158 research outputs found

    Augmentation of information in educational objects: Effectiveness of arrows and pictures as information for actions in instructional objects

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    The use of information and communication technology (ICT) in education is now central to facilitating links between learners, resources and instructors. Regardless of whether it is used in distance education or educational objects, ICT enables educators to package education opportunities in an increasing number of alternative ways so as best to meet the varying needs of the end user. Currently, one of the challenges that face instructors is to develop materials that enhance the learner-content interaction by reducing extraneous cognitive load while at the same time facilitating learning. This study explored the effectiveness of pictorial information and augmentation in instructions and educational objects. Dual coding theory is used to suggest that information that can be processed via separate but interconnected systems will facilitate faster processing and deeper learning of the information. University students were randomly assigned to six experimental conditions to perform a novel task using six different instruction manuals. A 3 (text, text-pictorial, text-pictorial-arrows) X 2 (picture of object vs. no picture of object) design was used to test whether augmenting text with pictorial information provided additional valuable information in instructional settings. Results partially support this multimedia effect; participants exhibited superior performance in a Text-Pictorial and Text-Pictorial-Arrows format over Text format. A picture of the object also facilitated superior performance on both the assembly and operating tasks, especially in a text format. Overall, combinations of text-pictorial and text-pictorial-arrows facilitated faster assembly and operation; they reduced errors, extra procedures, and unsuccessful assemblies (uncorrected errors). Results also support the idea that arrows convey unique types of information and function. In particular, arrows may attune people to important information and/or convey information movement that guides actions during tasks. Practical implications are discussed in relation to the type of information combinations that may lead to superior instructional design of instructional objects and research, including how to reduce errors of omission

    N-culturals:Functional individuals with multicultural identities

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    Kemandirian Petani Padi dalam Pengendalian Hama Terpadu di Kecamatan Bendosari Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    Rice farmers in Bendosari district have been educated with the integrated pest management program. However, farmers are not implementing an integrated pest management approach based on IPM principles. So far, the application of pesticides is measured roughly, the lack of utilization of natural enemies, the lack of routine observations, and the decision-making based on other farmer. Related to these problems, farmer self-reliance is needed in integrated pest management to increase productivity. This study aims to examine the self-reliance of rice farmers in integrated pest management, examine the factors forming the self-reliance of rice farmers in integrated pest management, and examine the influence of the factors forming self-reliance on the self-reliance of rice farmers in integrated pest management in Bendosari District, Sukoharjo Regency. The primary research method is quantitative. Sampling method using a quota sampling consisting of 64 respondents. Data was analyzed by multiple linear analyses with the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program. The results showed that there was a significant influence of the forming factors of self-reliance on the rice farmers’s self-reliance in integrated pest management. Influential factors such as the area of farming land, farming experience, the role of agricultural extension, and the role of farmer groups

    Program Tol Laut: Senjata Baru untuk Masalah Lama

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    Kesenjangan antar wilayah dan disparitas harga dapat terjadi di Indonesia karena tingginya biaya transportasi. Kondisi ini mengindikasikan kebutuhan Indonesia terhadap peningkatan kualitas dan kapasitas sistem logisĆźk dan infrastruktur pendukung konektivitas. Program tol laut yang dicanangkan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo diharapkan akan mampu menekan biaya angkut dan mengurangi disparitas harga. Dalam tulisan ini berusaha memberikan dasar teori dan perspektif ekonomi atas dampak dan kebutuhan akan kebijakan tol laut yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia

    Pengaruh Sosialisasi Perpajakan terhadap Pemahaman Wajib Pajak yang Mendukung Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak (Studi pada Wajib Pajak Hotel Atas Rumah Kos Terdaftar di Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kota Malang)

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    Tax of broading house in Malang is fristly levied on January 2014, then this study explains : (1) Tax socialization effect towards Taxpayers understanding; (2) Tax socialization effect towards taxpayers compliance; (3) Taxpayers understanding effect toward taxpayer compliance; (4) Tax socialization towards taxpayers compliance through taxpayers understanding. This type of study is an explanatory research. The sample used are 82 respondens that are taken by simple random sampling. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result are : (1) Tax socialization variable (X) has significant effect toward taxpayersunderstanding variable (Z) with path coefficient is 0,644 and level of significant is 0,000 (p<0,05); (2) Tax socialization variable (X) has significant effect toward taxpayer compliance variable (Y) with path coefficient is 0,440 and level of significant is 0,000 (p<0,05); (3)Taxpayers Understanding variable (Z) has significant effect toward taxpayer compliance variable (Y) with coefficient path is 0,385 and level of significant is 0,000 (p<0,05); (4) Taxation socialization variable (X) has significant effect toward taxpayer compliance variable (Y) through understanding taxpayer variable (Z) with indirect effect, the calculation result is 0,2476 for indirect effect and 0,688 for total effect

    Apakah phubbing mengganggu pertemanan? Hubungan phubbing dengan kepuasan pertemanan pada orang beranjak dewasa

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between phubbing and friendship satisfaction of emerging adults. The respondents of this study were 166 students aged 18-25 years who studied at universities and lived in Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi. They were selected using accidental sampling techniques by meeting with them on their respective campuses. Correlation index calculation showed there was no significant relationship between phubbing and friendship satisfaction (r = .13, p > 0.05). Based on the regression analysis, it was found that phubbing behavior could not predict friendship satisfaction (b = 0.08, t = 1.7, p> 0.05) and it can be concluded that phubbing behavior is not at the level to the point of disturbing the quality of their friendships. Limitations of this study and directions for further research are further discussed

    The role of self-concept in cross-cultural communication

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    Empirical evidence supports the notion that communication behaviors in intercultural encounters are effectively extensions of cultural values as well as epistemologies. Study 1 established communication behaviors of Asians and New Zealanders (NZs) as consistent with vertical collectivism and horizontal individualism, respectively. In particular, argumentativeness is positively related to independent self-construal (SC) and negatively related to interdependent SC. This supports Markus and Kitayama's SC theory. Study 2 showed that NZs exhibited more idiocentric and argumentative behavior, while Asians displayed more sociocentric and less argumentative behavior during two actual interactions; specifically, participants diverged in their communication styles to be more consistent with their cultural values during intercultural interactions. Analyses of decision outcomes provide support that culture moderates cognitive consistency behaviors such that NZs exhibited more inconsistency-reduction behaviors, which is rooted in adherence to noncontradiction. In contrast, Asians exhibited more inconsistency-support behaviors, suggesting that naive dialecticism rooted in acceptance of contradiction is customary in Asian social interaction

    Aplikasi Model Altman Z”-score Pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Agrikultur Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Periode 2010-2017)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan salah satu model prediksi kebangkrutan bernama Altman Z-Score, khususnya model yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur financial distress dari Perusahaan-Perusahaan non-manufaktur (Z”-Score), pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan yang masuk di dalam Indeks Saham Agrikultur di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini berjumlah delapan Perusahaan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling method. Laporan keuangan tahunan Perusahaan dari tahun 2010 sampai 2017 merupakan jenis data sekunder yang digunakan di penelitian ini.Analisa deskriptif kuantitatif digunakan untuk mendiskusikan hasil perhitungan Z”-Score masing-masing Perusahaan sampel di setiap tahun observasinya. Diharapkan bahwa hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan gambaran dan solusi bagi pihak manajemen Perusahaan untuk memperbaiki kondisi keuangan di Perusahaan yang dikelolanya. Di sisi lain, hasil penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi para investor sebagai salah satu alat pengambilan keputusan untuk menempatkan dana investasinya pada Perusahaan yang tepat


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    Latar Belakang: Pengendalian Anopheles aconitus L. dengan menggunakan insektisida diketahui menyebabkan banyak kerugian dan resistensi, sehingga perlu digunakan bahan alternatif yaitu dengan menggunakan larvasida. Daun ceplukan (Physalis angulata L.) mengandung senyawa-senyawa yang mempunyai efek larvasida sehingga peneliti ingin membuktikan apakah ada efek esktrak etanol daun ceplukan (Physalis angulata L.) terhadap mortalitas larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus L. Metode penelitian: Jenis penelitian adalah ekperimental laboratorium dengan rancangan post test only group design. Subyek penelitian adalah larva Anopheles aconitus L. yang dibagi menjadi 7 kelompok, masing-masing berisi 25 larva nyamuk dan dilakukan pengulangan 4 kali. Kelompok kontrol negatif menggunakan 100 ml akuades. Kelompok kontrol positif menggunakan 0,0025 mg temephos dalam 100 ml akuades. Lima kelompok lainnya diberi ekstrak daun ceplukan yang terdiri dari 20 mg/ 100 ml, 35 mg/ 100 ml, 50 mg/ 100 ml, 65 mg/ 100 ml, dan 80 mg/ 100 ml. Pengamatan dilakukan dalam 24 jam kemudian dihitung jumlah larva nyamuk yang mati. Data yang didapat diuji menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan Analisis Probit. Hasil penelitian: Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan rerata mortalitas larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus L. yang signifikan di antara kelompok perlakuan. Dengan menggunakan analisis probit didapatkan nilai LC50 sebesar 45,753 mg/ 100 ml dan LC99 sebesar 85,138 mg/ 100 ml. Simpulan: Ada efek ekstrak daun ceplukan (Physalis angulata L.) terhadap mortalitas larva Anopheles aconitus L. Kata kunci: ekstrak etanol daun ceplukan, larva Anopheles aconitus L., mortalitas, temefo
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