624 research outputs found

    Encapsulation of a {Cu16} cluster containing four [Cu4O4] cubanes within an isopolyoxometalate {W44} cluster

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    We report a {Cu16} embedded within a {W44} cluster containing four cubane-like [Cu4O4] units within an isopolyoxotungstate (isoPOT) in a {Na4Cu4[(H2W11O38) (CH3COO)(OH)3]}4·88H2O (1) and a polyanion Cu-linked {W11} chain Na6Cu2[(H2W11O38)(CH3COO)(OH)]·26H2O (2). Electronically, the redox properties show that both compounds 1 and 2 undergo irreversible reductions resulting in the demetalation of the compounds, whilst the magnetic behavior of 1 and 2 shows a weak antiferromagnetic and a stronger ferromagnetic coupling, respectively

    Comunicación pública y participación ciudadana. El uso de Twitter en los ayuntamientos de Cataluña

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    El desarrollo de los recursos de la Web 2.0 ofrece a las administraciones públicas la posibilidad de difundir información sobre su gestión y de favorecer la participación ciudadana. Las redes sociales, por su gran penetración, pueden ser instrumentos eficaces para mejorar la comunicación entre responsables políticos y ciudadanía, pero es necesario buscar la calidad de las comunicaciones. En este artículo, analizamos el uso que hacen de Twitter una selección de ayuntamientos de Cataluña. Los resultados muestran que no se aprovechan las potencialidades de esta red social.The growth of Web 2.0 resources provides public administrations with the possibility to share information about their governance and it helps to promote citizen participation. Due to theirimportance, social networks may be effective tools for improving communication between elected political leaders and citizens, but there is need to find the quality of communications. In this article, we analyse the use made of Twitter by a sample of City Councils in Catalonia. The results show that the potentials of this social network are not fully use

    Televisión, cine y publicidad, fuentes de conocimiento del pasado y del presente

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    Los medios de comunicación son una fuente de estudio del pasado y del presente que permiten mostrar la articulación de los cambios sociales colectivos con las transformaciones individuales. En este artículo presentamos un método de análisis que hemos experimentado con productos cinematográficos, televisivos y de publicidad. El procedimiento revela la realidad de la pluralidad social al mostrar a todo tipo de protagonistas en los escenarios de la vida pública y privada. La sistematización que proponemos supera los análisis basados en percepciones generales sobre contenidosMass Media are a source of research for past and present knowledge that permit to show the articulation between social and collective changes with the individual transformations. In this article, we present a method of analysis that we have experimented with film, television and advertising products. Our procedure permits to reveal the plural social reality due that it shows a lot of different types of individual humans in public and private spaces. Our proposed methodology has exceeded the content analysis based on general perception

    Council press offices as sources of political information : between journalism for accountability and propaganda

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    Grup d'investigació: Laboratori de Periodisme i Comunicació per a la Ciutadania PluralThis study uses a qualitative approach to examine what political and technical leaders of municipalities understand transparency and public information to mean, and what role they believe the different subjects involved (government, opposition, and the public) should have. The websites of 605 Spanish councils with more than 100,000 inhabitants were analysed and three focus groups were held with political and technical leaders from a selection of sample councils. The results show that the technical and political leaders of the councils do not have a clear awareness of their function of management accountability or of the need to apply journalistic criteria to the information they publish, defending with nuances the use of propaganda criteria to focus on the actions of the local government, its information, the lack of space dedicated to public debate and the opposition's actions. In relation to accountability and citizen participation, they have a negative view of citizens, who they describe as being disengaged. However, they emphasize that internally it is essential to continue improving in terms of the culture of transparency and the public information they provide citizens

    Transparency and quality of information on local administration websites. Study of the Spanish case

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    This article analyses the information and content of Spanish local administration websites following the application of the Law of Transparency. The aim is to analyze in depth issues related to the information available on political representatives, the management of economic resources, information on the municipality and the tools citizens have at their disposal for their participation. The quantitative method analyses the transparency of the city councils individually from a table of widely compared 52 variables (indicators), validating their compliance or not with each during the period February to November 2018. The sample analyzed in this study consists of 605 Spanish municipalities. Although within academic literature debate already exists that focuses primarily on theoretical abstractions, this study allows us to empirically determine whether after the national approval of transparency regulation there really has been an improvement in public information for citizens to be able to hold their local governments accountable. The results indicate that, based on regional and national transparency policies, the situation is better than in the years prior to the law, although there is still much room for improvement, especially in issues related to information regarding the management of economic resources such as budgets, salaries, hiring and subsidies

    Intra-breed genetic diversity characterization of the Iberian pig

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104El desenvolvimiento en el tiempo de subpoblaciones aisladas adscritas a un mismo tipo racial es el origen de la diversidad natural que surge en toda raza animal enriqueciéndola. El Cerdo Ibérico no ha sido ajeno a este proceso, acumulando a lo largo de los siglos una gran heterogeneidad intrarracial, reflejada en un valor alto (0,19) para el FST de Wright entre las subpoblaciones analizadas. En el presente trabajo abordaremos el estudio de esta diversidad genética interna del Cerdo Ibérico con especial atención a las cuatro estirpes principales (Negro Lampiño, Entrepelado, Retinto y Torbiscal), sin descuidar, no obstante, otras estirpes y líneas que la integran. Para ello partiremos de diferentes estudios de caracterización de las estirpes y líneas del Cerdo Ibérico. Resaltaremos no sólo sus diferencias genéticas sino también las habidas entre sus productos para consumo en fresco (solomillos), en los que la estirpe Negro Lampiño muestra los porcentajes de proteína, capacidad de retención de agua (CRA) e infiltración grasa intramuscular más elevados (23.74, 17.06 y 5.28, respectivamente), definiendo una calidad diferenciada. Finalmente aportaremos una clasificación que explique la estructura interna del Cerdo Ibérico.The evolution in time of isolated subpopulations assigned to a same breed is the origin of the natural diversity that arises in any breed animal enriching it. The Iberian Pig breed has not been unaware of this process, accumulating throughout the centuries a great intra-breed heterogeneity that is reflected by a high FST value (0.19) among the subpopulations analyzed. In the present study we will undertake the assessment of the internal genetic diversity of the Iberian Pig breed with special attention to the four main strains (Negro Lampiño, Entrepelado, Retinto and Torbiscal), without forgetting others strains and lines that integrate Iberian Pig Breed. To that purpose, we based on different characterization studies of the strains and lines of the Iberian Pig breed. We emphasize not only their genetic differences but also the differences among their meat products for fresh consumption (tenderloin) by strain, in which Negro Lampiño shows the higher percentages of protein, water-holding capacity (ARC) and intramuscular fat infiltration (23.74, 17.06 and 5.28, respectively), defining a differentiated quality. Finally, we expose a classification to explain the population structure of the Iberian Pig Breed

    Encontrarse en la historia : fuentes, protagonistas y espacios: metodologías para una historia de la comunicación no-androcéntrica /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEl sentido de responsabilidad social compartida, que impulsa el desarrollo de la democracia participativa, solo puede asentarse sobre una visión del pasado que muestre las conexiones entre las memorias personales y la memoria colectiva, entre las decisiones individuales y los procesos sociales globales. Es posible construir un conocimiento plural en que los sujetos de la historia son todos los ciudadanos y no solamente aquellos que ocupan el centro del escenario público. Para poder hacerlo es preciso que en el proceso de investigación intervengan los propios protagonistas. De esta forma se consolidan nuevas dinámicas sociales y procesos de dialogo que pueden ser dirigidos hacia diferentes entornos utilizando diferentes estrategias y medios de comunicación. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido construir, experimentar y estudiar, un modelo de investigación histórica, de trabajo pedagógico y de intervención socio-educativa, utilizando la comunicación como herramienta metodológica fundamental y los medios de comunicación como fuentes historiográficas, como materiales y herramientas didácticas y como instrumentos de expresión, divulgación e intercambio. La investigación se ha realizado a partir de los paradigmas de la historia de la comunicación no-androcéntrica, que han podido ser aplicados merced a una metodología específica. Propiciando el diálogo en grupo como estrategia de trabajo en la evocación de historias de vida y utilizando todo tipo de fuentes (documentales, materiales, gráficas, etc.) para motivar la rememoración y mostrar el pasado, un grupo de estudiantes de formación básica de adultos ha elaborado una visión conjunta, coherente y plural, de sus historias personales que se ha mostrado públicamente a través de diferentes medios y producciones: cuadernos de lectura y de trabajo, libros, exposiciones, programas de radio, etc. Esta visión de su propia historia muestra los procesos de movilidad geográfica y social que se han dado en sus vidas y permite elaborar una visión de la historia pluriterritorial, alejada así de la visión uniterritorial de las explicaciones tradicionales. Esta metodología ha permitido cohesionar los relatos de personas de diferentes orígenes geográficos y de diferentes tradiciones culturales. Los materiales generados por el trabajo del grupo de participantes, llamado Taller de Historia de Pallejà, junto con otros preparados por profesionales, le han dado un sentido pedagógico al proceso más allá del ámbito específico de su concepción (una escuela de adultos) y han permitido realizar diversas acciones de intervención social en el marco local y en otros ámbitos afines. Esta primera investigación permitió desarrollar posteriormente otras experiencias que ponen a prueba la metodología de trabajo y que acaban demostrando que gracias a la utilización de metodologías comunicativas se propició un cambio en la autovaloración de los participantes que les impulsó a actuar como agentes sociales. De esta manera se hace posible que puedan divulgar sus ideas, creaciones y propuestas y dialogar con otras personas utilizando medios de los que generalmente son excluidos.The sense of shared social responsibility that pushes the development of participatory democracy can only be established on a vision of the past which shows up connexions between individual and collective memories, personal decisions and global social processes. It is possible to construct a plural knowledge where the characters of the history are all the citizens and not only those that occupy the public stage. In order this might be achieved, it is necessary that the same subjects intervene in the process of investigation. In this way consolidate new social dynamics and processes of dialog that might lead towards different environments using different strategies and means of communication. The aim of this thesis is to construct experience and study a model of historical investigation, pedagogical work and socio-educational intervention, using the communication as a fundamental methodological instrument and the means of communication as historiographical sources, as materials and didactic tools and as instruments of expression, spreading and exchange. The investigation has been realized on a basis of the paradigms of the history of non-andocentric communication, which were able to be used through a specific methodology. Helping the dialog within a group as a strategy of work in the evocation of histories of life and using all types of sources (documents, materials, graphics, etc.) in order to motivate the reminiscence and show up the past, a group of students of basic educational level but already adults, have elaborated a joint vision, coherent and plural, of their personal stories which have been publicly displayed through different means and productions: notebook of lecture and exercise, books, exhibitions, radio programs, etc.) This vision of their own history shows the processes of geographical and social mobility that occurred in their lives and permit to elaborate a vision of multiterritorial history far away from a uniterritorial vision of traditional explanations. This methodology has allowed uniting stories of people of different geographical origins and cultural traditions. The materials generated by the group of participants, called «Taller de Historia de Pallejà», together with others prepared by professionals , have brought a pedagogical sense to the process far away from the specific field of its conception (a school of adults) and have permitted to realize varied actions of social intervention within the local frame and similar spheres. This first investigation permitted to develop afterwards other experiences that proved the methodology of work and which finalize showing that the use of communicative methodologies helped to a change in auto-evaluation of the participants that pushes them to act as social agents. In this way they were able to spread their ideas, creations and proposals and dialog with other people using the means they are generally excluded of