1,785 research outputs found

    Educación, ciudadanía y convivencia en una sociedad democrática

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    Educación ciudadana y convivencia democrática

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    A lo largo del presente artículo abordaremos el tema de la educación ciudadana para la convivencia democrática. Tras hacer una referencia al concepto de ciudadanía y describir alguna de las dimensiones de los conceptos de ciudadanía más significativos que se ofrecen desde diversas disciplinas, hablaremos del valor de la educación ciudadana como “herramienta esencial” para aprender a convivir juntos en una sociedad cada vez más abierta, compleja y global, destacando la importancia de la educación para la tolerancia y la educación para la solidaridad como vía para la consecución de una verdadera convivencia social.Throughout this article we will deal with the topic of the citizen education for the democratic co-existence. After mentioning the concept of citizenship describing it in relation to different subjects, we will follow talking about the value of the citizen education as an essential tool to learn how to live together in a more and more open-minded, complex and global society. We will remark the importance of education to get tolerance and solidarity as well as a way of achieving a real social co-existence

    La formación profesional en el sistema educativo de Andalucía

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    En este artículo se aborda el tema de la Formación Profesional en el ámbito territorial de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía. Tras hacer una referencia a la Formación Profesional en el sistema educativo y presentar diversos aspectos relativos a los ciclos formativos, la Formación Profesional en la modalidad a distancia y las Familias Profesionales, se exponen varios aspectos de la Formación Profesional relacionados con los nuevos títulos, la formación del profesorado, los centros y su entorno, la flexibilización, los Programas de Cualificación Profesional Inicial, el II Plan Andaluz de Formación Profesional, la educación permanente y el programa “Emprendejoven”.This article addresses the issue of Vocational Training in Andalusia Region. A reference toVocational Training in the Education System will occupy the first part of this article. Then, several aspects related to Distance Learning in Vocational Training,Training Cycles, and Occupational families will be outlined. Finally, some facts related to the new certificates in VT, the teachers' training, the schools and their surroundings, the flexibility in the modalities, the Initial Vocational Qualifications Programs, the Continuous Vocational training, The II Plan Andaluz de Formación Profesional and Emprendejoven program will be described

    The influence of the spanish decentralization process, the european regionalism and globalization in the regionalization of Extremadura

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    This dissertation makes an overview of the process of regionalization in the Spanish autonomous community of Extremadura in the last 30 years. We explore concepts of region, regionalism and regionalization within a common European framework and within the theories of the New Regionalism in Europe. This paper studies the decentralization process in Spain after the promulgation of the 1978 Constitution, analysing the position and role of Extremadura in that process. Likewise we analyse the role of the so-called Historical Regions in the decentralization process and the creation of Autonomous Communities. We observe some of the regional policies of the European Union in its attempt to create a polycentric network for development where economic and social cohesion are the main premises, promoting diversity as an engine of development and unity. It also embraces highly contested concepts in the social sciences as globalization and regional identities. We addressed the role of regions as autonomous entities in the European Union and on a global space. Likewise approach the capacity for action and cooperation of the regions and their outward promotion. The aim of this dissertation is to try to analyse the influence that the three main factors may have in the process of regionalization of Extremadura. Spanish decentralization process and the creation of Autonomous Communities; the influence of regionalist policies of the European Union in the region concept and its constitution as a protagonist in territorial cohesion policies; and the effects of globalization on local spaces and resurgence of the region and regionalist identities.Esta dissertação faz uma visão geral do processo de regionalização na comunidade autónoma espanhola da Extremadura, nos últimos 30 anos. Nós exploramos conceitos de região, o regionalismo ea regionalização dentro de um quadro europeu comum e dentro das teorias do Novo Regionalismo na Europa. Este trabalho estuda o processo de descentralização na Espanha após a promulgação da Constituição de 1978, analisando a posição eo papel da Extremadura nesse processo. Da mesma forma, analisamos o papel das chamadas regiões históricas no processo de descentralização ea criação de Comunidades Autónomas. Observamos algumas das políticas regionais da União Europeia, na sua tentativa de criar uma rede policêntrica de desenvolvimento, onde a coesão económica e social são os principais locais, promovendo a diversidade como um motor de desenvolvimento e de união. Ele abarca também conceitos altamente contestadas nas ciências sociais como a globalização e as identidades regionais. Abordamos o papel das regiões como entidades autônomas na União Europeia e num espaço global. Da mesma forma abordar a capacidade de ação e cooperação das regiões e da sua promoção externa. O objetivo deste trabalho é tentar analisar a influência que os três fatores principais podem ter no processo de regionalização da Extremadura. Processo Espanhol descentralização ea criação de comunidades autónomas, a influência das políticas regionalistas da União Europeia no conceito de região e sua constituição como protagonista nas políticas de coesão territorial, e os efeitos da globalização sobre os espaços locais e ressurgimento da região e identidades regionalistas

    Education for Gender Equality

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    En esta comunicación se aborda el tema de la educación para la igualdad entre los géneros. En primer lugar, se presenta la normativa vigente que regula la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres en materia de educación. En segundo lugar, se exponen diversos aspectos de la educación relacionados con la equidad y la igualdad de género. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusionesThis communication addresses the issue of education for gender equality. First, it shows the current regulations concerning equality between women and men in education. Second, it outlines several aspects of education related to equity and gender equality. Finally, we present the conclusions

    A characterisation of reliability tools for Software Defined Networks

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    Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new paradigm in networking that introduces great flexibility, allowing the dynamic configuration of parts of the network through centralised programming. SDN has been successfully applied in field networks, and is now being applied to wireless and mobile networks, generating Software Defined Mobile/Wireless networks (SDWNs). SDN can be also combined with Network Function Virtualization (NFV) producing a software network in which the specific hardware is replaced by general purpose computing equipment running SDN and NFV software solutions. This highly programmable and flexible network introduces many challenges from the point of view of reliability (or robustness), and operators need to ensure the same level of confidence as in previous, less flexible deployments. This paper provides a first study of the current tools used to analyse the reliability of SDNs before deployment and/or during the exploitation of the network. Most of these tools offer some kind of automatic verification, supported by algorithms based on formal methods, but they do not differentiate between fixed and mobile/wireless networks. In the paper we provide a number of classifications of the tools to make this selection easier for potential users, and we also identify promising research areas where more effort needs to be made.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Accreditation of professional skills: Spanish experiences

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    The article refers to the Spanish experience in the field of accreditation of skills acquired through informal education. It also shows the role of counselor in this process and describes the procedure of evaluation for certification of professional competenc

    Sublethal concentrations of waterborne copper induce cellular stress and cell death in zebrafish embryos and larvae

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    http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-97602011000100002&lng=es&nrm=isoCopper is an essential ion that forms part of the active sites of many proteins. At the same time, an excess of this metal produces free radicals that are toxic for cells and organisms. Fish have been used extensively to study the effects of metals, including copper, present in food or the environment. It has been shown that different metals induce different adaptive responses in adult fish. However, until now, scant information has been available about the responses that are induced by waterborne copper during early life stages of fish. Here, acute toxicity tests and LC50 curves have been generated for zebrafish larvae exposed to dissolved copper sulphate at different concentrations and for different treatment times. We determined that the larvae incorporate and accumulate copper present in the medium in a concentration-dependent manner, resulting in changes in gene expression. Using a transgenic fish line that expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the hsp70 promoter, we monitored tissue-specific stress responses to waterborne copper by following expression of the reporter. Furthermore, TUNEL assays revealed which tissues are more susceptible to cell death after exposure to copper. Our results establish a framework for the analysis of whole-organism management of excess external copper in developing aquatic animals