39 research outputs found

    Effects of two submerged macrophyte species on microbes and metazoans in rooftop water-storage ponds with different labile carbon loadings

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    Nature-based solutions including rooftop-water storage ponds are increasingly adopted in cities as new ecodesigns to address climate change issues, such as water scarcity and storm-water runoff. Macrophytes may be valuable additions for treating stored rooftop waters and provisioning other services, including aquaponics, esthetic and wildlife-conservation values. However, the efficacy of macrophyte treatments has not been tested with influxes of different labile carbon loadings such as those occurring in storms. Moreover, little is known about how macrophytes affect communities of metazoans and microbes, including protozoans, which are key players in the water-treatment process. Here, we experimentally investigated the effectiveness of two widely distributed macrophytes, Ceratophyllum demersum and Egeria densa, for treating drained rooftop water fed with two types of leaf litter, namely Quercus robur (high C lability) and Quercus rubra (low C lability). C. demersum was better than E. densa at reducing water conductivity (by 10̶ 40 μS/cm), TDS (by 10-18 mg/L), DOC (by 4-5 mg/L) and at increasing water transparency (by 4-9%), water O2 levels (by 19-27%) and daylight pH (by 0.9-1.3) compared to leaf-litter only microcosms after 30 days. Each treatment developed a different community of algae, protozoa and metazoa. Greater plant mass and epiphytic chlorophyll-a suggested that C. demersum was better at providing supporting habitat than E. densa. The two macrophytes did not differ in detritus accumulation, but E. densa was more prone to develop filamentous bacteria, which cause sludge bulking in water-treatment systems. Our study highlights the superior capacity of C. demersum and the usefulness of whole-ecosystem experiments in choosing the most adequate macrophyte species for nature-based engineered solutions

    Diversity patterns of leaf-associated aquatic hyphomycetes along a broad latitudinal gradient

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    Information about the global distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes is scarce, despite the primary importance of these fungi in stream ecosystem functioning. In particular, the relationship between their diversity and latitude remains unclear, due to a lack of coor- dinated surveys across broad latitudinal ranges. This study is a first report on latitudinal patterns of aquatic hyphomycete diversity associated with native leaf-litter species in five streams located along a gradient extending from the subarctic to the tropics. Exposure of leaf litter in mesh bags of three different mesh sizes facilitated assessing the effects of including or excluding different size-classes of litter-consuming invertebrates. Aquatic hyphomycete evenness was notably constant across all sites, whereas species richness and diversity, expressed as the Hill number, reached a maximum at mid-latitudes (Medi- terranean and temperate streams). These latitudinal patterns were consistent across litter species, despite a notable influence of litter identity on fungal communities at the local scale. As a result, the bell-shaped distribution of species richness and Hill diversity devi- ated markedly from the latitudinal patterns of most other groups of organisms. Differences in the body-size distribution of invertebrate communities colonizing the leaves had no effect on aquatic hyphomycete species richness, Hill diversity or evenness, but inverte- brates could still influence fungal communities by depleting litter, an effect that was not captured by the design of our experiment

    Potential impact of chemical stress on freshwater invertebrates : A sensitivity assessment on continental and national scale based on distribution patterns, biological traits, and relatedness.

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    Current chemical risk assessment approaches rely on a standard suite of test species to assess toxicity to environmental species. Assessment factors are used to extrapolate from single species to communities and ecosystem effects. This approach is pragmatic, but lacks resolution in biological and environmental parameters. Novel modelling approaches can help improve the biological resolution of assessments by using mechanistic information to identify priority species and priority regions that are potentially most impacted by chemical stressors. In this study we developed predictive sensitivity models by combining species-specific information on acute chemical sensitivity (LC50 and EC50), traits, and taxonomic relatedness. These models were applied at two spatial scales to reveal spatial differences in the sensitivity of species assemblages towards two chemical modes of action (MOA): narcosis and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. We found that on a relative scale, 46% and 33% of European species were ranked as more sensitive towards narcosis and AChE inhibition, respectively. These more sensitive species were distributed with higher occurrences in the south and north-eastern regions, reflecting known continental patterns of endemic macroinvertebrate biodiversity. We found contradicting sensitivity patterns depending on the MOA for UK scenarios, with more species displaying relative sensitivity to narcotic MOA in north and north-western regions, and more species with relative sensitivity to AChE inhibition MOA in south and south-western regions. Overall, we identified hotspots of species sensitive to chemical stressors at two spatial scales, and discuss data gaps and crucial technological advances required for the successful application of the proposed methodology to invertebrate scenarios, which remain underrepresented in global conservation priorities.</p

    Global Patterns and Controls of Nutrient Immobilization On Decomposing Cellulose In Riverine Ecosystems

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    Microbes play a critical role in plant litter decomposition and influence the fate of carbon in rivers and riparian zones. When decomposing low-nutrient plant litter, microbes acquire nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from the environment (i.e., nutrient immobilization), and this process is potentially sensitive to nutrient loading and changing climate. Nonetheless, environmental controls on immobilization are poorly understood because rates are also influenced by plant litter chemistry, which is coupled to the same environmental factors. Here we used a standardized, low-nutrient organic matter substrate (cotton strips) to quantify nutrient immobilization at 100 paired stream and riparian sites representing 11 biomes worldwide. Immobilization rates varied by three orders of magnitude, were greater in rivers than riparian zones, and were strongly correlated to decomposition rates. In rivers, P immobilization rates were controlled by surface water phosphate concentrations, but N immobilization rates were not related to inorganic N. The N:P of immobilized nutrients was tightly constrained to a molar ratio of 10:1 despite wide variation in surface water N:P. Immobilization rates were temperature-dependent in riparian zones but not related to temperature in rivers. However, in rivers nutrient supply ultimately controlled whether microbes could achieve the maximum expected decomposition rate at a given temperature

    Ecological characterisation of urban ponds in the Netherlands: a study based on data collected by volunteers

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    Heatwaves, elevated temperatures, and a pesticide cause interactive effects on multi-trophic levels of a freshwater ecosystem

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    Climate impacts of elevated temperatures and more severe and frequent weather extremes like heatwaves are globally becoming discernible on nature. While a mechanistic understanding is pivotal for ecosystem management, stressors like pesticides may interact with warming, leading to unpredictable effects on freshwater ecosystems. These multiple stressor studies are scarce and experimental designs often lack environmental realism. To investigate the multiple stressor effects, we conducted a microcosm experiment for 48 days comprising benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton, phytoplankton, macrophytes, and microbes. The fungicide carbendazim (100 μg/L) was investigated combined with temperature scenarios representing elevated temperatures (+4 °C) or heatwaves (+0 to +8 °C), both applied with similar energy input on a daily fluctuating ambient temperature (18 °C ± 1.5 °C), which served as control. Measurements showed the highest carbendazim dissipation in water under heatwaves followed by elevated and ambient temperatures. Average carbendazim concentrations were about 50% in water and 16% in sediment of the nominal concentration. In both heated cosms, zooplankton community dynamics revealed an unexpected shift from Rotifera to Cladocera and Copepoda nauplii, indicating variations in their thermal sensitivity, tolerance and resilience. Notably, warming and heatwaves shaped community responses similarly, suggesting heat intensity rather than distribution patterns determined the community structure. Heatwaves led to significant early and longer-lasting adverse effects that were exacerbated over time with Cladocera and Copepoda being most sensitive likely due to significant carbendazim interactions. Finally, a structural equation model demonstrated significant relationships between zooplankton and macrophytes and significantly negative carbendazim effects on zooplankton, whereas positive on macroinvertebrate abundances. The relationship between macroinvertebrate feeding and abundance was masked by significantly temperature-affected microbial leaf litter decomposition. Despite the thermal tolerance of zooplankton communities, our study highlights an increased pesticide threat under temperature extremes. More intense heatwaves are thus likely to cause significant alterations in community assemblages which will adversely affect ecosystem's processes and functions

    Behavioral patterns of two fiddler crab species Uca rapax and Uca tangeri in a seminatural mangrove system

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    Zoos increasingly transform their exhibitions from traditional one-species enclosures to more natural exhibits, that is, environments that capture part of an ecosystem including a selection of animals and plants that occur there. Thus, enhancing the experience of its human visitors while also allowing its residents to possibly show more natural behavior. In 2017 Royal Burger's Zoo (Arnhem, The Netherlands) created and opened a mangrove-like environment containing fiddler crabs. Fiddler crabs display a broad range of behaviors, and this research examines which wild-type behavior and behavioral patterns can be observed on a seminatural mudflat. The behavior shown by Uca rapax and Uca tangeri on the mudflat was counted each hour between 07:00 and 17:00. An asymmetric tidal regime was present in the enclosure including two high water periods. Various known fiddler crab behaviors, including waving and combat, were observed but no copulation. A clear pattern in exposed crabs on the mudflat was found, with low numbers visible in the early morning and the highest numbers present in the early afternoon, while number of visitors did not have a significant effect on this pattern. Interestingly, the highest abundances were not observed around the ebbing tide (07:00–09:00), as observed in the wild, but somewhat later, possibly due to the asymmetric tidal scheme or the interaction of tidal and daily rhythms. This study shows that in captivity, fiddler crabs indeed show a range of natural behaviors which is linked to the tidal and possibly daily rhythm as well.</p

    Submerged vegetation colonizes behind artificial wave shelter after a 10-year time-lag and persists under high grazing pressure by waterbirds

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    Construction of artificial wave shelters is a promising measure to stimulate submerged vegetation in large wind exposed lakes. Here we tested whether the construction of shelter results in the colonization of submerged vegetation and whether grazing by waterbirds hampers vegetation development under those sheltered conditions. We studied the effect of breakwaters that were constructed between 1992 and 1996 in the large (695 km2), wind exposed and turbid Lake Markermeer, The Netherlands. We used monitoring data to evaluate the development of submerged vegetation and its relation with the abundance of herbivorous birds and conducted a field grazer exclosure experiment to determine the effect of grazers on the newly established vegetation. We found that in the sheltered area, a dense charophyte dominated vegetation developed over 16 years, while submerged vegetation remained very sparse outside the breakwaters. The area also attracted many herbivorous birds, especially molting Mute swans during summer. After the breakwaters had been completed, 10 years passed before the development of the charophyte vegetation started. This delay was probably not caused by bird grazing, but more likely due to unfavorable light conditions in the first decade. The exclosure experiment confirmed that while grazing reduced macrophyte biomass by 50% and plant height by 45%, it did not affect vegetation cover, which remained high (90–95%) throughout summer. The water depth in most of the study area exceeded the depth range at which Mute swans prefer to forage and this probably prevented overgrazing. We conclude that building artificial wave shelters is an effective measure to stimulate submerged vegetation in large wind exposed lakes