66 research outputs found

    Employing Channel Probing to Derive End-of-Life Service Margins for Optical Spectrum Services

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    Optical Spectrum as a Service (OSaaS) spanning over multiple transparent optical network domains, can significantly reduce the investment and operational costs of the end-to-end service. Based on the black-link approach, these services are empowered by reconfigurable transceivers and the emerging disaggregation trend in optical transport networks. This work investigates the accuracy aspects of the channel probing method used in Generalized Signal to Noise Ratio (GSNR)-based OSaaS characterization in terrestrial brownfield systems. OSaaS service margins to accommodate impacts from enabling neighboring channels and end-of-life channel loads are experimentally derived in a systematic lab study carried out in the Open Ireland testbed. The applicability of the lab-derived margins is then verified in the HEAnet production network using a 400 GHz wide OSaaS. Finally, the probing accuracy is tested by depleting the GSNR margin through power adjustments utilizing the same 400 GHz OSaaS in the HEAnet live network. A minimum of 0.92 dB and 1.46 dB of service margin allocation is recommended to accommodate the impacts of enabling neighboring channels and end-of-life channel loads. Further 0.6 dB of GSNR margin should be allocated to compensate for probing inaccuracies

    Distribution of antioxidant components in roots of different red beets (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivars

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    The beetroot is typically on the table in winter in form of pickles or juice, but for its nutritional values it would deserve more common consumption. Its curative effect in great part is due to the several vitamins, minerals, and compounds with antioxidant activity. But the division of biological active compounds is very different in the parts of the root. Based on our results, we could compare the differences between the morphology and some inner contents (soluble solid content, colour, betacyanin, betaxanthin, and polyphenol contents, antioxidant activity, and some flavonoids) of two beetroot cultivars. The results of the morphological investigations showed that the ‘Cylindre’ cultivar had more favourable crop parameters than the ‘Alto F1’ cultivar. In the ‘Cylindre’ cultivar the polyphenol content and the antioxidant capacity were significantly higher than in the ‘Alto F1’ cultivar. By determination of the betanin contents of the investigated beetroots, our results showed both betacyanin and betaxanthin contents were higher in the ‘Cylindre’ cultivar. The chlorogenic acid, gallic acid, the cumaric acid have been identified based on the peaks of HPLC in the studied beetroot cultivars

    A Latency-Aware Real-Time Video Surveillance Demo: Network Slicing for Improving Public Safety

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    © 2021 IEEE.  Personal use of this material is permitted.  Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksWe report the automated deployment of 5G services across a latency-aware, semidisaggregated, and virtualized metro network. We summarize the key findings in a detailed analysis of end-to-end latency, service setup time, and soft-failure detection timeThe research leading to these results has received funding from the EC and BMBF through the METRO-HAUL project (G.A. No. 761727) and OTB-5G+ project (reference No. 16KIS0979K

    Thermal runaway in microwave heating : a mathematical analysis

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    A study is made of the solution of a differential equation modelling the heating of a layer of material specimen by microwave radiation. Depending on the microwave power bistable steady-state temperatures may be expected. When changing the power, a switch from one stable branch to another one may arise. The sudden increase of temperature, known as thermal runaway, is studied from the differential equation using asymptotic methods. Such analysis reveals distinct stages in the process of thermal runaway. At the moment the solution leaves a branch, and becomes unstable a particular type of behaviour is observed (onset of runaway). The most specific element at this stage is a time shift delaying the rapid change in temperature. For this shift a simple expression in terms of the parameters of the system is given. Next it is shown that the rapid transition from one branch to the other can be put in a mathematical formula that smoothly matches the two steady state solution

    La condicion inmigrante de los nuevos trabajadores rurales

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    Este articulo explora la cuestion del uso de trabajadores inmigrantes en mercados de trabajo segmentados propios del capitalism flexible en areas rurales. Los Estudios Rurales han contribuido al studio de los mercados de trabajo desde la perspectiva de su relacion con el espacio. En el texto se enfatiza el rol de estos procesos espaciales en la vinculacion entre trabajadores inmigrantes y segmentacion de los mercados de trabajo en areas rurales. Para ello se utiliza una perspectiva teorica que integra los conceptos de clase, etnicidad es un factor clave de vulnerabilidad en la nueva economia rural y sus mercados de trabajo. Los trabajores inmigrantes son a menudo concentrados en regions rurales que conforman historias de extreme estratificacion de clase y ausencia de derechos politicos creadas por formas de discrimincacion y explotacion tanto legales como extralegales...This article explores the use of immigrant workers in segmented labor markets typical of flexible capitalism in rural areas. Rural Studies have contributed a perspective of spatial entrapment and spatially contingent job markets. We emphasize supply-side processes and the role of these processes in the linkage between immigrant workers and labour markets segmentation in rural areas. We develop this argument by integratin conceptualizations of class, ethnicity, gender and the experience of place. Finally, we show how ethnicity is a key factor of vulnerability in the new rural economy and its labour markets. Immigrant workers are often concentrated in rural regions that share histories of extreme class stratification and political disenfranchisement created by both legal and extra-legal discrimination and exploitation

    Provisioning in Metro Networks Based on Photonic Integrated WaveBand ROADMs

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    A planning strategy overcoming the drawback of large transition bandwidths of photonic integrated WaveBand-ROADMs is proposed. Results show that, on metro horseshoes, integrated WBROADMs represent a viable cost-efficient alternative to traditional LCoS-based ROADMs

    A new method for load matching in multimode microwave feating applicators based on the use of dielectric layer superposition

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    Usage of a dielectric multilayer around a dielectric Sample is studied as a means for improving the efficiency in multimode microwave- heating cavities. The results show that by using additional dielectric constant layers the appearance of undesired reflections at the sample-air interface is avoided and higher power -absorption rates within the sample and high -efficiency designs are obtaine
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