63 research outputs found

    System security of railway-crossings

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    Настоящая статья посвящена исследованию различных систем обеспечения безопасности на железнодорожных переездах. Произведена оценка эффективности рассмотренных систем, в ходе которой выявлено, что применение устройств заграждения и камер видеонаблюдения на железнодорожных переездах привело к снижению количества ДТП. Предложен способ, который позволит исключить аварии на переездах с одновременным участием железнодорожного и автомобильного транспорта – организация движения на разных уровнях (сооружение мостов и тоннелей).This article investigates the various safety systems on level crossings. Evaluated the effectiveness of the systems examined, which revealed that the use of barrier devices and cameras at level crossings have reduced the number of accidents. A method is proposed, which would eliminate accidents at crossings with simultaneous participation of rail and road transport – traffic management at various levels (construction of bridges and tunnels)

    Pedagogical Potential of Musical-Playing Activities in the Development of Creative Abilities of Younger Schoolboys

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    The article reveals the content of the concept of music-play activity of children of primary school age, reveals the importance of musical-didactic games in the creative development of primary school students.В статье раскрыто содержание понятия музыкально-игровой деятельности детей младшего школьного возраста, выявлено значение музыкально-дидактических игр в творческом развитии учащихся начальной школы

    Development of the Emotional Sphere of Children of Young School Age in the Process of Vocal Activity

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    The article confirms the significance of the development of the emotional sphere of younger schoolchildren, emphasizes the role of music in the emotional formation of children.В статье подтверждается значимость развития эмоциональной сферы младших школьников, подчеркивается роль музыкального искусства в эмоциональном становлении детей

    Эффективность и безопасность комбинации ленватиниба и эверолимуса у больных диссеминированным раком почки, прогрессирующим на фоне антиангиогенной таргетной терапии: второй анализ данных российского многоцентрового наблюдательного исследования

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    Objective. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival; secondary endpoints included overall survival, objective response rate and duration, tumor control rate and duration, as well as safety profile of lenvatinib with everolimus in consecutive patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma who had disease progression after targeted antiangiogenic therapy.Materials and methods. This observational study included 129 consecutive patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma resistant to targeted antiangiogenic therapy. The median age was 60 years; a male to female ratio was 3.1:1. Twenty-seven patients (20.9 %) had ECOG performance status of 2—4. The majority of study participants (n = 127; 98.4 %) had multiple metastases. Tumor lesions were located in >1 organ in 104 cases (80.6 %). The primary tumor was removed in 110 (85.3 %), including 39 (30.2 %) patients undergone cytoreductive surgery. Seventy patients (54.2 %) had earlier received more than one line of therapy. Upon enrollment, there were 13 IMDC favourable-risk patients (10.1 %), 86 IMDC intermediate-risk patients (66.6 %), and 29 IMDC poor-risk patients (22.5 %). In one patient (0.8 %), the IMDC risk was not estimated. All patients received lenvatinib at a dose of 18 mg/day and everolimus at a dose of 5 mg/day. The median follow-up was 10.5 (1—30) months.Results. Median progression-free survival was 14.9 (11.9—17.9) months; overall survival was 19.9 (15.2—24.6) months. The objective response rate was 17.0 % (median duration 9.7 (2.8—16.5) months); tumor control rate was 72.9 % (median duration 10.0 (2.5—17.5) months). Adverse events were observed in 112patients (86.8 %) with grade III—IVadverse events registered in 27participants (20.9 %). Five participants (3.9 %) needed inpatient treatment of adverse events; one patient (0.8 %) died due to adverse events. Adverse events required treatment discontinuation in 4 patients (3.1 %), treatment interruption in 35 patients (27.1 %), and dose reduction in 33 patients (25.6 %).Conclusion. The results of the secondary analysis in the ROSLERCM observational study confirmed the results obtained earlier on the efficacy and safety of the lenvatinib plus everolimus combination in the second- and subsequent-line therapy for advanced renal cell carcinoma resistant to targeted antiangiogenic therapy in consecutive Russian patients.Цель. Первичной конечной точкой являлась беспрогрессивная выживаемость, вторичными — общая выживаемость, частота и длительность ответа на лечение и контроля над опухолью, а также профиль безопасности комбинации ленватиниба и эверолимуса у неотобранных пациентов с распространенным почечно-клеточным раком, прогрессирующим после антиангиогенной таргетной терапии.Материалы и методы. В наблюдательное исследование последовательно включены 129 больных диссеминированным почечноклеточным раком, резистентным к антиангиогенной таргетной терапии. Медиана возраста — 60 лет, соотношение мужчин и женщин — 3,1:1. Соматический статус расценен как ECOG 2—4у 27 (20,9 %) больных. У127 (98,4 %) пациентов имелись множественные метастазы. Опухолевые очаги локализовались в >1 органе в 104 (80,6 %) случаях. Первичная опухоль удалена у 110 (85,3 %) больных, в 39 (30,2%) наблюдениях — с циторедуктивной целью. Ранее >1 линии предшествующей терапии получали 70 (54,2 %) больных. На момент включения в исследование к группе благоприятного прогноза по шкале IMDC относились 13 (10,1 %), промежуточного — 86 (66,6 %), неблагоприятного — 29 (22,5 %) больных; группа прогноза не определена у 1 (0,8 %) пациента. Всем больным назначали ленватиниб 18мг/сут с эверолимусом 5мг/сут. Медиана наблюдения за всеми пациентами составила 10,5 (1—30) мес. Результаты. Медиана беспрогрессивной выживаемости достигла 14,9(11,9—17,9) мес, общей выживаемости — 19,9(15,2—24,6) мес. Частота объективного ответа составила 17,0 % (медиана длительности — 9,7(2,8—16,5) мес), частота контроля над опухолью — 72,9 % (медиана длительности — 10,0 (2,5—17,5) мес). Нежелательные явления зарегистрированы у 112 (86,8 %), в том числе, III—IV степеней тяжести — у 27 (20,9 %) больных. Госпитализация для коррекции нежелательных явлений потребовалась в 5 (3,9 %) случаях, 1 (0,8 %) пациент умер из-за нежелательных явлений. Нежелательные явления послужили причиной отмены терапии в 4 (3,1 %), перерыва в лечении — в 35 (27,1 %), редукции дозы — в 33 (25,6 %) случаях.Заключение. Результаты второго анализа наблюдательного исследования ROSLERCM подтвердили ранее полученные результаты применения комбинации ленватиниба с эверолимусом во 2-й и последующих линиях терапии распространенного почечно-клеточного рака, рефрактерного к антиангиогенному лечению, у неотобранных российских больных

    Criteria of the Evaluation of Primary Teachers` Musical Competence and Their Applying while Administering

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    Natalya Peganova Criteria of the Evaluation of Primary Teachers` Musical Competence and Their Applying while Administering In the Master`s research work the problem of primary teachers` musical competence is analysed. The newness of the topic is determined by the fact that primary teachers` musical competence in schools in the process of pedagogical practice is almost not examined. In this research criteria of the evaluation of primary teachers`musical competence needed for their professional work and administrative control are defined.The problem is improper evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence made by school administration and insufficiant attention to primary teachers preparation for carrying out the process of children`s musical development. The research was aimed at determination of criteria of the evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence and checking-up their suitability while administering. Doing this the conception of competence itself was discussed, the ways of the evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence and administrative control were analysed, primary teachers` view towards their musical competence was ascertained, description of the criteria of the evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence was prepared and its suitability was checked while administering. The data of the empirical research was collected and systematized. The results showed that primary teachers themselves evaluate their musical abilities quite favourably, however, they do not take into account important musical criteria: almost a quarter of the teachers do not take into account knowledge of children`s voices particuliarities, almost one third of them - the ability to transpose, the majority of them agree that they lack knowledge of methodology and theory of music, but most of all they lack the ability to play any musical instruments. More than a half of the teachers conduct music lessons, according to their opinion, having enough abilities to sol-fa and sing. The data of the research is proved by the statistics. The results prove that it is needed to consolidate primary teachers` musical competence – it was proved by the data of the research, which reflect primary teachers` suggestions considering musical education in high schools. More than a half of the teachers conduct music lessons not because of musical abilities they have, but because of some other reasons, for example, higher salary, the right they have for it, vocation. Comparative analysis of the data of primary teachers, music teachers and administrators` opinions showed that the respondents of these three groups have settled different views towards the criteria of musical competence evaluation: almost all the primary teachers see musical ear, the ability to sing, sol-fa, the knowledge of children`s songs repertoire, the ability to select the songs children like, - as the most important competence criteria. Music teachers consider knowledge of children`s voices particuliarities, the ability to transpose, the knowledge of the most famous systems of musical education and perception of children`s musical abilities development possibilities. Primary teachers pay less attention to these criteria than music specialists. There are also fields where administrators are not competent, they do not pay sufficient attention to such important criteria as knowledge of children`s voices particuliarities, the ability to transpose, about two thirds of respondents consider children`s preparation for taking part in different contests as not so important. However, these ones, according to music specialists, are the most important of all musical competence criteria. During the research it was clarified that primary teachers are not able to conduct music lessons at the same level as music teachers do. The results revealed school administrators` positive view towards prepared description of criteria of the evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence. Most of administrators think that it is proper for administration. Key words: primary school, musical competence, evaluation criteria, administrative control.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta


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    In the  article  the  results  of  2650  esophagogastroduodenoscopies of  the  the  high resolution with  NBI (narrow band  imaging) application technology are  presented. In the course  of  research the  author’s  program of  the  automated allocation  of  a pathology of the  esophagus is applied  on  the  basis  of  colour  segmentation of  images.  The authentic improving of NBI endoscopy in diagnosis of the early neoplasies at esophagus is shown. The algorithm of the narrowband endoscopy examination of esophagus, stomach, duodenum with application the automated allocation  of a pathology is also developed