832 research outputs found

    Chondrodystrophic dwarfism and multiple malformations in two sisters.

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    A genetic skeletal dysplasia with dwarfism, scoliosis and multiple skeletal defects was observed in two sisters. Only nine cases with similar features have been reported in the literature

    Refractive index of a transparent liquid measured with a concave mirror

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    This paper describes the spherical concave mirror method for measuring the index of refraction of transparent liquids. We derived the refractive index equation using Snell's law and the small-angle approximation. We also verified the validity of this method using the traditional spherical mirror and thin-lens Gaussian equations.Comment: IOPart, 8 pages, 4 figure

    Fracture with loss of the proximal femur in a child. A case report.

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    An 8 year old child was involved in a road accident and sustained a large wound in the left groin; radiographs showed a fracture with loss of the proximal femur. After skeletal traction for 80 days, there was bony regeneration of the proximal femur. At 8 months she was able to walk without support and her left leg was 2 cm only shorter than the right

    Perceptions of Multicultural Training in Predoctoral Internship Programs: A Survey of Interns and Training Directors

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    Multicultural training at internship sites is a critical component in the preparation of doctoral-level psychologists, so the quality of this training is of the utmost importance. In the following study, the authors examine multicultural training from the perspective of predoctoral interns and training directors at counseling center sites that offer a major or minor rotation in multicultural therapy. Results suggest that perspectives vary between interns and training directors and that there is a great difference in the type of criteria used by each site as evidence of a major or minor rotation. The need for more standardized criteria to define major and minor rotations and suggestions for the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers, internship training directors, and prospective interns are discussed

    Conicoid Mirrors

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    The first order equation relating object and image location for a mirror of arbitrary conic-sectional shape is derived. It is also shown that the parabolic reflecting surface is the only one free of aberration and only in the limiting case of distant sources.Comment: 9 page

    Caracterização morfológica do banco ativo de germoplasma de batata da Embrapa.

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    Atualmente são cultivados 117 mil hectares com batata no Brasil, sendo 65% na região tropical de altitude e 35% na subtropical. As principais cultivares plantadas no país são de origem estrangeira as quais apresentam vários problemas quando cultivadas nas condições nacionais. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de cultivares adaptadas às condições edafoclimáticas brasileiras é fundamental para garantir a competitividade e sustentabilidade da cadeia brasileira da batata. O melhoramento genético depende diretamente da variabilidade genética disponível aos melhoristas. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a variabilidade genética conservada no banco ativo de germoplasma de batata da Embrapa com base em caracteres morfo-agronômicos. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, na Embrapa Clima Temperado, na safra primavera/verão de 2020 e outono/inverno de 2021. No total foram avaliados 353 acessos. Os caracteres avaliados foram: número hastes, área foliar, peso seco de parte aérea, número total de tubérculos, peso fresco de tubérculos, formato dos tubérculos, coloração da película, aspereza da película, cor da polpa do tubérculo, comprimento do tubérculo, largura do tubérculo, dias para iniciar a brotação e comprimento do broto apical. Utilizando modelos mistos foram estimadas as herdabilidades e os valores genotípicos para cada acesso, para cada uma das variáveis analisadas. Foi realizada a análise de componentes principais e de correlações. Todas as variáveis avaliadas apresentaram grande amplitude de variação e herdabiliades médias ou altas. As correlações variaram de fracas à médias e a análise de componentes principias revelou grande variabilidade no germoplasma. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o germoplasma tem uma boa representatividade da variabilidade genética para os caracteres analisados. Entretanto, algumas categorias estão melhor representadas enquanto outras, embora presentes no banco ativo de germoplasma de batata, necessitam de um aporte maior de acessos.Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência) - Universidade Federal de Pelotas, 2022. Orientadora: Caroline Marques Castro (CPACT); Coorientador: Arione da Silva Pereira (CPACT)

    Hide-and-seek in a highly human-dominated landscape: insights into movement patterns and selection of resting sites of rehabilitated wolves (Canis lupus) in Northern Italy

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    Assessing the behavioural responses of floating wolves to human presence is crucial for investigating the chance of wolf populations expanding into urbanised landscapes. We studied the movement ecology of three rehabilitated wolves in a highly human-dominated landscape (Po Plain, Italy) to explore wolf’s plasticity amid widespread human pressure. To reach this aim, we estimated individual 95% utilisation distributions (UD) after the release and inspected both 95% UDs and net squared displacements to identify individual movement patterns; tested for differences in movement patterns during day and night; and analysed the selection of resting sites during dispersal movement in a highly human-altered environment. Both the 95% UDs and step lengths were smaller for wolves settling in suitable areas than for those settling in more urbanised areas. All wolves exhibited strong temporal segregation with humans during all movement phases, particularly while dispersing across highly urbanised areas. Main roads and proximity to built-up areas were shown to limit wolves’ dispersal, whereas small-wooded patches that provide shelter during rest facilitated long-distance movements. This study provides important insights into wolf movement and settling in urban and peri-urban areas, providing critical knowledge to promote human–carnivore coexistenc

    Pediatric Ocular Health and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Review

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects neurobehavioral, cognitive, and cardiovascular aspects, particularly in children, by obstructing the upper airways during sleep. While its impact in adult ocular health is recognized, there is ongoing debate about OSA’s relevance in pediatrics. This review explores the relationship between OSA and ocular health in children, focusing on the effects and potential improvements through treatment. A systematic search found 287 articles through PubMeD/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect; 94.4% were excluded. After careful selection, six English articles were included, addressing the effects of OSA on children’s eyes. Three studies examined choroidal alterations, three explored retinal and optic nerve changes, and two analyzed ocular changes following otorhinolaryngological intervention. The immediate correlation in children is inconclusive, but age may be a contributing factor. Pediatric OSA patients exhibit corneal anomalies and increased optic nerve thickness, possibly due to intermittent hypoxia. OSA influences retinal vascular density in children, with increased density after treatment and reduced choroidal thickness in cases of adenotonsillar hypertrophy. This review emphasized OSA’s significant impact on children’s ocular health, revealing alterations in the optic nerve, choroid, retina, and cornea. While the direct correlation with the optic nerve is not always evident, OSA raises intraocular pressure and induces structural changes. Treatment holds promise, highlighting the need for regular monitoring to promptly address childhood OSA

    Radiographic findings in hereditary multiple exostoses and a new theory of the pathogenesis of exostoses.

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    Analysis of 330 exostoses in 18 patients affected by hereditary multiple exostoses disease suggested a new classification of exostoses as eccentric or full-thickness. Radiographically arrest of metaphyseal remodeling with failure of coning and persistence of the primary metaphyseal trabeculae was evident in full-thickness exostoses. Similar bone lesions can be obtained experimentally with inhibitors of bone turn-over. A localized, peripheral defect in remodeling over a limited time can give a satisfactory explanation also for the origin of eccentric exostoses. The thesis that this is the basic mechanism of exostosis formation is presented