453 research outputs found

    Contributions of Mammalian Chimeras to Pluripotent Stem Cell Research.

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    Chimeras are widely acknowledged as the gold standard for assessing stem cell pluripotency, based on their capacity to test donor cell lineage potential in the context of an organized, normally developing tissue. Experimental chimeras provide key insights into mammalian developmental mechanisms and offer a resource for interrogating the fate potential of various pluripotent stem cell states. We highlight the applications and current limitations presented by intra- and inter-species chimeras and consider their future contribution to the stem cell field. Despite the technical and ethical demands of experimental chimeras, including human-interspecies chimeras, they are a provocative resource for achieving regenerative medicine goals.British Heart Foundation Centre of Regenerative Medicine, Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research CentreThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2016.07.01

    Human-Mouse Chimerism Validates Human Stem Cell Pluripotency.

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    Pluripotent stem cells are defined by their capacity to differentiate into all three tissue layers that comprise the body. Chimera formation, generated by stem cell transplantation to the embryo, is a stringent assessment of stem cell pluripotency. However, the ability of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) to form embryonic chimeras remains in question. Here we show using a stage-matching approach that human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have the capacity to participate in normal mouse development when transplanted into gastrula-stage embryos, providing in vivo functional validation of hPSC pluripotency. hiPSCs and hESCs form interspecies chimeras with high efficiency, colonize the embryo in a manner predicted from classical developmental fate mapping, and differentiate into each of the three primary tissue layers. This faithful recapitulation of tissue-specific fate post-transplantation underscores the functional potential of hPSCs and provides evidence that human-mouse interspecies developmental competency can occur.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant No. 1R21ID012228 (R.A.P.); Medical Research Council/British Heart Foundation grant No. G1000847 (R.A.P.); British Heart Foundation Ph.D. studentship (V.L.M.); British Heart Foundation Centre of Regenerative Medicine (Oxford grant RM/13/3/3015); core support from the Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute; and the Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cell Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2015.11.01

    Nodal inhibits differentiation of human embryonic stem cells along the neuroectodermal default pathway

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    AbstractGenetic studies in fish, amphibia, and mice have shown that deficiency of Nodal signaling blocks differentiation into mesoderm and endoderm. Thus, Nodal is considered as a major inducer of mesendoderm during gastrulation. On this basis, Nodal is a candidate for controlling differentiation of pluripotent human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into tissue lineages with potential clinical value. We have investigated the effect of Nodal, both as a recombinant protein and as a constitutively expressed transgene, on differentiation of hESCs. When control hESCs were grown in chemically defined medium, their expression of markers of pluripotency progressively decreased, while expression of neuroectoderm markers was strongly upregulated, thus revealing a neuroectodermal default mechanism for differentiation in this system. hESCs cultured in recombinant Nodal, by contrast, showed prolonged expression of pluripotency marker genes and reduced induction of neuroectoderm markers. These Nodal effects were accentuated in hESCs expressing a Nodal transgene, with striking morphogenetic consequences. Nodal-expressing hESCs developing as embryoid bodies contained an outer layer of visceral endoderm-like cells surrounding an inner layer of epiblast-like cells, each layer having distinct gene expression patterns. Markers of neuroectoderm were not upregulated during development of Nodal-expressing embryoid bodies, nor was there induction of markers for definitive mesoderm or endoderm differentiation. Moreover, the inner layer expressed markers of pluripotency, characteristic of undifferentiated hESCs and of epiblast in mouse embryos. These results could be accounted for by an inhibitory effect of Nodal-induced visceral endoderm on pluripotent cell differentiation into mesoderm and endoderm, with a concomitant inhibition of neuroectoderm differentiation by Nodal itself. There could also be a direct effect of Nodal in the maintenance of pluripotency. In summary, analysis of the Nodal-expressing phenotype suggests a function for the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) growth factor superfamily in pluripotency and in early cell fate decisions leading to primary tissue layers during in vitro development of pluripotent human stem cells. The effects of Nodal on early differentiation illustrate how hESCs can augment mouse embryos as a model for analyzing mechanisms of early mammalian development

    Blastomeres arising from the first cleavage division have distinguishable fates in normal mouse development

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    Two independent studies have recently suggested similar models in which the embryonic and abembryonic parts of the mouse blastocyst become separated already by the first cleavage division. However, no lineage tracing studies carried out so far on early embryos provide the support for such a hypothesis. Thus, to re-examine the fate of blastomeres of the two-cell mouse embryo, we have undertaken lineage tracing studies using a non-perturbing method. We show that two-cell stage blastomeres have a strong tendency to develop into cells that comprise either the embryonic or the abembryonic parts of the blastocyst. Moreover, the two-cell stage blastomere that is first to divide will preferentially contribute its progeny to the embryonic part. Nevertheless, we find that the blastocyst embryonic-abembryonic axis is not perfectly orthogonal to the first cleavage plane, but often shows some angular displacement from it. Consequently, there is a boundary zone adjacent to the interior margin of the blastocoel that is populated by cells derived from both earlier and later dividing blastomeres. The majority of cells that inhabit this boundary region are, however, derived from the later dividing two-cell stage blastomere that contributes predominantly to the abembryonic part of the blastocyst. Thus, at the two-cell stage it is already possible to predict which cell will contribute a greater proportion of its progeny to the abembryonic part of the blastocyst (region including the blastocyst cavity) and which to the embryonic part (region containing the inner cell mass) that will give rise to the embryo proper

    Insulin-like growth factor II acts through an endogenous growth pathway regulated by imprinting in early mouse embryos

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    We present evidence that insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) mediates growth in early mouse embryos and forms a pathway in which imprinted genes influence development during preimplantation stages, mRNA and protein for IGF-II were expressed in preimplantation mouse embryos, but the related factors IGF-I and insulin were not. IGF-I and insulin receptors and the IGF-II/mannose-6-phosphate receptor were expressed. Exogenous IGF-II or IGF-I increased the cell number in cultured blastocysts, but a mutant form of IGF-II that strongly binds only the IGF-II receptor did not. Reduction of IGF-II expression by antisense IGF-II oligonucleotides decreased the rate of progression to the blastocyst stage and decreased the cell number in blastocysts. Preimplantation parthenogenetic mouse embryos expressed mRNA for the IGF-II receptor but not for either IGF-II ligand or the IGF-I receptor, indicating that the latter genes are not expressed when inherited maternally. These data imply that some growth factors and receptors, regulated by genomic imprinting, may control cell proliferation from the earliest stages of embryonic development

    In vivo heating of pacemaker leads during magnetic resonance imaging

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    Aims Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is well established as an important diagnostic tool in medicine. However, the presence of a cardiac pacemaker is usually regarded as a contraindication for MRI due to safety reasons. In this study, heating effects at the myocardium-pacemaker lead tip interface have been investigated in a chronic animal model during MRI at 1.5 Tesla. Methods and results Pacemaker leads with additional thermocouple wires as temperature sensors were implanted in nine animals. Temperature increases of up to 20°C were measured during MRI of the heart. Significant impedance and minor stimulation threshold changes could be seen. However, pathology and histology could not clearly demonstrate heat-induced damage. Conclusions MRI may produce considerable heating at the lead tip. Changes of pacing parameters due to MRI could be seen in chronic experiments. Potential risk of tissue damage cannot be excluded even though no reproducible alterations at the histological level could be foun

    Robust derivation of epicardium and its differentiated smooth muscle cell progeny from human pluripotent stem cells.

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    The epicardium has emerged as a multipotent cardiovascular progenitor source with therapeutic potential for coronary smooth muscle cell, cardiac fibroblast (CF) and cardiomyocyte regeneration, owing to its fundamental role in heart development and its potential ability to initiate myocardial repair in injured adult tissues. Here, we describe a chemically defined method for generating epicardium and epicardium-derived smooth muscle cells (EPI-SMCs) and CFs from human pluripotent stem cells (HPSCs) through an intermediate lateral plate mesoderm (LM) stage. HPSCs were initially differentiated to LM in the presence of FGF2 and high levels of BMP4. The LM was robustly differentiated to an epicardial lineage by activation of WNT, BMP and retinoic acid signalling pathways. HPSC-derived epicardium displayed enhanced expression of epithelial- and epicardium-specific markers, exhibited morphological features comparable with human foetal epicardial explants and engrafted in the subepicardial space in vivo. The in vitro-derived epicardial cells underwent an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition when treated with PDGF-BB and TGFβ1, resulting in vascular SMCs that displayed contractile ability in response to vasoconstrictors. Furthermore, the EPI-SMCs displayed low density lipoprotein uptake and effective lowering of lipoprotein levels upon treatment with statins, similar to primary human coronary artery SMCs. Cumulatively, these findings suggest that HPSC-derived epicardium and EPI-SMCs could serve as important tools for studying human cardiogenesis, and as a platform for vascular disease modelling and drug screening.This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) [NH/11/1/28922], by the UK Medical Research Council and BHF [G1000847 to S.S. and R.A.P.), and by Cambridge Hospitals National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre funding (S.S. and R.A.P.). D.I. is on a University of Cambridge Commonwealth Scholarship. S.S. and F.S. are supported by the BHF [FS/13/29/ 30024]. L.G. is supported by the BHF [RM/l3/3/30159]. W.G.B. and V.L.M. are supported by BHF PhD studentships [FS/11/77/29327 and FS/10/48/28674].This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://dev.biologists.org/content/early/2015/03/25/dev.119271.abstract

    Two alkaline phosphatase genes are expressed during early development in the mouse embryo

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    Alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity is stage specific in mouse embryos and may be associated with compaction and separation of trophectoderm from inner cell mass in preimplantation development. We previously sequenced a cDNA and two mouse AP genes that could contribute to the AP activity in embryos. Oligonucleotide primers were constructed from the three sequences and used in the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction technique to establish that two of the three AP isozymes are transcribed during preimplantation development. The predominant transcript (E-AP) is from a gene highly homologous to the human tissue-specific APs, but different from the mouse intestinal AP. Tissue non- specific (TN) AP also is transcribed, but there is approximately 10 times less TN-AP than E-AP tran- script. The TN-AP isozyme is the predominant tran- script of 7 to 14 day embryos and primordial germ cells. A switch in predominance from E-AP to TN-AP must occur during early postimplantation development. This study establishes a framework for experiments to determine the functions of the two isozymes during preimplantation development

    Validity of Type D personality in Iceland: association with disease severity and risk markers in cardiac patients

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    Type D personality has been associated with poor prognosis in cardiac patients. This study investigated the validity of the Type D construct in Iceland and its association with disease severity and health-related risk markers in cardiac patients. A sample of 1,452 cardiac patients completed the Type D scale (DS14), and a subgroup of 161 patients completed measurements for the five-factor model of personality, emotional control, anxiety, depression, stress and lifestyle factors. The Icelandic DS14 had good psychometric properties and its construct validity was confirmed. Prevalence of Type D was 26–29%, and assessment of Type D personality was not confounded by severity of underlying coronary artery disease. Regarding risk markers, Type D patients reported more psychopharmacological medication use and smoking, but frequency of previous mental problems was similar across groups. Type D is a valid personality construct in Iceland, and is associated with health-related risk markers, but not cardiac disease severity

    Activin/nodal signaling and NANOG orchestrate human embryonic stem cell fate decisions by controlling the H3K4me3 chromatin mark.

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    Stem cells can self-renew and differentiate into multiple cell types. These characteristics are maintained by the combination of specific signaling pathways and transcription factors that cooperate to establish a unique epigenetic state. Despite the broad interest of these mechanisms, the precise molecular controls by which extracellular signals organize epigenetic marks to confer multipotency remain to be uncovered. Here, we use human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to show that the Activin-SMAD2/3 signaling pathway cooperates with the core pluripotency factor NANOG to recruit the DPY30-COMPASS histone modifiers onto key developmental genes. Functional studies demonstrate the importance of these interactions for correct histone 3 Lys4 trimethylation and also self-renewal and differentiation. Finally, genetic studies in mice show that Dpy30 is also necessary to maintain pluripotency in the pregastrulation embryo, thereby confirming the existence of similar regulations in vivo during early embryonic development. Our results reveal the mechanisms by which extracellular factors coordinate chromatin status and cell fate decisions in hESCs.We thank Andrew Knights for the technical support and helpful discussion, and the Wellcome-Trust Sanger Institute Microarray and Next-Generation Sequencing facilities for the technical support. We also thank the Sanger Institute Mouse Genetics Projects for mouse production and genotyping. This work was supported by the European Research Council starting grant Relieve-IMDs and the Cambridge Hospitals National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre (L.V.), a British Heart Foundation Ph.D. Studentship (A.B.), a Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) long-term fellowship and EU Fp7 grant InnovaLIV (S.P.), EU Fp7 grant TissuGEN (S.M.), and Wellcome Trust grant 098051 (D.G.). A.B. conceived the research, performed and analyzed the experiments, and wrote the manuscript. P.M. computationally analyzed ChIP-seq data sets and performed statistical analyses. N.C.H., S.B., and R.A.P. provided technical support. A.G. performed embryo dissections and dysmorphology assessments. I.M. and D.B. performed teratoma assays. D.G. supervised the bioinformatics data analysis. S.P., S.M., and L.V. conceived the research and wrote the manuscript.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/29/7/702.full