2,167 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komitmen, Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kemampuan Penyusunan Anggaran Pada Pemerintah Kota Manado

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    The implementation of the local government can not be separated from the budget. In Regulation No. 13 of 2006, the draft budget work units contained in a document called the Draft Budget Unit (Rask). Rask standard includes expenditure analysis, a benchmark of the performance of standard costs as the principal instrument in the budget performance. The budget is important because it is used in the allocation of funds for the implementation of local government activities. In budgeting involvement of various work units (SKPD) in Manado City Government is indispensable. This is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of governance and public service. This study aims to analyze Effect of Commitment, Quality of Human Resources, Leadership Style, to the ability of Local Government Budgeting in Manado. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data in the form of a questionnaire. The population in this study is the employee on education (Department and Agency) Manado, and in this study the sampling method used was judgment sampling, the sample in this study is the Secretary, Head of Division (third tier). Data used in this study is mainly qualitative data were quantified by using multiple regression analysis. To test the quality of the data with validity and reliability. Besides testing the classical assumption of normality, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. The research proves that in partial Commitment, Quality of Human Resources does not affect the ability of Budgeting in Local Government Leadership Style Manado while variable positive effect on the ability of Local Government Budgeting in Manado

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Minuman Keras pada Kehidupan Remaja di Desa Kali Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    Liquor or called also alcoholic beverages is a drink containing a substance ethanol. Ethanol himself is the substances or ingredients that when consumed would reduce the awareness of it has its consumers (drunk). Liquor may destroy the thought processes and make somebody unconscious or acting according to volition.The assumption that many teenagers with the drink liquor their confidence increased from a timid to be brave and all problems can be handled with drink of liquor.The opportunity to get liquor very easy especially in desa Kali. The seller does not have formal permission to sell liquor. Because most liquor in desa Kali produced by local people.The dominant factor that causes behavior wassail the youth is the first individual factors, curiosity every individual, especially for teenagers by which either are first of all is want to try and new things and then into the causes of consume liquor. Curiosity toward liquor who they regard as something new and then try it, want to know that that is due to finally become hooked.A drinker liquor impact teen behavior on the psychological state that is inclined to want to consume liquor consistently (addiction), to the physical condition is associated with their health conditions, and in the surrounding environment the things that relating to a response from his family environment, the group and the surrounding community

    Praying for a cure: when medical and religious practices conflict

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    Journal ArticleThis material is still protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Please contact the publisher for permission to copy, distribute or reprin

    Implementing the information prescription protocol in a family medicine practice: a case study.

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    QUESTION: Can an information prescription protocol be successfully integrated into a family medicine practice seeking to enhance patient education and self-management? SETTING: Milton Family Practice, an outpatient clinic and resident teaching site of the University of Vermont and Fletcher Allen Health Care, is located in a semirural area fifteen miles from main campus. OBJECTIVES: The objectives were to increase physicians\u27 knowledge and use of information prescriptions, sustain integration of information prescription use, and increase physicians\u27 ability to provide patient education information. METHODS: Methods used were promotion of the National Library of Medicine\u27s Information Rx, physician instruction, installation of patient and provider workstations, and a collaborative approach to practice integration. MAIN RESULTS: A post-intervention survey showed increased physician knowledge and use of the Information Rx protocol. Support procedures were integrated at the practice. CONCLUSIONS: Sustainable integration of Information Rx in a primary care clinic requires not only promotion and education, but also attention to clinic organization and procedures

    Analisis Indeks Pembangunan Manusia pada 5 Wilayah Hasil Pemekaran di Jawa Barat

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the human development index of the five expansion regions in West Java such as Cimahi, Depok, Banjar, Bekasi and Tasikmalaya. The evaluation of the five cities is using data panel regression to the dependent variable of human development index. The study is tested with using data on 2003 to 2012. The findings of this study are GDP per capita and labor has a significant influence on Human Development Index. The policy of expansion region in 5 cities have already accomodated by indicators of Human Development Index which has increased due to the increasing in GDP per capita and the level of employment. This study is expected to develop some of other variables for the expansion of regional policy in particularly for economic development

    Monitoring Southern Flying Squirrel Populations with Nest Boxes

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    Author Institution: Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Friends University ; Department of Biological Sciences, Wichita State UniversityEvaluating the practicality, economic, and sampling efficiency of potential monitoring programs is a first step in validation. Thus, we established a system of nest boxes in southeast Ohio to evaluate the feasibility of using a system of nest boxes to monitor changes in southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) populations. We recorded the time of box placement until first usage and types of use by flying squirrels as an indicator of presence as well as nest box occupancy trends on a month-to-month basis to assess usage patterns and productivity. Using monitoring results from 4 years, we evaluated alternative survey sampling techniques for occupancy and determined sample sizes necessary to estimate occupancy within specified relative bounds. We also studied the cost of establishing a nest box system and monitoring nest box use. At low nest box occupancy (9.4%), sample size necessary to monitor trend would be extreme (431 boxes for 30% relative bound), but sample size is not restrictive when occupancy rates exceed 17% (211 boxes to achieve 20% relative bound). Monitoring combined spring and summer litter sizes in November or December as a measure of recruitment would require a smaller effort to achieve a tighter relative bound (10%). Assumptions relating these demographic parameters to habitat change or disturbance still must be tested before the systematic placement of nest boxes can be considered the optimum approach to monitor southern flying squirrel response as measured by changes in population density or recruitment

    Analisis Visual Kawasan Pesisir Pantai. Studi Kasus Permukiman Masyarakat Los Di Pesisir Pantai Malalayang.

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    Permukiman masyarakat Kampung LOS di Malalayang merupakan permukiman pesisir yang mengalami tekanan keruangan dan tekanan social. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis karakter kawasan permukiman masyarakat LOS berdasarkan tipologi hunian dan pemanfaatan ruang bersama.Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui survey lapangan, meliputi data hunian masyarakat, dimana hunian ini dijadikan sampel penelitian serta data fisik kawasan permukiman. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis meliputi analisis tipologi hunian dan analisis morfologi kawasan permukiman.Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa visualisasi kawasan permukiman pesisir yang tertangkap dalam permukiman Kampung LOS berdasarkan analisa tipologi, morfologi kawasan melalui penataan hunian dan analisa interaksi social, ditemukan melalui beberapa aspek yaitu: 1) Aspek kekerabatan, 2) Aspek kebersamaan, dan 3) Aspek ekonomi. Tipologi hunian permukiman masyarakat Kampung LOS di Malalayang tidak memiliki tipologi yang spesifik dari segi fisik hunian meliputi jenis ruang, hubungan ruang dan bentuk hunian. Dengan demikian Visualisasi kawasan pesisir diimplementasikan pada ruang bersama sebagai ruang interaksi social. Elemen visual yang ditampilkan memiliki hubungan dengan aktivitas nelayan ditandai dengan adanya perahu serta ruang tambatan perahu sebagai kebanggaan budaya sekaligus ruang ekonomi. Neighborhood unit place merupakan visualisasi yg ditemukan dalam penataan kawasan permukiman. Hal ini sesuai dengan eksistensi dan karakter permukiman masyarakat, dengan system kekerabatan yang tidak saja terimplementasi dalam unit hunian secara personal, tetapi tergambarkan dalam interaksi social dalam skala sesama tetangga dan membesar pada skala permukiman secara keseluruhan.Kata-kunci : Visualisasi, Kawasan Permukiman, Pesisir Pantai, Tipologi Hunia

    Is Copying Acceptable in Product Development? What to Tell our Students?

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    When we were in first grade, we learned to write letters and words by coping the alphabet from the board onto lined tablets. The better we copied the higher the praise we received. The pedagogy of copying continues into college. According to student feedback, after encouraging copying in early product development classes, we suddenly ask for originality. To bring academic perspective to this, we investigated our university\u27s policy on plagiarism and other legal definitions as well as sought industry input. With our findings, we are now frank in class discussions about when copying is correctly used and when copying is wrong, as when the purpose is to represent someone\u27s work as your own. After class discussions, our students are more aware of copying issues and are more open to being creative when needed and to use copying when appropriate