4,207 research outputs found

    The Effect of the AGN Feedback on the Interstellar Medium of Early-Type Galaxies: 2D Hydrodynamical Simulations of the Low-Rotation Case

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    We present 2D hydrodynamical simulations for the evolution of early-type galaxies containing central massive black holes (MBHs), starting at age 2 Gyr. The code contains accurate and physically consistent radiative and mechanical AGN wind feedback, with parsec-scale central resolution. Mass input comes from stellar evolution; energy input includes Type Ia and II supernova and stellar heating; star-formation is included. Realistic, axisymmetric dynamical models for the galaxies are built solving the Jeans' equations. The lowest mass models (Mstar = 8 10^{10}Msun) develop global outflows sustained by SNIa's heating, ending with a significantly lower amount of hot gas and new stars. In more massive models, nuclear outbursts last to the present epoch, with large and frequent fluctuations in nuclear emission and from the gas (Lx). Each burst last ~ 10^{7.5} yr, during which (for r < 2-3 kpc) cold, inflowing, and hot, outflowing gas phases coexist. The Lx-T relation for the gas matches that of local galaxies. AGN activity causes positive feedback for star formation. Roughly half of the total mass loss is recycled into new stars (DeltaMstar), just ~ 3% of it is accreted on the MBH, the remainder being ejected from the galaxy. The ratio between the mass of gas expelled to that in to new stars, the load factor, is ~0.6. Rounder galaxies shapes lead to larger final MBH masses, DeltaMstar, and Lx. Almost all the time is spent at very low nuclear luminosities, yet one quarter of the total energy is emitted at an Eddington ratio > 0.1. The duty-cycle of AGN activity approximates 4% (Abridged).Comment: 26 pages, 15 figure, submitted to ApJ. Comments welcom

    Non Markovian Quantum Repeated Interactions and Measurements

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    A non-Markovian model of quantum repeated interactions between a small quantum system and an infinite chain of quantum systems is presented. By adapting and applying usual pro jection operator techniques in this context, discrete versions of the integro-differential and time-convolutioness Master equations for the reduced system are derived. Next, an intuitive and rigorous description of the indirect quantum measurement principle is developed and a discrete non Markovian stochastic Master equation for the open system is obtained. Finally, the question of unravelling in a particular model of non-Markovian quantum interactions is discussed.Comment: 22 page

    Ti3SiC2-Cf composites by spark plasma sintering: Processing, microstructure and thermo-mechanical properties

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    MAX phases, and particularly Ti3SiC2, are interesting for high temperature applications. The addition of carbon fibers can be used to reduce the density and to modify the properties of the matrix. This work presents the densification and characterization of Ti3SiC2 based composites with short carbon fibers using a fast and simple fabrication approach: dry mixing and densification by Spark Plasma Sintering. Good densification level was obtained below 1400 °C even with a high amount of fibers. The reaction of the fibers with the matrix is limited thanks to the fast processing time and depends on the amount of fibers in the composite. Bending strength at room temperature, between 437 and 120 MPa, is in the range of conventional CMCs with short fibers and according to the resistance of the matrix and the presence of residual porosity. Thermo-mechanical properties of the composites up to 1500 °C are also presented.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 “Research and innovation programme” under grant agreement No 685594 (C3HARME

    Impactos da expansão canavieira em Ribeirão Preto, SP.

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    Este artigo apresenta os dados de um diagnóstico agroflorestal realizado na região canavieira de Ribeirão Preto, em área onde atualmente se encontra o assentamento agroecológico Sepé Tiaraju, mostrando os impactos sobre a biodiversidade provocados pela expansão da atividade canavieira na últimas quatro décadas

    Spin mapping, phase diagram, and collective modes in double layer quantum Hall systems at ν=2\nu=2

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    An exact spin mapping is identified to simplify the recently proposed hard-core boson description (Demler and Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. Lett., to be published) of the bilayer quantum Hall system at filling factor 2. The effective spin model describes an easy-plane ferromagnet subject to an external Zeeman field. The phase diagram of this effective model is determined exactly and found to agree with the approximate calculation of Demler and Das Sarma, while the Goldstone-mode spectrum, order parameter stiffness and Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature in the canted antiferromagnetic phase are computed approximately.Comment: 4 pages with 2 figures include

    Multi-wavelength and black hole mass properties of Low Luminosity Active Nuclei

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    We investigate the relation between the X-ray nuclear emission, optical emission line, radio luminosity and black hole mass for a sample of nearby Seyfert galaxies. Strong linear correlations between the 2-10 keV and [OIII], radio luminosities have been found, showing the same slopes found in quasars and luminous Seyfert galaxies, thus implying independence from the level of nuclear activity displayed by the sources. Moreover, despite the wide range of Eddington ratios (L/L(Edd)) tested here (six orders of magnitude, from 0.1 down to 10^(-7), no correlation is found between the X-ray, optical emission lines, radio luminosities and the black hole mass. These results suggest that low luminosity Seyfert galaxies are a scaled down version of luminous AGN and probably are powered by the same physical processes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, contributed talk presented at the Workshop "The multicoloured landscape of compact objects and their explosive origin", Cefalu' (Sicily), 11-24 June 2006, to be published by AI

    Effect of in-plane magnetic field on magnetic phase transitions in nu=2 bilayer quantum Hall systems

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    By using the effective bosonic spin theory, which is recently proposed by Demler and Das Sarma [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3895 (1999) ], we analyze the effect of an external in-plane magnetic field on the magnetic phase transitions of the bilayer quantum Hall system at filling factor nu=2. It is found that the quantum phase diagram is modified by the in-plane magnetic field. Therefore, quantum phase transitions can be induced simply by tilting the magnetic field. The general behavior of the critical tilted angle for different layer separations and interlayer tunneling amplitudes is shown. We find that the critical tilted angles being calculated agree very well with the reported values. Moreover, a universal critical exponent for the transition from the canted antiferromagnetic phase to the ferromagnetic phase is found to be equal to 1/2 within the present effective theory.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages with 3 EPS figures include

    Finite-temperature phase transitions in ν=2\nu=2 bilayer quantum Hall systems

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    In this paper, the influence of an in-plane magnetic field B_\parallel on the finite-temperature phase transitions in nu=2 bilayer quantum Hall systems are examined. It is found that there can exist two types of finite-temperature phase transitions. The first is the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) transitions, which can have an unusual non-monotonic dependence on B_\parallel; the second type originates from the crossing of energy levels and always increases with B_\parallel. Based on these results, we point out that the threshold temperature observed in the inelastic light scattering experiments cannot be the KT transition temperature, because the latter shows a totally different B_\parallel-dependence as compared with the experimental observation. Instead, it should be the level-crossing temperature, which we found agrees with the B_\parallel-dependence observed. Moreover, combining the knowledge of these two transition temperatures, a complete finite-temperature phase diagram is presented.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages with 3 EPS figures include

    Feedback from massive stars at low metallicities : MUSE observations of N44 and N180 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 27 pages, 21 figuresWe present MUSE integral field data of two HII region complexes in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), N44 and N180. Both regions consist of a main superbubble and a number of smaller, more compact HII regions that formed on the edge of the superbubble. For a total of 11 HII regions, we systematically analyse the radiative and mechanical feedback from the massive O-type stars on the surrounding gas. We exploit the integral field property of the data and the coverage of the HeIIλ\lambda5412 line to identify and classify the feedback-driving massive stars, and from the estimated spectral types and luminosity classes we determine the stellar radiative output in terms of the ionising photon flux Q0Q_{0}. We characterise the HII regions in terms of their sizes, morphologies, ionisation structure, luminosity and kinematics, and derive oxygen abundances via emission line ratios. We analyse the role of different stellar feedback mechanisms for each region by measuring the direct radiation pressure, the pressure of the ionised gas, and the pressure of the shock-heated winds. We find that stellar winds and ionised gas are the main drivers of HII region expansion in our sample, while the direct radiation pressure is up to three orders of magnitude lower than the other terms. We relate the total pressure to the star formation rate per unit area, ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR}, for each region and find that stellar feedback has a negative effect on star formation, and sets an upper limit to ΣSFR\Sigma_{SFR} as a function of increasing pressure.Peer reviewe