452 research outputs found

    The relationship between body mass and some weather variables in Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) wintering in orange groves in south-eastern Spain

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    Es va estudiar la massa corporal i l'acumulació de greix dels tallarols de casquet que hivernaven en uns tarongerars suburbans del sud-est d'Espanya en relació a diverses variables ambientals (temperatura, precipitació i fotoperíode) utilitzant una regressió múltiple automàtica pas a pas. De cara a evitar la pseudo-replicació, les anàlisis es van realitzar sobre els valors mitjans dels diferents individus capturats dins del mateix dia. La variació en la massa corporal es va poder predir significativament per la temperatura mitjana del dia de captura, temperatura mitjana cinc dies abans de la captura i la temperatura mínima dos dies abans de la captura. La puntuació de greix va estar significativament relacionada amb la temperatura màxima del dia de captura. Sembla que la temperatura té un paper important com a factor immediat o a curt termini en la regulació de la massa corporal dels tallarols de casquet que hivernen al sud-est d'Espanya

    Age- and sex-related differences in the wing shape of Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) in south-east Spain

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    Es van utilitzar dos tractaments principals d'anàlisi de la forma de l'ala a partir de la longitud de les primàries i la distància de les primàries utilitzant una anàlisi de components principals (PCA) per establir les diferències entre edat i sexe en una mostra de cotxes blaves que hivernaven al SE d'Espanya. Una tècnica independent de la mida desenvolupada per Chandler & Mulvihill la qual no efectua un control sobre la mida del cos i l'alometria fou emprada en les variables originals. Una modificació estadística que controla els efectes alomètrics i la forma del cos fou utilitada posteriorment sobre les primàries estandarditzades. La forma de l'ala de les cotxes blaves es podria resumir per tres components principals (PCA) els quals explicarien el 80% de la variació total. Ambdues tècniques difereixen en la seva habilitat per detectar diferències en l'edat o el sexe de la forma de l'ala de les cotxes blaves

    Capture of a Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) with black legs

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    Aquesta nota dóna compte de la captura d'un mosquiter de passa amb les potes negres. Les característiques del plomatge i la fórmula alar eren típiques d'aquesta espècie descartant la possibilitat d'un híbrid amb el mosquiter comú. Es recomana als anelladors que prenguin especial atenció quan capturin algun d'aquests ocells

    On the eddy-resolving capability of high-order discontinuous Galerkin approaches to implicit LES / under-resolved DNS of Euler turbulence

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    AbstractWe present estimates of spectral resolution power for under-resolved turbulent Euler flows obtained with high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods. The ‘1% rule’ based on linear dispersion–diffusion analysis introduced by Moura et al. (2015) [10] is here adapted for 3D energy spectra and validated through the inviscid Taylor–Green vortex problem. The 1% rule estimates the wavenumber beyond which numerical diffusion induces an artificial dissipation range on measured energy spectra. As the original rule relies on standard upwinding, different Riemann solvers are tested. Very good agreement is found for solvers which treat the different physical waves in a consistent manner. Relatively good agreement is still found for simpler solvers. The latter however displayed spurious features attributed to the inconsistent treatment of different physical waves. It is argued that, in the limit of vanishing viscosity, such features might have a significant impact on robustness and solution quality. The estimates proposed are regarded as useful guidelines for no-model DG-based simulations of free turbulence at very high Reynolds numbers

    Spatial eigensolution analysis of discontinuous Galerkin schemes with practical insights for under-resolved computations and implicit LES

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    The study focusses on the dispersion and diffusion characteristics of discontinuous spectral element methods - specifically discontinuous Galerkin (DG) - via the spatial eigensolution analysis framework built around a one-dimensional linear problem, namely the linear advection equation. Dispersion and diffusion characteristics are of critical importance when dealing with under-resolved computations, as they affect both the numerical stability of the simulation and the solution accuracy. The spatial eigensolution analysis carried out in this paper complements previous analyses based on the temporal approach, which are more commonly found in the literature. While the latter assumes periodic boundary conditions, the spatial approach assumes inflow/outflow type boundary conditions and is therefore better suited for the investigation of open flows typical of aerodynamic problems, including transitional and fully turbulent flows and aeroacoustics. The influence of spurious/reflected eigenmodes is assessed with regard to the presence of upwind dissipation, naturally present in DG methods. This provides insights into the accuracy and robustness of these schemes for under-resolved computations, including under-resolved direct numerical simulation (uDNS) and implicit large-eddy simulation (iLES). The results estimated from the spatial eigensolution analysis are verified using the one-dimensional linear advection equation and successively by performing two-dimensional compressible Euler simulations that mimic (spatially developing) grid turbulence

    Halophilic Carotenoids and Breast Cancer: From Salt Marshes to Biomedicine

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women worldwide. Over the years, oxidative stress has been linked to the onset and progression of cancer. In addition to the classical histological classification, breast carcinomas are classified into phenotypes according to hormone receptors (estrogen receptor—RE—/progesterone receptor—PR) and growth factor receptor (human epidermal growth factor receptor—HER2) expression. Luminal tumors (ER/PR-positive/HER2-negative) are present in older patients with a better outcome. However, patients with HER2-positive or triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) (ER/PR/HER2-negative) subtypes still represent highly aggressive behavior, metastasis, poor prognosis, and drug resistance. Therefore, new alternative therapies have become an urgent clinical need. In recent years, anticancer agents based on natural products have been receiving huge interest. In particular, carotenoids are natural compounds present in fruits and vegetables, but algae, bacteria, and archaea also produce them. The antioxidant properties of carotenoids have been studied during the last years due to their potential in preventing and treating multiple diseases, including cancer. Although the effect of carotenoids on breast cancer during in vitro and in vivo studies is promising, clinical trials are still inconclusive. The haloarchaeal carotenoid bacterioruberin holds great promise to the future of biomedicine due to its particular structure, and antioxidant activity. However, much work remains to be performed to draw firm conclusions. This review summarizes the current knowledge on pre-clinical and clinical analysis on the use of carotenoids as chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents in breast cancer, highlighting the most recent results regarding the use of bacterioruberin from haloarchaea.This work was funded by a research grant from MINECO Spain (RTI2018-099860-B-I00), Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2021/055;A) and VIGROB-309 (University of Alicante)

    Utilización inadecuada de un servicio de urgencias hospitalario. Una evaluación con criterios explícitos

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    ResumenFundamentoExiste un crecimiento del número de visitas en los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH) con una elevada proporción de utilización inapropiada. Los métodos empleados para identificar el uso inadecuado basados en criterios implícitos limitan las comparaciones entre hospitales. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la proporción de visitas inadecuadas en un SUH y sus factores asociados, utilizando un método objetivo.Material y métodoSe utilizó un instrumento basado en criterios explícitos e independientes del diagnóstico para identificar las visitas inapropiadas en una muestra aleatoria de 1.845 pacientes mayores de 14 años que acudieron a los servicios médicos de un SUH, y se analizaron los factores asociados a la demanda inadecuada.ResultadosLa proporción de urgencias inadecuadas fue del 26,8% (495/1.845). En el análisis bivariante la menor edad, la ausencia de patología asociada, las visitas espontáneas y determinados grupos diagnósticos (enfermedades de la piel, músculo-esqueléticas, mentales y sintamos mal definidos) se asociaron a una mayor proporción de uso inadecuado del SUH. Al ajustar las variables mediante regresión logística, la edad, la patología asociada, las consultas espontáneas y los grupos diagnósticos, mantuvieron la asociación con el uso inadecuado, pero otras variables como el ser mujer y la llegada al SUH fuera del turno de noche también se asociaron a una mayor utilización inadecuada.ConclusionesAl menos la cuarta parte de las visitas realizadas en los servicios médicos de los SUH no requieren atención urgente. La inadecuación de las visitas se asocia a características del paciente y el proceso asistido.SummaryBackgroundSeveral studies have shown a growth in the number of visits to accident and emergency (A&E) hospital departments with a high proportion of inappropriate utilization. Methods to identify improper use based on implicit criteria limit the comparisons between hospitals. The aim of this study is to know the proportion of inappropriate attendance's in an A&E department and their associated factors, using a method with objective criteria.MethodsAn instrument based on diagnosis-independent explicit criteria was used to identify inappropriate visits in a random sample of 1845 14-year-old greater patients attended to A&E medical services, and the factors associated with improper demand were analysed.ResultsThe proportion of inappropriate attendance's was of the 26,8% (495/1.845). The unadjusted analysis show that the smaller age, absence of comorbidity, spontaneous visit and some diagnostic groups (diseases of the skin, muscle-skeletal, mental, and bad defined symptoms) were associated to a greater proportion of improper use. Upon adjusting the variables through logistics regression, the age, associated pathology, the spontaneous attendance's and diagnostic groups, maintained the association with improper use, but other variables as woman gender, and night hours were also associated to inappropriate utilization.ConclusionsAt least the fourth part of the attendance's in the A&E medical services do not require urgent attention. Inappropriate utilization is associated to characteristic of the patient and the attended process

    Hospitalización pediátrica evitable en la Comunidad Valenciana y Cataluña

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    ResumenObjetivoEstimar las tasas de hospitalización pediátrica evitable por áreas en la Comunidad Valenciana y sectores en Cataluña, y analizar su relación con el nivel socioeconómico o el desarrollo de la atención primaria.MétodoSe estudiaron las hospitalizaciones pediátricas evitables (0-14 años) a partir del Conjunto Mínimo de Datos Básicos del Alta Hospitalaria de la Comunidad Valenciana y de Cataluña (1993-1994). Las variables a estudio fueron: edad, género, nivel socioeconómico y cobertura del nuevo modelo de atención primaria. Se calcularon las tasas brutas y estandarizadas por edad y se realizó una descripción de su variación en áreas y sectores. Se analizó la relación entre las tasas y las características socioeconómicas y de la atención primaria.ResultadosLas hospitalizaciones pediátricas evitables representaron el 21% de todas las hospitalizaciones pediátricas en la Comunidad Valenciana y el 15% en Cataluña. Las tasas brutas en las áreas de la Comunidad Valenciana oscilaron entre 5,7 y 12,7 en 1993 y 6,6 y 17,8 en 1994. La razón de tasas fue de 2,2 y el coeficiente de variación de 37% en 1993 y de 2,7 y 48% respectivamente, en 1994. En los sectores de Cataluña oscilaron entre 2,7 y 24,3 en 1993 y 1,4 y 23,8 en 1994; la razón de tasas fue de 9 y el coeficiente de variación de 52% en 1993, y de 7 y 42% en 1994 respectivamente. Las diferencias encontradas fueron significativas (p < 0,005). No hubo correlación significativa entre el nivel socioeconómico y desarrollo de la atención primaria y las tasas de hospitalización pediátrica evitable por áreas o sectores.ConclusionesLas hospitalizaciones pediátricas evitables suponen una proporción importante de las hospitalizaciones pediátricas. Existe variación en las tasas de hospitalización pediátrica evitable por áreas y sectores, no asociada a los indicadores de nivel socioeconómico y atención primaria utilizados.SummaryObjectiveTo estimate the rates of avoidable pediatric hospitalization in the health areas of the Valencian Community and health sectors of Catalonia, and to analyze if they are related to socioeconomic level or development of primary care.MethodAvoilable paediatric (0-14 years old) hospitalizations were analyzed using the Minimum Basic Data Set of Hospital Discharge in two Autonomous Regions: the Valencian Community and Catalonia (1993-1994). Variables analyzed included age, gender, socioeconomic level and coverage by the new model of primary care. Crude and standardized rates for age were calculated and the variation in areas and sectors was assessed. The association between rates and socioeconomic and primary care characteristics was analyzed.ResultsAvoidable paediatric hospitalizations represent 21% of all paediatric hospitalizations in the Valencian Community and 15% in Catalonia. Crude rates for Valencian Community ranged between 5.7 and 12.7 in 1993 and 6.6 and 17.8 in 1994; extremal quotient was 2.2 and coefficient of variation 37% in 1993 and 2.7 and 48% respectively in 1994. For Catalonia they ranged between 2.7 and 24.3 in 1993 and 1.4 and 23.8 in 1994; extremal quotient was 9 and coefficient of variation 52% in 1993, and 7 and 42% in 1994 respectively. All these differences were significant (p < 0.005). There was no significant correlation between socieconomic level and development of primary health care and rates of avoidable paediatric hospitalization by health areas or sectors.ConclusionsAvoidable paediatric hospitalization represent a significant proportion of paediatric hospitalizations. There are differences in avoidable paediatric hospitalization rates by health areas and sectors, not associated with socieconomic level and primary care indicators

    Organización espontánea de puntos cuánticos de InSb crecidos por ALMBE sobre substratos de InP

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    El crecimiento autoorganizado de puntos cuánticos de InSb sobre substratos de InP mediante epitaxia de haces moleculares ha sido caracterizado mediante microscopía electrónica de transmisión y microscopía de fuerzas atómicas a fin de estudiar la morfología y establecer el mecanismo de relajación de las estructuras. Medidas de difracción de electrones de alta energía durante el crecimiento de las muestras indican una transición en el modo de crecimiento de bidimensional a tridimensional a partir de un espesor total equivalente depositado de 1.1 monocapas atómicas de InSb. Los puntos cuánticos tienen en general, una buena calidad cristalina así como una distribución superficial homogénea, pero una alta anisotropía en las dimensiones entre las direcciones [110] y [110]. Así mismo, se encuentra una rugosidad superficial, también afectada de un alto grado de anisotropía, siendo las crestas y los valles paralelos a la dirección de elongación de las islas. Las imágenes de microscopía electrónica revelan un facetado de las estructuras según planos (001) que las limitan por la parte superior y planos {111}, {113} y {114}, que las limitan lateralmente. Las tensiones son eficazmente relajadas por la presencia de una red de dislocaciones situada en la interficie InSb/InP

    Liquid biopsy by NGS: Differential presence of exons (DPE) is related to metastatic potential in a colon-cancer model in the rat

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    Differential presence of exons (DPE) is a method of interpretation of exome sequencing, which has been proposed to design a predictive algorithm with clinical value in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC). The goal of the present study was to examine the reproducibility in a rat model of metastatic colon cancer. DHD/K12-TRb cells were injected in syngenic immunocompetent BD-IX rats. Cells were from two stocks with low and normal metastatic potential, and injected into two separate groups of rats. Five to ten weeks after injection, blood samples were taken prior euthanasia and whole exome sequencing performed. Through DPE analysis, we identified a set of exons whose differential presence in plasma allowed us to compare both groups of tumor-bearing animals. A verification test was performed to confirm that the algorithm was able to classify extracted samples into their corresponding groups of origin. The highest mean probability was 0.8954. In conclusion, the DPE analysis in tumor-bearing animals was able to discriminate between different disease status, which fully supports previous results in CRC patients.This studywas funded by two grants from"Instituto de Salud Carlos III", Spain (FIS; refs. PS09/01815 and PI13/01924