2,807 research outputs found

    Intent and Behavior: Examining Executive Leader Succession Planning in Select New York City Nonprofit Organizations

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    Despite the predictions of a nonprofit leadership shortage and concerns for internal leadership development, succession planning for executive level leaders has uncertain level of use within the nonprofit sector. The problem: the sector has limited interest, intent, and understanding of the impact of succession planning and therefore remains ill-prepared to engage in leadership succession planning. This study examined what relationship, if any, exists between intent and actual engagement in succession planning activities. A Likert-scaled tool was developed to obtain the opinions of board members of (501(c)3) organizations with annual revenues of no more than $5 million providing services in the NYC borough of the Bronx. Framed in the theory of planned behavior, or TPB, and the leadership pipeline model, Spearman’s rho correlation and additional bivariate regression analyses of the response data were inconclusive in determining that a relationship exists between board intent and actual engagement in succession planning activities; and that organizational size (in annual revenues) is not positively associated with engagement. Covariables or moderating effects of board tenure or board role could not be supported. Due to low response rate, study replication is recommended

    Increasing Accountability for Rape in Liberia: The Need for a Forensic System to Increase the Success Rates of Prosecution

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    The need for a fully functioning forensic system has been identified by the Liberian government and international partners, but it has not been addressed. This Article argues that despite a robust framework put in place to create accountability for rape, Liberia needs a system of collecting and processing forensic evidence to increase the success rate of prosecutions that currently fail due to the inadequacy of non-forensic evidence

    Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner

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    Angka kejadian penyakit jantung masih nomor satu di dunia, salah satunya penyakit jantung koroner. Pasien yang menderita penyakit jantung memiliki resiko yang dapat membuat penyakitnya semakin parah. Saat seseorang di diagnosa menderita penyakit jantung, respon yang timbul dalam dirinya adalah perasaan cemas dan takut. Dukungan keluarga sangat diperlukan dalam menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien penyakit jantung koroner. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dukungan keluarga dengan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien penyakit jantung koroner di ruang Wijaya Kusuma RSUD Kota Bekasi Tahun 2015. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan tehnik puposive sampling yaitu sebanyak 30 responden. Analisa data dilakukan secara bertahap mencakup analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji statistik chi square. Berdasarkan uji statistik diperoleh nilai p value 0,018 < nilai α 0,05. Sehingga H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima artinya ada hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien penyakit jantung koroner di ruang Wijaya Kusuma RSUD Kota Bekasi Tahun 2015

    Evaluation of the Phytochemicals and the Antibacterial Properties of Sida Acuta Leaf Extract and their Effects on Wound Bacterial Isolates

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    This study was performed to evaluate the phyto-chemical and antibacterial properties of Sida acuta leaf extract against wound bacterial isolates. Standard methods were employed in the phytochemistry, the bacterial identification and the antibiotic susceptibility assay. Ethanol and acetone were used as the extraction solvents. Results obtained from the phytochemical analyses of the ethanol the acetone extracts revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, tannins, steroids, glycosides, polyphenols, oxalate and flavonoids. The sensitivity of the isolates to the extracts was represented by zones of inhibition at different concentrations. The highest zones of inhibition was observed at 50 mg/ml while the lowest was observed at 3.125 mg/ml. Gram-positive bacteria were found to be more sensitive to the extracts at different concentrations than the Gram-negative bacteria (p > 0.05). The minimum inhibitory concentration of both extracts against the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial isolates were: 3.125 mg/ml and 6.25 mg/ml respectively. The minimum bacteriocidal concentration of both extracts against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial isolates were: 12.5 mg/ml and 25 mg/ml respectively. The antibiogram of the isolates against standard antibiotics used as positive control revealed the resistant pattern of the isolates to conventional antibiotics used in medicine. The potential antibacterial effect of Sida acuta leaf extract has been revealed in this study, therefore its controlled use should be encouraged in the treatment of wounds and other infections caused by the bacterial isolates.Keywords: Antimicrobial properties, Bacteria, Phytochemical analysis, Sida acuta, Wound

    All-electron full-potential implementation of real-time TDDFT in exciting

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    Linearized augmented planewaves combined with local-orbitals (LAPW+lo) are arguably the most precise basis set to represent Kohn-Sham states. When employed within real-time time-dependent density functional theory (RT-TDDFT), they promise ultimate precision achievable for exploring the evolution of electronic excitations. In this work, we present an implementation of RT-TDDFT in the full-potential LAPW+lo code exciting. We benchmark our results against those obtained by linear-response TDDFT with exciting and by RT-TDDFT calculations with the Octopus code, finding a satisfactory level of agreement. To illustrate possible applications of our implementation, we have chosen three examples: the dynamic behavior of excitations in MoS2_2 induced by a laser pulse, the third harmonic generation in silicon, and a pump-probe experiment in diamond


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kampar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengelolaan objek wisata di Kecamatan Bangkinang. Jenis penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dimana data deskriptif jawaban dari informan penelitian dan di analisa oleh penulis. Untuk mengetahui pengelolaan objek wisata di kecamatan bangkinang, dalam penelitian ini penulis memerlukan data primer berupa wawancara dan observasi langsung di lapangan kemudian data sekunder berupa dokumen – dokumen yang berhubungan dengan pengembangan objek wisata yang dilakukan. Metode pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan penelitian ini berjumlah 10 orang. Hasil dari penelitian yang peneliti lakukan pengelolaan objek wisata di kecamatan bangkinang oleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kampar masih belum optimal, karena masih ada pengelolaan objek wisata yang tidak berjalan sesuai dengan kegiatan yang telah direncanakan. Tidak terlaksananya dikarenakan kurangnya perhatian dan dukungan dari pemerintah daerah terhadap kinerja Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kampar

    Pola Komunikasi Organisasi Karang Taruna Putra Maulana Mutih Kulon dalam Mempertahankan Solidaritas Anggota

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    An organization is formed by several people who have the same goal. Communication is an important basic thing in an organization to achieve a goal. Karang Taruna Putra Maulana, which was formed in 2005, had been on hiatus for five years. So that it can exist and be active again, of course it is built through cohesiveness and a series of communication that exists between members. The problem that will be studied in this research is how the communication pattern of the Karang Taruna Putra Maulana organization in maintaining member solidarity. The purpose of this study is to help an organization interact with each other between its leaders and members or fellow members within the organization by knowing the communication patterns used, so as to maintain member solidarity to align individual goals with the organization in advancing the organization, and minimize future conflicts. This study uses a qualitative type of research that aims to understand complex facts and phenomena that are useful for providing data on communication patterns of youth organizations in maintaining member solidarity. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. After the data is collected, then data analysis is carried out using the theory of motivation. The result of the research is that Karang Taruna Putra Maulana uses all forms of communication patterns, namely wheels, circles, Y, chains and all directions. The pattern that is often used is the Y pattern and all directions. Meanwhile, the pattern that is not effective or rarely used is the chain pattern because the message conveyed is sometimes incomplete. The solidarity of members is built through regular meetings or meetings and informal communication that exists between members. Keywords: organizational communication patterns, youth Organizations, solidarit
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