1,031 research outputs found

    Empresa y Libertad

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    En este artículo se pretende deshacer dos equívocos así como defender un sistema social. Los equívocos son: que empresario y empresa es una misma realidad; y que economía competitiva significa lo mismo que competencia perfecta. El sistema a defender es el de la libertad económica o sistema de economía de mercado, en el que la figura del empresario resulta ser el motor esencial.In this article we try to undo two errors and explain a social system. Misunderstandings are that entrepreneur and business are one reality; and competitive economy means the same that perfect competition. The system is to defend economic freedom and the market economy system, in which the entrepreneur turns out to be the key driver

    En recuerdo de Ernest Lluch i Martín (1937-2000)

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaPublicad

    Memorias económicas inéditas (1780-1808)

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    Historia del Pensamiento Económico en España. Actas de las III Jornadas de Historia del Pensamiento Económico en España. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Barcelona. (11-12 de diciembre de 1987)Publicad

    Hacia una historia del pensamiento económico en España. Unas sugerencias metodológicas

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    Historia del Pensamiento Económico en España. Ernest Lluch I Martín, Pedro Schwartz Girón, Luis Perdices Blas (Eds.): Actas de las III Jornadas de Historia del Pensamiento Económico en España. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Barcelona. (11-12 de diciembre de 1987)Publicad

    Coase on China: Property rights and transaction costs revisited

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    Generalmente se presenta el teorema de Coase en su forma reducida que parte del cuestionable supuesto de que los costes de transacción pueden ser nulos y que la distribución del beneficio de los acuerdos no afecta al resultado. Pero la evolución de China después de Mao parece haberse ajustado a lo predicho por el teorema de Coase pese a que los derechos de  propiedad  no estaban definidos previamente y a que los efectos distributivos de las reformas hayan sido cuantiosos. La experiencia del capitalismo chino exige una redefinición del teorema de Coase sobre la base de un modelo estructural formulado en términos dinámicos.The Coase theorem is usually presented in a reduced form that makes the questionable assumption that transaction costs can be zero. It also overlooks the effects of sharing the benefit obtained by cooperative agreements. Actually, in post-Mao China Coase’s theorem unexpectedly worked in the most fluid of situation although property rights were in the making and benefits accrued were large. The experience of Chinese capitalism demands a recasting of the Coase theorem to make it less static and more powerful than it appears in the usual static reduce form

    Juntar erarios y montes de piedad: un arbitrio barroco ante las Cortes de Castilla

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaLas dificultades financieras de la Corona española en el Siglo de Oro favorecieron la propuesta de emparejar los ya conocidos montes de piedad con unos nuevos «erarios públicos», que facilitarían fondos a la Corona y a los particulares sin caer en la práctica nefanda de la usura, contratando a censo y no a préstamo. Las Cortes de Castilla comenzaron apadrinando el proyecto, pero lo hundieron para evitar que el Conde Duque de Olivares lo convirtiese en un instrumento de recaudación coactiva de la Hacienda. Queda patente que las Cortes de Castilla mantenían sus poderes de resistencia un siglo después de la derrota de Villalar. Por eso, los memoriales de los arbitristas no eran dirigidos sólo al Rey y sus ministros, sino también a las Cortes, que reflejaban una opinión pública muy viva y sensible. El análisis del contrato de censo, con el que se evitaba la condena teológica de la usura, ayuda a trazar la lenta penetración del espíritu capitalista en la España barroca.Given the financial difficulties of the Spanish Crown in the 17th century, a willing ear was turned to proposals for combining Italian type Monti di Pietà with Crown chartered erarios, to finance both the Crown and private borrowers: nefarious usury was avoided by granting loans under the guise of a mortgage or lien. The Cortes of Castille favoured the project, but later scuppered it to stop the Count Duke of Olivares from using it as a taxing device. The study makes it clear that the Cortes kept their powers of resistance for a century after the rout of the Comuneros at Villalar: hence the abundance of projects addressed to the Cortes and a lively and sensitive public opinion, beside those addressed to the King and his ministers. The analysis of loans granted under mortgages and liens helps map the slow progress of the spirit of capitalism in baroque Spain.Publicad

    The first book-length English translation of Mário de Sá-Carneiro’s poetry

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    Review of SÁ-CARNEIRO, Mário de (2021). Seven Songs of Decline and Other Poems. Translated by Margaret Jull Costa and Ana Luísa Amaral. Edited by Ricardo Vasconcelos. London: Francis Boutle Publishers. [ISBN 978 1 8380928 49

    Problems in translating Pessoa’s poetry into English

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    This paper focuses on five problems all translators of Fernando Pessoa’s poetry into English must grapple with. The first is whether or not to distinguish the poetry of Pessoa (orthonym), Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro and Ricardo Reis through the use of stylistic and lexical markers. The second is: to what degree should the translator imitate Pessoa’s occasional labyrinthine constructions? Third, every translator must decide at the outset whether or not to use rhyme and meter, where these occur in Pessoa’s poetry. The final two problems concern Portuguese grammar: how to translate the pretérito perfeito do indicativo [simple past tense], which lends itself in English to both simple past and present perfect tenses; and how to translate the personal infinitive, a form unique among all languages for handling a change in subject within a sentence

    Monteiro’s enduring critical presence

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    Book review of George Monteiro, From Lisbon to the World: Pessoa’s Enduring Literary Presence, 201

    Imperial Nostalgia: Jennings in the Footsteps of Pessoa

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    Hubert Jennings's Lisbon memoirs bring something new to the study of Fernando Pessoa. This article reads Pessoa through the eyes of Jennings and situates both in the context of British decolonization, Portuguese colonial warfare, Commonwealth immigration, and 1960s political upheavals – in order to better understand their differential implication in imperialist ideologies. Close reading of these memoirs reveals a Jennings who identifies himself with Pessoa's ways of seeing, feeling, thinking, and writing. These multiple convergences in effect bear out Pessoa's prophecies of the coming of a new Portuguese cultural empire that would spread across the globe. At the same time, Jennings's residence in Lisbon, in an era when the British and Portuguese empires were receding, triggered nostalgia for the imperial England of his youth. An unpublished short story by Jennings and Chapter V of his memoirs are presented as annexes