59 research outputs found
Alberto Martinelli \ue9 professor de Sociologia Econ\uf4mica e Ci\uea ncia Pol\uedtica na Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Milano (Universidade de Mil\ue3o). Tamb\ue9m leciona Sociologia na Universit\ue0 Bocconi e trabalhou em outras universidades, como as de Berkeley, Stanford e New York. Suas \ue1reas de pesquisa incluem
empreendedorismo, rela\ue7\uf5es internacionais e pol\uedticas sociais. Martinelli \ue9 autor de v\ue1rios artigos e livros, dentre os quais Global Modernization (Sage, 2005), Il Bilancio Sociale (com A. Chiesi e M.
Pellegatta, Il Sole/24 ore, 2000), Recent Social Trends in Italy (com A. Chiesi e S. Stefanizzi, McGill- Queen\u2019s University Press, 1999), International Markets and Global Firms (Sage, 1991) e Economy and
Society (organizado com N. J. Smelser, Sage, 1990).
Martinelli veio ao Brasil para proferir a palestra de abertura do XXXI Encontro da ANPAD no Rio de Janeiro. A entrevista que se segue, realizada ainda na It\ue1lia, aborda o campo do Empreendedorismo e sua rela\ue7\ue3o com a Sociologia Econ\uf4mica, imigra\ue7\ue3o, e se estende a quest\uf5es de global governance e rela\ue7\uf5es internacionais, temas com os quais vem trabalhando na Universidade de Mil\ue3o
The usefulness of chelation therapy for the remission of symptoms caused by previous treatment with mercury-containing pharmaceuticals: a case report
Introduction: A great deal of data regarding the toxicology of mercury has been recently reported. Although the most common human exposures to mercury are currently mercury vapour from amalgam tooth fillings, methylmercury from seafood and ethylmercury as a preservative in vaccines, in the past mercury compounds have been used in the treatment of syphilis. Case presentation: Mercury intoxication was found in a 67 year-old Italian man affected by neurological symptoms of apparently unknown origin. The patient developed syphilis forty years ago and then underwent therapy with mercurials to treat his chronic bacterial infection. We treated the patient with disodium edetate chelation therapy. Six months after the beginning of the therapy, the patient's neurological symptoms began to decrease, and were completely cured after two years of therapy. Conclusion: This case supports the use of chelation therapy with disodium edetate to remove damages caused by mercury intoxication
Long term results of down-staging and liver transplantation for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma beyond the conventional criteria
The objective of the study is to evaluate 10 years of down-staging strategy for liver transplantation (LT) with a median follow-up of 5 years. Data on long-term results are poor and less information is available for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) non-responder patients or those ineligible for down-staging. The outcome of 308 HCC candidates and the long-term results of 231 LTs for HCC performed between 2003 and 2013 were analyzed. HCCs were divided according to tumor stage and response to therapy: 145 patients were T2 (metering Milan Criteria, MC), 43 were T3 successfully down-staged to T2 (Down-Achieved), 20 were T3 not fully down-staged to T2 (Down-not Achieved), and 23 patients were T3 not receiving down-staging treatments (No-Down). The average treatment effect (ATE) of LT for T3 tumors was estimated using the outcome of 535 T3 patients undergoing non-LT therapies, using inverse probability weighting regression adjustment. The 24-month drop-out rate during waiting time was significantly higher in the down-staging groups: 27.6% vs. 9.2%, p < 0.005. After LT, the tumor recurrence rate was significantly different: MC 7.6%, Down-Achieved 20.9%, Down-not Achieved 31.6%, and No-Down 30.4% (p < 0.001). The survival rates at 5 years were: 63% in Down-Achieved, 62% in Down-not Achieved, 63% in No-Down, and 77% in MC (p = n.s.). The only variable related to a better outcome was the effective down-staging to T2 at the histological evaluation of the explanted liver: recurrence rate = 7.8% vs. 26% (p < 0.001) and 5-year patient survival = 76% vs. 67% (p < 0.05). The ATE estimation showed that the mean survival of T3-LT candidates was significantly better than that of T3 patients ineligible for LT [83.3 vs 39.2 months (+44.6 months); p < 0.001]. Long term outcome of T3 down-staged candidates was poorer than that of MC candidates, particularly for cases not achieving down-staging. However, their survival outcome was significantly better than that achieved with non-transplant therapies
ADAMDEC1 and FGF2/FGFR1 signaling constitute a positive feedback loop to maintain GBM cancer stem cells
Identification of targetable mechanisms that maintain glioblastoma cancer stem cells (CSCs) remain a priority. Our study reveals a new mechanism by which a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-like protein decysin 1 promotes CSC maintenance through the activation of a fibroblast growth factor autocrine signaling loop, which can be blocked pharmacologically
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