7,631 research outputs found

    Observations of extragalactic masers in bright IRAS sources

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    We report the first results of an ongoing survey at 22 GHz with the 100-m Effelsberg telescope to search for water maser emission in bright IRAS sources. We have detected water vapor emission in IC 342. The maser, associated with a star forming region ~10-15 arcsec west of the nucleus, consists of a single 0.5 km/s wide feature and reaches an isotropic luminosity of 0.01 L(sun) (D = 1.8 Mpc). Our detection raises the detection rate among northern galaxies with IRAS point source fluxes S(100micron) > 50 Jy to 16%.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Proceeding of the conference "SRT: the impact of large antennas on Radio Astronomy and Space Science", Cagliari, Italy, 7-10 Nov. 2001, Eds. Porceddu et al. Needs srt_style.st

    Redshifts and Neutral Hydrogen Observations of Compact Symmetric Objects in the COINS Sample

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    Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) are young radio galaxies whose jet axes lie close to the plane of the sky, and whose appearance is therefore not dominated by relativistic beaming effects. The small linear sizes of CSOs make them valuable for studies of both the evolution of radio galaxies and testing unified schemes for active galactic nuclei (AGN). A parsec-scale region of gas surrounding the central engine is predicted by both accretion and obscuration scenarios. Working surfaces, or ``hot spots,'' and the radio jets of CSOs are close enough to the central engines that this circumnuclear gas can be seen in absorption. The CSOs Observed in the Northern Sky (COINS) sample is comprised of 52 CSO candidates identified in three VLBI surveys. Of these, 27 have now been confirmed as CSOs. Optical redshifts are available in the literature for 28 of the CSO candidates, and HI absorption has been detected toward four. We present new optical spectroscopic redshifts for three of the candidates and summarize the current status of optical identifications. We further report on the discovery of HI in absorption towards the CSO J1816+3457 and summarize the results of neutral hydrogen absorption studies of the sources in this sample.Comment: 12 pages, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The concept of strong and weak virtual reality

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    We approach the virtual reality phenomenon by studying its relationship to set theory, and we investigate the case where this is done using the wellfoundedness property of sets. Our hypothesis is that non-wellfounded sets (hypersets) give rise to a different quality of virtual reality than do familiar wellfounded sets. We initially provide an alternative approach to virtual reality based on Sommerhoff's idea of first and second order self-awareness; both categories of self-awareness are considered as necessary conditions for consciousness in terms of higher cognitive functions. We then introduce a representation of first and second order self-awareness through sets, and assume that these sets, which we call events, originally form a collection of wellfounded sets. Strong virtual reality characterizes virtual reality environments which have the limited capacity to create only events associated with wellfounded sets. In contrast, the more general concept of weak virtual reality characterizes collections of virtual reality mediated events altogether forming an entirety larger than any collection of wellfounded sets. By giving reference to Aczel's hyperset theory we indicate that this definition is not empty, because hypersets encompass wellfounded sets already. Moreover, we argue that weak virtual reality could be realized in human history through continued progress in computer technology. Finally, we reformulate our characterization into a more general framework, and use Baltag's Structural Theory of Sets (STS) to show that within this general hyperset theory Sommerhoff's first and second order self-awareness as well as both concepts of virtual reality admit a consistent mathematical representation.Comment: 17 pages; several edits in v

    Color-televised medical microscopy

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    Color television microscopy used at laboratory range magnifications, reproduces a slide image with sufficient fidelity for medical laboratory and instructional use. The system is used for instant pathological reporting between operating room and remotely located pathologist viewing a biopsy through this medium

    Obscuration of the Parsec Scale Jets in the Compact Symmetric Object 1946+708

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    We present results of VLA and VLBA observations of the 1.420 GHz neutral hydrogen absorption associated with the Compact Symmetric Object 1946+708 (z=0.101). We find significant structure in the gas on parsec scales. The peak column density in the HI (N_HI~2.2x10^23 cm^-2 (T_s/8000K)) occurs toward the center of activity of the source, as does the highest velocity dispersion (FWHM~350 \kms). In addition, we find that the continuum spectra of the various radio components associated with these jets strongly indicate free-free absorption. This effect is particularly pronounced toward the core and inner components of the receding jet, suggesting the presence of a screen local to the source, perhaps part of an obscuring torus.Comment: revised version, some text added, 1 figure changed; accepted to Astrophysical Journal, 22 page LaTeX document includes 8 postscript figure

    Comparing observed and modelled growth of larval herring (Clupea harengus): Testing individual-based model parameterisations

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    Experiments that directly test larval fish individual-based model (IBM) growth predictions are uncommon since it is difficult to simultaneously measure all relevant metabolic and behavioural attributes. We compared observed and modelled somatic growth of larval herring (Clupea harengus) in short-term (50 degree-day) laboratory trials conducted at 7 and 13°C in which larvae were either unfed or fed ad libitum on different prey sizes (~100 to 550 μm copepods, Acartia tonsa). The larval specific growth rate (SGR, % DW d-1) was generally overestimated by the model, especially for larvae foraging on large prey items. Model parameterisations were adjusted to explore the effect of 1) temporal variability in foraging of individuals, and 2) reduced assimilation efficiency due to rapid gut evacuation at high feeding rates. With these adjustments, the model described larval growth well across temperatures, prey sizes, and larval sizes. Although the experiments performed verified the growth model, variability in growth and foraging behaviour among larvae shows that it is necessary to measure both the physiology and feeding behaviour of the same individual. This is a challenge for experimentalists but will ultimately yield the most valuable data to adequately model environmental impacts on the survival and growth of marine fish early life stages. Comparación entre crecimiento observado y predicho de larvas de arenque (Clupea harengus): analizando parametrizaciones de modelos basados en individuos. – Los experimentos que analizan directamente las predicciones de crecimiento generadas por modelos basados en individuos (IBM) son poco comunes puesto que resulta difícil medir simultáneamente todos los atributos metabólicos y conductuales. En este estudio, comparamos el crecimiento somático observado y el estimado a partir de modelos de larvas de arenque (Clupea harengus) en experimentos de laboratorio a corto plazo (50 grados-día) a 7 y 13°en los que las larvas fueron mantenidas en condiciones de ayuno o recibieron alimentación ad libitum con diferentes tamaños de presa (copépodos, Acartia tonsa, de aproximadamente 100 a 500 μm). Las estimas de tasa específica de crecimiento (SGR, % de peso seco por día) fueron, en general, sobreestimadas por el modelo, especialmente para larvas que se alimentaron con presas grandes. estimas del modelo se ajustaron a dos escenarios para explorar el efecto de 1) variabilidad temporal en la alimentación de las larvas, y 2) disminución en la eficiencia de asimilación debida una rápida evacuación del tubo digestivo a tasas de alimentación altas. Con estos ajustes, el modelo describió bien el crecimiento larvario para temperaturas, tamaños de presa y edades de las larvas, indicando que las parametrizaciones metabólicas son robustas. Aunque los experimentos llevados a cabo con grupos de larvas verificaron los modelos de crecimiento, la variabilidad en el crecimiento y conducta de alimentación entre larvas sometidas a las mismas condiciones ambientales ponen de relieve la necesidad de que las medidas fisiológicas y de conducta vayan emparejadas y sean tomadas a nivel individual. Esto representa un reto para los experimentalistas, pero a largo plazo generará datos valiosos para los modeladores encargados de simular efectos ambientales sobre las tasas vitales de estadíos tempranos de desarrollo de peces marinos

    Thinking beyond the hybrid:“actually-existing” cities “after neoliberalism” in Boyle <i>et al.</i>

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    In their article, ‘The spatialities of actually existing neoliberalism in Glasgow, 1977 to present’, Mark Boyle, Christopher McWilliams and Gareth Rice (2008) usefully problematise our current understanding of neoliberal urbanism. Our response is aimed at developing a sympathetic but critical approach to Boyle et al's understanding of neoliberal urbanism as illustrated by the Glasgow example. In particular, the counterposing by Boyle et al of a 'hybrid, mutant' model to a 'pure' model of neoliberalism for us misrepresents existing models of neoliberalism as a perfectly finished object rather than a roughly mottled process. That they do not identify any ‘pure’ model leads them to create a straw construct against which they can claim a more sophisticated, refined approach to the messiness of neoliberal urbanism. In contrast, we view neoliberalism as a contested and unstable response to accumulation crises at various scales of analysis

    A Flaring Megamaser in Mrk 348

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    We report new observations of the H2O megamaser in the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 348. Following our initial detection in 2000 March using the Effelsberg 100 m telescope, re-analysis of previous data on this source indicates that the maser was present but only marginally detectable in late 1997. Monitoring through late 2000 shows that the maser has again decreased to its original level. The H2O line is redshifted by ~130 km/s with respect to the systemic velocity, is extremely broad, with a FWHM of 130 km/s, and has no detectable high velocity components within 1500 km/s on either side of the strong line. Followup VLBA observations show that the maser emission emanates entirely from a region >0.25 pc in extent, toward the base of the radio jet.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Cosmic Masers: from Protostars to Black Holes, IAU 206, Eds. V. Migenes et al., ASP Conference Serie