1,892 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Latino Studies to Social Science Research on Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America

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    Immigration Research: A Conceptual Map

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    Also CSST Working Paper #22.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/51153/1/385.pd

    Contemporary Crises in Cuba: Economic, Political, and Social

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    In this paper my co-author and I will present the various crises that are taking place in Cuba at present: economic, political, and cultural. We rely on published data, such as the GDP, as well as materials from in-depth interviews and participant observation

    Nupela species (Naviculales: Bacillariophyceae) from Colombian lowland waters including N. acaciensis nov. sp. and N. catatumbensis nov. sp.

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    The genus Nupela comprises ca. 50 species that generally have a distribution restricted by bioclimatic frontiers. As part of an integrated analysis of the diatom flora of Colombia, in this study we focused our interest on the genus Nupela from lowland waters. Periphyton samples were collected from 150 sites of lotic water bodies in Colombia, taking into account hidrogeomorfological variability. In each sampling station, periphyton samples were obtained by scraping, and temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity variables were measured. Samples were processed by both light microscopy (LM; Carl Zeiss Axio Scope.A1) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM; FEI-Quanta 450 and a Jeol JSM-6360 LV). The genus Nupela was found in 28 sites. Five taxa were identified, described and illustrated from tropical or subtropical environments: N. lesothensis, N. praecipua y N. subpallavicinii; these were new records for Colombia, and N. acaciensis and N. catatumbensis two new species for science. N. acaciensis is characterized by raphe branches of both valves equally long combined with cymbelloid symmetry, striae built by 2 transapically elongated areolae that delimit a longitudinal line at each hemivalve. N. catatumbensis is characterized by the presence of a well developed raphe in both valves; valves lanceolate with subcapitated to capitated ends and cymbelloid symmetry, striae built by 3-4 transapically elongated areolae, interestriae elevated as transapical ribs and internal proximal raphe ends hook-shaped. The genus Nupela was widely distributed in the studied basins but showed different distribution patterns: N. acaciensis and N. subpallavicini had a restricted distribution, while N. catatumbensis, N. lesothensis and N. praecipua had a wider distribution, and were collected in sites with significant variations in their ecomorphology, altitude, temperature, pH and electrolyte content.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Curcumin Pretreatment Induces Nrf2 and an Antioxidant Response and Prevents Hemin-Induced Toxicity in Primary Cultures of Cerebellar Granule Neurons of Rats

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    Curcumin is a bifunctional antioxidant derived from Curcuma longa. This study identifies curcumin as a neuroprotectant against hemin-induced damage in primary cultures of cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) of rats. Hemin, the oxidized form of heme, is a highly reactive compound that induces cellular injury. Pretreatment of CGNs with 5–30 μM curcumin effectively increased by 2.3–4.9 fold heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression and by 5.6–14.3-fold glutathione (GSH) levels. Moreover, 15 μM curcumin attenuated by 55% the increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, by 94% the reduction of GSH/glutathione disulfide (GSSG) ratio, and by 49% the cell death induced by hemin. The inhibition of heme oxygenase system or GSH synthesis with tin mesoporphyrin and buthionine sulfoximine, respectively, suppressed the protective effect of curcumin against hemin-induced toxicity. These data strongly suggest that HO-1 and GSH play a major role in the protective effect of curcumin. Furthermore, it was found that 24 h of incubation with curcumin increases by 1.4-, 2.3-, and 5.2-fold the activity of glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferase and superoxide dismutase, respectively. Additionally, it was found that curcumin was capable of inducing nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) translocation into the nucleus. These data suggest that the pretreatment with curcumin induces Nrf2 and an antioxidant response that may play an important role in the protective effect of this antioxidant against hemin-induced neuronal death

    Análisis de las publicaciones presentes en WoS y Scopus. Posibilidades de búsqueda para evitar literatura fugitiva en las revisiones sistemáticas

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    The current paper carries out a systematic revision of existing literature around the use of gamification in Higher Education. The aim is to the reveal the existence of fugitive literature that can appear when carrying out research following this method. From six hypothesis, and on the basis of this study, substantive and extrinsic variables which can detect the present or absence of publications on gamification in WoS and Scopus are analysed. Eligibility requirements include the following key words: ‘Gamification’, ‘Game Based Learning’, ‘Higher Education’, or ‘University’ in both, Spanish and English, being the filter used for query Open Access. The main sample is made of 246 publications, and 89% of them show relevance to the area under study. The great majority of articles published in the last five years in countries such as Switzerland, where most works about gamification in Higher Education are produced. They are mostly written in English. And the journal that contains most of the articles about this topic is Sustainability, indexed in WoS and Scopus. The latter seems to be the database with higher indexing of articles, among the ones here analysed, far from ESCI. Through our analysis and the results obtained the different reasons for fugitive literature are justified. This study states, at the end, the necessity to search in different databases from WoS and Scopus to reduce the amount of fugitive literature, mainly when systematic revisions in a language different from English need to be done.En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura existente en torno al uso de la gamificación en la Educación Superior, con el objetivo de mostrar la existencia de literatura fugitiva que puede surgir al realizar cualquier investigación bajo este método. A través de seis hipótesis de partida, y en base a la naturaleza del estudio, se analizan variables sustantivas y extrínsecas que permiten detectar el motivo de la presencia o ausencia de publicaciones sobre gamificación en Wos y Scopus. Los criterios de elegibilidad incluyen las palabras clave “Gamificación” o “Aprendizaje Basado en el Juego” y “Educación Superior” o “Universidad” en español e inglés, siendo el filtro utilizado para la búsqueda Open Access. El n que conforma la muestra es de 246 publicaciones, de las cuales el 89% muestran pertinencia con el área objeto de estudio. Se trata, en su mayoría, de artículos publicados en los últimos cinco años, en países como Suiza, donde se concentra la mayor cantidad de trabajos sobre el uso de la gamificación en Educación Superior. El idioma en el que están publicados los trabajos analizados es, principalmente, inglés. Y la revista que presenta un mayor número de artículos sobre la temática es Sustainability, indexada en WoS y Scopus. Esta última resulta ser la base de datos con mayor indexación de artículos entre las analizadas, muy distanciada de ESCI. A través de los análisis realizados y los resultados obtenidos se justifican los diferentes motivos de la existencia de literatura fugitiva. El estudio concluye afirmando la necesidad de buscar en bases de datos diferentes a WoS y Scopus, para reducir la cantidad de literatura fugitiva, sobre todo cuando se trata de realizar revisiones sistemáticas en un idioma diferente al inglé

    Prevalencia de caries severa temprana de la infancia en pacientes que acuden a la clínica de la especialidad en Odontopediatría UAEM de Febrero 2006-Mayo del 2012

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    1571 expedientes fueron analizados, 1335 correspondieron a niños con CSTI. La prevalencia de caries fue de 85%, 699 (52.4%) del sexo masculino y 636 (47.6%) del sexo femenino. El grupo de edad más afectado por CTIS fue el de 37 a 48 meses en ambos géneros.Los niños más pequeños son los más susceptibles a padecer caries, debido a que presentan un esmalte poco mineralizado, dependen de los alimentos que les proporcionan sus padres y además la falta de información sobre la práctica de higiene oral en casa a edades tan tempranas