68 research outputs found
The QSR industry at all velocity
The QSR Industry has been using Technology, Delivery and Digital to fuel its transformation. The resilience of the segment has been allowing to overcome downturns.Still,more informed consumers have been demanding more quality,pressuring the industry to address distinct audiences: service and convenience. Customers- centric strategies pursuitby McDonald’shave been allowing for differentiated experiences while addressing customer’s needs. Still, the chain ability to predict trends and to quickly react to it, at global scale,has been positioning them to success. It’s all about strategy and consumers are “lovin’it”
O alargamento da União Europeia: principais implicações na indústria portuguesa de moldes face à adesão da polónia, da Hungria e da República Checa
MESTRADO EM GESTÃO E ESTRATÉGIA INDUSTRIAL.A União Europeia está prestes a efectuar um novo alargamento. Um longo percurso, iniciado há muito pelos dez países que em 2004 irão fazer parte da União Europeia. E um desafio para fazermos melhor, para melhorarmos a nossa eficiência, com objectivos que englobam o crescimento sustentado, a capacidade competitiva e a produtividade.
O alargamento afectara Portugal seguramente um vasto conjunto de actividades económicas, pelo que o sector dos moldes não será excepção, embora marcado por uma forte componente de exportação e um assinalável carácter inovador. Com efeito, ao longodas diversas décadas, a
indústria dos moldes tem procurado encontrar novas formas de
competitividade, novas estratégias, que lhe permitam fazer face a um ambiente concorrencial crescentemente competitivo.
Pautando-se a UE como local privilegiado de destino das exportações do sector de actividade cm estudo, o alargamento comporta por si um conjunto de ameaças de relevo, as quais tem origem, principalmente, nos países que entre os candidatos se apresentam com maior potencial por disputar os mercados que no seio da união se revelam como de maior
potencial para a expansão da indústria nacional.
Então, neste caso, três dos países que irão entrar em 2004, a Polónia, a Hungria c a República Checa, os quais por esta razão serão objecto de análise neste trabalho.
O presente estudo visa caracterizar a indústria dos moldes nestes países, de forma a perspectivar um novo posicionamento da indústria dos moldes portuguesa, num conjunto de mercados específicos, propondo estratégias que conduzam não só à manutenção nos mercados da União, como também à sua expansão sem descurar opções alternativas de
atenção.The European Union Is about to accomplish a new enlargcment. A long way whish began with the ten countries that will take part of the European Union in 2004. Ifs a challenge
for us to do better, to improve our efficiency, with objectives that include sustained economic growth, a competition capability and the productivity.
The enlargement will affect Portugal surely with extensive conjoined economic activities,
for what the mould sector will not bc an expectation, through marked by a strong component of export and a remarkable innovating character. With effect, during several decades, the mould industry has searched for new ways of competing, new strategics, which will permit facing an increasing compctitive environmcnt.
Being the EU a privileged destiny for the exports from Portuguese mold industry, the enlargement expansion brings about some significant threat, having their source, mainly within those countries candidate which present larger potential to dispute markets which in the bosom of the union reveal themselves as having greater potential for the expansion of the national industry.
Therefore, in this case, three of the countries which will enter in 2004, Poland, Hungry and Check Republic, will be for this reason object of analysis in this piece ok work.
The present study aims to characterize the mould industry in these countries, so that anew posture in the Portuguese mould industry could be viewed, in a conjoined specific market, proposing strategies which will conduct not only to the maintenance in the Union markets, but also to its expansion without neglecting alternative options of attention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Influência da tiroidite de Hashimoto na doença periodontal
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizHoje em dia, há um aumento no interesse do estudo de doenças sistémicas com impacto na saúde oral e mais especificamente no periodonto. Estando as doenças autoimunes em crescendo na população, o objetivo principal deste estudo assentou no estudo da possível influência de uma das doenças autoimunes mais prevalentes, a Tireoidite de Hashimoto, no periodonto e quais os mecanismos desta patologia que podem afetar a saúde do periodonto e provocar doença periodontal. A Tireoidite de Hashimoto é uma doença inflamatória autoimune da tiroide, caraterizada pela produção de anticorpos direcionados contra a glândula tiroide provocando uma inflamação crônica, responsável pelo hipotiroidismo caraterístico desta doença. O diagnóstico é feito muitas vezes através dos seus autoantigénios, peroxidase tireoidiana (TPO) e a tireoglobulina (TG), e complementarmente através de outros marcadores laboratoriais. A resposta imunológica existente na Tireoidite de Hashimoto envolve ativação linfócitos T (CD4+ auto-reativos e CD8+ citotóxicos) e células B produtoras de anticorpos anti tireoideus. O tratamento mais comum desta patologia consiste na reposição hormonal com levotiroxina.
A doença periodontal é uma patologia de etiologia multifatorial onde o biofilme dentário tem um papel crucial, enquanto fator etiológico primário, sendo esta doença apenas manifestada e desenvolvida na presença de agentes bacterianos patogénicos. A relação causal entre doença sistémica e doença periodontal é o principal determinante da doença periodontal e consoante a Nova Classificação criada pela Academia Americana de Periodontologia e pela Federação Europeia de Periodontologia em 2017, esta patologia pode ser classificada em vários Estágios e Graus.
O interesse em perceber o impacto que a Tireoidite de Hashimoto e sua patogénese têm na doença periodontal, surge pelo facto de ambas se tratarem de patologias complexas no que diz respeito à sua etiopatogenia, e adicionalmente por a influência da Tireoidite de Hashimoto na saúde oral, mais especificamente na doença periodontal, não ser devidamente estudado e valorizado pelos médicos dentistas.Today, there is an increased interest in the study of systemic diseases with an impact on oral health and more specifically on the periodontium. As autoimmune diseases are on the rise in the population, the main objective of this study was to study the possible influence of one of the most prevalent autoimmune diseases, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, on the periodontium and which mechanisms of this pathology can affect the health of the periodontium and cause periodontal disease.
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease of the thyroid characterized by the production of antibodies directed against the thyroid gland causing chronic inflammation responsible for hypothyroidism. The diagnosis is often made through its thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (TG) autoantigens and complementarily through other laboratory markers. The immune response in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis involves activation of auto-reactive T lymphocytes (CD4+ and CD8+ cytotoxic) and B cells producing anti thyroid antibodies. The most common treatment for this condition is replacement of the hormone levothyroxine.
Periodontal disease is a multifactorial pathology with dental biofilm playing a crucial role as a primary etiological factor, this disease being only manifested and developed in the presence of pathogenic bacterial agents. The causal relationship between systemic disease and periodontal disease is the main determinant of periodontal disease and according to the New Classification created by the American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology in 2017, this pathology can be classified in several Stages and Degrees.
The interest in understanding the impact of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and its pathogenesis on periodontal disease arises from the fact that both are complex pathologies with respect to their etiopathogeny, and additionally that Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and its impact on oral health and more specifically on periodontal disease is not properly studied and valued by dentists
A colegiada de São Julião de Frielas: a organização do seu património fundiário do século XIV
Tese de mestrado, Historia Regional e Local, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2012O âmbito do trabalho de dissertação apresentado enquadra-se na área de estudo da
História Regional e Local, incidindo na zona geográfica de Lisboa.
Pretende-se contribuir para o conhecimento da região de Lisboa, através da elaboração
de pequenos estudos locais, consistentes e ligados entre si, colmatando a ausência de um
estudo abrangente e global desta área, privilegiando um ponto de observação: a vila de
Frielas e o seu termo, no século XIV.
O Fundo Documental da Colegiada de São Julião de Frielas, que se encontra à guarda
do Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo serviu de suporte para a recolha e o tratamento
de dados, relativos ao domínio e à estrutura da Colegiada, nomeadamente no que diz
respeito à posse e exploração da terra e à ocupação do espaço. A partir destes dados,
muitas vezes, espartilhados, foi possível cartografar as propriedades e meios de
produção do logo de Frielas no período em apreço. Foi ainda elaborado um estudo de
antroponímia a partir da amostra da população referenciada nos instrumentos e cartas.
No entanto, e apesar de o âmbito territorial da Colegiada de S. Julião de Frielas não ser
muito grande, a existência de um Paço Real e de um grande reguengo (ou de três
separados: Frielas, Unhos e Sacavém), foram determinantes para a pesquisa de
documentação em outras fontes, maioritariamente ligadas às chancelarias reais dos reis
da Primeira Dinastia e dos primeiros reis da Segunda Dinastia.
Outro factor determinante na prossecução deste trabalho de investigação foi a utilização
de uma fonte documental que se encontra num avançado estado de deterioração,
contribuindo para salvaguarda dos seus conteúdos, dando-os a conhecer a um público
mais alargado.ABSTRACT: The present dissertation falls within the context of Local and Regional History, focusing
on the geographic limit of Lisbon.
It intends to contribute to a broader knowledge of the region of Lisbon, through the
preparation of small local studies, consistent and closely connected, filling the gap of
broader and complete study of this area, identifying an observation point: Frielas in the
14th century.
The documental body of the Colegiada de São Julião de Frielas, guarded by the
National Archive of Torre do Tombo, is the base for the gathering and data treatment,
concerning the structure and the domain of the Colegiada, namely in what concerns to
land ownership and exploitation, and occupation of space. Taking advantage of this
data, frequently without an apparent link, it was possible to identify the places and
means of production in this period. Furthermore, an anthroponomy study was made
from the population sample that the documents refer to.
Although Frielas local area was not very big, the existence of a Royal Manor and one
important royal estate (or three separate ones: Frielas, Unhos e Sacavém), were
determinant to research other sources of documentation, mainly the Chancellery of the
kings of the first and the second dynasty.
The use of a documental and historical resource that is in a serous risk of total
degradation constituted another issue that played a determinant role on the development
of the present investigation was. In this way, it contributes to the preservation of its
contents and to bring them to light for a broader audience
Neotropical Otters as Promoters of Environmental Awareness
Otter species can be used as flagship to promote the protection of aquatic environments in regions where they are known or regularly seen. In a previous study on the perceptions of local communities about the Neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) in Central-South São Paulo State, Brazil, we identified knowledge gaps and population groups with potential for conflict with the species. We also assessed the species local distribution and found that habitat quality was deteriorating, due to aquatic contamination by urban waste and antibiotics and destruction of the riparian vegetation. To tackle this situation, with financial support from the National Geographic Society, we designed and implemented an awareness campaign having the Neotropical otter as a flagship species (“Projeto Neolontra“). The project goals were to: i) raise awareness on aquatic species and habitats valuing the previews information given by the population; ii) prevent the intensification of human-otter conflicts; and, additionally, iii) complete the assessment of otter distribution in the region, building on local knowledge and field campaigns. For that we conducted 27 talks to 1337 attendees between August and October 2017 and produced awareness materials (posters, t-shirts, handouts), informally delivering science-based information to local populations. With this project we were able to link societal challenges, biodiversity conservation principles, and education actions, involving local partners and institutions, contributing to empower their role within the community and influencing decision makers on issues such as water use, riparian habitats preservation, urban waste effects, and medications disposal needs
IENE 2020 International Conference LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions. Abstract Book
In the past 12 to 14 of January 2021, the University of Évora, in the framework of the LIFE LINES project, and the Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe held the online event IENE International Conference, under the theme “LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions”. We had 293 attendees from 40 different countries representing the five continents. During three days, participants were able to assist to 115 full oral presentations, 36 lightning talks, 13 workshops and chat with 40 posters authors, representing studies and projects worldwide. The event counted with 50 thematic sessions, running in five parallel sessions mixing live and pre-recorded interventions
IENE 2020 International Conference “LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions””. Programme Book,
In the past 12 to 14 of January 2021, the University of Évora, in the framework of the LIFE LINES project, and the Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe held the online event IENE International Conference, under the theme “LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions”. The local organising committee of the IENE 2020 had contributors from several institutions including the Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development; REN; Infrastructures of Portugal; and the Municipalities of Montemor-o-Novo and Évora.
This was the first IENE International Conference entirely online and participants could attend it from home and working place, regardless of their location in the world. We had 293 confirmed attendees (from 354 registered) from 40 different countries representing the five continents. During three days, participants were able to assist to 115 full oral presentations, 36 lightning talks, 13 workshops and chat with 40 posters authors, representing studies and projects worldwide. The event counted with 50 thematic sessions, running in five parallel sessions mixing live and pre-recorded interventions
Living Donors’ Age Modifies the Impact of Pre-Donation Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate on Graft Survival
Background: The global scarcity of organs for kidney transplants (KTs) has led to the increased acceptance of living donors (LDs) with minor abnormalities to increase the donor pool.. We sought to evaluate the effects of some of these LDs' clinical characteristics (older age, borderline renal function, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, and obesity) on graft outcomes.
Methods: We studied 352 recipients of LDKTs (1998-2020). Firstly, considering the recipients and KT variables, we identified relevant predictors of overall and censored graft failure (GF). Then, adjusting for these predictors, we explored LD variables as predictors of overall and censored GF in a multivariable Cox model.
Results: The recipients from LD with higher eGFR (≥90 mL/min/1.73 m2) had significantly better overall and censored graft survival GS) at 15 y after KT (respectively, 67 and 75% vs. 46 and 46%, p < 0.001). Importantly, none of the remaining LD factors which were evaluated (hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, proteinuria, and obesity) were independent predictors of GF. In recipients from LDs < 50 y, having an eGFR < 90 was an independent predictor of overall GF [adjusted HR (95%CI) of 2.578 (1.120-5.795)] and censored GF [adjusted HR (95%CI) of 3.216 (1.300-7.959)], compared to recipients from LDs with eGFR ≥ 90. Contrarily, when donors were older, no difference in the risk of GF was observed between eGFR categories.
Conclusion: In our cohort, lower pre-donation eGFR had an impact on GS only in younger LDs. An age-adjusted eGFR cutoff may be pursued for improved donor admissibility.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
4-Benzyl-1-(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazole: crystal structure and Hirshfeld analysis
The molecule in the title compound, C15H12N4O2, has a twisted L-shape with the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings of the N-bound benzene and C-bound benzyl groups being 70.60 (9)°. The nitro group is co-planar with the benzene ring to which it is connected [C—C—N—O torsion angle = 0.4 (3)°]. The three-dimensional packing is stabilized by a combination of methylene-C—H...O(nitro), methylene-C—H...π(phenyl), phenyl-C—H...π(triazolyl) and nitro-O...π(nitrobenzene) interactions, along with weak π(triazolyl)–π(nitrobenzene) contacts [inter-centroid distance = 3.8386 (10) Å]. The importance of the specified intermolecular contacts has been verified by an analysis of the calculated Hirshfeld surface
Best practice guide for monitoring and recording fauna mortality data from roadkill. LIFE LINES Project.
This best practice guide gathers and presents the procedures for the collection and treatment of information from recorded fauna roadkill, based on the experience acquired in the framework of the LIFE LINES (LIFE14 NAT/ PT/001081) project and others, such as MOVE project, conducted by the University of Évora. This guide presents basic or introductory aspects related with the implementation of a roadkill monitoring plan and is mainly directed to those involved in environmental monitoring, municipalities or local governances, and even concerned citizens. By offering the essential bases to adopt best practices for monitoring and recording roadkill, this guide is expected to help developing actions to mitigate fauna mortality and to increase road safety at local and national scales.LIFE-LINES (LIFE14 NAT / PT / 001081)
Linear Infrastructure Networks with
Ecological Solutions 60% co-financed
project by the LIFE - Nature and
Biodiversity Program of the European
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