flow velocities. In the work it was found that optimal location to measure arterial flow is approximately 2 cm distal from the aortic or pulmonal valve in case of accelerated flow. In controls no such relation was found between the measurement plane and the stroke volume. We are also considering the amount of hardware velocity offset in our measurement system and discussing how it affects to the results.NopeusherkkÀÀn vaihekontrastiin perustuva magneettikuvausmenetelmÀ on tehokas tapa suurten valtimoiden virtausten tutkimiseen. MenetelmÀllÀ on mahdollista mÀÀrittÀÀ virtauksen nopeus missÀ tahansa paikassa ja suunnassa ihmiskehossa ilman ionisoivaa sÀteilyÀ tai kajoamista kehon sisÀlle. Nykytutkimuksen valossa nopeusherkkiÀ vaihekontrastimittauksia pidetÀÀn erilaisten sydÀnsairauksien arviointiperusteena. MenetelmÀn kiistattomista eduista huolimatta sitÀ kÀytetÀÀn tÀllÀ hetkellÀ huomattavan vÀhÀn.
NopeusherkÀn vaihekontrastikuvantamisen kliinistÀ kÀyttöÀ rajoittavat haasteet sovellettavuudessa jokapÀivÀiseen sairaalatyöhön. Magneettikuvaus itsessÀÀn on tÀllÀ hetkellÀ suhteellisen kallis tutkimusmodaliteetti ja sitÀ on pidettÀvÀ sydÀnsairauksien osalta toisen linjan kuvantamisemenetelmÀnÀ ultraÀÀnitutkimuksen jÀlkeen. Itse nopeusherkkÀÀn vaihekontrastiin perustuva kuvantaminen on altis useille fysikaaliseen perustaan ja ihmisen fysiologiaan liittyville virhelÀhteille. Esimerkiksi kiihtyneessÀ valtimoverenkierrossa syntyvÀt turbulenssit ja sydÀmen rytmihÀiriöt saattavat aiheuttaa merkittÀvÀÀ virhettÀ mitattuihin tuloksiin. TÀssÀ työssÀ on tehty kirjallisuustutkimus, jossa eritellÀÀn nopeusherkÀllÀ vaihekontrastikuvantamisella saatuihin tuloksiin vaikuttavat virhemekanismit. LisÀksi kÀydÀÀn lÀpi mekanismien taustojen ymmÀrtÀmiseen vaadittava teoria ja esitellÀÀn keinoja syntyvÀn virheen minimoimiseksi.
Suurissa valtimoissa kulkevan veren virtauksen luonne on vahvasti paikkariippuvaista. NÀin ollen mitattaessa sydÀmen tunnuslukuja nopeusherkkÀÀn vaihekontrastiin perustuvalla menetelmÀllÀ on mittaukseen kÀytettÀvÀn kuvatason paikalla merkittÀvÀ vaikutus tuloksiin. Kuvatason paikan vaikutusta mitattuun sydÀmen vasemman ja oikean kammion iskutilavuuteen on selvitetty kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa. Saatujen tulosten mukaan optimaalinen kuvatason paikka sijaitsee noin 2 cm etÀisyydellÀ valtimolÀpÀstÀ distaalisesti potilailla joilla on kiihtynyt valtimoveren virtaus. TerveillÀ koehenkilöillÀ ei kuvatason paikalla havaittu olevan merkittÀvÀÀ vaikutusta mitattuun kammion iskutilavuuteen. Tutkimuksessa kÀsitellÀÀn lisÀksi kokeellisessa osassa kÀytetyn laitteiston aiheuttamaa virhettÀ tuloksiin
Metal artifacts in intraoperative O-arm CBCT scans
Background Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become an increasingly important medical imaging modality in orthopedic operating rooms. Metal implants and related image artifacts create challenges for image quality optimization in CBCT. The purpose of this study was to develop a robust and quantitative method for the comprehensive determination of metal artifacts in novel CBCT applications. Methods The image quality of an O-arm CBCT device was assessed with an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom in the presence of metal implants. Three different kilovoltage and two different exposure settings were used to scan the phantom both with and without the presence of metal rods. Results The amount of metal artifact was related to the applied CBCT imaging protocol parameters. The size of the artifact was moderate with all imaging settings. The highest applied kilovoltage and exposure level distinctly increased artifact severity. Conclusions The developed method offers a practical and robust way to quantify metal artifacts in CBCT. Changes in imaging parameters may have nonlinear effects on image quality which are not anticipated based on physics.Peer reviewe
Characterizing geometric distortions of 3D sequences in clinical head MRI
Objective Phantoms are often used to estimate the geometric accuracy in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, the distortions may differ between anatomical and phantom images. This study aimed to investigate the applicability of a phantom-based and a test-subject-based method in evaluating geometric distortion present in clinical head-imaging sequences. Materials and methods We imaged a 3D-printed phantom and test subjects with two MRI scanners using two clinical head-imaging 3D sequences with varying patient-table positions and receiver bandwidths. The geometric distortions were evaluated through nonrigid registrations: the displaced acquisitions were compared against the ideal isocenter positioning, and the varied bandwidth volumes against the volume with the highest bandwidth. The phantom acquisitions were also registered to a computed tomography scan. Results Geometric distortion magnitudes increased with larger table displacements and were in good agreement between the phantom and test-subject acquisitions. The effect of increased distortions with decreasing receiver bandwidth was more prominent for test-subject acquisitions. Conclusion Presented results emphasize the sensitivity of the geometric accuracy to positioning and imaging parameters. Phantom limitations may become an issue with some sequence types, encouraging the use of anatomical images for evaluating the geometric accuracy.Peer reviewe
SÀpsÀhtelyÀ ja poissaoloa
Keski-ikÀiselle potilaalle ilmaantui etenkin aamuisin poissaolokohtauksia, joihin liittyi sÀpsÀhtelyÀ ja raajojen vÀÀntelyÀ. Kohtausten aikana hÀn oli tajuissaan, mutta hÀneen ei saanut kontaktia
The effect of estradiol, testosterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin on the proliferation of Schwann cells with NF1 +/â or NF1 â/â genotype derived from human cutaneous neurofibromas
Dermal neurofibromas are the hallmarks of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Neurofibromas harbor Schwann cells with two different genotypes: Schwann cells which carry the germline mutation and a healthy NF1 allele (NF1 +/â), and a subpopulation of Schwann cells which harbor the so-called second hit leading to inactivation of both NF1 alleles (NF1 â/â). The second hit in the NF1 gene of Schwann cells is considered to be the initial step in the development of neurofibromas. Dermal neurofibromas typically start to grow in puberty, and their number and size increase during pregnancy, indicating hormone responsiveness. This is the first study to address the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on the proliferation of human NF1 +/â and NF1 â/â Schwann cells in vitro. In addition, the effects of estradiol and testosterone were also investigated. The results showed that NF1 â/â Schwann cells were more sensitive to estradiol, testosterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin than NF1 +/â cells. Specifically, the proliferation of NF1 â/â Schwann cells was increased by up to 99, 110, and 170% compared to vehicle control when treated with estradiol, testosterone, and hCG, respectively. Interestingly, no effect of estradiol, testosterone, or hCG on the proliferation of the cells with NF1 +/â genotype was observed. To conclude, the somatic second hit in the NF1 gene sensitizes Schwann cells to sex hormones resulting in a highly increased proliferation. Our results highlight the significance of sex hormones in the regulation of neurofibroma growth.</p
Inter- and intra-scanner variations in four magnetic resonance imaging image quality parameters
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