416 research outputs found

    Ex-libris in Turkey

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    The article explores the introduction of Ex-libris Art to Turkey, tracing its historical antecedent from Europe and from books about the Ottoman era to its current enthusiasts local to museums, schools and universities in Turkey and in Northern Cyprus. The success of the developmental work necessary for the Ex-libris Turkey, which became a member of the International Federation of Ex-libris Societies (FISAE) in 2000 through the membership of the Ankara Ex-libris Society, is seen in the multitude of awards Turkish nationals have been winning in international competitions since 2008 and in the many international exhibitions and competitions the Istanbul Ex-libris Society which replaces Ankara’s has hosted in partnership with the Istanbul Museum of Graphic Arts (IMOGA), Feyziye Schools Foundation and the Işık University. The future of the Ex-libris Art in Turkey is assured as it has become a curriculum of studies with regular undergraduate and graduate student intakes within the Graphic Arts Departments.Keywords: Aesthetic Art; Calligraphic Structure; Communication Medium; Inscription; Bookplate; Placeholder -------------------------------------------------------Özet Makale, Ekslibris Sanatı’nın Türkiye'ye girişini, exlibrisin tarihsel Avrupa'lı öncülerinden ve Osmanlı dönemi hakkındaki kitaplardan günümüz meraklılarına, Türkiye'deki ve Kuzey Kıbrıs'taki müzeler, okullar ve üniversitelere kadar izlemekte ve araştırmaktadır. Ankara Exlibris Derneği üyeliği ile 2000 yılında Ekslibris Dernekleri Federasyonu (FISAE)’nun bir üyesi olan Ekslibris Türkiye’nin gelişimsel süreç başarısı, Türk vatandaşlarının 2008 yılından itibaren uluslararası yarışmalarda çok sayıda ödül kazanması olmuştur. Birçok uluslararası sergi ve yarışmalarda İstanbul Ekslibris Derneği, İstanbul Grafik Sanatlar Müzesi (IMOGA), Feyziye Mektepleri Vakfı ve Işık Üniversitesi ile ortaklaşa ev sahipliği yaparak, Ankara'nın yerini almıştır. Türkiye'de Ekslibris Sanatının geleceği, Grafik Sanatları Bölümleri’nde exlibrisin bir çalışma müfredatı olması ve düzenli olarak lisans ve lisansüstü öğrenci alımı ile güvence altına alınmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Estetik Sanat; Kaligrafik Yapı; İletişim Aracı; Yazıt; Ekslibris; İsim Tutuc

    Performance optimization of very high frame rate CCD burst-image sensors

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    The primary objective of this work was to demonstrate the feasibility of an image sensor that is capable of capturing images at 107 frames per second. Such high frame rate operation is based on storage of a certain (N) number of frames into the BCCD memory registers and readout at a slower rate at the end of the frame collection period. To accommodate an optical frame time of 100ns, a high-speed virtual-gate photodetector with six multiple n-type implants was proposed and a novel design strategy was developed. The feasibility of this design was demonstrated by simulating the entire photodetector readout operation using optimized parameters. A novel contribution in this research is the application of the channel widening effect in the design which reduced the transit time of carriers in the photodetector by a factor of two. The proposed unique geometry was applied to the last implant region by gradually widening the layout design of this section. Extensive 2D simulations were carried out to account for the 3D effects and results were presented. Another main objective of this research was the characterization of the 3-phase BCCD memory registers in order to obtain higher charge handling capacity. Both 2D and 3D simulations were performed and compared with the available experimental results. The influence of the major factors affecting the charge handling capacity were investigated in detail. The effect of the reduction in channel length was demonstrated by 2D device simulations. Additionally, 3D device simulations showed that a correction in effective channel width adds linearly to the 2D results. The simulations indicated that a key limiting factor on the charge handling capacity was the overetch of the silicon nitride gate dielectric layer during formation of the polysilicon gate electrodes

    The layered dependency structure matrix for managing collaborative design processes

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Effective collaboration and knowledge management are the major contributors of success in the construction industry. Although a huge amount of interdisciplinary knowledge is exchanged in building design processes, there is a lack of tools for representing information flows. Therefore, this paper focuses on the collaboration between architects and structural engineers and introduces an innovative matrix-based tool named “The Layered Dependency Structure Matrix” for modeling and managing the discipline-specific and collaborative design activities. The proposed method is compared with the conventional techniques used in the industry and its application is demonstrated in a beam design example

    The Virtual Design Studio on the Cloud: a Blended and Distributed Approach for Technology-mediated Design Education

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The studio is widely accepted as the core in design education because it aims to integrate many curricular topics within its scope. However, learning environments in studio teaching have not been explored and exploited as a response to developing technology and changing socio-cultural context, yet. In order to alleviate the problem, this paper presents an innovative model for a virtual design studio which utilizes social networking media and cloud computing. The virtual design studio is conceptualized as a socio-technical system where intelligence is distributed across people and tools. The study proposes several means of augmenting intelligence in such a studio. The application of the theoretical framework is demonstrated in a real-life case study. The results of an empirical survey show that the proposed model was well accepted by the students. In the paper, the opportunities and challenges of this approach are discussed and suggestions are made for further studies

    Quicklook Air Mobility Modeling

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    This research is a framework for understanding issues in modeling the military aspect of space, with particular regard to capturing its value. Space power is a difficult and far-reaching topic, with implications that go beyond the military aspects. The United States military increasingly relies on space-based systems and information for success in daily operations. Telecommunications, navigation and timing, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and weather prediction are instances of services that have become dependent on satellite systems. If this reliance on space is not fully understood, U.S. national security will be at risk as the result of space information degradation or denial. This research effort attempts to break new ground in organizing the interactions and interdependencies among space doctrine, space systems, system owner/operators, and space-based information users. An illustrative example, using GPS, is then examined to explore the approach. Analysis of GPS as it affects JDAM accuracy is modeled using the GPS Interference And Navigation Tool (GIANT)

    High Energy Failure Containment for Spacecraft

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    Objective: The objective of this paper will be to investigate advancements and any commonality between spacecraft debris containment and the improvements being made in ballistic protection. Scope: This paper will focus on cross application of protection devices and methods, and how they relate to protecting humans from failures in spacecraft. The potential gain is to reduce the risk associated with hardware failure, while decreasing the weight and size of energy containment methods currently being used by the government and commercial industry. Method of Approach: This paper will examine testing that has already been accomplished in regards to the failure of high energy rotating hardware and compare it to advancements in ballistic protection. Examples are: DOT research and testing of turbine containment as documented in DOT/FAA/AR-96/110, DOT/FAA/AR-97/82, DOT/FAA/AR-98/22. It will also look at work accomplished by companies such as ApNano and IBD Deisenroth in the development of nano ceramics and nanometric steels. Other forms of energy absorbent materials and composites will also be considered and discussed. New Advances in State of the Art: There have been numerous advances in technology in regards to high energy debris containment and in the similar field of ballistic protection. This paper will discuss methods such as using impregnated or dry Kevlar, ceramic, and nano-technology which have been successfully tested but are yet to be utilized in spacecraft. Reports on tungsten disulfide nanotubes claim that they are 4-5 times stronger than steel and reports vary about the magnitude increase over Kevlar, but it appears to be somewhere in the range of 2-6 times stronger. This technology could also have applications in the protection of pressure vessels, motor housings, and hydraulic component failures

    Experiences with Moodle as a communication tool for design teamwork: a users' perspective

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    Blended learning in design education: an analysis of students' experiences within the disciplinary differences framework

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Blended learning has already become an indispensable part of education in many fields. However, the majority of existing research on blended learning has assumed homogeneity of disciplines. This study suggests that research highlighting disciplinary effects and differences is much needed to effectively develop courses and tools consonant with the characteristics of each discipline. To help close this research gap, this paper focuses on design education and analyses student experiences in a "blended design studio" that combined the Moodle learning management system, live videoconferencing, and social networking media (Facebook) with traditional face-to-face learning (design studio). Students' perceptions of the methods and tools were elicited through structured and open-ended questions and qualitative variations in responses were categorised. Subsequent quantitative analysis revealed that the characteristics of soft-applied fields require customisation in blended courses and educational system designs in several ways

    Türkiye’deki Gazetelerin Web Sitelerinin Tipografik Açıdan İncelenmesi

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    Online gazete okuyucusunun ilgisini çekmek ve rahat okunmayı sağlamak için online gazetenin grafik tasarımı büyük önem taşımaktadır. Online gazete grafik tasarımında layoutun estetik bir bütünlük taşıması kadar kullanım kolaylığı da önemlidir. Online bir gazetenin kullanıcı dostu olması, okurun aradığını kolay bulabilmesi ve rahat okuyabilmesi ile mümkündür. Bu açıdan da online gazetenin grafik tasarımında en önemli öğe tipografidir. Yazı karakterlerinin iki boyutlu bir yüzeye yerleştirilmesi sanatına tipografi denir. Tipografi yazının mantık sınırlarını zorlamasını sağlar, dikkati diri tutar, insan ruhunu okşar, çileden çıkarır, heyecan verir. Bu nedenle online bir gazetenin tipografisi de “basit, etkin ve derin” olmalıdır. Araştırmada Türkiye’deki ulusal gazetelerin web sitelerindeki tipografi kullanımı karşılaştırmalı analiz yoluyla incelenecektir ve online gazetecilikte tipografinin önemi üzerinde durulacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Siber Gazetecilik; Ekran Tipografisi, Grafik Tasarım, Okunabilirlik, Web Tasarı