551 research outputs found
Konformalna preslikavanja
Najvažniji rezultat ovog diplomskog rada je Riemannov teorem o preslikavanju. Prije njegovog dokaza, u početnom poglavlju definirali smo sama konformalna preslikavanja. Nakon toga smo proučili razlomljene linearne transformacije i njihovu povezanost sa tim preslikavanjima. Važnu ulogu u dokazu Riemannovog teorema o preslikavanju imale su normalne familije koje smo definirali u trećem poglavlju i dokazali sljedeće: ako je i je uniformno ograničena na svakom kompaktnom podskupu područja , onda je normalna familija. Nakon sto smo definirali i konformalno ekvivalentna područja, mogli smo dokazati Riemannov teorem o preslikavanju. U petom poglavlju definirali smo klasu koju čine sve koje su injekcije na i za koje vrijedi , te smo pokazali neka svojstva te klase. U poglavlju "Neprekidnost na rubovima" definirali smo jednostavne rubne točke i dokazali sljedeću tvrdnju: ako je ograničeno jednostavno povezano područje u kompleksnoj ravnini i ako je svaka rubna točka od jednostavna, tada se svako konformalno preslikavanje iz na može proširiti na homeomorfizam iz na . U posljednjem poglavlju bavili smo se konformalnim preslikavanjima kružnih vijenaca i dokazali zanimljivo svojstvo: kružni vijenci i su konformalno ekvivalentni ako i samo ako je .The most important result of this diploma thesis is the Riemann mapping theorem. Before we could prove it, we defined the conformal mappings in the first chapter. After that we studied linear fractional transformations and their connection with those mappings. The important part of proving the Riemann mapping theorem are normal families which we defined in the third chapter. We also proved that if and is uniformly bounded on every compact subset of the region ; then is a normal family. After we defined conformally equivalent regions, we could prove the Riemann mapping theorem. In the fifth chapter we defined the class ; which is the class of all which are one-to-one in and satisfy \8f(0)=0, f'(0)=1\), and proved some of its properties. In the chapter "Continuity at the boundary" we defined simple boundary points and proved the next statement: if \8\Omega\) is a bounded simply connected region in the plane and if every boundary point of is simple, then every conformal mapping of onto extends to a homeomorphism off onto . In the last chapter we studied the conformal mapping of an annulus and proved this interesting property: and are conformally equivalent if and only if
Republikanizam kao kritički idiom: čiji, protiv koga, i zbog čega?
the aim of the paper is to draw briefly the discourse-theoretical foundations to the republican political theory (section 1), with the issue of slave/slavery as a pivotal concern of social and political life (section 2), and then to chart the most interesting consequences for the contemporary versions of the theory as proposed by the key authors (closing paragraphs of section 2, and section 3). the overarching message of the paper reads that republicanism is founded on a specific view of human nature as ens loquens, or zoon logon echon, that has important implications both empirically and normatively. the third, and final, section of the paper enlists six proposals, or suggestions, to contemporary republicans for the purpose of elucidating, first, the limits of republican theory/practice, and second, its intellectual origins as well as its opposition. Sum- marily, the paper lays emphasis as well on the status of republican language as a critical idiom with its pluralist, highly contextualized, and often program- matic/engaged voices.Svrha se ovoga ogleda sastoji u kratkome prezentiranju diskurzivno-teori- jskih zasada republikanske političke teorije (dio 1), sa temom roba/ropstva kao središnjim problemom društvenoga i političkoga života (dio 2), kako bi se potom ocrtale najzanimljivije konsekvence za suvremene verzije te teorije, kako su predložene od strane ključnih autora (završni paragrafi dijela 2, i dio 3). obuhvatna poruka ogleda glasi da se republikanizam temelji na specifičnome poimanju ljudske prirode kao ens loquens, ili zoon logon echon, što sadrži važne implikacije u i empirijskome i normativnome smislu. treći, završni dio ogle- da navodi šest prijedloga, ili sugestija, današnjim republikancima kako bi se, prvo, pojasnile granice republikanske teorije/prakse, i drugo, kako bi se pojas- nili i njezini intelektualni izvori i njezina oporba. Sveukupno, ogled naglašava status republikanskoga jezika također kao kritičkoga idioma sa pluralističkim, izrazito kontekstualnim, i često programatskim/angažiranim glasovima
Polymorphism of interleukin 28B gene in human immunodeficiency virus infected individuals
Zaraza virusom ljudske imunodeficijencije (HIV) povezuje se s progresivnom deficijencijom imunološkog sustava. CD4+ T-limfociti su osnovna subpopulacija stanica koju virus ljudske imunodeficijencije zaražava te tijekom infekcije dolazi do deplecije ovih stanica u krvi HIV-pozitivnih osoba što služi kao prognostički parametar za progresiju HIV-bolesti. Interferoni λ inhibiraju replikaciju različitih virusa. Polimorfizam jednog nukleotida rs12979860 u promotoru gena za interleukin-28B (jedan od interferona λ) utječe na koncentraciju tog citokina u organizmu. Osobe koje su C homozigoti imaju veće koncentracije IL-28B te sporiju progresiju bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja je odrediti povezanost između polimorfizma gena za IL-28B i imunološkog statusa HIV-om zaraženih osoba. Ispitanike sam podijelila u tri skupine prema apsolutnom broju CD4+ T-limfocita te metodom
PCR-a u stvarnom vremenu odredila polimorfizam gena za IL-28B. Prva skupina su osobe koje su pri ulasku u kliničku skrb, te minimalno godinu dana nakon toga imale > 500 CD4+ limfocita / μl krvi. Druga skupina su osobe koje su u kliničku skrb ušle s 500 CD4+ limfocita / μl krvi nakon početka terapije antiretrovirusnim lijekovima. Treća skupina su osobe koje su pri ulasku u kliničku skrb, te nakon minimalno godinu od započinjanja antiretroviralne terapije imale < 200 CD4+ limfocita / μl krvi. C homozigoti su najčešća skupina u prvoj i trećoj skupini ali i u čitavoj populaciji (50,5 %). Heterozigoti su prisutni u populaciji sa 36,7 % i najčešći je genotip u drugoj skupini ispitanika. T homozigoti su prisutni u populaciji sa 12,8 %, i najrjeđi je genotip u sve tri skupine. Nema statistički značajnih razlika između pojedinih skupina ispitanika. Istraživanje je pokazalo da nema povezanosti između progresije bolesti i IL-28
genotipa u HIV zaraženih osoba.Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is associated with progressive deficiency of the immune system. CD4+ T-lymphocytes are the primary targets of HIV which leads to depletion of this cell population in HIV-infected individuals which serves as a prognostic marker for HIV disease progression. Interferons λ inhibt the replication of different viruses. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of interleukin 28B (IL-28B, one of λ interferons) affects the concentration of that interleukin in the organism. C homozygotes have higher concentrations of that interleukin and therefore slower disease progression. The aim of this study is to determine the corellation between IL-28B SNP and
immunological status of HIV-infected individuals. I have divided the patients into three groups considering their CD4+ count and using a real-time PCR test determined their IL-28B genotype. First group consisted of patients who had > 500 CD4+ lymphocytes / μl at entrance to care and at least for one year after. In the second group were patients who had 500 lymphocytes / μl and stayed as high for at least a year. Third group had patients who entered clinical care with < 200 CD4+ lymphocytes / μl at and remained so for at least a year. C homozygotes are most frequent in entire study group (50,5 %) as well as in the first and third group of patients. Heterozygotes were present in 36,7 % in the entire study group and were the most frequent in second group of patients. T homozygotes were the least frequent in an entire study population and all three groups. There were no statistically significant differences in genotype distribution between groups so this study showed that there is no corelation between disease progression and IL-28B genotype in HIV-infected individuals
Advantages of perindopril as monotherapy and combinations with indapamide compared to other ACE inhibitors in cardiovascular patients
Inhibitori angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima (ACE-inhibitori) imaju ključnu ulogu u liječnju bolesnika duž čitavog kardiovaskularnog kontinuma, od nekomplicirane arterijske hipertenzije do razvijene koronarne bolesti i bolesti srčanog mišića. Temeljem provedenih randomiziranih kliničkih studija može se zaključiti da uz temeljni antihipertenzivni učinak imaju značajni kardio i vazoprotektivni učinak. Bitno je napomenuti da se unutar klase ACE inhibitora, perindopril upravo ističe sa svojim značajnim učincima na poboljšanje funkcije endotela, zapravo inhbirajući patofiziološki proces od samoga početka. Logična je kombinacija perindoprila s diuretikom – indapamidom s obzirom da je njihov kombinirani učinak aditivan, odnosno rezultira optimalnom kontrolom renin angiotenzin-aldosteron sustava i snažnom antihipertenzivnom reakcijom. Perindopril i ramipril su jasno pokazali redukciju kardiovaskularnog rizika u randomiziranim kliničkim pokusima u skupini bolesnika sa stabilnom anginom pektoris, dočim kvinapril i trandolapril nisu imali navedeni učinak. Od svih kardiovaskularnih lijekova, ACE inhibitori imaju navišu razinu dokaza u smislu prevencije kardiovaskularnih događanja tijekom čitavog spektra kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Krkin perindopril, odnosno fiksna kombinacija perindoprila s indapamidom dostupna je u različitim dozama i pakiranjima što ga čini optimalnim izborom na tržištu.Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors play a key role in the treatment of patients along the entire cardiovascular continuum from uncomplicated hypertension to developed coronary artery disease and myocardial disease. Based on the conducted randomized clinical trials, we can conclude that they have a significant cardiac and vasoprotective effect in addition to the basic antihypertensive effect. It is important to note that within the class of ACE inhibitors, perindopril is characterized by its very significant effects on improvement of endothelial function, thereby inhibiting pathophysiological process from the outset. The combination of perindopril with the diuretic – indapamide is logical given that their combined effect is additive, that is, it results in an optimal control of the renin angiotensin-aldosterone system and strong anti-hypertensive reaction. Perindopril and ramipril have clearly demonstrated the reduction of cardiovascular risk in randomized clinical trials in the group of patients with stable angina pectoris, whereas quinapril and trandolapril did not show the above effect. Of all cardiovascular drugs, ACE inhibitors have the highest level of evidence in terms of prevention of cardiovascular events during the entire spectrum of cardiovascular diseases. Krka’s perindopril, or a fixed combination of perindopril with indapamide is available in different dosages and packaging, making it the optimal choice on the market
Dejavniki socialne integracije priseljencev v Španiji med teorijo in prakso: primer mesta Jerez de la Frontera
Spain has always been part of international migration flows. Either through emigration or immigration, many Spaniards have found their home abroad and Spain has become one for many people from all around the world. This paper, however, focuses on the latter. It investigates Spanish immigration legislation and integration, focusing on the factors of social inclusion of immigrants and their integration into Spanish society. The core of the paper presents the results of an analysis of ten in-depth interviews with immigrants of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds, all residing in Jerez de la Frontera. In addition, the results of three interviews with professionals who work with immigrants are analyzed. Immigrants usually come prepared, already knowing people in Spain who support them financially, guide them through the bureaucracy process and help them with integration and finding work. Španija je vedno zavzemala velik del mednarodnih migracijskih tokov. Najsi bo to odseljevanje ali priseljevanje, veliko Špancev je svoj dom našlo v tujini, prav tako pa je Španija postala nov dom za državljane mnogih držav, pri čemer se pričujoča raziskava osredotoča na slednje. Članek preučuje špansko priseljensko zakonodajo in integracijo priseljencev. Pri tem se predvsem posveča dejavnikom socialne vključenosti in uspešnosti integracije v špansko družbo. Jedro predstavlja analiza rezultatov desetih poglobljenih intervjujev s priseljenci različnih kulturnih in narodnostnih ozadij, pri čemer vsi vprašani prebivajo v mestu Jerez de la Frontera. Dodatno so predstavljeni rezultati analize treh poglobljenih intervjujev z zaposlenimi, ki delajo s priseljenci. Večina slednjih pride pripravljenih. V Španiji že imajo prijatelje ali sorodnike, ki jih podpirajo finančno, pri pridobivanju bivalnih in delovnih dovoljenj ter jim tako pomagajo pri vključevanju v družbo in pri iskanju dela. 
Libraries in Croatia: Developments and trends in the postsocialist period
In the last two decades, Croatian libraries have been influenced by
four key factors: 1) becoming an independent state with new sociopolitical
and economic systems in the 1990s, during which time
the state transformed from socialism to a democracy with a market
economy; 2) reconstructing after the devastation brought by war;
3) developing information and communication technologies; and
4) experiencing the effects of a global economic crisis, the impact
of which is still strongly evident throughout Croatia. The present
state of libraries in Croatia indicates that the profession of librarianship
and libraries are facing many problems. Yet, there is also a
sign of the significant potential resulting from the long tradition
of librarianship in Croatian history, and the relatively high level of
library development that had occurred centuries prior to the process
of transition brought by upheaval in the late twentieth century.
During the postsocialist period, libraries in Croatia saw the continued
evolution of a historical, legal, and normative library framework
invested in librarianship as a service to the public, coupled with an
increase in international networking, cooperation, and education.
The rapid global advancement of information and communications
technologies in the last decade of the twentieth century expedited
the construction of the technological infrastructure necessary to
building Croatian libraries, enabling their innovation. At the present
time, the country’s libraries are characterized by a focus on the
information needs of their patrons that is guided by the principle
of freedom of access to information.published or submitted for publicatio
Journals in the category "Food Science & Technology” in the Journal Citation Report database
Different models of scientific communication are becoming more universal and the opportunities of publishing are more numerous and sophisticated. This study analyzed the category "Food Science & Technology" in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database to determine how many journals are currently in it, how many journals are in several scientific categories, how many journals are published by commercial and by non-commercial publishers, what are the publishing models of each journal, journal impact factor (IF) and quartile - Q. The analysis of the publishing models and quartiles in which the journal is located showed that IF and the reputation of the journal are more important to scientists for publishing the results than the publishing policy. The interdisciplinarity of the field was determined through different WoS categories because the journals were included in 25 other categories in addition to the “Food Science & Technology” category
The scientific community’s interest in nutrition, i.e., the interaction of human and food consumption, is constantly rising worldwide and in Croatia. The published research results deepen our understanding of the processes involved in the interplay between food consumption and health, as well as different diseases and malfunctions in the human body. This research provides insight into scientific themes and focuses on nutrition research in Croatia.
The study aims to provide an overview of the development of nutrition as a scientific field in Croatia from 2010 to 2020 using descriptive bibliometric analysis and science mapping. The analysis was made on a sample of 1173 articles indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) database.
In the analyzed period, nutrition and its impact on people\u27s health, especially on children\u27s health, are the focus of Croatian scientists\u27 research. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the same research trends continue in future research
Ustavni patriotiza, u političkoj teoriji Dolfa Sternbernga i Jürgena Habermasa
Pojam i ideja ustavnog patriotizma nastali su u podijeljenoj Njemačkoj nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Promovirao ih je Dolf Sternberger kao model izgradnje novog identiteta Nijemaca na ruševinama građanske lojalnosti prema podijeljenoj zemlji. Stern berger ne smatra patriotizam nekritičkim divljenjem domovini koje je u njemačkom sjećanju bilo primarno povezano s njemačkom nacijom, nego ga opisuje kao društveno i političko ponašanje građana kojima nisu važni prvenstveno vlastiti interesi, nego zajedničko dobro. Sternberger tvrdi da su barem do kraja 18. stoljeća svi oblici patriotizma bili ustavni patriotizmi – shvaćeni kao ljubav prema zakonima i općim slobodama. Za njega je ustav domovina građana. Izraz ustavni patriotizam od Sternbergera je preuzeo Jürgen Habermas dodavši mu univerzalističku komponentu. Shvaćanje ustavnog patriotizma Jürgen Habermas razvio je u kontekstu "Sukoba povjesničara" iz 1986. godine. U osnovi je Habermasova koncepta politički ideal "nacije građana" koji se suprotstavlja koncepciji nacije shvaćene kao pretpolitičko jedinstvo jezika i kulture. Tako prema Habermasovu konceptu ustav kao najviši pravni akt treba biti uspostavljen kao vlastita referenca. Riječ je o ideji tzv. samoreferentnog ustava. Iznose se različiti elementi teorija ustavnog patriotizma Dolfa Sternbergera i Jürgena Habermasa te se na temelju tih elemenata uspoređuju njihovi koncepti ustavnog patriotizma
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