19 research outputs found

    Beyond general self-efficacy beliefs and big-five personality traits in teacher burnout: the role of emotional intelligence

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    Introduction: Prior research has underlined the key role that specific personal resources such as generalized self-efficacy and Big-Five traits play in the process of burnout. However, no studies have examined the predictive and incremental role of emotional intelligence over and above the domains and facets of these classic constructs of burnout. Objectives: The authors investigated in a sample of Spanish secondary teachers, whether emotional intelligence scores would account for variance in burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment) beyond the level attributable to generalized self-efficacy and big-five personality traits. Method: A sample of teachers completed the general self-efficacy scale, the Big-Five questionnaire, the emotional intelligence Scale, and the burnout inventory. Results: Stepwise multiple regression analysis confirmed these findings and indicated that emotional intelligence abilities accounted for further variance in three burnout subscales not accounted for by generalized self-efficacy and personality traits. Conclusion: These findings extend previous studies and provide additional support for the incremental validity of the emotional intelligence suggesting that emotional intelligence abilities have a role to play in burnout, often with effects that are incremental over the basic dimensions of generalized self-efficacy and personality traits.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Emotional intelligence and satisfaction at work in teachers: Testing affectivity as potential mediator.

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    Introduction: Although previous research has highlighted the role of emotional intelligence on satisfaction at work, the underlying processes accounting for this association remain relatively unexplored. Objectives: To address this gap, this study examined the role of positive and negative affect as potential mediators in this link controlling for classic and well-known personality traits. Method: A sample of 124 Spanish secondary teachers completed an emotional intelligence scale, the positive and negative affective scale, the Big-Five questionnaire and the overall job satisfaction. Results: As expected, results showed that teachers´ EI was positively related to positive affect and negatively related to negative affect. Similarly, EI was positively associated to satisfaction at work. Besides, multiple mediation analysis revealed that EI showed a significant indirect effect (through positive affect) on satisfaction at work even when controlling for known confounding effects of gender, age, years of experience and personality traits. Conclusion: Our study contributes to understanding of mediating processes involved in increasing positive attitudes at work in teachers and suggests the implementation of intervention program in teachers designed to bolster EI abilities as a way of enhancing affect, which might increase job satisfaction.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dimensions of satisfaction as predictors of loyalty in tourists visiting La Costa del Sol

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    Title: Dimensions of satisfaction as predictors of loyalty in tourists visiting La Costa del Sol. Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions of satisfaction that influence the loyalty of tourists in the Costa del Sol. Method: The sample was composed of 144 tourists from the Costa del Sol. We have adapted and administered the questionnaire of satisfaction of Devesa Fernández, Laguna Garcia and Palacios peaks (1997) and the loyalty of Thorpe (1994) by adding specific items for our destination. We regressed Tourist Loyalty onto the four dimensions of Satisfaction. Results: Altogether, the four dimensions of Satisfaction were found to explain a significant 10% of total variance of Loyalty. The dimension of Satisfaction with Accommodation and Catering was positive and significant predictor of loyalty. Conclusions: It is relevant to ensure high-quality accommodation and catering in order to increase tourist loyalty in La Costa del Sol.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Profile of residents: attitude towards tourism in Benalmádena (Costa del Sol, Spain)

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    Tourism development and evolution along the time causes multiple impacts. Based on characteristic profiles of resident, these impacts may be assessed differently. The attitude of residents and the identification of profiles is a tool that allows to asses the status of destination and propose future strategies for improving the destination. This study aims to analyse the role of residents regarding the perception of tourism.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Así mismo, Esta investigación ha sido subvencionada por el programa Nacional de Investigación Básica 2012, CS2010-30840. "Geografías de la crisis: analisis urbano turístico de las Islas Baleares, Costa del Sol y principales destinos en el Caribe

    Rol moderador de Core Self Evaluations sobre Apoyo Social Percibido y distrés psicológico en población desempleada

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    Propósito: El propósito de esta investigación fue estudiar el rol moderador de la variable Core Self Evaluations (CSE; Evaluaciones sobre uno mismo) en la relación entre Apoyo Social Percibido (ASP) y dimensiones DASS (Distrés psicológico: Estrés, Ansiedad y Depresión) en población desempleada de Málaga. Marco teórico y justificación: El desempleo es un factor asociado al incremento de estrés, ansiedad y depresión. Existe evidencia de relación negativa entre CSE e indicadores de distrés psicológico, así como entre ASP y distrés. No obstante, no se ha estudiado el papel moderador de CSE en la relación entre ASP y dimensiones DASS en población desempleada. Método: Un total de 613 adultos desempleados de Málaga (294 varones y 319 mujeres) cumplimentaron el Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support; Core Self-evaluations Scale y Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21. Se utilizó el programa Modprobe para el análisis de la moderación. Resultados: A niveles elevados de CSE, hallamos una relación negativa y significativa entre ASP y Ansiedad: (b= -.11), t(607)= -2.95, p<.01 y entre ASP y Estrés: (b= -.13), t(607)= -3.34, p<.01. Conclusión: Las variables ASP y CSE combinadas demostraron ser predictores negativos de Estrés y Ansiedad en nuestra muestra de adultos desempleados. Implicaciones prácticas/teóricas: Nuestros datos proveen evidencia empírica de la relevancia de las dimensiones de ASP y CSE para la reducción del distrés durante el desempleo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Residents´ perceptions of tourism development in Benalmádena (Spain)

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    DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2015.11.007This study examines the residents´ perceptions of the impact of tourism in Benalmádena, and the profiles of the residents according to socio-demographic characteristics. A questionnaire assessed how these characteristics influence the residents' perceptions towards the environment, economy, and socio-cultural aspects. The survey was administered to a stratified sample of 770 residents in Benalmádena. Results show a significant effect of socio-demographic variables on perception of tourism impact. The educational background, place of birth and how long respondents had been living in the community explain a significant amount of the variance in overall attitudes. Interaction analyses revealed that place of birth moderated the relationship between the tourism dimensions and the years of residence. For instance, the respondents with less than five years of residence showed more positive attitude towards the impact of tourism. We offer a profile of these residents according to their perceptions of the impact of tourism in their community.This research has received funding from the Spanish Government, Fundamental Research Program (R+D) (CSO2012-30840), “Geographies of crisis: analysis of urban and tourist territories of the Balearic Islands, Costa del Sol and main tourist destinations of the Caribbean and Central America”. Andalucia Tech, Universidad de Málaga, Spain

    Motivational profile of satisfied tourists in La Costa del Sol

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    Title: Motivational profile of satisfied tourists in La Costa del Sol. Objective: The present study aimed to analyze the motivational profile of tourists who visit La Costa del Sol. Methods: The sample comprised 144 tourists in the province of Málaga. Two questionnaires were administered: A questionnaire of Tourist Motivation (Devesa Fernández, M., Laguna García, M., & Palacios Picos, A. (1997) and the Questionnaire of Satisfaction (Devesa-Fernández, Laguna-García and Palacios-Picos, 1997). Both questionnaires were adapted to our destiny: La Costa del Sol, by adding specific items related to La Costa del Sol. Analyses of moderation were done to study the interaction between motivational dimensions and overall satisfaction. Results: We found interaction between social and hedonistic motivation. Among tourists with low hedonistic motivation, those with high social motivation to visit the Costa del Sol were less satisfied that those who did not come for social reasons. Interaction between utilitarian and hedonistic motivation was also found. Among tourists with low motivation hedonistic, those who visited us for utilitarian reasons, obtained higher levels of satisfaction. Among tourists with high hedonistic motivation, those who did not come for utilitarian reasons, were more satisfied with the visit.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Bienestar y calidad de vida durante el desempleo: el papel interactivo de la inteligencia emocional y las auto-evaluaciones centrales de la persona

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    Introducción: La inteligencia emocional (IE) es considerada una dimensión clave del bienestar de las personas de riesgo psicosocial. Se ha demostrado su papel como factor protector ante desajuste psicológico en población desempleada. Diferentes autores sugieren análisis de la influencia de la IE en interacción con otros amortiguadores de déficits en bienestar y calidad de vida, como las auto-evaluaciones centrales de la personalidad (CSE). No obstante, faltan trabajos sobre la contribución conjunta IE-CSE para predecir indicadores de bienestar en población desempleada. El objetivo es examinar el papel potencial IE-CSE en predicción de indicadores de felicidad, depresión y calidad de vida. Método: En este trabajo 1796 desempleados (958 mujeres; edad media=34,9; meses en desempleo: 21,7 meses) cumplimentaron una batería que incluía datos socio-demográficos y diversas variables psicológicas de inteligencia emocional, auto-evaluaciones centrales, felicidad, depresión, salud mental y salud física. Datos fueron procesados con SPSS y PROCESS. Resultados: Análisis de correlación mostraron asociaciones significativas esperadas entre IE y CSE con las diferentes dimensiones de bienestar. Análisis de moderación revelaron que, más allá de los efectos principales, la interacción IE X CSE incrementaba la varianza explicada de las puntuaciones en felicidad, depresión y salud mental, pero no en salud física. Conclusiones: Resultados sugieren papel conjunto de IE - CSE para explicar el nivel de calidad de vida de los desempleados, en aspectos de salud mental. Se pone de relieve la necesidad de generar modelos más integradores que incluyan la IE y las CSE en la explicación del bienestar de los desempleados. Se sugiere que futuros programas de intervención para la mejora del bienestar de la población desempleada, incluyan dimensiones relacionadas con el desarrollo de la IE y las CSE como ayuda hacia el bienestar y la empleabilidad futura durante el desempleo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Ambientes urbanos saludables: Propuestas de intervención

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    Existe una amplia evidencia empírica de que hay una relación muy estrecha entre el ambiente en el que vivimos y la calidad de vida. Hoy en día la mayoría de la población mundial habita en entornos urbanos. Sin embargo, se ha comprobado en numerosos estudios que la falta de contacto con la naturaleza de los habitantes urbanos se relaciona con algunos trastornos psicológicos como el Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDHA), agresividad, estrés y numerosos problemas de salud, así como otros efectos como el analfabetismo natural. Por el contrario, los seres humanos tienen una preferencia por los ambientes naturales frente a los ambientes urbanos. Esta afinidad por la naturaleza se conoce como hipótesis de la biofilia, y se han comprobado los numerosos beneficios psicológicos y físicos del contacto con elementos naturales, tanto fuera como dentro de las ciudades: reducción del estrés, recuperación de capacidades cognitivas como la atención y concentración, aumento de la satisfacción y la calidad de vida, e incluso la pronta recuperación de pacientes hospitalizados, cuando éstos tienen acceso a una zona natural como un parque o jardín. Estos beneficios se han observado tanto en adultos como en niños, a pesar de lo cual, su aplicación al diseño urbano (calles y plazas, hospitales, escuelas, residencias, etc.) ha sido muy escasa hasta el momento. Se discute la necesidad de modificar nuestras ciudades de acuerdo con estos principios, de forma que se conviertan en ambientes más sostenibles, amigables, y disfrutables.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The moderating role of emotional intelligence in the link between self-esteem and symptoms of eating disorders

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    Objective This research aimed to explore the moderating role of emotional intelligence (EI) in the relationship between self-esteem and eating disorders (ED) symptomatology. Method A battery of online questionnaires was administered to a sample of 516 adults including university students and a community population. The sample, age range of 18–77 years (X = 38.90; SD = 14.76), was made up of 63% women and 32% men. Results EI moderated the association between self-esteem and ED symptomatology for the total sample. However, a gender-specific analysis showed that the moderation effect was only significant for women. Specifically, when women reported a low level of self-esteem, those with high scores in EI reported lower scores in ED symptoms than those with low EI. Discussion Our findings are discussed in terms of the need for future research to understand the different gender associations and to consider these differences in further intervention programs for reducing the risk of ED, in which training in emotional skills may be more beneficial for women than men.This research was supported and funded in part by research projects from the University of Málaga and Junta de Andalucía/FEDER (UMA18-FEDERJA-147) and the Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, PAIDI (Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation), CTS-1048 (Junta de Andalucía). This work was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (FPU16/02238). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA