1,507 research outputs found

    Italian workers and the Universal Exhibitions of the 19th century. Imaginaries and representations of technology and science

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    Renovation of Public Lighting Systems in Cultural Landscapes: Lighting and Energy Performance and Their Impact on Nightscapes

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    The technological innovation in the field of lighting and the need to reduce energy consumption connected to public lighting are leading many municipalities to undertake the renewal of public lighting systems, by replacing the existing luminaires with LED technologies. This renovation process is usually aimed at increasing energy efficiency and reducing maintenance costs, whist improving the lighting performance. To achieve these results, the new luminaires are often characterised by a luminous flux distribution much more downward oriented, which may remarkably influence and alter the perception of the night image of the sites. In this study the implications of the renovation of public lighting systems in terms of lighting and energy performance as well as the effects relating to the alteration of the night image, in historical contexts characterized by significant landscape value, are analysed. Results, along with demonstrating the positive effect that more sustainable and energy efficient lighting systems may have on the lighting performance and energy consumptions of public lighting systems, evidences the impact they may have on the alteration of the nocturnal image

    Daylighting for Green Schools: A Resource for Indoor Quality and Energy Efficiency in Educational Environments

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    Daylight is a fundamental resource to achieve indoor quality and energy efficiency in educational buildings and therefore to improve their sustainability. The study presented in this paper is aimed at defining and testing a method to assess daylighting in classrooms based on performance indicators drawn from literature, standards and green building rating protocols (LEED), and intended as a tool to assess lighting sustainability and drive the retrofit of existing schools into comfortable and energy efficient buildings. The assessment approach is based on both in field analysis and dynamic climate-based simulations. In the paper the results obtained from the application of the method to a case study are presented

    Energy Saving Generated Through Automatic Lighting Control Systems According to the Estimation Method of the Standard EN 15193-1

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    The standard EN 15193-1:2017 "Energy performance of buildings - Energy requirements for lighting" introduced a detailed method to calculate the energy demand for lighting in buildings. The method contains a calculation of the daylight supply, which accounts for the impact of lighting control systems, both daylight-linked and occupancy-based. This paper presents the results of a study carried out to quantify, with respect to a manual on/off switch, the energy savings due to the four typologies of daylight-linked controls included in the standards, as well as their combination with an occupancy auto off control. To highlight the factors that affect the amount of saved electric energy, several spaces were considered, with different daylight availability, windows orientation and shading system, located in sites at different latitudes and climate conditions, and considering two types of building: offices and classrooms. A database of 2880 cases was built. As a second step of the study, for each site and type of control, the minimum window-to-wall ratio necessary to obtain a pre-defined saving was calculated. The results show for what combinations of variables two target savings of 20% and of 30% can be reached using the photodimming and occupancy controls contained in the standard

    A Novel Approach for the Assessment of the Nocturnal Image of the Cultural Landscape

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    Policies aimed at urban and territorial development stressed the importance of landscape as a significant resource for sustainable and economic development. In this perspective, research on landscape visual values and people preferences can support the enhancement of the global values of territories. Currently, the theoretical framework and approaches are mainly limited to the day images of sites, while nighttime landscape is not usually considered. In this study, we defined a methodological approach to address the analysis of the nocturnal image of cultural landscape contexts, in order to define indications and support the inclusion of visual values in the process of public lighting design. The approach was conceived for territorial contexts characterized by the presence of small urban settlements located in prominent positions and involved a subjective survey, an in-field measurement campaign, and statistical analysis to identify significant correlations between subjective judgments and quantitative parameters. The effectiveness of the approach was assessed through the application to a case study. The study allowed identifying subjective factors (overall impact, architecture and historicity, correspondence, alteration) and objective parameters (ratios of regions’ area, luminance values, and luminance contrasts) which describe the nightscape of cultural landscape. Results demonstrated the presence of significant correlation between subjective factors and objective parameters. The application of the method could provide designers and planners indications useful for the design of outdoor lighting system, in order to include perceptual aspects in a holistic design approach, which promotes environmental, energy, economic, and cultural sustainability

    L’Italia alle esposizioni universali del XIX secolo: identità nazionale e strategie comunicative

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    Questo saggio esamina il modo in cui si afferma e si diffonde nelle esposizioni internazionali della seconda metà del XIX secolo, la presenza di un “prodotto italiano”, di uno stile nazionale in alcuni settori specifici, in particolare in alcune lavorazioni specializzate di lusso e di alto artigianato. L’analisi si dipana lungo due direzioni parallele: da una parte l’effettiva presenza degli espositori italiani da un punto di vista quantitativo; dall’altra, il modo in cui i prodotti italiani erano rappresentati sulla stampa illustrata internazionale per alcuni significativi campioni.This paper examines the way in which the presence of an “italian product” confirms and spreads itself in international exhibitions of the second half of the nineteenth century, showing the national style in some specific specialized areas, particularly in luxury and craftsmanship. The analysis unfolds along two parallel directions: on one hand, the effective presence of Italian exhibitors from a quantitative point of view; on the other hand, the way in which the Italian products were represented in some significant cases on the international illustrated press

    Firenze noir. CriminalitĂ  e marginalitĂ  a Firenze tra Otto e Novecento

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    San Frediano, al cuore del grande e popoloso quartiere di Santo Spirito, tra la fine dell’Ottocento e l’inizio del ’900 era il rione “nero” di Firenze. Nero in diversi sensi: in primo luogo, per la sua delinquenza endemica, direttamente connessa alla situazione sociale del quartiere, il più malfamato della città; in secondo luogo, perché oggetto privilegiato di una certa letteratura (ispirata ai Misteri di Parigi di Eugène Sue); in terzo luogo, perché estraneo ai movimenti socialisti e riformisti; nero, infine, perché nel 1901 un sesto della sua popolazione risultava ammonita o sorvegliata dalla polizia. Il mio saggio si propone di sondare una serie di fonti per dipanare il rapporto fra il volto luminoso di Firenze, sede privilegiata del turismo colto europeo, e il “volto oscuro” «della marginalità, dell’esclusione, delle relazioni border line o oltre il confine della legalità», che si intrecciavano poche decine di metri più in là, separate solo dalla sottile striscia del fiume.San Frediano, in the heart of the great and populous neighbourhood of Santo Spirito, was considered, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the “black” district of Florence. Black in different ways. Firstly, because the crime news of the entire city was fed by the neighbourhood. Second, because it was the privileged subject of a certain kind of literature, inspired by The Mysteries of Paris of Eugène Sue. Thirdly, because it remained untouched by socialist and reformist environment. Finally, because in 1901 one-sixth of its population was under police surveillance. This paper aims to explore a range of sources to clarify the relationship between the radiant face of “the flowers city”, privileged place of European cultural tourism, and the “dark side” “of the marginality, exclusion, borderline relations or beyond the boundary of the law, that were woven a short distance, only separated by the line of the river

    Aux Olympiades du progrès : les ouvriers italiens aux expositions universelles au XIXe siècle

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    Cet article présente les premiers résultats d'une recherche sur la participation des ouvriers italiens aux expositions universelles du XIXe siècle. Il s'agit d'un phénomène qui a été peu analysé, mais qui a revêtu des dimensions de masse et connu une continuité considérable au cours du temps. Y contribuèrent des organismes publics, des entrepreneurs, les organisateurs mêmes des expositions, mais aussi des ouvriers, chacun avec des buts différents, soit didactiques et de perfectionnement professionnel, soit d'implication politique et culturelle dans l'idéologie du progrès et de la modernisation qui sous-tendait les expositions. Les comptes-rendus écrits par les ouvriers à la fin de leur voyage représentent une source directe pour les historiens, une forme d'écriture « populaire » qui permet de connaître les opinions de ces visiteurs, leurs impressions générales, mais aussi d’analyser leur culture, leurs compétences techniques et leur langage. Dans cet article, nous approfondissons quelques problèmes méthodologiques relatifs à l'usage de ces archives et présentons une première sélection des sujets traités dans les comptes-rendus des ouvriers, à savoir le rapport entre l'innovation technique, le vécu du progrès technique et les répercussions de celui-ci sur l’emploi et les rythmes de travail. La mémoire du métier traditionnel, la tension – typique des rencontres internationales – entre nationalisme et internationalisme sont aussi analysées. Finalement, une attention particulière est réservée au rôle spécifique du voyage et de la rencontre avec la métropole parisienne dans l’expérience que vivent les ouvriers lors des expositions.The article presents the first results of a research on the participation of the workers at the great universal exhibitions in the 19th century. The topic has been little studied, but it had mass dimensions and had a considerable continuity in time. Together with the workers, public institutions, entrepreneurs, the organizers of the exhibitions all played a role ; each of them had different aims, both linked to professional training and education, and of cultural political involvement in the ideology of the progress and the modernization which was central in the expositive phenomenon. The reports that the workers wrote at the end of their trip are a direct source, a very interesting form of popular writing that allows to discover the opinions of the workers, their general impressions, but also their culture, technical competences and languages. The article faces some methodological problems related to the use of these sources and introduces a first selective presentation of the topics of the reports of the workers. Among these themes : the relationship with technological innovation, the way workers experienced technical progress and its impacts on occupation, labour organisation, health conditions within the factory, professional education, relationship with traditional work, and the typical tension of these international meeting, between nationalism and internationalism. Finally, a particular attention is devoted to the way the journey in the metropolis conditioned the experience of the workers

    Redes de datos para usuarios mĂłviles. Estudio de la arquitectura MobileIP/CellularIP

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    La creciente difusión de terminales portátiles está llevando a un crecimiento vertiginoso del número de usuarios que piden poder acceder a Internet o a su propia red empresarial independientemente de su posición geográfica y de la tecnología de red disponible en el acceso (LAN, PTSN, GSM .. .). Tanto los operadores de telefonía móvil como los proveedores de servicios de Internet (ISP), por tanto, están cada vez más interesados en satisfacer la demanda de servicios de datos para usuarios móviles. Pero para conseguir esto son necesarios nuevos protocolos que permitan el acceso remoto del terminal móvil y la continuidad de las comunicaciones durante el movimiento. Las soluciones propuestas son varias y provienenfundamentalmente de dos ámbitos tan diversos como Internet o el entorno radiomóvil GSM y su ulterior evolución UMTS. Todo esto hace pensar en un escenario futuro en el que las compañías ofrecerán servicios de datos utilizando diversas redes de acceso con diferentes protocolos. Será necesario, por tanto, un protocolo que gestione la movilidad de una red a otra. Una posible solución que está teniendo una gran aceptación en el ámbito IETF es el uso de MobileIP / CellularIP.Peer Reviewe
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