235 research outputs found

    Prediction of the chemical composition and nutritive value of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Lucerne is a low input energy efficient crop that improves soil fertility, and its importance is rising with the increase of public interest in sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, it occupies a significant economic position in the animal feed market (i.e. hay, dehydrated forage, pellets and silage products) and deserves a particular interest in the Parmigiano-Reggiano and Grana Padano cheese production areas of Northern Italy (Torricelli et al., 2000)

    Cognitive Impairment and Age-Related Vision Disorders: Their Possible Relationship and the Evaluation of the Use of Aspirin and Statins in a 65 Years-and-Over Sardinian Population

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    Neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s disease, vascular and mixed dementia) and visual loss (cataract, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy) are among the most common conditions that afflict people of at least 65 years of age. An increasing body of evidence is emerging, which demonstrates that memory and vision impairment are closely, significantly, and positively linked and that statins and aspirin may lessen the risk of developing age-related visual and neurological problems. However, clinical studies have produced contradictory results. Thus, the intent of the present study was to reliably establish whether a relationship exist between various types of dementia and age-related vision disorders, and to establish whether statins and aspirin may or may not have beneficial effects on these two types of disorders. We found that participants with dementia and/or vision problems were more likely to be depressed and displayed worse functional ability in basic and instrumental activities of daily living than controls. Mini mental state examination scores were significantly lower in patients with vision disorders compared to subjects without vision disorders. A closer association with macular degeneration was found in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease than in subjects without dementia or with vascular dementia, mixed dementia, or other types of age-related vision disorders. When we considered the associations between different types of dementia and vision disorders and the use of statins and aspirin, we found a significant positive association between Alzheimer’s disease and statins on their own or in combination with aspirin, indicating that these two drugs do not appear to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or improve its clinical evolution and may, on the contrary, favor its development. No significant association in statin use alone, aspirin use alone, or the combination of these was found in subjects without vision disorders but with dementia, and, similarly, none in subjects with vision disorders but without dementia. Overall, these results confirm the general impression so far; namely, that macular degeneration may contribute to cognitive disorders (Alzheimer’s disease in particular). In addition, they also suggest that, while statin and aspirin use may undoubtedly have some protective effects, they do not appear to be magic pills against the development of cognitive impairment or vision disorders in the elderly

    D028 L’expression des gènes PAI-1, tPA et uPA est fortement régulée pendant la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires en myocytes et adipocytes

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    PAI-1 est l’inhibiteur physiologique des activateurs du plasminogène uPA et tPA et inhibe le complexe formé entre uPA et son récepteur, et par voie de conséquence, entre la vitronectine et l’intégrine alphav beta3. PAI-1 est impliqué dans l’adhésion et la migration des cellules endothéliales, dans la différenciation adipocytaire et dans la réponse à l’insuline; in vivo, il facilite la thrombose, la fibrose et le remodelage tissulaire. Des taux élevés circulants de PAI-1 représentent un biomarqueur de l’obésité centrale et sont un facteur pronostic du diabète de type 2. Les propriétés biologiques de PAI-1 ont conduit à l’hypothèse que PAI-1 serait impliqué directement dans le développement du tissu adipeux. Notre objectif est d’évaluer les rôles spécifiques des gènes PAI-1, uPA et tPA dans les mécanismes moléculaires de la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires (cellules ES) de souris dans différents lignages.Indétectables à l’état indifférencié, les expressions de PAI-1, uPA et tPA et les activités enzymatiques uPA et tPA sont fortement régulées durant la différenciation des cellules ES. Les activités uPA et tPA sont rapidement augmentées durant la phase précoce de détermination du processus, sans expression détectable de PAI-1. Puis, l’expression de PAI-1 augmente progressivement dans les surnageants de culture des cellules bien différenciées, corrélant avec une inhibition concomittante des activités uPA et tPA. Des expériences d’immunohistochimie montrent que PAI-1 est exprimé à la fois dans les myotubes et dans les adipocytes matures.Le rôle potentiel de ces régulations successives est analysé par la construction de lignées de cellules ES surexprimant le cDNA de PAI- 1 dès l’état indifférencié. Les effets d’une surexpression ectopique de PAI-1 à différent temps pendant la différenciation des cellules ES sont recherchés.De plus, le traitement précoce des cellules ES en différenciation par l’amiloride, inhibiteur spécifique d’uPA, provoque une diminution de la myogénèse et une augmentation de la différenciation adipocytaire. Par contre ces effets ne sont pas retrouvés en traitant les cellules par l’EACA, inhibiteur de la plasmine ou le DMA, un dérivé inactif de l’amiloride

    Energía geotérmica de baja entalpía en suelos loéssicos: cálculo y diseño para caso de estudio

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es poner de manifiesto la utilización de la energía geotérmica de baja entalpía como una opción económica y ecológicamente amigable para la colaboración en la climatización de ambientes. Se realizan los cálculos y diseño en base a las características térmicas de los parámetros intervinientes, tanto del suelo y clima local como de los materiales de la envolvente de la construcción. Se determina, mediante balances térmicos realizados sobre un software libre BT6 creado por Dilasoft, el análisis energético y económico que produce la aplicación del sistema de geotermia de baja entalpía. Los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios, ya que la implementación de este tipo de sistema presenta una solución económica y enérgicamente eficiente.The objective of this work is to highlight the use of low enthalpy geothermal energy as an economical and ecologically friendly option for collaboration in the air conditioning of environments. The calculations and design are made based on the thermal characteristics of the intervening parameters, both the soil and local climate and the materials of the construction envelope. It is determined, through thermal balances carried out on a BT6 free software created by Dilasoft, the energy, and economic analysis produced by the application of the low enthalpy geothermal system. The results obtained are satisfactory since the implementation of this type of system presents an economical and energetically efficient solution.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Quantitative and Qualitative Assessments of Retinal Structure with Variable A-Scan Rate Spectralis OCT: Insights into IPL Multilaminarity

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative differences between 20 and 85 kHz A-scan rate optical coherence tomography (OCT) images acquired by spectral domain OCT. The study included 60 healthy subjects analyzed with horizontal linear scans with a variable A-scan rate (SHIFT technology, Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). The retinal thickness measurement of each retinal layer was performed in three different positions (subfoveal, nasal, and temporal). The qualitative assessment was performed by two independent observers who rated every image with a score ranging from 1 ("sufficient") to 3 ("excellent") on the basis of three parameters: visualization of the vitreo-retinal interface, characterization of the retinal layers, and visualization of the sclero-choroidal interface. No statistically significant differences in terms of retinal layer thickness between the two A-scan rate scans were observed (p > 0.05). The coefficient of variation of the retinal thickness values was lower in the 20 kHz group (25.8% versus 30.1% with the 85 kHz). The 20 kHz images showed a higher quality index for both observers. An inner plexiform layer (IPL) multilaminarity was detected in 78.3% of patients from the 20 kHz group and in 40% of patients from the 85 kHz group (p < 0.05)

    Prevalencia de leptospirosis en roedores sinantrópicos de la Ciudad de Corrientes, Argentina. Período mayo 2005–junio 2008

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    La leptospirosis es una zoonosis causada por bacterias del género Leptospira sp., las cuales regularmente provocan brotes de la enfermedad en Argentina, donde el conocimiento de su epidemiología es incompleto. Los roedores (ratas y ratones sinantrópicos y silvestres) son los principales reservorios de leptospirosis en nuestro medio. El objetivo del estudio fue investigar la presencia de Leptospira sp. en roedores de la Ciudad de Corrientes, Argentina, así como la especie, sexo y edad de los ejemplares positivos a leptospirosis. Fueron capturados 101 especimenes, cuyo tejido renal fue utilizado para demostrar la presencia de Leptospira sp. mediante microscopio de campo oscuro a partir de cultivos de 15 días hasta un máximo de 6 meses. La tasa de positividad detectada fue de 58,4%, con una alta proporción de animales machos de la especie Rattus rattus. Solamente pudo capturarse un ejemplar de Mus musculus, que resultó infectado. Se concluye que la alta prevalencia de leptospirosis en roedores del área en estudio constituye un alarmante factor de riesgo de infección en animales domésticos y seres humanos
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