28 research outputs found

    Geomorfología en Geografia y Ordenación del territorio, una perspectiva multiescalar y diacrónica

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    Se presentan ejemplos de estudios geomorfológicos a distintas escalas, tanto relativos a procesos actuales como formas y depósitos resultados de procesos geomorfológicos pasados. A escala local se muestran los ejemplos de la gestión de deslizamientos y desprendimientos en la Calzada del Gigante (Irlanda del Norte) y el estudio de flujos de derrubios de Blatten (Suiza), así como las aplicaciones de la geodiversidad a escalas de detalle. A escala regional los ejemplos se centran en la protección y promoción del relieve por su valor patrimonial en Castilla y León y Suiza, explicado como entroncan con los procesos de ordenación territorial. A escala global se explica como la geomorfología subglaciar es esencial en la explicación del proceso de fusión acelerado de la Antártida Occidental, con implicaciones para el aumento del nivel del mar en todo el mundo. Por último se exponen los estudios de ambientes y procesos cuaternarios en Europa, tanto climáticos (el Dryas Reciente como evento climático que puede repetirse en el contexto actual) como dinámicos (la colonización del territorio desde el Neolítico y la intensificación de procesos erosivos). Con este trabajo se pretende destacar la importancia de la Geomorfología en la gestión territorial tanto para la protección del medio natural como la preparación ante riesgos naturales e impactos potenciales de la actividad antrópic

    Una puesta en valor del relieve como elemento patrimonial: georutas por el Alto Carrión (Montaña Palentina)

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    El artículo valora la importancia del relieve como elemento vertebrador del paisaje a la luz de textos y estudios anteriores. Se analizan las distintas iniciativas de protección y explotación del patrimonio geomorfológico, principalmente en el contexto español. Por último se realiza una diagnosis de las potencialidades y debilidades de una comarca en concreto, la Montaña Palentina, se analizan los elementos geomorfológicos sobresalientes presentes en dicha comarca, y se proponen unas rutas geomorfológicas con el fin de poner en valor dicho patrimonio

    Impacts of land abandonment and climate variability on runoff generation and sediment transport in the Pisuerga headwaters (Cantabrian Mountains, Spain)

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    Producción CientíficaThe Atlantic mountains of Spain are suffering a strong landscape change due to a widespread and intensive emigration to urban areas since the 1950s. This process, representative of global developments in an imminent future, is dominated by urban societies and leads to deep landscape changes in which crop fields and grasslands are abandoned and progressively covered by forest and shrubs. These dynamics have caused in turn a decrease in the runoff and a general slowdown of geomorphological processes. The impacts of land cover change have been simultaneous to an irregularity in precipitation and a significant increase of temperatures. With this background, this paper assesses in detail the impact of landscape change occurred over the last decades (twentieth and twenty-first centuries) on the water and sediment yield in the Pisuerga catchment headwaters (Cantabrian Mountains, N Spain). We analyzed the different components of Global Change in a catchment of 233 km2 extent, that has passed from 15 to 2 habitants/km2, from multiple data sources. Evolution of land cover was reconstructed from aerial photographs, remote sensing and other resources. The climatic parameters have been studied through meteorological stations, and the hydrological and sedimentological responses over time are based on available runoff data and sedimentological analysis. Our results show a significant decrease in water and sediment transport mainly driven by vegetation increase occurred in a non-linear way, more intense immediately after abandonment. This fact opens the opportunity to control more accurately water resources in Mediterranean catchments through land use management.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project CGL2015-68144-R)Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (grant FPU13/05837

    Geodiversidade: considerações sobre quantificação e avaliação da distribuição espacial

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    The geodiversity term has been used to attend the needs of geosciences researchers to refer the complex's physical landscape, covering the abiotic elements such as rocks, landforms, soils and rivers, for example, configured as an analogue to the biodiversity term. The various components of geodiversity and biodiversity, combined, make up different physical environments, which allow a quantitative analysis of space, wealth and abundance. This paper aims to identify the main aspects of convergence between the geodiversity and biodiversity, paying attention to the relationships sample in each case, spatial distribution, richness of diversity and the relationship between rate of geodiversity and geological heritage. By establishing general guidelines on the quantitative interpretation of geodiversity and biodiversity, it is clear that both use a pre-defined spatial area. Biodiversity is generally based on sampling units of several sizes due to the impossibility of direct quantification of diversity in all area. In the case of geodiversity is necessary to establish a maximum and minimum scale of assessment, and based on this scale of reference, establish a spatial distribution of elements through the mapping (geological, geomorphological and pedological) and instrumental tool. The quantitative assessment of geodiversity, whose methods are still being evaluated, can supports a better understanding of the physical environment and can also provides results for the identification and assessment of geological, geomorphological and paleontological heritage. However, it is necessary to know that the diversity of life or abiotic elements of an environment represents a very complex context and therefore must be understood beyond a mere numerical index that spatializes the diversity of the constituent parts of the whole.O termo geodiversidade vem sendo utilizado para atender a necessidade dos pesquisadores das áreas de geociências para se referirem ao complexo físico da paisagem, abrangendo os elementos abióticos como rochas, formas de relevo, solos e rios, configurando-se como um análogo ao termo biodiversidade. Os diferentes elementos da geodiversidade e a biodiversidade, combinados entre si, configuram diferentes ambientes físicos, que permitem uma análise quantitativa espacial, de riqueza e abundância. Este trabalho objetiva apontar os principais aspectos convergentes entre a geodiversidade e a biodiversidade, atentando-se para as relações amostrais em cada caso, distribuição espacial, riqueza de diversidade e a relação entre índice de geodiversidade e patrimônio geológico. Ao estabelecer linhas gerais sobre a interpretação quantitativa da geodiversidade e a biodiversidade, percebe-se que ambas utilizam um recorte espacial pré-definido. A biodiversidade geralmente baseia-se em unidades amostrais de diversos tamanhos devido à impossibilidade de quantificação direta da diversidade em toda área. No caso da geodiversidade é preciso estabelecer uma escala máxima e mínima de avaliação, e, partindo dessa escala de referência, estabelecer uma análise da distribuição espacial dos elementos por meio da cartografia (mapas geológicos, pedológicos ou geomorfológicos) como ferramenta instrumental. A avaliação quantitativa da geodiversidade, cujos métodos ainda estão sendo avaliados, pode subsidiar uma melhor compreensão do ambiente físico, inclusive pode oferecer resultados para identificação e avaliação do patrimônio geológico, geomorfológico ou paleontológico. Entretanto, faz-se necessário saber que a diversidade de vida ou de elementos abióticos de um ambiente representa um grande complexo e portanto deve ser entendida além de um mero índice numérico que espacializa a diversidade de partes constituintes do todo

    Multi-scale Web Mapping for Geoheritage Visualisation and Promotion

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    Due to the renewed interest for sites of geological interest, both in nature conservation and tourist sectors, numerous regional and national geosite inventories have been carried out in several countries during the last two decades. For this purpose, various assessment methods have been developed and published. The issue of the representation of the results of inventories—in particular, the mapping system, the question of updating data—remains open. Moreover, if in the field of nature conservation, practitioners are used to working with GIS, it is not the case in the tourist sector where data must be delivered to the users in open-access and easy-to-use formats. This paper discusses what opportunities of web mapping methods and techniques there are in the domain of geoheritage assessment and promotion. A web mapping application in Google Maps application programming interface (API) framework is proposed to disseminate the results of geosite inventories carried out in Switzerland both at national and regional scales. The interest of the proposed application is discussed according to three main criteria: mapping interests and limitations, management purposes and interpretive issues

    Glare, a GIS tool to reconstruct the 3D surface of palaeoglaciers

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    Acknowledgements This research has been supported by the Leverhulme Trust International Network Grant IN-2012-140. Processing and collecting of ground penetrating data in Forgefonna was part of Elend Førre's master's project that was completed in 2009 at the Department of Geography, University of Bergen. We also acknowledge Dr Andreas Bauder for providing the subglacial topography data for Griessgletscher and Simone Tarquini for granting access to the high resolution TIN of Italy, a cut of which is provided to the reader to practice the tools (see Appendix). Referees Dr. Iestyn Barr, Dr. Jeremy Ely and Dr. Marc Oliva are thanked for their constructive comments and tool testing, which significantly improved the final output.Peer reviewedPostprin