41 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Lidia cattle breed: genetic differentiation of different encastes and behavioral attitude characterization

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    La raza bovina de Lidia recibe el nombre de su aptitud productiva (comportamiento bravo), para la que se ha requerido una selección por parte del ganadero a través de la historia de esta raza. Es una de las razas bovinas más antiguas del mundo, que abarca cerca de tres siglos de historia, durante los cuales los ganaderos de lidia han seleccionado caracteres de comportamiento en sentido opuesto a los buscados en el resto del bovino (producción de carne y/o leche). La actual raza de Lidia procede de cinco castas fundacionales que tienen su origen en vacadas autóctonas españolas, ya agrupadas entre los siglos XVI al XVIII, que contaban con importantes diferencias morfológicas y de comportamiento entre ellas y procedían de distintos puntos de la geografía peninsular. De acuerdo con su prototipo racial, la raza bovina de Lidia se caracteriza por una enorme diversidad genética y morfológica distribuida entre ganaderías y encastes, formados estos últimos a través de la selección realizada a partir de las castas fundacionales de procedencia, o a partir de diversos cruzamientos entre castas o encastes del mismo tronco, habiéndose extinguido en la actualidad muchos de ellos. El objetivo principal de la presente Tesis Doctoral se centró tanto en la caracterización genética de la raza bovina de Lidia y de sus principales encastes, como en la caracterización de la actitud comportamental de la misma

    Analysis of polymorphisms in candidate’s genes for meat quality in Lidia cattle

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    The aim of this paper was to analyze the segregation of some polymorphisms in three genes ( CAPN1 , CAST and DGAT1 ) re- lated to meat quality in the Lidia cattle breed and some of its main lineages. To that effect, 119 individuals from the Lidia breed were analyzed. Although the association between the polymorphisms and the phenotype has never been demonstrated in this breed, the absence of fixed genotypes for these polymorphisms in the studied population makes the Lidia cattle a good candidate to de- velop selection objectives. The clear differentiation among lineages for most of the genes studied reinforces the high reproductive isolation presented in the Lidia cattle as revealed by previous studies on the structure of the population within the Lidia breed using microsatellite markers. Considering both issues in the design of breeding schemes will be necessary to save the lineages and not to lose this valuable genetic resource. Finally, it would be necessary to carry out an in depth search for new polymorphisms in genes associated with meat quality and to perform needed association analyses between the SNPs segregating in Lidia cattle and traits of economic interes

    Is Deep Sea Cold Water Corals distribution constrained by CO2 distinct signatures?

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    conferenceObjectThe MEDWAVESThe MEDWAVES (MEDiterranean out flow WAter and Vulnerable EcosystemS) cruise was developed in the framework of the ATLAS project, with the main objective of determining areas under the influence of the Mediterranean Overflow Water within the Mediterranean and Atlantic areas. MEDWAVES cruise (LEG 1: Cadiz – Punta Delgada and LEG 2: Punta Delgada – Málaga) was completed between September-October 2016 on board the Spanish R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa. Within the specific aim of evaluating the biogeochemichal role of the Mediterranean Water, over and around the Formigas, Ormonde and Seco de los Olivos seamounts, and the Gazul Mud volcano, some CO2 system variables were measured on board (pH, total alkalinity and carbonate ion concentration) together with dissolved oxygen samples. The chemistry of the CO2 in the Mediterranean Sea is very particular, characterised by warm, salty and high alkalinity waters [1]. The Mediterranean Water goes into the Atlantic Ocean through the strait of Gibraltar, being clearly identified as the most saline water of the water column located at approximately 1000 dbar [2]. Apart from the water mass characteristic, other properties and organism characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea are spilt into the Atlantic. According to the objectives of MEDWAVES cruise and taking into account the fine scale sampling made over the 400m above the bottom, we will characterise the CO2 system of the four different areas, trying to distinguish the signature of the Mediterranean Water in each seamount. The presence of depth cold water coral in those seamounts is poorly known and we would like to connect those of Mediterranean Sea with those of the continental shelf of Portugal, the Azores and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the CO2 variables. Hence, a second step will be to evaluate the connexion between the cold water corals and the CO2 system

    Study on the concordance between different SNP‐genotyping platforms in sheep

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    .Different SNP genotyping technologies are commonly used in multiple studies to perform QTL detection, genotype imputation, and genomic predictions. Therefore, genotyping errors cannot be ignored, as they can reduce the accuracy of different procedures applied in genomic selection, such as genomic imputation, genomic predictions, and false-positive results in genome-wide association studies. Currently, whole-genome resequencing (WGR) also offers the potential for variant calling analysis and high-throughput genotyping. WGR might overshadow array-based genotyping technologies due to the larger amount and precision of the genomic information provided; however, its comparatively higher price per individual still limits its use in larger populations. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the accuracy of the two most popular SNP-chip technologies, namely, Affymetrix and Illumina, for high-throughput genotyping in sheep considering high-coverage WGR datasets as references. Analyses were performed using two reference sheep genome assemblies, the popular Oar_v3.1 reference genome and the latest available version Oar_rambouillet_v1.0. Our results demonstrate that the genotypes from both platforms are suggested to have high concordance rates with the genotypes determined from reference WGR datasets (96.59% and 99.51% for Affymetrix and Illumina technologies, respectively). The concordance results provided in the current study can pinpoint low reproducible markers across multiple platforms used for sheep genotyping data. Comparing results using two reference genome assemblies also informs how genome assembly quality can influence genotype concordance rates among different genotyping platforms. Moreover, we describe an efficient pipeline to test the reliability of markers included in sheep SNP-chip panels against WGR datasets available on public databases. This pipeline may be helpful for discarding low-reliability markers before exploiting genomic information for gene mapping analyses or genomic predictionS

    Influence of a temporary restriction of dietary protein in prepubertal ewe lambs on first lactation milk traits and response to a mammary gland inflammatory challenge

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    [EN] This study evaluated the influence of a temporary nutritional protein restriction (NPR) performed, under commercial conditions, in prepubertal female lambs on first lactation milk production traits and the inflammatory response triggered by an inflammatory challenge of the. From 40 Assaf female lambs, we defined a control group (C n = 20), which received a standard diet for replacement lambs and the NPR group (n = 20), which received the same diet but without soybean meal between 3 and 5 months of age. About 150 days after lambing, 24 of these ewes (13 NPR, 11C) were subjected to an intramammary infusion of E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Our dynamic study identified indicator traits of local (SCC) and systemic (rectal Ta, IL-6, CXCL8, IL-10, IL-36RA, VEGF-A) response to the LPS challenge. The NPR did not show significant effects on milk production traits and did not affect the SCC and rectal Ta after the LPS challenge. However, the NPR had a significant influence on 8 of the 14 plasma biomarkers analysed, in all the cases with higher relative values in the C group. The effects observed on VEGF-A (involved in vasculogenesis during mammary gland development and vascular permeability) and IL-10 (a regulatory cytokine classically known by its anti-inflammatory action) are the most remarkable to explain the differences found between groups. Whereas further studies should be undertaken to confirm these results, our findings are of interest considering the current concern about the future world's demand for protein and the need for animal production systems to evolve toward sustainability.S

    Association of gene-enviroment and age of pre-onset cannabis use with age at onset of psychosis in frist-episode patients

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    Trabajo presentado a la 10ª Reunión anual de la Sociedad Española de Investigación sobre Cannabinoides celebrada en Santander del 26 al 28 de noviembre de 2009.Es conocida la influencia negativa del uso de cannabis sobre el curso y pronóstico de la esquizofrenia. El cannabis es, además, la sustancia de abuso más utilizada en pacientes con esquizofrenia (15%-65%). Sin embargo sólo una pequeña proporción de consumidores de cannabis desarrollan psicosis. Varios estudios han demostrado que el uso de cannabis precede al debut de la psicosis en varios años (entre 4 y 5 ). El inicio precoz del consumo de cannabis en la adolescencia, puede por tanto, estar asociado a un debut precoz de la psicosis, con el consiguiente pronóstico negativo de la enfermedad. Varios polimorfismos de nucleótidoúnico (SNPs) del gen que codifica el receptor CB1 (CNR1; rs806379, rs1535255, rs2023239 y rs1049353) han sido asociados al consumo de drogas o alcohol (Zhang et al., Molecular Psychiatry, 9, 916–931. 2004, Schmidtetal., 2002 Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 65, 221–224) Variaciones en el gen de la triptófano hidroxilasa se han asociado con un mayor riesgo de psicosis (LiD, HeL: Hum Genet 2006). Finalmente, algunos de los SNPs en los receptores de la serotonina se han asociado con diversos trastornos psiquiátricos como la esquizofrenia o la depresión, sin embargo, los resultados de estos estudios de asociación genética han mostrado resultados conflictivos.Peer Reviewe

    Transcriptome analysis of perirenal fat from Spanish Assaf suckling lamb carcasses showing different levels of kidney knob and channel fat

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    [EN] Introduction: Suckling lamb meat is highly appreciated in European Mediterranean countries because of its mild flavor and soft texture. In suckling lamb carcasses, perirenal and pelvic fat depots account for a large fraction of carcass fat accumulation, and their proportions are used as an indicator of carcass quality. Material and Methods: This study aimed to characterize the genetic mechanisms that regulate fat deposition in suckling lambs by evaluating the transcriptomic differences between Spanish Assaf lambs with significantly different proportions of kidney knob and channel fat (KKCF) depots in their carcasses (4 High-KKCF lambs vs. 4 Low-KKCF lambs). Results: The analyzed fat tissue showed overall dominant expression of white adipose tissue gene markers, although due to the young age of the animals (17–36 days), the expression of some brown adipose tissue gene markers (e.g., UCP1, CIDEA) was still identified. The transcriptomic comparison between the High-KKCF and Low-KKCF groups revealed a total of 80 differentially expressed genes (DEGs). The enrichment analysis of the 49 DEGs with increased expression levels in the Low-KKCF lambs identified significant terms linked to the biosynthesis of lipids and thermogenesis, which may be related to the higher expression of the UCP1 gene in this group. In contrast, the enrichment analysis of the 31 DEGs with increased expression in the High-KKCF lambs highlighted angiogenesis as a key biological process supported by the higher expression of some genes, such as VEGF-A and THBS1, which encode a major angiogenic factor and a large adhesive extracellular matrix glycoprotein, respectively. Discussion: The increased expression of sestrins, which are negative regulators of the mTOR complex, suggests that the preadipocyte differentiation stage is being inhibited in the High-KKCF group in favor of adipose tissue expansion, in which vasculogenesis is an essential process. All of these results suggest that the fat depots of the High-KKCF animals are in a later stage of development than those of the Low-KKCF lambs. Further genomic studies based on larger sample sizes and complementary analyses, such as the identification of polymorphisms in the DEGs, should be designed to confirm these results and achieve a deeper understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying fat deposition in suckling lambsSIThe research described here has been funded by the project EpiMilksheep (RTI2018-093535-B-100) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. MA-G is funded by a predoctoral fellowship from the Junta de Castilla and León Government and the European Social Fun

    Integrated analyses of the methylome and transcriptome to unravel sex differences in the perirenal fat from suckling lambs

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    [EN] In sheep, differences were observed regarding fat accumulation and fatty acid (FA) composition between males and females, which may impact the quality and organoleptic characteristics of the meat. The integration of different omics technologies is a relevant approach for investigating biological and genetic mechanisms associated with complex traits. Here, the perirenal tissue of six male and six female Assaf suckling lambs was evaluated using RNA sequencing and whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS). A multiomic discriminant analysis using multiblock (s)PLS-DA allowed the identification of 314 genes and 627 differentially methylated regions (within these genes), which perfectly discriminate between males and females. These candidate genes overlapped with previously reported QTLs for carcass fat volume and percentage of different FAs in milk and meat from sheep. Additionally, differentially coexpressed (DcoExp) modules of genes between males (nine) and females (three) were identified that harbour 22 of these selected genes. Interestingly, these DcoExp were significantly correlated with fat percentage in different deposits (renal, pelvic, subcutaneous and intramuscular) and were associated with relevant biological processes for adipogenesis, adipocyte differentiation, fat volume and FA composition. Consequently, these genes may potentially impact adiposity and meat quality traits in a sex-specific manner, such as juiciness, tenderness and flavourSIThis research work was financially supported by the RTI2018-093535-B-I00 project funded by the “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Madrid, Spain). MA-G is funded by the Junta de Castilla y Leon fellowship. This research has used the high- performance computing resources of the Castilla y León Supercomputing Center (SCAYLE, www.scayle.es; León, Spain). PF is the beneficiary of a Maria Zambrano Grant of the University of Leon funding by the Ministry of Universities (Madrid, Spain) and financed by the European Union-Next Generation E

    Estudio etnobotánico y evaluación citotóxica de extractos etanólicos de plantas de uso medicinal en Tlalchi, Ixhuacán de los Reyes, Veracruz, México

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    Las plantas medicinales son especies vegetales que contienen sustancias empleadas con propósitos terapéuticos y pueden servir de precursores para la síntesis de nuevos fármacos. En el presente trabajo se realizó un estudio etnobotánico y toxicológico de plantas de uso medicinal de Tlalchi, Ixhuacán de los Reyes en el estado de Veracruz, México. Se registraron 22 especies distribuidas en 17 familias, destacando Asteraceae con el mayor número de frecuencia. Las especies seleccionadas fueron Solanum nigrum, Bidens pilosa, Tithonia diversifolia, Commelina diffusa, Justicia pectoralis, y Aldama dentata. Se realizó un análisis fitoquímico preliminar de las mismas, donde se obtuvo la presencia de alcaloides, flavonoides, triterpenos y saponinas. Solanum nigrum tuvo mayor toxicidad de 51.72 µg/mL. Esta última especie tuvo toxicidad en la línea celular HeLa, obteniendo una reducción del 50% de viabilidad celular a partir de las 24 h. S. nigrum podría ser un potencial agente anti-proliferativo en este tipo de células

    The Milk Microbiota of the Spanish Churra Sheep Breed: New Insights into the Complexity of the Milk Microbiome of Dairy Species

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    Artículo de Investigación científicaMilk from healthy animals has classically been considered a sterile fluid. With the development of massively parallel sequencing and its application to the study of the microbiome of different body fluids, milk microbiota has been documented in several animal species. In this study, the main objective of this work was to access bacterial profiles of healthy milk samples using the next-generation sequencing of amplicons from the 16S rRNA gene to characterise the milk microbiome of the Churra breed. A total of 212 samples were collected from two Churra dairy farms with a different management system. The core milk microbiota in Churra ewes includes lesser genera (only two taxa: Staphylococcus and Escherichia/Shigella) than studies reported in other dairy species or even in a previous study in Assaf sheep milk. We found that diversity values in the two flocks of Churra breed were lower than the diversity of the milk microbiota in Assaf. The non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination using Bray-Curtis distance separates samples based on their microbiota composition. The information reported here might be used to understand the complex issue of milk microbiota composition.S