24 research outputs found

    Capitais no interior : Franca e a historia da industria coureiro-calçadista (1860-1945)

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    Orientador: Jose Ricardo Barbosa GonçalvesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de EconomiaResumo: Não informadoAbstract: Not informed.DoutoradoDoutor em Economi

    Domínios do café: ferrovias, exportação e mercado interno em São Paulo (1888-1917)

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    Não obstante o peso decisivo das receitas geradas pelo café para os balanços financeiros das ferrovias paulistas entre 1888 e 1917, e a centralidade da atividade cafeeira na economia paulista de então, discute-se neste artigo a especialização relativa ao nível da produção verificada em São Paulo e a questão dos fretes das ferrovias neste cenário. Parte-se da ideia de que a cafeicultura, em seu desenvolvimento, demandava a diversificação de culturas agrícolas, pois as unidades básicas de produção - as fazendas de café - não se caracterizavam unicamente pela monocultura, sendo que os nexos entre uma produção voltada à exportação e outra voltada ao mercado interno davam-se nas relações de trabalho estabelecidas entre contratantes e contratados, e nas formas pelas quais os fazendeiros expropriavam aqueles que se subordinavam aos seus interesses. Verifica-se no caso estudado o aumento simultâneo das quantidades de café e de alimentos transportadas e transacionadas pela Cia. Mogiana nos marcos da periodização proposta; porém, percebe-se estreita dependência em relação à receita gerada pelo transporte de café. Aponta-se, ainda, a especialização absoluta ao nível do crédito e da circulação (transportes) que caracterizavam este complexo econômico.Notwithstanding the decisive weight of values generated by coffee for the financial statements of the São Paulo's railroads between 1888 and 1917, and to the importance of the coffee in this economy, we argues in this article about the relative specialization in agriculturist production verified in São Paulo's lands and the question of the freights of the railroads in this conditions. Our idea is that coffee activity, in its development, demanded the diversification of agricultural cultures, therefore the basic units of production - the coffee farms - were not characterized solely by the cultivation of coffee, being that the nexuses between a production come back to the exportation and another come back to the internal market were given in the relations of work established between employers and employees, and in the forms by which the farmers expropriated its subordinate. The simultaneous increase of the amounts of coffee is verified in the studied case and of foods carried and done business for the Cia. Mogiana in landmarks of the period proposal; however, narrow dependence in relation to the values generated for the coffee transport is perceived. It is pointed, still, the absolute specialization to the level of the credit and the circulation (transports) that characterized this economic complex

    Nas fronteiras do Capitalismo: a Mogiana e os (des)caminhos da expansão ferroviária

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    This article Investigates the importance and the influence of the formation of the National State in the contexto competition between private capital and mercantile networks; specifically, both factors played roles in the extension of the Mogiana company. It also examines the part played by politicians in the determination of routes. Geographic considerations of course, played their part but they do not fully explain the circuitous pattem o trajectories.This article Investigates the importance and the influence of the formation of the National State in the contexto competition between private capital and mercantile networks; specifically, both factors played roles in the extension of the Mogiana company. It also examines the part played by politicians in the determination of routes. Geographic considerations of course, played their part but they do not fully explain the circuitous pattem o trajectories.Investiga a importância e a influência da formação do Estado Nacional, da competição entre capitais privados e das cadeias mercantis nos espaços de prolongamento da Companhia Mogiana, bem como o envolvimento dos políticos na definição dos caminhos. Condições geográficas necessariamente devem ser consideradas, todavia são insuficientes na determinação da sinuosidade desta via-férrea. &nbsp

    Domínios do café: ferrovias, exportação e mercado interno em São Paulo (1888-1917)

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    Coffee economy: railroads, export and the internal market in São Paulo (1888-1917) Notwithstanding the decisive weight of values generated by coffee for the financial statements of the São Paulo’s railroads between 1888 and 1917, and to the importance of the coffee in this economy, we argues in this article about the relative specialization in agriculturist production verified in São Paulo’s lands and the question of the freights of the railroads in this conditions. Our idea is that coffee activity, in its development, demanded the diversification of agricultural cultures, therefore the basic units of production – the coffee farms – were not characterized solely by the cultivation of coffee, being that the nexuses between a production come back to the exportation and another come back to the internal market were given in the relations of work established between employers and employees, and in the forms by which the farmers expropriated its subordinate. The simultaneous increase of the amounts of coffee is verified in the studied case and of foods carried and done business for the Cia. Mogiana in landmarks of the period proposal; however, narrow dependence in relation to the values generated for the coffee transport is perceived. It is pointed, still, the absolute specialization to the level of the credit and the circulation (transports) that characterized this economic complex.Coffee economy; Railroads; CMEF; Food production; São Paulo.

    Modalidades e hierarquias do crédito na cafeicultura paulista (1889-1930)

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    A partir do edifício teórico braudeliano investiga-se as modalidades de crédito praticadas na cafeicultura paulista, bem como as hierarquias que caracterizaram o seu funcionamento e organização. Lista-se neste artigo uma série de operações de crédito captadas por fontes documentais de diferentes naturezas, buscando subsidiar a discussão sobre a diversidade das formas de obtenção de crédito no espaço em questão. O ponto de nosso argumento é que o interior do estado, especializado na produção de café, joga papel fundamentalmente subordinado na hierarquia e na cadeia do crédito, dominada pelo grande capital cafeeiro, sendo que os mecanismos de concentração da riqueza e das oportunidades se situam mais destacadamente na capital paulista, que, por sua vez, também ocupa posição subordinada em relação aos principais centros capitalistas.From the Braudel theoretical building investigates the credit arrangements practiced in São Paulo's coffee economy as well as the hierarchies that characterised its operation and organisation. This article lists a number of loans taken by documentary sources of different natures, seeking to subsidize the discussion about the diversity of ways of getting credit in the space in question. The point ofour argument is that the inside country of São Paulo, specializing in the production of coffee plays a subordinate role in the hierarchy and fundamentally in the chain of credit, dominated by big business coffee, and the mechanisms of concentration of wealth and opportunities lie more prominentlyin city of São Paulo, which in turn also occupies subordinate position relative to the main capitalist centres