1,738 research outputs found

    Nutritive value and physical characteristics of Xaraes palisadegrass as affected by grazing strategy

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    The aim of this study was to ascertain whether the defoliation frequency based on a fixed rest period would generate variable sward structural and physiological conditions at each subsequent grazing event. The relative importance of the physiological age was established in comparison with the chronological age in the determination of the forage nutritive value of Xaraes palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. RICH.) STAPF. cv. Xaraes]. Two grazing frequencies were defined by light interception (LI) at initiation of grazing (95% LI - ""target grazing"" [TG] or 100% LI - ""delayed grazing"" [DG]) and one based on chronological time, grazing every 28 days (28-d). Forage produced under the TG schedule was mostly leaves (93%) with a higher concentration of crude protein (CP; 138 g/kg in the whole forage), a lower concentrations of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) in the stems (740 g/kg), and higher in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of the leaves (690 g/kg), compared to the other treatments. Lower grazing frequency strategies (DG and 28-d) resulted in forage with higher proportions of stems (10 and 9%, respectively). Strategies based on light interception did not produce pre-graze forage with a uniform nutritive value, as the indicators varied across grazing cycles. The treatment based on fixed days of rest did not result in uniformity.FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo

    Quantificação da necessidade de volumosos.

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    Conhecer a necessidade futura de forragem do rebanho contribui para organizar a propriedade e aumentar a lucratividade do sistema de produção em pastagens.bitstream/item/72347/1/Leite-DPA-Outubro-2012.pdf-felipe-tonato.pd

    Desenvolvimento de modelos preditores de acúmulo de forragem em pastagens tropicais com base em variáveis meteorológicas.

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    Objetivou-se modelar uma estrutura de banco de dados, identificar e quantificar atributos condicionantes do acúmulo de forragens no Brasil central e desenvolver modelos estimadores do acúmulo de forragem potencial com base em parâmetros climáticos. Dados de experimentos com cultivares do gênero Cynodon, Panicum e Brachiaria e registros climáticos diários para o local e período experimentais foram cadastrados em um banco de dados relacional. O banco de dados permitiu gerar listagens ordenadas das taxas médias de acúmulo de forragem (TMA), temperatura média (Tmed), máxima (Tmax), mínima (Tmin), radiação global incidente (Rad) e dias do ano (DA) para cada período de crescimento. Realizaram-se regressões lineares simples e múltiplas com variáveis climáticas como regressoras e TMA como variável resposta. O modelo com Tmin como variável independente se destacou com os melhores valores para o coeficiente de determinação (R2), critério de Akaike (AIC) e critério Bayesiano (BIC), sendo adotado como padrão. Os modelos foram agrupados com o teste de coincidência em B1 (Marandu, Basilisk e Arapoty, TMA=-94.92+8.19Tmin); B2 (Capiporã e Xaraés, TMA=-128.07+10.66Tmin); C1 (Tifton 85 e Estrela, TMA=-84.69+9.06Tmin); C2 (Coastcross, Florico e Florona, TMA=-67.01+7.97Tmin); P1 (Atlas e Mombaça, TMA=-55.22+6.36Tmin) e P2 (Tanzânia e Tobiatã, TMA=-29.15+5.93Tmin)

    Estacionalidade e magnitude de produção na orçamentação forrageira.

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    A maior parte da variação estacional na produção de forragem é devida ao padrão climático sazonal. O efeito da sazonalidade climática sobre o crescimento da pastagem pode ser razoavelmente previsto por meio da variação das temperaturas médias e da umidade do solo (relacionada à quantidade e à distribuição das chuvas). Adicionalmente, as respostas ao padrão climático dependem do genótipo da planta forrageira.O efeito da temperatura sobre a estacionalidade da produção pode ser previsto com razoável precisão por meio da soma térmica para o período de crescimento. Para isso é necessário conhecer a temperatura base da planta forrageira. Porém, ainda são escassos os dados científicos sobre a temperatura base, que indica a temperatura abaixo da qual a taxa de acúmulo de forragem da planta tende a zero, principalmente para plantas tropicais. Recomenda-se utilizar valores entre 14 e 17º C.bitstream/item/26952/1/estacionalidade.pd

    Teatro, infancia e escola: reflexións sobre o xénero dramático na literatura infantil

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    Teatro e infancia mantienen una relación muy sólida y productiva desde que el público infantil se asentó como un posible destinatario específico de estas obras. El teatro infantil ha estadorelacionado desde sus inicios con la institución escolar, puesto que ha destacado, especialmente, porsu potencial como herramienta didáctica para la transmisión de conocimientos y valores. No obstante,al igual que para el conjunto de la literatura, el valor estético es su principal requisito, lo que parece dificultarse para los escritores de obras dirigidas a los más jóvenes por la presión social sobre lo que deben decir, enseñar o transmitir. En el artículo se realizará una aproximación al término teatro infantil aportando datos que permitan definirlo y determinar su alcance, su evolución en el territorio español y se defenderá la posibilidad de recepción del género no sólo como espectáculo, también como texto de lectura.Teatro e infancia manteñen unha relación moi sólida e produtiva dende que o público infantil se asentou como un posible destinatario específico destas obras. O teatro infantil estivo relacionado dende os seus inicios coa institución escolar, posto que destacou, especialmente, polo seu potencial como ferramenta didáctica para a transmisión de coñecementos e valores. Non obstante, ao igual que para o conxunto da literatura, o valor estético é o seu principal requisito, o que parece dificultarse para os escritores de obras dirixidas aos máis novos pola presión social sobre o que deben dicir, ensinar ou transmitir. No artigo realizarase unha aproximación ao termo teatro infantil achegando datos que permitan definilo e determinar o seu alcance, a súa evolución no territorio español e defenderase a posibilidade de recepción do xénero non só como espectáculo, tamén como texto de lectura.Theatre and childhood have established a strong and productive relationship since children were considered a possible specific audience of these works. Children’s theatre has been in relation with the educational institution since its origin, because of it has pointed out specially for its potential as a teaching resource for the transmission of knowledge and values. However, in the same way that all the literary works, the aesthetic value is the main requirement, which seems difficult for children’s authors for social pressure about what Children and Young Adults Literature must say, teach or transmit. The aim of this study is to make an approach to the term children’s theatre, giving data which allow define it and determinate its scope, knowing its origin and development in Spain to the present dayand it will be defended the possibility of reception of dramatic genre not only such as show, but a reading text too

    Sward Structural Characteristics of Perennial Peanut Genotypes as Affected by Harvest Frequency

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    Despite the high potential of tropical forage species, herbage production, nutritive value and animal productivity in Brazilian livestock production systems are lower than what can be obtained from both a biological and operational point of view (Pedreira and Mello 2000, Da Silva and Sbrissia 2000). Even with these limitations, the livestock industry is often able to sustain high productivity levels (animal product per hectare) by using good animal genetics and supplementation. Reducing production costs, however, will likely depend on the identification and incorporation of a high-quality forage resource, in terms of both improving diet quality of grazing animals and sustaining pasture soil productivity. The search for economically viable and sustainable forage production alternatives has been the subject of a great deal of research in many parts of the world. Among the alternatives explored, the diversification of pastures by the introduction of forage legumes in traditional production systems has been suggested, mainly to improve soil chemical characteristics (increased nitrogen levels) and improve forage quality (Perez 2004, Valentim and Andrade 2004). Promising legume germplasm is available in the tropics, but before these materials are incorporated into commercial systems, they need to be evaluated for adaptation, productivity and persistence in specific micro-environments. In addition, interactions involving grazing management strategies and genotypes should be described and explained, so that their agronomic potential can be explored. The aim of this study was to characterise sward structure of 4 perennial peanut genotypes subjected to 2 harvest management strategies, in south-eastern Brazil

    Comparative study on the potential of agritourism in two Brazilian municipalities.

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    The knowledge acquired by studying different aspects that can influence agritourism provide for adequate guidelines to carry out this rural activity, leading to greater sustainability and higher chances of success. This study was developed to identify the more important aspects that can improve or limit agritourism and, accordingly, analyse the potential and the limitations for agritourism development in two municipalities of Southeast Brazil. The municipalities are Venda Nova do Imigrante in the state of Espírito Santo, where the agritourism is successfully consolidated and Cachoeiras de Macacu in Rio de Janeiro state, where it is not very significant. This comparison was based on secondary and primary data - the latter were collected during field trips in these municipalities and by getting in touch with representatives of institutions and other local stakeholders. The results showed that the main similarities between the municipalities, which promote agritourism, are environmental, historic and cultural aspects; the presence of family farming with diversified production; and small rural industries. The main differences are the aspects related to land use, tourism management and agritourism infrastructure. An aspect that limits the activity in both municipalities is the lack of specific norms and legislation to guide and organize agritourism

    Continuing Education On Qualitative Risk Assessment: Improving The Understanding Of Risk

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    Despite a common agreement that environmental and occupational health & safety professionals must learn about risk early in formal education, such matters still remain underrepresented in most education programs. This paper describes the development and use of an instructional material aimed at exploring and improving health & safety professionals’ understanding on what risk really means, and on what is needed to its technical assessment. After reading a text depicting the technical and contextual aspects of unintended technological accidents, participants were asked to rank such events regarding its risk. Next, they had to explain what criteria they adopted, and also to compare their results with reference values, discussing the differences. Participants’ statements were collected and compiled. The ensuing discussion involved the resignification of the ideas raised by them, introducing the scientific meaning into a technical context. The proposed practice presented consistent results becoming an alternative resource to teach risk in a way participants share opinions based on their previous knowledge and begin to deal with the idea of evaluating risks in a scientifically reasoned basis