117 research outputs found

    Incarcerated juvenile delinquents: psychopathic traits and the relevance of callous-unemotional traits

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    Over the last decades, a significant body of research has extended the psychopathy construct to adolescents, suggesting that those with elevated psychopathic traits in general and elevated callous-unemotional traits in particular are an important subgroup of antisocial youth showing a particularly severe, violent and persistent pattern of behavior. The present investigation has as its aims: I) to analyze the psychometric properties of the Antisocial Process Screening Device–Self-Report (APSD-SR), II) the applicability of the DSM-5’s Conduct Disorder new Limited Prosocial Emotions specifier, and III) the relevance of callous-unemotional traits while controlling for age of crime onset in incarcerated juvenile delinquents. The participants were male and female incarcerated youths from the Juvenile Detention Centers of the Portuguese Ministry of Justice. Results support the use of the APSD-SR among incarcerated male youths in terms of its three-factor structure and internal consistency despite one item had to be removed from the callous-unemotional dimension. Results also show that the new Limited Prosocial Emotions specifier seems to be useful in the characterization of incarcerated male youths, allowing to highlight a number of problematic issues that define them, but seems to be less useful regarding incarcerated female youths. However, when controlling for age of crime onset no statistically significant correlations were found between callous-unemotional traits and self-reported delinquency and crime seriousness, raising the possibility that the relation between these variables is influenced by age of crime onset. The present investigation adds support to the existing body of research and contributes to the further application of the psychopathy construct to incarcerated youths.Durante las últimas décadas, un cuerpo significativo de investigación ha ampliado el constructo de psicopatía para aplicarlo a los adolescentes, sugiriendo que aquellos con elevados rasgos psicopáticos en general y rasgos de insensibilidad emocional en particular constituyen un subgrupo importante de jóvenes antisociales, caracterizado por un patrón conductual especialmente grave, violento y persistente. Esta investigación tiene como objetivos analizar: I) las propiedades psicométricas del Antisocial Process Screening Device–Self-Report (APSD-SR); II) la aplicabilidad del nuevo especificador con Emociones Prosociales Limitadas (EPL) del diagnóstico Trastorno Conductual del DSM-5 y III) la relevancia de los rasgos de insensibilidad emocional controlando la edad de comienzo en la actividad criminal en jóvenes delincuentes detenidos. Los participantes fueron jóvenes detenidos en los Centros de Detención de Menores del Ministerio de Justicia de Portugal. Los resultados apoyaron el uso del APSD-SR en jóvenes detenidos del sexo masculino en cuanto a su estructura de tres factores y consistencia interna, a pesar de que un ítem fuera eliminado de la dimensión de insensibilidad emocional. Los resultados también demostraron que el especificador EPL parece ser útil en la definición de las problemáticas de jóvenes detenidos de sexo masculino, pero menos útil en jóvenes de sexo femenino. Sin embargo, al controlar la edad de comienzo de la actividad criminal, no se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre los rasgos de insensibilidad emocional y la delincuencia autoinformada y gravedad de crímenes, lo que plantea la posibilidad de que la relación entre estas variables esté influenciada por la edad de inicio de la actividad criminal. La presente investigación aporta apoyo a la aplicación del constructo de psicopatía a jóvenes detenidos

    The inventory of callous–unemotional traits: psychometric properties among referred and non-referred portuguese female juveniles

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    The presence of callous-unemotional (CU) traits delineates a subgroup of male youth with severe conduct disorder and antisocial behavior, but little research has been done among female youth. Drawing on 377 female adolescents (103 selected from forensic settings and 274 selected from school settings) from Portugal, the current study is the first to simultaneously examine the psychometric properties of the Inventory of Callous Unemotional Traits (ICU) in incarcerated female youth and community youth. The results support the use of the ICU in terms of its factor structure, and internal consistency despite the fact an item had to be removed from the Callousness dimension. Statistically significant positive associations were found with measures of psychopathic traits and aggression, as well as non-significant associations with empathy and social anxiety. Significant associations were also found with several indicators of delinquent careers including age of criminal onset, age of first contact with the law, Conduct Disorder symptoms and diagnosis, crime seriousness, previous violent offending, number of criminal charges, alcohol use, and drug use. Findings are discussed in terms of the use of the ICU among female juvenile offenders and community youths.European Social Fund (POPH/FSE

    Delinquência juvenil : estudo de algumas variáveis psicológicas e relacionais com ênfase nos traços psicopáticos

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    Tese de doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2012Na presente investigação pretendeu-se analisar a influência de algumas variáveis psicológicas e relacionais na delinquência juvenil, com especial ênfase nos traços psicopáticos, mas focando também outras variáveis como problemas de comportamento, delinquência auto-relatada, auto-estima e desejabilidade social. Foi também analisada a influência de variáveis sócio-demográficas e de tipo criminal. Para avaliação dos constructos em estudo efectuou-se a validação de diversos instrumentos psicométricos, nomeadamente do Dispositivo de Despiste de Processo Anti-social versão de auto-resposta (APSD-SR; Muñoz & Frick, 2007), do Questionário de Capacidades e de Dificuldades versão de auto-resposta (SDQ-SR; Goodman et al., 1998), da Escala de Delinquência Auto-relatada Adaptada (ASDS; Carroll et al., 1996), da Escala de Auto-estima de Rosenberg (RSES; Rosenberg, 1989) e da Escala de Desejabilidade Social de Marlowe-Crowne (Ballard, 1992) versão curta, além de se ter construído um questionário sócio-demográfico e um questionário de tipo criminal. Recorreu-se a uma amostra total de 760 participantes, subdividida numa amostra forense de 250 participantes dos sexos masculino (n = 221) e feminino (n = 29) provenientes dos Centros Educativos do Ministério da Justiça e numa amostra escolar de 510 participantes do sexo masculino (n = 322) e do sexo feminino (n = 188) provenientes de escolas da região da Grande Lisboa. Os resultados das validações dos instrumentos psicométricos de uma forma geral foram considerados de satisfatórios a bons, com excepção do SDQ-SR devido a problemas detectados na estrutura factorial e na consistência interna. Os resultados relativos aos testes das hipóteses indicaram que os jovens da amostra forense possuem características psicológicas e relacionais (e.g., traços psicopáticos, problemas de comportamento, comportamentos delinquentes, auto-estima) que permitem diferenciá-los da amostra escolar; os jovens do sexo masculino da amostra forense apresentam valores gerais mais altos de traços psicopáticos e de traços calosos/não-emocionais que as jovens do sexo feminino. Os jovens com traços psicopáticos altos apresentam valores nas variáveis analisadas (e.g., problemas de comportamento, comportamentos delinquentes, precocidade de envolvimento em actividades criminais, precocidade de envolvimento com o sistema judicial) que permitem diferenciá-los dos jovens com traços psicopáticos baixos. Existe capacidade de previsão de pertença a amostras e a grupos diferentes com base nas variáveis analisadas (e.g., traços psicopáticos, problemas de comportamento), e o narcisismo tem uma associação mais forte com a delinquência auto-relatada que a auto-estima.This investigation had as its aim to analyze the influence of some psychological and relational variables on juvenile delinquency, with an emphasis on psychopathic traits, but also focusing on such variables as behavior problems, self-reported delinquency, selfesteem, and social desirability. The influence of some sociodemographic and criminal variables was also analyzed. Some psychometric instruments were translated into Portuguese and validated, namely the Antisocial Process Screening Device Self-report (APSD-SR; Muñoz & Frick, 2007), the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Selfreport (SDQ-SR; Goodman et al., 1998), the Adapted Self-reported Delinquency Scale (ASDS; Carroll et al., 1996), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES, Rosenberg, 1989), and the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale short version (MCSDS-SF; Ballard, 1992). A sociodemographic questionnaire and a criminal questionnaire were also used. The total sample was composed of 760 participants. It was subdivided in a forensic sample of 250 participants of the male (n = 221) and female (n = 29) genders from the juvenile detention centers of the Portuguese Ministry of Justice, and in a school sample of 510 participants of the male (n = 322) and female (n = 188) genders from the public schools of the greater Lisbon area. The results of the validation of the psychometric instruments reached satisfactory to good levels, with the exception of the SDQ-SR due to the problems detected in its factor structure and internal consistency. The results revealed that the juvenile delinquents possess distinct psychological and relational characteristics (e.g., psychopathic traits, behavior problems, delinquent behaviors, self-esteem) that can differentiate them from the school participants; also the male participants from the forensic sample possess higher general psychopathic traits and callous-unemotional traits. The participants with higher psychopathic traits score distinctively on the analyzed variables (e.g., behavior problems, delinquent behaviors, early life participation on criminal X activities, early life involvement with the judicial system). There is a prediction capability regarding samples and groups based on the analyzed variables (e.g., psychopathic traits, behavior problems), and narcissism has a stronger association with self-reported delinquent behaviors than self-esteem

    Psychometric properties of Basic Empathy Scale among female juvenile delinquents and school youths

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    Research on empathy often distinguishes between affective and cognitive empathy, but there is limited knowledge regarding the application or measurement of these two dimensions of empathy among female youth, especially forensic samples of female youth. The main aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Basic Empathy Scale (BES) among a Portuguese sample of female youths (N = 377), composed of incarcerated female juvenile offenders (n = 103) and school youths (n = 274). The two-factor structure of the BES obtained a good fit among the school sample, but the fit among the forensic sample was poor. Both samples demonstrated adequate psychometric properties in terms of Cronbach's alpha, omega coefficient, mean inter item correlations, corrected item-total correlation range, and criterion validity. However, some caution is advised when using the BES with female youth involved in the juvenile justice system, particularly with incarcerated female youth. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.European Social Fund (POPH/FSE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overlapping measures or constructs? An empirical study of the overlap between self-control, psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism

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    Overlap between self-control and dark triad traits (i.e., psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism) is potentially problematic for efforts to distinguish dimensions associated with elevated risk for antisociality and crime. The aim of the present study is to examine the potential overlap between self-control and psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism, with a focus on the Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS) and the Dirty Dozen Dark Triad scale (DD). The sample consisted of 567 youth (M = 15.91 years, SD = 0.99 years, age range = 14-18 years) from Portugal. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis results from the pooled set of items of the BSCS and the DD measures revealed that both are valid and reliable measures of their respective constructs. However, consistent with previous research, the narcissism facet of the DD emerged as an independent factor. Our findings suggest that if such an eventual overlap is detected, it would be a question of problematic measures, not constructs.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Propriedades Psicométricas de uma Versão Reduzida da Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt - 11 numa Amostra Escolar de Adolescentes Portugueses

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    The main aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of a 18-items short version of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale - 11 short among a Portuguese school sample (N =543) of male and female adolescents. The BIS-11 short version demonstrated good psychometric properties, namely in terms of its three-factor structure, internal consistency, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. In terms of criterion-related validity positive correlations were found with Conduct Disorder symptoms, alcohol use, cannabis use, and unprotected sex (i.e., sex without using condoms). The psychometric properties of the BIS-11 short version generally justify its use among Portuguese adolescents

    A comparison of self-report measures of callous-unemotional traits among incarcerated youth: associations with aggression, conduct disorder, and offending behavior

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    The current study compared the psychometric properties and incremental validity of the callous-unemotional (CU) traits dimensions from four self-report measures of youth psychopathic traits, including the Antisocial Process Screening Device Self-Report version (APSD-SR), the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI), Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory–Short version (YPI-S), and the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU) among a sample of male youth incarcerated in Portuguese detention centers (N = 221). Across these measures, estimates of reliability and internal consistency were gener- ally good; however, the correlations between measures ranged from very low to high suggesting moderate convergent valid- ity. With regard to incremental validity, the Callousness dimension of the ICU was the best predictor of aggression, conduct disorder, and crime seriousness, whereas the Uncaring dimension of the ICU was the best predictor of age of crime onset. The current findings have important implications regarding the assessment of CU traits.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT; Grant SFRH/BPD/86666/2012) with co-financing of the European Social Fund (POPH/FSE), the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds, and co-financed by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (UID/PSI/01662/2013). We wish to thank the following Portuguese juvenile detention centers for their collaboration: Bela Vista, Mondego, Navarro de Paiva, Olivais, Padre Antonio Oliveira, Santo Antonio, Santa Clara, Prisao-Escola de Leiria. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to James V. Ray, Department of Criminal Justice, University of Texas at San Antonio, 501 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd., San Antonio, TX 78207; e-mail: [email protected]

    The role of low self-control as a mediator between trauma and antisociality/criminality in youth

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    Trauma exposure and low self-control are robustly associated with youth antisocial/criminal problems, but the interrelation of these constructs is unclear when taking into account both traumatic events and reactions. The objective of the present study is to examine self-control mediation effects related to trauma and juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder, crime seriousness, and aggression outcomes. The sample consisted of N = 388 male youth from Portugal (age, M = 16.01 years, SD = 1.03, age range = 13–18 years). Path analysis procedures revealed that self-control partially mediates the relation between trauma events and the examined outcomes and fully mediates the relation between trauma reactions and the examined outcomes. Research on youth trauma should examine both trauma events and trauma reactions because they have differential effects on low self-control and antisocial/criminal outcomes.This study was partially conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662) of the University of Minho. The first author was partially funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (UID/PSI/01662/2019)

    Traços psicopáticos em delinquentes juvenis: investigações sobre início na atividade criminal, etnicidade e género

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    Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia, Universidade do Algarve, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, 2013Na última década tem-se assistido a um enorme interesse a nível internacional pela psicopatia enquanto constructo aplicado a adolescentes e a crianças, que se tem vindo a revelar no notório aumento de artigos científicos publicados sobre o tema. A presente investigação teve por objetivos analisar a inter-relação existente entre traços psicopáticos e idade de início na atividade criminal, etnicidade e género em jovens portugueses. Os participantes foram rapazes e raparigas provenientes de amostras forenses (Centros Educativos do Ministério da Justiça) e de amostras escolares (escolas públicas da região da grande Lisboa), aos quais foram aplicados instrumentos psicométricos de medição de traços psicopáticos e de constructos relacionados. Os resultados confirmaram predominantemente as hipóteses inicialmente colocadas. Os rapazes e raparigas que se iniciaram precocemente na atividade criminal demonstraram níveis mais elevados de traços psicopáticos e de constructos relacionados (e.g., perturbação do comportamento). Os rapazes e raparigas pertencentes a etnias diversas não demonstraram diferenças significativas entre si relativamente aos traços psicopáticos. O constructo da psicopatia é aplicável às raparigas portuguesas em contexto forense e em contexto escolar. Independentemente da etnia ou do género, os traços psicopáticos tendem a estar significativamente associados a perturbação do comportamento, problemas comportamentais, comportamentos delituosos, gravidade dos crimes cometidos, idade de início da atividade criminal, idade do primeiro problema com a lei e idade da primeira detenção em Centro Educativo. A presente investigação fornece apoio adicional à literatura científica internacional que considera o constructo da psicopatia como universal e interculturalmente consistente

    An antisocial alchemy: Psychopathic traits as a moderator of the different forms and functions of aggression in delinquency and conduct disorder among youth

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    The aim of the present study is to examine the possible role of psychopathic traits as a moderator of the aggression-antisociality/delinquency link. Our sample was composed of 567 youth (M = 15.91 years, SD = 0.99 years, age range = 14-18 years) from Portugal. Results indicated that psychopathic features significantly moderate four different forms and functions of aggression - proactive overt, proactive relational, reactive overt, and reactive relational - when predicting delinquency. However, psychopathic traits only significantly moderate proactive relational aggression when predicting Conduct Disorder. Psychopathic traits and aggression constitute an antisocial alchemy for antisocial behavior but more research is needed about moderation effects therein particularly among clinical and justice system involved samples of youth to inform behavioral interventions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio