128 research outputs found

    Anthropology: A credit memo for the social and educational role in the area of History

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    La docencia sobre el saber de la Historia amerita ser revisada a la luz del balance de los resultados académicos que los organismos competentes arrojan, y que de manera objetiva no complacen. Esta área necesita de la cooperación del saber antropológico para que su función social recupere dicho crédito. Eliminar o, como mínimo, impedir el mal uso y abuso de la Historia en el alumnado se hace imperativo para generar en ellos el sentido y formación crítica que cualquier sociedad avanzada demanda de sus ciudadanos. La Antropología puede desplegar sobre la Historia un utillaje óptimo para hacer frente a los males apuntados con los que ayudar a cimentar en su camino constructivo una disciplina respetable y eficiente a la que no le sea cuestionada su utilidad y pueda volver a seducir. Esta investigación tiene por objeto mejorar la calidad del ejercicio docente de la Historia en la etapa de Bachillerato en la ciudad de Granada con el aporte de la Antropología Social, para contribuir a la formación del alumnado de manera integral y desarrollar la capacidad de generar un criterio crítico y emancipador. Hemos diseñado un trabajo ecléctico, empleando instrumentos cualitativos y cuantitativos. En relación a los datos cuantitativos obtenidos mediante el cuestionario empleado, pretendemos mostrar la situación actual de los aspectos formativos, curriculares y de desarrollo profesional que los docentes de Historia expresan con relación a los contenidos antropológicos.Teaching about knowledge of history deserves to be revised in light of balance of academic results that the competent bodies shed, and objectively not pleased. This area needs the cooperation of anthropological knowledge for its social function recover that credit. Eliminate or at least prevent the misuse and abuse of history in students it becomes imperative to generate their sense and critical training that any advanced society demands of its citizens. Anthropology can deploy on the History optimal tool to deal with the evils targeted to help build in a constructive way a respectable and efficient discipline that is not questioned its usefulness and you can return to seduce. This research aims to improve the quality of teaching practice of history at the stage of high school in the city of Granada with the contribution of social anthropology to contribute to the training of students holistically and develop the ability to generate criteria critical and emancipatory. We have designed an eclectic work, using qualitative and quantitative tools. Regarding quantitative data obtained through the questionnaire used, we intend to show the current status of training, curriculum and professional development for teachers of history expressed in relation to the contents anthropological aspects

    Relationship between heat shock proteins and cellular resistance to drugs and ageing

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    Background and aims Ageing is a multifactorial degenerative process which causes a decrease in the cellular capacity for repair and adaptation to external stressors. In this way, it is important to maintain the proper balance of the proteome. Heat shock proteins (HSP) will intervene in this balance, which are responsible for the correct assembly, folding and translocation of other proteins when cells are subjected to stressors. This type of protein is overexpressed in human tumor cells, while its deficit, both in function and quantity, contributes to ageing processes. The present work aims to analyze the response of cells from studies carried out in normal and tumor cells that are subjected to stressors. Methods and results A PubMed search was performed using the keywords “cell ageing, cell longevity, resistance, HSP, heat shock proteins, thermal shock proteins”. This search generated 212 articles. Subsequently, a series of inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select the articles of interest to be evaluated. Normal cells subjected to external stressors at low doses increase the number of HSP, causing them to become more resistant. In addition, tumor cells expressing high levels of HSP show greater resistance to treatment and increased cell replication. HSP intervene in the cellular resistance of both normal and tumor cells. Conclusions In the case of normal cells, the increase in HSP levels makes them respond effectively to an external stressor, increasing their resistance and not causing cell death. In the case of tumor cells, there is an increase in resistance to treatment.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products and Risk of Endometriosis

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    In the last years, the variety and consumption of cosmetics and personal care products (PCPs) have greatly increased, although the long-term adverse effects to low doses of chemicals used in their production and with proven hormone-mimicking properties have been still poorly addressed. Among these endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), parabens, benzophenones, bisphenols, and phthalates are the most widely found in these products. Given the estrogenic-dependent nature of the endometrium, it has been hypothesized the potential contribution of these EDCs contained in cosmetics and PCPs in the risk of endometriosis. In this book chapter, we have summarized the current evidence supporting this hypothesis, highlighting epidemiological, in vivo, and in vitro studies that have addressed the potential influence of parabens, benzophenones, bisphenols, and phthalates in the origin and progression of this chronic feminine disease

    Milk production and adjustment of lactation curve in the Florida caprine breed

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    Milk yield and average lactation curves is studied in the Florida caprine breed. 968 valid lactations are analyzed corresponding to 317 females kept under a semi-extensive management system, fed by grazing and additional in the feeding rack, with an average feed intake of 1783 g/day of dry matter in autumn-winter, 2938 g/day in spring and 1974 g/day in summer. The milking was done in the morning, and the milk control monthly. Milk production was determined with the adaptation of Carré to the Fleischmann method. A 71.6 percent of the lactations have a duration that fluctuates between 188 and 341 days, being the average duration 301.5 ± 3 days. The lactations that initiate in winter-spring are of shorter than the ones of summer-autumn (288.4±3.6 days vs 315.5±5.2 days), the same as the first lactation in comparison to the rest (283.7±4.8 days vs 310.5±3.8 days). The type of kidding doesn"t affect significantly the duration of the lactation. The milk yield to 210, 240, 270 days and complete lactation is 475.3±4.3 kg, 538.9±5.0 kg, 598.5±6.3 kg and 611.4±7.8 kg, respectively. The females that kid in winter-spring produce more quantity of milk until 270 days of lactation, although their production is less at complete lactation due to its shorter duration. The primiparous goats produce a 19-20 percent less quantity of milk than the multiparous goats, while the ones that kid more than one kid produce a 38-40 percent more than the ones having a simple kid or abortions. The Inverse polynomial and Incomplete gamma functions present a similar adjustment (R2= 0.943; CME=0.5361 and 0.5365), although they show differences in the components of the lactation curve: the initial production is estimated in 0.82 kg/d and 2.56 kg/d; maximum production in 2.71 kg/d and 2.68 kg/d; the peak production at day 27 and 13, and the decrese in 4.58 g/d and 4.32 g/d, respectively.Se estudia la producción láctea y la curva de lactación en caprinos de raza Florida. Se analizan 968 lactaciones válidas correspondientes a 317 hembras manejadas en un régimen semiextensivo, alimentadas a pasto más suplementación en pesebre, con un nivel de ingesta medio de 1783 g/día de materia seca en otoño-invierno, 2938 g/día en primavera y 1974 g/día en verano. El ordeño se efectuaba por la mañana, y el control lechero se realizaba mensualmente. La producción de leche se determinó con la adaptación de Carré al método de Fleishmann. El 71,6 p.100 de las lactaciones tienen una duración comprendida entre 188 y 341 días, siendo la duración media de 301,5±3 días. Las lactaciones que se inician en invierno-primavera son más cortas que las de verano-otoño (288,4±3,6 días vs 315,5±5,2 días), al igual que la primera lactación frente a las restantes (283,7±4,8 días vs 310,5±3,8 días). El tipo de parto no afecta significativamente la duración de la lactación. La producción de leche tipificada a 210, 240 y 270 días y a lactación completa es de 475,3±4,3 kg, 538,9±5,0 kg, 598,5±6,3 kg y 611,4±7,8 kg, respectivamente. Las hembras que paren en invierno- primavera producen mayor cantidad de leche hasta 270 días de lactación, en tanto que su producción es menor a lactación completa por su menor duración. Las cabras primíparas producen un 19-20 p.100 menos cantidad de leche que las multíparas, mientras que las que paren más de un cabrito producen un 38-40 p.100 más que las de parto simple o abortos. Las funciones Polinomial inversa y Gamma incompleta presentan un ajuste similar (R2= 0,943; C.M.E= 0,5361 y 0,5365), aunque muestran diferencias en las componentes de la curva de lactación: la producción inicial se estima en 0,82 kg/d y 2,56 kg/d, la producción máxima en 2,71 kg/d y 2,68 kg/d, el pico de lactación al día 27 y 13, y el descenso en 4,58 g/d y 4,32 g/d, respectivamente

    Cardiovascular risk assessment models and nursing role in prevention

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    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares siguen siendo la primera causa de muerte en los países desarrollados y se están extendiendo a modo de «epidemia» a los países en desarrollo. Existen una serie de modelos de estimación del riesgo cardiovascular global que tienen en cuenta varios factores de riesgo cardiovascular de forma simultánea tal y como se aconseja. El objetivo de este artículo de revisión es concluir qué modelo de estimación de riesgo cardiovascular global es el más adecuado para utilizar con la población española. Existen distintas ecuaciones para la estimación del riesgo cardiovascular global acompañadas tablas. El modelo de Framingham fue el primero y tiene calibraciones para la población española. Existen estimaciones europeas: modelo PROCAM y modelo SCORE. Hay también modelos específicos para pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (modelo UKPDS o modelo Arquímedes). Hemos de usar la tabla SCORE para estimar el riesgo de cualquier evento cardiovascular mortal en 10 años y por estar calibrado para la población española. No obstante, hemos de tener en cuenta que tiene una serie de limitaciones. Según distintos estudios el personal de enfermería ha de coordinar los programas de prevención de la enfermedad cardiovascular.Cardiovascular Disease continues to be the first leading cause of death in developed countries and is spreading as an epidemic to developing ones. There are a number of Global Cardiovascular Risk assessment models that simultaneously take into account several Cardiovascular Risk Factors, as it is advisable. The aim of this review article is to determine which Global Cardiovascular Risk assessment model is best suited for use with the Spanish population. Global Cardiovascular Risk. The Framingham model was the first one, ant it has calibrations for the Spanish population. There are some European estimates: the PROCAM model and the SCORE model. There are also specific models for patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus (the UKPDS model or the Archimedes model). We must use the SCORE chart, as it estimates the risk for any fatal cardiovascular event over 10 years and is calibrated for the Spanish population. Nevertheless, we should consider that it has a number of limitations. According to different studies, the Nursing Staff should coordinate the Cardiovascular Disease prevention programs

    Red de coordinación de las asignaturas del área de conocimiento de Inmunología (Grado en Biología)

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    El rápido desarrollo de la Inmunología durante el pasado y presente siglo, ha hecho que la Inmunología sea actualmente la ciencia que más interrelación tiene con otras disciplinas del campo de la Biología y de la Biomedicina en general. Su carácter multidisciplinar hace que se integre y se complemente a la perfección con multitud de disciplinas biomédicas. Por otro lado, cada día aumenta el número de enfermedades en las que se reconoce que la participación del sistema inmunitario, es la causa, o contribuye de forma importante al proceso patológico. Precisamente, durante el curso 2013-2014, ha empezado a impartirse por vez primera la asignatura de Inmunología Aplicada e Inmunopatología, del Area de Inmunología del cuarto curso de Grado en Biología, que a la vez que analiza las múltiples aplicaciones de la Inmunología en distintos campos de la Biotecnología y la Biomedicina, estudia con detalle aspectos diagnósticos, pronósticos y terapéuticos de las principales enfermedades de base inmunológica. Con esta red, pretendemos aprovechar la experiencia acumulada durante el pasado año con la asignatura de Inmunología General, impartida en tercer curso del Grado en Biología, para asegurar la adecuada coordinación entre el profesorado de las dos asignaturas actuales y fomentar el trabajo en equipo, buscando con ello cumplir con las competencias previstas descritas en las guías docentes de ambas asignaturas

    Influence of different surgical techniques on primary implant stability in the posterior maxilla: a randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Background and objective Primary stability (PS) is remarkable for secondary stability and implant success. Surgical technique modifications seem to improve primary stability, especially in poor quality bone. The aim of this study was to compare the insertion torque (IT) and implant stability quotients (ISQ) of implants placed with underpreparation, expanders, and standard surgical instrumentation in different bone types. Material and methods This randomized controlled clinical trial enrolled 108 patients (n=108 implants) distributed in three study groups: group 1 (n=36) underpreparation technique, group 2 (n=36) expander technique, and group 3 (n=36) conventional drilling. IT was recorded with a torque indicator. ISQ was recorded with resonance frequency analysis immediately after surgery. Results ISQ values were associated with the patient’s bone quality and were higher in bone quality type II (76.65) and type III (73.60) and lower in bone quality type IV (67.34), with statistically significant differences (p<0.0001). Lower stability results were obtained when conventional drilling (69.31) was used compared to the use of underpreparation (74.29) or expanders (73.99) with a level of significance of p=0.008 and p=0.005, respectively. Conclusions The surgical technique influences the PS when there is low-quality bone. In low-quality bones, conventional drilling obtains lower ISQ values. Clinical relevance Replace the conventional drilling technique for an alternative, underpreparation or expanders, in lowquality bone in order to achieve greater primary stabilityUniversidad de Granada/ CBU

    Before and after EEES spirit in biometrics for pharmacy

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    Biometría es una asignatura troncal de primer curso del grado de Farmacia. Últimamente, los profesores tratan de adaptarla al espíritu del EEES. El mayor esfuerzo se enfoca hacia el desarrollo de la capacidad de auto-crítica, auto-aprendizaje y de una evaluación adecuada. Algunos métodos tradicionales ya lo pretendían, como la provisión de resúmenes teóricos, la discusión de problemas matemáticos del ámbito farmacéutico dados de antemano o el uso de un paquete informático estadístico. Además, actualmente los alumnos tienen acceso a una página web de la asignatura con esos materiales junto con ejemplos resueltos, presentaciones, etc. La mayor novedad es un curso inicial para repasar conceptos básicos previos y el acceso a tests de autoevaluación a lo largo del curso. La evaluación consistía en un examen final y ahora de cuatro exámenes cortos, otro de las capacidades de uso del paquete estadístico y uno final. El estudio estadístico de las calificaciones desde 2003 hasta 2008 muestran que: 1. Los turnos de la mañana y la tarde son comparables. 2. Las calificaciones de junio y septiembre no son comparables. 3. Las calificaciones son siempre bajas. 4. Las calificaciones son similares para ambos estilos de enseñanza. Por tanto, debemos reflexionar acerca de los resultados. Estudiando lo obtenido tras una encuesta a alumnos y profesores, concluimos lo siguiente: es necesario una mejora en los conocimientos previos de los alumnos, animar a alumnos y profesores a romper con la antigua forma de aprender y la disminución del ratio de alumnos por clase.Biometrics is a mandatory subject in the first course of the Pharmacy degree. In the last few years, its professors try to adapt it to the EEES spirit. The biggest effort is focused on developing the self-criticisim, self-learning competences and a suitable evaluation method. Some of the traditional teaching methods already aimed that, such us providing theory summaries and discussions about mathematical problems within the pharmacy framework proposed in advanced and the use of a statistical package. Nowadays, besides that, the students have a subject web page with the summaries, problems, solved examples, slide presentations, etc. The biggest novelties are an initial course to review preliminary basic concepts and self-evaluation multiple-choice tests provided along the whole term. The evaluation changed from one final exam to four short ones, an exam of their skills at using the statistics package and a final exam.The statistical analysis of the final marks from the 2003 to 2008 shows that: 1. Morning and afternoon shifts are comparable. 2. June and September marks are not comparable. 3. Final marks are always low. 4. Final marks are similar for both teaching styles. Therefore, we should reflect on the results carefully. Having studied the data of a survey among professors and students, we come to the following conclusions: it is necessary to ask for higher student’s knowledge basis, to encourage them and professors to break the chains of old ways of learning and to ask for a decrease in the ratio of students per class.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente apoyado por los proyectos MTM2007-63793 del Plan Nacional I+D+I, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, y FQM-307 de la Consejería de Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía

    Evaluation of different competitive immunoassays for aflatoxin M1 determination in milk samples by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

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    Haptens (i.e. biomolecules which molecular weight is lower than 10 kDa) determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is usually performed by means of competitive immunoassays. In these immunoassays, analyte quantification is indirectly carried out using two different tracer species (i.e. antibodies or antigen-protein conjugates). However, the benefits (and drawbacks) derived from using a given tracer species have not been systematically investigated so far. The goal of this work is to evaluate the influence of the tracer species employed in competitive immunoassays on the analytical figures of merit for aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) determination in milk samples. To this end, three different strategies have been developed and evaluated, namely: (i) antibody binding inhibition assay (ABIA); (ii) capture inhibition assay (CIA); and (iii) capture bridge inhibition assay (CBIA). Experimental results show that the use of the antibody as tracer species (as in the ABIA approach) affords better analytical figures of merit for AFM1 determination than using the antigen-protein conjugate as the tracer one (as in the CIA and CBIA strategies). The limit of detection afforded by ABIA strategy (i.e. 0.1 ng kg-1) for AFM1 determination was 1000-fold and 50-fold lower regarding the CIA and CBIA strategies, respectively. In the case of the ABIA approach, the characteristics of the metal nanoparticle label employed to detect the tracer species is critical on the analytical figures of merit. However, when the hapten-protein conjugates are used as tracer species, immunocomplex formation is severely hampered by steric effects caused by the protein moiety and, consequently, the characteristics of the metal nanoparticle label is not critical in the immunoassay performance. The different immunoassay strategies were successfully validated for AFM1 determination in milk samples using a certified reference material of whole milk powder (ERM-BD283) according to European Conformity guidelines for analytical methods of food contaminants and mycotoxins. Compared to ELISA, the immunoassay developed for AFM1 determination in milk samples improve limits of detection up to 10-fold.The authors would like to thank the Generalitat Valenciana (Project GV/2014/138) and the Vice-Presidency for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Alicante – Spain for the financial support of this work (Project GRE12-19). E. Pérez also thanks the University of Alicante – Spain for the fellowship (UAFPU2011)