109 research outputs found

    A 3-D model for the CD40 ligand predicts that it is a compact trimer similar to the tumor necrosis factors

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    Based on the similarity in primary structure between the newly characterized ligand for CD40 (CD40L) and the tumor necrosis factors (TNFs), we have modeled a detailed 3-D structure for CD40L. We used the known structure of TNFα as a template for the generation of the CD40L model. The soundness of the model-building algorithms was verified by constructing a 3-D model of TNFβ and comparing it to its crystallographically determined structure. The CD40L sequence is entirety compatible with the ‘Jelly-roll' β-strand structure characteristic of the TNFs. Like the TNFs, CD40L is predicted to form a compact trimer, although the interactions between monomers are distinct from those found in the TNFs. The model predicts which regions of CD40L could interact with its receptor(s) and which amino acids are essential for the maintenance of its trimeric structur

    SWISS-MODEL: an automated protein homology-modeling server

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    SWISS-MODEL (http://swissmodel.expasy.org) is a server for automated comparative modeling of three-dimensional (3D) protein structures. It pioneered the field of automated modeling starting in 1993 and is the most widely-used free web-based automated modeling facility today. In 2002 the server computed 120 000 user requests for 3D protein models. SWISS-MODEL provides several levels of user interaction through its World Wide Web interface: in the ‘first approach mode' only an amino acid sequence of a protein is submitted to build a 3D model. Template selection, alignment and model building are done completely automated by the server. In the ‘alignment mode', the modeling process is based on a user-defined target-template alignment. Complex modeling tasks can be handled with the ‘project mode' using DeepView (Swiss-PdbViewer), an integrated sequence-to-structure workbench. All models are sent back via email with a detailed modeling report. WhatCheck analyses and ANOLEA evaluations are provided optionally. The reliability of SWISS-MODEL is continuously evaluated in the EVA-CM project. The SWISS-MODEL server is under constant development to improve the successful implementation of expert knowledge into an easy-to-use serve

    Developing Network-Based Systems Toxicology by Combining Transcriptomics Data with Literature Mining and Multiscale Quantitative Modeling

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    We describe how the genome-wide transcriptional profiling can be used in network-based systems toxicology, an approach leveraging biological networks for assessing the health risks of exposure to chemical compounds. Driven by the technological advances changing the ways in which data are generated, systems toxicology has allowed traditional toxicity endpoints to be enhanced with far deeper levels of analysis. In combination, new experimental and computational methods have offered the potential for more effective, efficient, and reliable toxicological testing strategies. We illustrate these advances by the “network perturbation amplitude” methodology that quantifies the effects of exposure treatments on biological mechanisms represented by causal networks. We also describe recent developments in the assembly of high-quality causal biological networks using crowdsourcing and text-mining approaches. We further show how network-based approaches can be integrated into the multiscale modeling framework of response to toxicological exposure. Finally, we combine biological knowledge assembly and multiscale modeling to report on the promising developments of the “quantitative adverse outcome pathway” concept, which spans multiple levels of biological organization, from molecules to population, and has direct relevance in the context of the “Toxicity Testing in the 21st century” vision of the US National Research Council

    Animal Inhalation Models to Investigate Modulation of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) comprise primarily two disease manifestations, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), each with distinctive clinical and pathological features. Environmental and clinical factors strongly affect the development and clinical outcomes of IBDs. Among environmental factors, cigarette smoke (CS) is considered the most important risk factor for CD, while it attenuates the disease course of UC. Various animal models have been used to assess the impact of CS on intestinal pathophysiology. This chapter examines the suitability of animal inhalation/smoke exposure models for assessing the contrary effects of CS on UC and CD. It presents an updated literature review of IBD mouse models and a description of possible mechanisms relevant to relationships between IBD and smoking. In addition, it summarises various technical inhalation approaches, in the context of mouse disease models of IBD

    Enhancement of COPD Biological Networks Using a Web-Based Collaboration Interface

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    The construction and application of biological network models is an approach that offers a holistic way to understand biological processes involved in disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive inflammatory disease of the airways for which therapeutic options currently are limited after diagnosis, even in its earliest stage. COPD network models are important tools to better understand the biological components and processes underlying initial disease development. With the increasing amounts of literature that are now available, crowdsourcing approaches offer new forms of collaboration for researchers to review biological findings, which can be applied to the construction and verification of complex biological networks. We report the construction of 50 biological network models relevant to lung biology and early COPD using an integrative systems biology and collaborative crowd-verification approach. By combining traditional literature curation with a data-driven approach that predicts molecular activities from transcriptomics data, we constructed an initial COPD network model set based on a previously published non-diseased lung-relevant model set. The crowd was given the opportunity to enhance and refine the networks on a website (https://bionet.sbvimprover.com/) and to add mechanistic detail, as well as critically review existing evidence and evidence added by other users, so as to enhance the accuracy of the biological representation of the processes captured in the networks. Finally, scientists and experts in the field discussed and refined the networks during an in-person jamboree meeting. Here, we describe examples of the changes made to three of these networks: Neutrophil Signaling, Macrophage Signaling, and Th1-Th2 Signaling. We describe an innovative approach to biological network construction that combines literature and data mining and a crowdsourcing approach to generate a comprehensive set of COPD-relevant models that can be used to help understand the mechanisms related to lung pathobiology. Registered users of the website can freely browse and download the networks

    Substantiating harm reduction and supporting tobacco regulatory science

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    A framework for the assessment of novel next-generation tobacco and nicotine products with the potential to reduce health risks compared with cigarettes should integrate scientific studies incorpor..

    Characterization of the non-functional Fas ligand of gld mice

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    Mice homozygous for either the gld or Ipr mutation develop autoimmune diseases and progressive lymphadenopathy. The Ipr mutation Is characterized by the absence of unctional Fas, whereas gld mice exhibit an inactive FasL due to a point mutation proximal to the extracellular C-terminus. The structural repercussions of this amino acid substitution remain unknown. Here we report that FasL Is expressed at similar levels on the surface of activated T lymphocytes from gld and wild-type mice. Using a polyclonal anti-FasL antibody, Indistinguishable amounts of a 40 kDa protein are detected In both gld and wild-type splenocytes. The molecular model of FasL, based on the known structure of TNF-α, predicts that the Phe→Leu gld mutation is located at the protomer interface which Is close to the FasR Interaction site. We conclude that the gld mutation allows normal FasL biosynthesis, surface expression and ollgomerlzatlon, but induces structural alterations to the Fas binding region leading to the phenotypic changes observe

    A Meta-Analysis of the Performance of a Blood-Based Exposure Response Gene Signature Across Clinical Studies on the Tobacco Heating System 2.2 (THS 2.2)

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    As part of emerging tobacco harm reduction strategies, modified risk tobacco products (MRTP) are being developed to offer alternatives that have the potential to reduce the individual risk and population harm compared with smoking cigarettes for adult smokers who want to continue using tobacco and nicotine products. MRTPs are defined as any tobacco products that are distributed for use to reduce harm or the risk of tobacco-related disease associated with commercially marketed tobacco products. One such candidate MRTP is the Tobacco Heating System (THS) 2.2, which does not burn tobacco but instead heats it, thus producing significantly reduced levels of harmful and potentially harmful constituents compared with cigarettes. The clinical assessment of candidate MRTPs requires the development of exposure-response markers to distinguish current smokers from either nonsmokers or former smokers with high specificity and sensitivity. Toward this end, a whole blood-derived gene signature was previously developed and reported. Four randomized, controlled, open-label, three-arm parallel group reduced exposure clinical studies have been conducted with subjects randomized to three arms: switching from cigarettes to THS 2.2, continuous use of cigarettes, or smoking abstinence. These clinical studies had an investigational period of 5 days in confinement, which was followed by an 85-day ambulatory period in two studies. Here we tested the previously developed blood-derived signature on the samples derived from those clinical studies. We showed that in all four studies, the signature scores were reduced consistently in subjects who either stopped smoking or switched to THS 2.2 compared with subjects who continued smoking cigarettes

    Understanding the limits of animal models as predictors of human biology: lessons learned from the sbv IMPROVER Species Translation Challenge

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    Motivation: Inferring how humans respond to external cues such as drugs, chemicals, viruses or hormones is an essential question in biomedicine. Very often, however, this question cannot be addressed because it is not possible to perform experiments in humans. A reasonable alternative consists of generating responses in animal models and ‘translating' those results to humans. The limitations of such translation, however, are far from clear, and systematic assessments of its actual potential are urgently needed. sbv IMPROVER (systems biology verification for Industrial Methodology for PROcess VErification in Research) was designed as a series of challenges to address translatability between humans and rodents. This collaborative crowd-sourcing initiative invited scientists from around the world to apply their own computational methodologies on a multilayer systems biology dataset composed of phosphoproteomics, transcriptomics and cytokine data derived from normal human and rat bronchial epithelial cells exposed in parallel to 52 different stimuli under identical conditions. Our aim was to understand the limits of species-to-species translatability at different levels of biological organization: signaling, transcriptional and release of secreted factors (such as cytokines). Participating teams submitted 49 different solutions across the sub-challenges, two-thirds of which were statistically significantly better than random. Additionally, similar computational methods were found to range widely in their performance within the same challenge, and no single method emerged as a clear winner across all sub-challenges. Finally, computational methods were able to effectively translate some specific stimuli and biological processes in the lung epithelial system, such as DNA synthesis, cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix, translation, immune/inflammation and growth factor/proliferation pathways, better than the expected response similarity between species. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin