96 research outputs found

    Aplicaciones analíticas de la reacción entre el azul Nilo y el anión hipofosfito. Determinación cinética de poladío y oro

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    In a 0.75 M sulphuric acid médium, the oxazinic dyestuff Nile Blue (C.L 51180) is not reduced by HzPO; (0,1 M) at appreciable rate. Palla used for the kinetic determination of the metalHc ion (0.30-2.50 p.p.m.). The reaction is followed spectrophotomietrically measuring the decrease of the absorbance due to Nile Blue at 640 nm. Variables that influence the heterogeneous catalytic process and the effect of some foreign ions are studied. As a consequence a new kinetic method for Au(III) determination is also presented. It is based on the apparition of an induction period in the reaction between Nile Blue and hypophosphite catalysed by Pd(II). The length of the induction period is proportional to the Au(III) concentration in the 0.40-2.00 p.p.m. range. In the prssence of a fixed amount of Au(III) the method is applicable for the kinetic determination of Pd{II) (0.20-2.50 p.p.m.) because 'the length of the induction period decreases wben increases the Pd/Au ratio.En medio 0,75 M en ácido sulfúrico, el colorante oxazínico azul Nilo (I.C. 51180) no es reducido por el hipofosfito 0,1 M, al misnos a velocidad apreciable. El Pd(II) ejerce sobre la reacción anterior un efecto catalítico que puede emplearse para su determinación cinética (0,30-2,50 p.p.m.)- La reacción se sigue por vía espectrofotométrica midiendo a 640 nm la disminución de la absorbancia debida al Eizul Nilo. Se estudian las variables que afectan al proceso catalítico heterogéneo y el efecto ¿3 diversos iones. Como consecuencia se presenta también un nuevo método cinético para la determinación de Au(III) basado en que la presencia de este ion provoca la aparición de un período de inducción en la reacción entre el azul Nilo y el hipofosfito catalizada por el Pd(II). La duración del período de inducción es proporcional a la concentración de Au(III) en el intervalo 0,40-2,00 p.p.m. En presencia de una cantidad fija de Au(III) el método es aplicable a la determinación cinética de Pd(II) (0,2-2,5 p.p.m.) ya que la duración del período de inducción disminuye cuando aumenta la relación Pd/Au

    Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies specific to gilthead seabream Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758 phagocytes

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    In the present study; we produced and characterised three monoclonal antibodies that react with phagocytes of the gilthead seabream Sparus auratus Linnaeus; 1758. Their usefulness in basic and applied research is discussed.En el presente estudio se han obtenido y caracterizado tres anticuerpos monoclonales que reconocen específicamente los fagocitos de dorada, Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758. Se discute su utilidad en la investigación básica y su aplicación en la piscicultura.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Predominant factors of institutionalization in the elderly: a comparative study between home nursing and community dwelling

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to detect the most significant factors associated with each living alternative to improve socialization and mental health of the elderly. The measurements included affective evaluation, cognitive assessment, anxiety level, physical functionality, quality of life and social relationships. Individuals in home nursing residences were older and had worse affective status, functionality, cognitive state and quality of life. Social relationships in community people were better than in the institutionalized condition, particularly for less aged people. Design/methodology/approach: Comparative descriptive study realized in 200 people older than 70 years in home nursing placement versus community dwelling conditions. Findings: Multivariate analysis and logistic regression indicated that greater disability and poorer quality of social relationships were the main factors influencing the institutionalization process. Specifically, the Sociotype Questionnaire appeared as an efficient tool concerning the detection of social isolation effects as well as an acceptable integrator of prosocial information about home nursing placement. Originality/value: The Geriatric Sociotype survey has shown usefulness in the evaluation of the social network of elderly people, both from the point of view of assessment and prognosis. In this sense it is considered that one of the main contributions of this study is to have included the qualitative evaluation of social relations, and to observe the differences according to the place of residence

    Use of recombinant cytokines to prevent infectious diseases in aquaculture: Reality or fiction?

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    The present paper reports on a study in which we cloned the IL-1βgene of the gilthead seabream Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758, and produced the corresponding recombinant protein, in order to assess its usefulness as an immunostimulant and vaccine adjuvant in aquaculture.En el presente estudio se ha clonado el gen de la IL-1β de dorada Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758, y se ha producido la correspondiente proteína recombinante para evaluar su uso como inmunoestimulante y adyuvante en peces objeto de cultivo industrial.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Harmful and beneficial symbionts of Tenebrio molitor and their implications for disease management

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    The yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor, is currently one of the most important insect species produced for livestock feed and human consumption. High-density rearing conditions make the risk of disease and infections by parasitic symbionts a challenge in the mass production of these insects. However, certain symbionts are beneficial and should be favoured in order to promote healthy insect populations. Knowledge of parasitic symbionts and their management is essential for the insect rearing industry and its associated research. Here we review the documented microbial infectious agents, invertebrate parasites, and beneficial symbionts occurring in T. molitor. Furthermore, we discuss detection, prevention, and treatment methods for disease management in T. molitor production systems to inform future management and decision making in T. molitor rearing

    Evaluación del índice de vulnerabilidad costera en la Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia, España)

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    © 2020. Universidad Complutense de Madrid . This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the published version of a published Work that appeared in final form in Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.5209/aguc.72979Uno de los efectos más visibles del Cambio Climático es la subida del nivel del mar por el derretimiento de las masas de hielo terrestre. Para calcular la vulnerabilidad costera de la Manga del Mar Menor por la subida del nivel del mar, se ha aplicado el Índice de Vulnerabilidad Costera utilizando las variables geomorfología, pendiente de la costa, cambios en el nivel del mar, erosión costera, rango mareal, oleaje y una variable ambiental. El resultado refleja que tramos de playas de arena y las estructuras artificiales presentan mayor vulnerabilidad a los riesgos climáticos que aquellos tramos rocosos, por lo que se considera necesario la adecuación de sistemas duna-playa con vegetación natural bien conservada que constituyan una barrera frente a la energía de los temporales.- One of the most visible effects of Climate Change is the rise of sea levels by melting land ice masses. To calculate the coastal vulnerability of the Lower Sea Sleeve by sea level rise, the Coastal Vulnerability Index has been applied using geomorphology, coastal slope, sea level changes, coastal erosion, tidal range, swell and an environmental variable. The result reflects that stretches of sandy beaches and artificial structures are more vulnerable to climate risks than those rocky sections, so it is considered necessary to adapt dune-beach systems with natural vegetation well preserved that constitute a barrier to the energy of the storms.- L'un des effets les plus visibles du changement climatique est l'élévation du niveau de la mer due à la fonte des masses de glace terrestre. Pour calculer la vulnérabilité côtière de Manga del Mar Menor en raison de l'élévation du niveau de la mer, l'indice de vulnérabilité côtière a été appliqué en utilisant les variables de géomorphologie, la pente de la côte, les changements du niveau de la mer, l'érosion côtière, l'amplitude des marées, vagues et une variable environnementale. Le résultat reflète que les étendues de plages de sable et les structures artificielles sont plus vulnérables aux risques climatiques que ces étendues rocheuses, il est donc jugé nécessaire d'adapter les systèmes de dunes-plages avec une végétation naturelle bien préservée qui constitue une barrière contre la l'énergie des tempêtes

    Encapsulation assessment workshop with training specialists

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    Se presenta la evaluación de dos años académicos del workshop sobre encapsulación que realizan los alumnos del curso de especialización Título de Especialista de Farmacia Industrial y Galénica, (TEFIG) de Barcelona (Universidad de Barcelona). En el módulo se imparten clases teóricas (no evaluadas) y clases prácticas a partir de la propuesta Workshops realizada por los profesores. Los profesores del workshop actúan como mediadores y coordinadores del aprendizaje, encauzando los problemas que van apareciendo durante las prácticas. Para la valoración de la eficiencia del método docente propuesto se utilizan cuatro outputs que corresponden a la realización de un test al inicio de las prácticas y al final de las mismas, una encuesta de valoración por parte de los alumnos, una encuesta de valoración por parte de los profesores. Los resultados obtenidos en el test demuestran que la metodología propuesta es adecuada para afianzar los conocimientos adquiridos en teoría. En cuanto a la satisfacción de los alumnos y profesores ante esta nueva metodología, en ambos casos ha sido alta.It presents the evaluation of the reflexive learning that carry out the students of the course of specialization “Specialist’s Degree in Industrial and Galenic Pharmacy”, of Barcelona (University of Barcelona)., concretely for the educational module of elaboration of capsules. In the module there are given theoretical classes (not evaluated) and practical classes (in Workshop format). The teachers in no case are tutors, but mediators and coordinators of the learning, intervene guiding the problems that are appearing during the practices. For the assessment of the efficiency of the teaching method uses four outputs corresponding to the completion of a test at the beginning of practices and at the end of the same, an evaluation survey by students, and another survey by evaluation of teachers. The test results show that the proposed methodology is appropriate to enhance the knowledge gained in theory. With regard to the satisfaction of students and teachers to this new methodology, in both cases has been high

    Reversal of economic fortunes: institutions and the changing ascendancy of Barcelona and Madrid as economic hubs

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    This paper looks at the divergent economic trajectories of Barcelona and Madrid since Spain's transition to democracy. It highlights how Barcelona, the city that was better positioned four decades ago to emerge as the main Spanish economic hub, has lost out to Madrid. We argue that the contrasting trajectories of the two cities have less to do with the pull of Madrid as the capital of Spain, with the development of new infrastructure in the country, or with agglomeration economies, and more with institutional factors. A growing societal divide in Barcelona along economic, social, and identity lines has led to a greater breakdown of trust and to the development of strong groups with limited capacity to bridge with one another than in Madrid. This has entailed the emergence of negative externalities that have limited the economic potential for growth in Barcelona and facilitated the rise of Madrid as the main economic hub within Spain

    Infecciones virales encubiertas en Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) detección, distribución y coste biológico

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    La mosca mediterránea de la fruta, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae), es una plaga agrícola capaz de atacar una gran variedad de frutas. Una de las principales estrategias para su gestión es la técnica del insecto estéril (TIE) que consiste en la cría masiva y posterior liberación en campo de machos estériles. La presencia de virus en C. capitata amenaza la cría masiva y la posterior aplicación de la TIE. Recientemente, ciertos virus se han relacionado con infecciones encubiertas en C. capitata