28 research outputs found

    Relationship between Prenatal Characteristics and Body Condition and Endocrine Profile in Rabbits

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    [EN] Litter size is an essential trait in rabbit production, and it depends on ovulation rate and embryonic and foetal survival. The period between 8 and 18 d of gestation is critical for foetal survival, as the placenta controls foetal nutrition during this period. Ovulation rate and foetal survival at 12 d of gestation are affected by body condition and metabolic and hormonal profile. Higher foetal survival is related to a higher number of vessels arriving at the implantation site, and may be due to higher available space for the foetus. This study evaluated the relationship between prenatal characteristics and body condition and endocrine profile. A total of 25 non-lactating multiparous females were used. Body condition, measured as body weight and perirenal fat thickness, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), leptin, progesterone and 17 beta-estradiol were recorded at mating and 12 d of gestation. Ovulation rate, number of foetuses, ovary and foetal weight, length and weight of uterine horn, available space per foetus and maternal and foetal placental morphometry were recorded at 12 d of gestation. Ovulation rate showed a positive linear relationship with number of foetuses, ovary weight and NEFA. A negative linear relationship between ovulation rate and perirenal fat thickness and leptin was obtained. Ovulation rate was maximum when body weight and 17 beta-estradiol were 4.4 kg and 22.7 pg/mL, respectively. Foetal weight showed a positive relationship with perirenal fat thickness and a negative relationship with leptin. An increase in progesterone and NEFA concentration was related to a positive linear increase in number of foetuses and in uterine horn weight. Space available per foetus was affected both by the number of vessels that reach the implantation site and by position of the foetus in the uterine horn. In conclusion, body condition during mating and early gestation should be maintained within an optimal range to ensure the best prenatal characteristics. While 17 beta-estradiol, NEFA and leptin affected the ovulation rate, progesterone and NEFA affected foetal development. The number of vessels that reach the implantation site determines early foetal survival.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana, grant number GVPRE/2008/145.García, M.; Muelas, R.; Argente, M.; Peiró Barber, RM. (2021). Relationship between Prenatal Characteristics and Body Condition and Endocrine Profile in Rabbits. Animals. 11(1):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11010095S11311

    Correlated Response on Growth Traits and Their Variabilities to Selection for Ovulation Rate in Rabbits Using Genetic Trends and a Cryopreserved Control Population

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    [EN] Simple Summary A successful response was obtained after selection for ovulation rate during 10 generations in rabbits. However, no correlated response in litter size was observed due to an increase in prenatal mortality. This increase could be due to the reduction in fetus weights and/or an increase in variable asynchrony among fetus weights. Therefore, the consequences of the selection procedure on weight at 28 and 63 days old (weaning and commercial time, respectively) and its variability are unknown. Using genetic trends and a cryopreserved control population for estimating correlated responses to selection, no relevant response on weight at 28 and 63 days old was observed. Similar results have been obtained for the variability of growth traits. The aim of this work was to estimate correlated responses in growth traits and their variabilities in an experiment of selection for ovulation rate during 10 generations in rabbits. Individual weight at 28 days old (IW28, kg) and at 63 days old (IW63, kg) was analyzed, as well as individual growth rate (IGR = IW63 - IW28, kg). The variability of each growth trait was calculated as the absolute value of the difference between the individual value and the mean value of their litter. Data were analyzed using Bayesian methodology. The estimated heritabilities of IW28, IW63 and IGR were low, whereas negligible heritabilities were obtained for growth variability traits. The common litter effect was high for all growth traits, around 30% of the phenotypic variance, whereas low maternal effect for all growth traits was obtained. Low genetic correlations between ovulation rate and growth traits were found, and also between ovulation rate and the variability of growth traits. Therefore, genetic trends methods did not show correlated responses in growth traits. A similar result was also obtained using a cryopreserved control population.This research was funded by Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia, grant number PID2020-115558GB-C21, and by Generalitat Valenciana research program (Prometeo 2009/125). Celia Quirino was supported by a fellowship of the CoordenacAo de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior-Brasil (CAPES)-Finance Code 001.Peiró Barber, RM.; Quirino, C.; Blasco Mateu, A.; Santacreu, M. (2021). Correlated Response on Growth Traits and Their Variabilities to Selection for Ovulation Rate in Rabbits Using Genetic Trends and a Cryopreserved Control Population. Animals. 11(9):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11092591S11311

    Drought tolerance assessment of melon germplasm searching for adaptation to climate change

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    [EN] Shortage of irrigation water at critical melon growth stages can be the most important limiting factor in the future due to climate change, especially in the Mediterranean region. Apart from the improvement of irrigation systems and crop management, the development of drought tolerant cultivars by genetic breeding is the best solution to achieve stable yields. Screening germplasm collections is a prerequisite for that. A melon core collection was evaluated in the current work in two assays. Seven morphological traits were assessed at plantlet stage and compared under drought and standard conditions imposed. Significant differences for all traits were recorded among the sixty accessions evaluated. Clustering analysis also grouped the accessions according to their response to drought, detecting some landraces and wild types of interest, mainly of Indian and African origin, although the best behavior under drought was found in a flexuosus melon from Irak. Some Spanish inodorus landraces also showed better response than the average behavior of commercial types. The employment of this set of traits has allowed screening a large germplasm collection in an easy and non-expensive way, in one of the most sensitive developmental stages.The authors thank the Erasmus mundus team, WELCOME project, Third Cohort, for offering funds for the research and scholarship activities. Also, they thank the Conselleria d'Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana) for funding the project Prometeo (2017/078).Elsayed, H.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Esteras Gómez, C. (2019). Drought tolerance assessment of melon germplasm searching for adaptation to climate change. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 14(27):1180-1196. https://doi.org/10.5897/AJAR2018.13807S11801196142

    Ovarian transcriptomic analysis reveals differential expression genes associated with cell death process after selection for ovulation rate in rabbits

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    [EN] Transcriptomic analysis showed nineteen potential biomarkers in ovarian tissue from females belonged to a rabbit line selected for ovulation rate for 10 generations and the control line. These females differed not only in ovulation rate but also in prenatal survival since similar litter size were observed. Litter size is an essential trait in rabbit meat production but with low heritability. A selection experiment for ovulation rate has been performed for 10 generations to improve litter size in rabbits. The selected line increased two ova more than the control line but nevertheless a negative correlation was observed with prenatal survival. A transcriptomic study was performed, using microarrays, in ovarian tissue from females belonging to the selected line and the control line. Our results showed 1357 differential expressed genes and nineteen potential biomarkers associated with prenatal mortality, which could explain differences between litter size in rabbits. Cell death was the most relevant process.This research was supported by MEC (AGL2014-55921-C2-1-P) and Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo 2009/125).Serna-García, M.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Serna, E.; Santacreu Jerez, MA. (2020). Ovarian transcriptomic analysis reveals differential expression genes associated with cell death process after selection for ovulation rate in rabbits. Animals. 10(10):1-11. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10101924S1111010Laborda, P., Mocé, M. L., Blasco, A., & Santacreu, M. A. (2012). Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits: Genetic parameters and correlated responses on survival rates1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(2), 439-446. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4219Laborda, P., Mocé, M. L., Santacreu, M. A., & Blasco, A. (2011). Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits: Genetic parameters, direct response, and correlated response on litter size1. Journal of Animal Science, 89(10), 2981-2987. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-3906Laborda, P., Santacreu, M. A., Blasco, A., & Mocé, M. L. (2012). Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits: Direct and correlated responses estimated with a cryopreserved control population1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(10), 3392-3397. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4837Cunningham, P. J., England, M. E., Young, L. D., & Zimmerman, D. R. (1979). Selection for Ovulation Rate in Swine: Correlated Response in Litter Size and Weight. Journal of Animal Science, 48(3), 509-516. doi:10.2527/jas1979.483509xRosendo, A., Druet, T., Gogué, J., & Bidanel, J. P. (2007). Direct responses to six generations of selection for ovulation rate or prenatal survival in Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 85(2), 356-364. doi:10.2527/jas.2006-507Johnson, R. K., Zimmerman, D. R., & Kittok, R. J. (1984). Selection for components of reproduction in swine. Livestock Production Science, 11(6), 541-558. doi:10.1016/0301-6226(84)90070-8Rodrigues, P., Limback, D., McGinnis, L. K., Plancha, C. E., & Albertini, D. F. (2008). Oogenesis: Prospects and challenges for the future. 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The proteolytic activity of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A is potentially regulated by stanniocalcin-1 and -2 during human ovarian follicle development. Human Reproduction, 31(4), 866-874. doi:10.1093/humrep/dew013Darcy, C. J., Davis, J. S., Woodberry, T., McNeil, Y. R., Stephens, D. P., Yeo, T. W., & Anstey, N. M. (2011). An Observational Cohort Study of the Kynurenine to Tryptophan Ratio in Sepsis: Association with Impaired Immune and Microvascular Function. PLoS ONE, 6(6), e21185. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021185Wirthgen, E., Tuchscherer, M., Otten, W., Domanska, G., Wollenhaupt, K., Tuchscherer, A., & Kanitz, E. (2013). Activation of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase by LPS in a porcine model. Innate Immunity, 20(1), 30-39. doi:10.1177/1753425913481252Mohib, K., Guan, Q., Diao, H., Du, C., & Jevnikar, A. M. (2007). Proapoptotic activity of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expressed in renal tubular epithelial cells. 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    Correlated responses on litter size traits and survival traits after two-stage selection for ovulation rate and litter size in rabbits

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    [EN] Farmer profit depends on the number of slaughter rabbits. The improvement of litter size (LS) at birth by two-stage selection for ovulation rate (OR) and LS could modify survival rate from birth to slaughter. This study was aiming to estimate direct and correlated response on LS traits and peri- and postnatal survival traits in the OR_LS rabbit line selected first only for OR (first period) and then for OR and LS using independent culling levels (second period). The studied traits were OR, LS measured as number of total born, number of kits born alive (NBA) and dead (NBD), and number of kits at weaning (NW) and young rabbits at slaughter (NS). Prenatal survival (LS/OR) and survival at birth (NBA/LS), at weaning (NW/NBA) and at slaughter (NS/NW) were also studied. Data were analysed using Bayesian inference methods. Heritability for LS traits were low, 0.07 for NBA, NW and NS. Survival traits had low values of heritability 0.07, 0.03 and 0.03 for NBA/LS, NW/NBA and NS/NW, respectively. After six generations of selection by OR (first period), a small increase in NBD and a slight decrease in NBA/LS were found. However, no correlated responses on NW/NBA and NS/NW were observed. After 11 generations of two-stage selection for OR and LS (second period), correlated responses on NBA, NW and NS were 0.12, 0.12 and 0.11 kits per generation, respectively, whereas no substantial modifications on NBA/LS, NW/NBA and NS/NW were found. In conclusion, two-stage selection improves the number of young rabbits at slaughter without modifying survival from birth to slaughter.This study was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (AGL2014-55921-C2-1-P) and by funds from Generalitat Valenciana research programme (Prometeo 2009/125). A.Y.B. was supported by a grant of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education.Badawy Elmoghazy, AY.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Blasco Mateu, A.; Santacreu Jerez, MA. (2019). Correlated responses on litter size traits and survival traits after two-stage selection for ovulation rate and litter size in rabbits. Animal. 13(3):453-459. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731118002033S453459133Ziadi, C., Mocé, M. L., Laborda, P., Blasco, A., & Santacreu, M. A. (2013). Genetic selection for ovulation rate and litter size in rabbits: Estimation of genetic parameters and direct and correlated responses1. Journal of Animal Science, 91(7), 3113-3120. doi:10.2527/jas.2012-6043Su, G., Lund, M. S., & Sorensen, D. (2007). Selection for litter size at day five to improve litter size at weaning and piglet survival rate1. Journal of Animal Science, 85(6), 1385-1392. doi:10.2527/jas.2006-631Ruíz-Flores, A., & Johnson, R. K. (2001). 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    Identification of differentially expressed genes in the oviduct of two rabbit lines divergently selected for uterine capacity using suppression subtractive hybridization

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    This is the accepted version of the following article: Ballester, M.; Castelló, A.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Argente, M. J.;Santacreu Jerez, MA.; Folch, J. M. (2013). Identification of differentially expressed genes in the oviduct of two rabbit lines divergently selected for uterine capacity using suppression subtractive hybridization. Animal Genetics. 44:296-304. doi:10.1111/AGE.12005. , which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/age.12005.[EN] Suppressive subtractive hybridization libraries from oviduct at 62h post-mating of two lines of rabbits divergently selected for uterine capacity were generated to identify differentially expressed genes. A total of 438 singletons and 126 contigs were obtained by cluster assembly and sequence alignment of 704 expressed sequence tags (ESTs), of which 54% showed homology to known proteins of the non-redundant NCBI databases. Differential screening by dot blot validated 71 ESTs, of which 47 showed similarity to known genes. Transcripts of genes were functionally annotated in the molecular function and the biological process gene ontology categories using the blast2go software and were assigned to reproductive developmental process, immune response, amino acid metabolism and degradation, response to stress and apoptosis terms. Finally, three interesting genes, PGR, HSD17B4 and ERO1L, were identified as overexpressed in the low line using RT-qPCR. Our study provides a list of candidate genes that can be useful to understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypic differences observed in early embryo survival and development traits.We would like to thank Henry Cardona Cadavid for help in the sequencing. This study was funded with project AGL2005-07624-C03.Ballester Devis, M.; Castelló Farre, A.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Argente, MJ.; Santacreu Jerez, MA.; Folch, JM. (2013). Identification of differentially expressed genes in the oviduct of two rabbit lines divergently selected for uterine capacity using suppression subtractive hybridization. Animal Genetics. 44:296-304. https://doi.org/10.1111/AGE.12005S2963044

    Relación entre la producción y los niveles plasmáticos de nefa en conejas / Relationship between production and nefa plasma levels in rabbits

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la relación entre los niveles plasmáticos de NEFA en conejas reproductoras y su nivel productivo. Los niveles de NEFA en plasma son superiores en el primer día de lactación que en el momento de la monta o a los 12 días de gestación. Los niveles de NEFA presentan una relación lineal con la tasa de la ovulación de la coneja y los niveles son más elevados si la coneja se encuentra lactante en el momento de la monta que si no está lactante (0,463 mmol/L vs 0,304 mmol/L). La relación entre los niveles de NEFA en el primer día de lactación y la producción de leche es lineal, obteniéndose diferentes rectas de regresión en función del tamaño de camada

    A set of PCR-based markers for management of a library of Solanum lycopersicoides introgression lines

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    [EN] A collection of introgression lines (ILs) of Solanum lycopersicoides Dunal in the genetic background of cultivated tomato (S. lycopersicum L.) is a valuable tool for tomato breeding. Efficient management of the collection requires the use of molecular markers. The objective of this work was to identify polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based markers that were polymorphic between the parents of the ILs, namely ‘VF36’ and ‘LA2951’. In total, 81 primer pairs were tested on genomic DNA from both parents. Genomic DNA of the inter-specific hybrid between the two parents, from which the IL collection had been derived, was also tested. The markers used were either cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers or were derived from a set of conserved orthologous genes. In both cases, the markers had been mapped in tomato and described in the SOL Genomics Network. Forty-seven of the markers tested produced a single PCR product in ‘VF36’ and ‘LA2951’. Eleven markers revealed polymorphisms as differences in band-sizes between the two parents. At least one restriction enzyme that generated polymorphism was identified in 29 of the remaining 36 markers. Among other applications, some of these markers have been used to identify plants carrying a target DNA fragment among segregating generations, or to delimit the length of an introgressed sequenceThis research was financed by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Madrid, Spain (Projects Nos. AGL2008-05114 and AGL2011-30083).Peiró Barber, RM.; Díez Niclós, MJTDJ.; Pérez De Castro, AM. (2015). A set of PCR-based markers for management of a library of Solanum lycopersicoides introgression lines. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. 90(3):279-284. https://doi.org/10.1080/14620316.2015.11513183S279284903Díez, M. J. and Nuez, F. (2008). Tomato. In:Handbook of Plant Breeding. (Prohens, J. and Nuez F., Eds.). Springer, New York, NY, USA, 249–323.Pérez-De-Castro, A., Díez, M. J. and Nuez, F. (2011). Evaluation of a subset ofSolanum lycopersicoidesintrogression lines for resistance to Tomato yellow leaf curl disease. In:Proceedings of the XVII Eucarpia Meeting Group - Tomato. Málaga, Spain. 17.Soler, S., Belmonte, I., Aramburu, J., Galipienso, L., López, C., Sifres, A., Pérez-De-Castro, A. and Díez, M. J. (2012). Identificación de una fuente de tolerancia al ToMV en una colección de líneas de introgresión derivada deSolanum lycopersicoidesLA2951. In:Proceedings of the XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Fitopatología, Málaga, Spain. 221

    Conocimiento de los problemas contemporáneos. ¿Es solo cuestión de práctica?

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    [EN] The knowledge of contemporary issues is one of the outcomes recommended by different education systems, including the Spanish. This awareness skill, is basic to assure that the students are able to address societies’ issues and it is included among the professional skills that the student must meet at the end of the programme. As an opposite to hard skills, more related to using, designing and applying the knowledge of the programme, the professional skills are more related to the behaviour of the student in his/her professional life. Those skills are harder to teach and practice, but are highly sought-after by company recruiters. Knowledge of contemporary issues is one of those outcome that College and University teachers should include in their subjects and help the students to be more aware of its importance. It is difficult, though, to implement this outcome in the syllabus. En this paper we compare teaching experiences for this outcome following an example-practice scheme in a first year bachelor degree course and in a second year master degree course. En both cases, activities were designed to practice the outcome and they were self- and peer-evaluated. Teachers did not teach directly the outcome. Nevertheless, the students learnt with the activity the importance of being aware of contemporary issues and had feedback of their efforts to improve their skill. Although improvements should be made, the activities helped the student to improve their knowledge of contemporary issues, allowed teachers to assess their students for this outcome and collect evidences of its achievement for accreditation processes. Also, involvement of the student in the assessment process helped them to develop more responsibility in their own learning process[ES] La competencia “conocimiento de los problemas contemporáneos” es una de las recomendadas por los distintos sistemas educativos universitarios, incluido el español. Esta competencia es básica para asegurar que el estudiante es capaz de reconocer los problemas actuales que afectan a la sociedad y a su profesión y es una de las denominadas competencias profesionales o transversales que deben adquirir los estudiantes al final de sus estudios. Al contrario que las competencias específicas de la titulación, más relacionadas con usar, diseñar y aplicar los conocimientos del programa, las competencias profesionales están más relacionadas con el comportamiento del estudiante en su vida profesional. Estas habilidades son más difíciles de enseñar y practicar, pero son muy valoradas por el sector profesional cuando contrata su personal. El conocimiento de los problemas contemporáneos es una de estas competencias, que los profesores universitarios deben incluir en sus asignaturas y ayudar a los estudiantes a ser conscientes de su importancia. Sin embargo, puede resultar complejo incluir esta competencia en el programa de la asignatura. En este artículo se comparan las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje en una asignatura de primer curso de grado y una asignatura de segundo curso de máster. En ambos casos, se diseñaron actividades para practicar esta competencia y fueron evaluadas por los propios alumnos y por sus pares, así como por los profesores. Los profesores no enseñaron de forma explícita la competencia, pero los estudiantes al realizar la actividad se dieron cuenta de la importancia de la misma y recibieron información para trabajarla. Aunque es necesario realizar mejoras, las actividades favorecieron el conocimiento de los problemas contemporáneos de los alumnos, permitieron a los profesores evaluar a los alumnos en esta competencia y recoger evidencias para los procesos de acreditación. Los alumnos al estar involucrados en su proceso de evaluación lograron más responsabilidad en su propio proceso de aprendizaje.Los autores agradecen la financiación propocionada por el Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación de la Universitat Politècnica de València mediante la convocatoria de ayudas para Proyectos de Innovación y Mejora Educativa (PIME).Leiva Brondo, M.; Cebolla Cornejo, J.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Pérez De Castro, AM. (2016). Conocimiento de los problemas contemporáneos. ¿Es solo cuestión de práctica?. En In-Red 2016. II Congreso nacional de innovación educativa y docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2016.2016.4367OC

    How to interpret the students' multiple-choice test results

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    [ES] El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) es un área de la organización educativa iniciada con la Declaración de Bolonia, fomentando la evaluación del proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Esta evaluación ha de ser continua, formativa, variada, justa, conocida y exitosa. La prueba final, tanto oral como escrita, ha sido utilizada generalmente no sólo en la metodología tradicional de la enseñanza universitaria, sino también en el EEES. La prueba final se considera un buen complemento a la evaluación continua que permite evaluar el conocimiento de la asignatura. La prueba objetiva es una de las pruebas utilizadas para evaluar a los estudiantes. A pesar de que la corrección es completamente objetiva, la formulación de las preguntas y la nota mínima necesaria para superar la prueba son decisiones subjetivas de los profesores. Fruticultura es una asignatura optativa, de 6 ECTS, ubicada en el cuarto año de Ingeniería agrónoma de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universitat Politècnica de València. En este trabajo se analizan las pruebas objetivas realizadas en dicha asignatura. Concretamente, se analizan un total de 40 preguntas de opción múltiple a partir de las respuestas de 50 alumnos correspondientes al curso académico 2011/2012. Todas las preguntas de opción múltiple tienen cuatro opciones de respuesta siendo sólo una la correcta. Todas las preguntas tienen la misma ponderación, y la puntuación bruta se calcula para cada sección en función del número de preguntas que el estudiante contesta correctamente (1) o incorrectamente (0). Este trabajo realiza un análisis descriptivo de cada una de las preguntas de opción múltiple, así como los coeficientes de dificultad, la discriminación y la fiabilidad, para evaluar la calidad de las preguntas formuladas en las preguntas objetivas. Los diferentes resultados se obtuvieron en función de la sección. Las secciones teóricas obtienen un mayor porcentaje de respuestas correctas que las secciones prácticas / aplicativas. Los coeficientes de prueba estimados estuvieron dentro del rango de los coeficientes aceptables para evaluar el rendimiento académico. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la calidad de las preguntas objetivas tipo test utilizados como parte de la evaluación con el fin de mejorar su calidad, si es necesario, y para obtener información acerca de los aciertos y errores de los alumnos.Peiró Barber, RM.; Guijarro, E.; Verdeguer Sancho, MM.; Reig Valor, C. (2013). How to interpret the students' multiple-choice test results. En New changes in technology and innovation : INNODOCT'13 : International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies, held on-line in Valencia, Spain, on 6-7 May, 2013. https://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/30843. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 183-188. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/82182S18318