26 research outputs found

    Etnobotanično izročilo v slovenskih ljudskih ljubezenskih pesmih

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    Odnos med človekom in rastlinami lahko raziskujemo na različne načine, med drugim ga lahko zaznamo tudi skozi proučevanje ustnega in pisnega izročila naših prednikov, na primer pripovedi ali ljudskih pesmi. V okviru raziskave smo želeli izvedeti, kako pogosto so v slovenskih ljubezenskih ljudskih pesmih zastopane rastlinske vrste, katere vrste se pojavljajo in kakšna je njihova vloga ter njihov simbolni pomen. V ta namen smo analizirali 3722 slo- venskih ljudskih pesmi, zapisanih do začetka 20. stoletja. Analiza je pokazala, da so rastline omenjene v 410 pesmih, skupno pa smo v pesmih zabeležili 63 različnih rastlinskih taksonov. Najpogosteje so omenjeni rožmarin, nagelj, ja- blana oz. jabolko in pšenica, sledijo jim nemški rožmarin, javor, lilija, trta, vrtnica, lipa in druge. Večina omemb rastlin v ljudskih ljubezenskih pesmih je povezanih z izkazovanjem ljubezni, z lepoto ter z žalostjo ali smrtjo

    Utjecaj ispaše, sukcesije i košnje na proljetnu faunu danjih leptira (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) na suhim krškim livadama i pašnjacima

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    Karst meadows belonging to the class Festuco-Brometea are regarded as species-rich habitats of national and European importance. Biodiversity in these areas is relatively high, but unlike most other semi-natural habitat types, it is highly influenced and facilitated by human activities. In the present study we document the presence and estimate abundance of butterfly species from three sampling plots in Kraški rob (SW Slovenia): two dry karst meadows and one pasture, which also includes an overgrown area. Over 16-day sampling occasions in May and June 2012, 63 species (including species complexes) were recorded. Nearly all of the species were recorded from dry karst meadows (60 ssp., 95%), while pasture (34 spp., 54%) and the overgrown site (28 spp., 44%) were less diverse. The abundance of butterflies was the lowest on the overgrown area. Although both grazing and overgrowth result in a decline in the number and abundance of species, we believe that traditional land use positively affects butterfly diversity, as it maintains open grasslands, a habitat that is preferred by most butterfly species to the later phases of succession. We therefore recommend the maintenance of a mosaic landscape structure, as it supports a wide range of butterfly fauna.Krške livade razreda Festuco-Brometea su vrstama bogata staništa od nacionalne i europske važnosti. Bioraznolikost na tim područjima je relativno visoka, no u suprotnosti s nekim drugim poluprirodnim staništima, njihova bioraznolikost je pod velikim utjecajem ljudske aktivnosti. U ovom istraživanju smo zabilježili prisutnost i procijenili brojnost danjih leptira na tri uzorkovane plohe na Kraškom rubu (jugozapadna Slovenija): dvije krške livade i jednom pašnjaku koji je uključivao i zarasla područja. Tijekom 16-dnevnog terenskog istraživanja u svibnju i lipnju 2012., zabilježili smo 63 vrste leptira (uključujući i komplekse vrsta). Gotovo sve vrste su bile zabilježene na suhim krškim livadama (60 vrsta, 95%), dok je na pašnjaku (34 vrste, 54%) i na zaraslom području (28 vrsta, 44%) raznolikost bila manja. Brojnost leptira je bila najmanja na zaraslim površinama. Iako i zaraštanje i ispaša imaju za posljedicu opadanje u broju vrsta i brojnosti, smatramo da tradicionalno korištenje zemlje pozitivno utječe na raznolikost leptira. Razlog za to je prije svega sprječavanje zaraštanja livada, koje leptiri preferiraju više od staništa u kasnijim fazama sukcesije. Zato predlažemo održavanje mozaične strukture krajolika, jer će na taj način on biti primjeren za veći broj vrsta leptira

    ConservePlants: An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century

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    Even though plants represent an essential part of our lives offering exploitational, supporting and cultural services, we know very little about the biology of the rarest and most threatened plant species, and even less about their conservation status. Rapid changes in the environment and climate, today more pronounced than ever, affect their fitness and distribution causing rapid species declines, sometimes even before they had been discovered. Despite the high goals set by conservationists to protect native plants from further degradation and extinction, the initiatives for the conservation of threatened species in Europe are scattered and have not yielded the desired results. The main aim of this Action is to improve plant conservation in Europe through the establishment of a network of scientists and other stakeholders who deal with different aspects of plant conservation, from plant taxonomy, ecology, conservation genetics, conservation, physiology and reproductive biology to protected area's managers, not forgetting social scientists, who are crucial when dealing with the general public.Non peer reviewe

    Utjecaj ispaše, sukcesije i košnje na proljetnu faunu danjih leptira (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) na suhim krškim livadama i pašnjacima

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    Karst meadows belonging to the class Festuco-Brometea are regarded as species-rich habitats of national and European importance. Biodiversity in these areas is relatively high, but unlike most other semi-natural habitat types, it is highly influenced and facilitated by human activities. In the present study we document the presence and estimate abundance of butterfly species from three sampling plots in Kraški rob (SW Slovenia): two dry karst meadows and one pasture, which also includes an overgrown area. Over 16-day sampling occasions in May and June 2012, 63 species (including species complexes) were recorded. Nearly all of the species were recorded from dry karst meadows (60 ssp., 95%), while pasture (34 spp., 54%) and the overgrown site (28 spp., 44%) were less diverse. The abundance of butterflies was the lowest on the overgrown area. Although both grazing and overgrowth result in a decline in the number and abundance of species, we believe that traditional land use positively affects butterfly diversity, as it maintains open grasslands, a habitat that is preferred by most butterfly species to the later phases of succession. We therefore recommend the maintenance of a mosaic landscape structure, as it supports a wide range of butterfly fauna.Krške livade razreda Festuco-Brometea su vrstama bogata staništa od nacionalne i europske važnosti. Bioraznolikost na tim područjima je relativno visoka, no u suprotnosti s nekim drugim poluprirodnim staništima, njihova bioraznolikost je pod velikim utjecajem ljudske aktivnosti. U ovom istraživanju smo zabilježili prisutnost i procijenili brojnost danjih leptira na tri uzorkovane plohe na Kraškom rubu (jugozapadna Slovenija): dvije krške livade i jednom pašnjaku koji je uključivao i zarasla područja. Tijekom 16-dnevnog terenskog istraživanja u svibnju i lipnju 2012., zabilježili smo 63 vrste leptira (uključujući i komplekse vrsta). Gotovo sve vrste su bile zabilježene na suhim krškim livadama (60 vrsta, 95%), dok je na pašnjaku (34 vrste, 54%) i na zaraslom području (28 vrsta, 44%) raznolikost bila manja. Brojnost leptira je bila najmanja na zaraslim površinama. Iako i zaraštanje i ispaša imaju za posljedicu opadanje u broju vrsta i brojnosti, smatramo da tradicionalno korištenje zemlje pozitivno utječe na raznolikost leptira. Razlog za to je prije svega sprječavanje zaraštanja livada, koje leptiri preferiraju više od staništa u kasnijim fazama sukcesije. Zato predlažemo održavanje mozaične strukture krajolika, jer će na taj način on biti primjeren za veći broj vrsta leptira

    Inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in judo: a systematic review of literature

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    Background and Study Aim: What do we know about the inclusion of judokas with disabilities? We find many different types of disability in judo and also diverse expressions in professional literature such as: judo for blind, judo for hearing imperative, judo for the deaf, g-judo, judo for disabled people, adaptive judo, special needs judo, judo for all, ID (intellectual disability) judo, inclusive judo, special judo, modified judo etc. An important division of disability is noticed considering mental or physical disability according to the disability medical model. Since judo for the blind is a Paralympic discipline, there are some more professional and scientific articles about judokas with a physical disability, especially blind, visually impaired and deaf athletes, but there are only a few about judokas with mental disability. The cognitive aim of our research of literature is problem the necessity of the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, which, according to the disability social model and human rights model, includes those who need more decision-making help in everyday activities. Material and Methods: We used the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) in the National and University Libraries (NUK) in Ljubljana, which used data from entire text databases such as: Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, ScienceDirect, Oxford Academic Journals, SpringerLink, Taylor and Francis, SAGE, Wiley Online Library, PsycArticles, Emerald and data from the bibliographic collections MEDLINE, SCOPUS and Web of Science. Databases were searched by following the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews. Additional articles from other sources were identified by examining the reference lists of the studies located via the database search. A total of 24 articles met the final inclusion criteria. Results: The authors of the selected articles examined various aspects of the judo impact on people with diverse abilities. Articles address: 4 topics related to judokas with autism, 1 to judokas with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 1 to judokas with down syndrome, 16 to intellectual disabilities and 2 to judokas with behavioural disorders. Research relates to: quality of life; motor abilities and movement skills; measurements of grip strength; a level of hyperactivity and of impulsivity; health and physical activity promotion; analysis of judo matches; effects on psychosocial factors; ethics of inclusion; the impact of judo on aggressive behaviours; effects on cortisol and stress; physical and psychosocial benefits of modified judo practice; effects of controlled intensity on the basis of lactate threshold on the blood oxidative stress status and motor coordination; the effectiveness of judo sessions as a supplementary therapeutic method; balance; possibilities and limitations of judo and innovative agonology in the therapy; reports from festivals and championships and popularization of judo. Conclusions: Due to the small number of subjects and the small number of similar surveys, the results cannot be generalized to the broader population. Research varies greatly by type of research and is therefore not comparable. Judo for people with intellectual disabilities is on the rise and is practiced as a therapy, as for recreation with an emphasis on inclusion, or as a sport with competitions at the level of the World Championships

    assessment of the conservation status of Blagayʼs daphne (Daphne blagayana) with phylogeographic analysis

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    Blagajev volčin (Daphne blagayana) je nizka polegla grmovnica iz družine volčinovk (Thymelaeaceae). Zaradi svoje redkosti je praktično v vseh državah, v katerih se pojavlja, zavarovan z nacionalnimi akti. Namen naloge je bil ovrednotiti varstveni status Blagajevega volčina na podlagi različnih molekularnih markerjev. Današnji areal Blagajevega volčina je fragmentiran in obsega Balkanski polotok in južne romunske Karpate. Način nastanka fragmentiranih nahajališč ni znan. Po eni od razlag naj bi Blagajev volčin v interglacialu zasedal strnjen areal in se iz njega širil proti severu in severozahodu, po drugi pa naj bi bila fragmentirana severna nahajališča posledica razkosanja v glacialu in kot taka naj bi se ohranila do danes. Način nastanka izoliranih populacij igra vlogo pri znotrajpopulacijski in medpopulacijski genski variabilnosti, kar posledično vpliva tudi na varstvo vrste. Vzorčenje Blagajevega volčina je potekalo na 21 lokacijah znotraj celotnega areala vrste v letih 2009 in 2010. Kot orodje za oceno varstvenega statusa smo uporabili kloroplastno DNA ter AFLP markerje. V filogeografsko analizo smo vključili 95 rastlin iz vseh 21 populacij. Raziskava je temeljila na analizi petih medgenskih vmesnikov kloroplastne DNA: rpl20-rps12, atpB-rbcL, trnL-F, psbA-trnH ter trnK-matK skupaj z genom matK. Rezultati kažejo na obstoj treh skupin: severne skupine, ki vključuje slovenske in italijanske populacije, južne skupine, ki vključuje populacije iz Makedonije, Črne gore in Stolca (BiH) ter osrednje skupine, ki vključuje ostale vzorčene populacije. Tako haplotipna kot nukleotidna raznovrstnost sta najvišji v osrednji, najnižji pa v severni skupini. V drugem delu raziskave smo s pomočjo dominantnih AFLP markerjev ocenili genetsko strukturo izbranih 13 populacij ter ocenili genski pretok med njimi. Rezultati kažejo na razmeroma močno genetsko diferenciacijo vrste (FST = 0,4) in na odsotnost genskega pretoka med oddaljenimi populacijami. S pomočjo programov STRUCTURE in BAPS smo populacije razvrstili v skupine, ki pa niso popolnoma usklajene s skupinami glede na kloroplastno DNA. Neusklajenost vzorcev, ki jih kažeta kloroplastna DNA in AFLP, lahko pripišemo različnim načinom razmnoževanja posameznih populacij ter različnemu načinu dedovanja kloroplastne in jedrne DNA. Na podlagi obeh markerskih sistemov lahko za Blagajev volčin predlagamo identifikacijo treh evolucijsko pomembnih enot (angl. Evolutionary significant unitsESU) in ene dodatne upravljavske enote (angl. Management unitsMU), na katere bi se moralo osredotočiti varovanje vrste v prihodnosti.Blagay\u27s daphne (Daphne blagayana) is a small decumbent bush from the family Thymelaeaceae. Due to its rarity it is protected by national legislation in almost all countries within its range. The aim of this work was to assess the conservation status of Blagay\u27s daphne (Daphne blagayana) throughout its distribution range, using chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and AFLP markers. The present distribution of D. blagayana is fragmented and comprises the Balkan Peninsula and the southern Romanian Carpathians. However, the mechanism leading to such fragmented distribution range is not well understood. According to one interpretation, D. blagayana had a smaller distribution range during the interglacial, after which it expanded north and northwest. According to another interpretation, the fragmented areal is the result of fragmentation during the glacial and is still preserved today. The mechanisms leading to isolated populations play an important role in within-and between-population genetic variability, which in turn is relevant to species conservation.Sampling of D. blagayana was conducted at 21 locations across the entire distribution range in 2009 and 2010. cpDNA and AFLP markers were used as a tool for assessing its conservation status. The phylogeographic analysis included 95 plants from 21 populations. The study was based on the analysis of five spacer regions of chloroplast DNA: rpl20-rps12, atp-BrbcL, trnL-F, psbA-trnH and trnK%matK with the gene matK. The results suggest the existence of three clusters: the northern cluster (SLO), including Slovenian and Italian populations, the southern cluster (J), including populations from Macedonia, Montenegro and Stolac (BiH), and the central cluster (SR), including the remaining populations. Both haplotype and nucleotide diversity were highest in the central cluster and lowest in the northern cluster.In the second part of the study we assessed genetic structure and gene flow between 13 selected populations using dominant AFLP markers. The results showed a relatively strong genetic differentation (FST = 0.4) and absence of gene flow among distant populations. Using programs STRUCTURE and BAPS populations were subdivided into 2 and 7 groups, respectively. The groupings proposed by STRUCTURE and BAPS are not fully congruent with cpDNA clusters. This incongruence might be attributed to different reproduction strategies within populations, and to different modes of inheritance of chloroplast and nuclear DNA.Based on both marker systems we can suggest the identification of three evolutionarily significant units (ESU) and one additional management unit (MU), on which conservation efforts should be focused in the future

    Members’ social networks in the inclusive judo club

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    Socialno vključevanje v športu (inkluzija) pomeni načrtno ustvarjanje enakih možnosti izbire športnih programov za vse in praviloma poteka v večinskem športnem okolju. Cilj doktorskega dela je bil s primerjavo velikosti socialnih mrež judoistov raznolikih zmožnosti ugotoviti podobnosti in razlike med njimi ter pomen, ki ga pripisujejo članstvu v klubu. Preverjali smo moč in kakovost vezi med člani judo kluba in njihove vezi z ljudmi izven judo kluba. Z metodo merjenja socialne opore na štirih razsežnostih (družabna, čustvena, informacijska in materialna opora) smo z anketami (n = 55) preverjali njihovo lastno zaznavo vključenosti. Judoiste smo razdelili v dve skupini. Prvo skupino (n = 24) so predstavljali judoisti, ki imajo o potrebnih prilagoditvah zaradi različnih okoliščin izdane listine (navadno odločbe) državnih institucij, npr. šolstva, zdravstva ali sociale. Poimenovali smo jih judoisti z listino (ZL), drugo skupino (n = 31) pa judoisti brez listine (BL). Med analizo podatkov je posebej izstopala podskupina trenerjev oz. vaditeljev (n = 11), ki smo jo poimenovali TR. Rezultate študije predstavljamo v obliki socialnih mrež podprtih s t-testi ter z diadami. Ugotovili smo, da so TR ključni pri vzpostavljanju vključujočih vezi v klubu. Mrežni pregled je pokazal podobnosti v velikosti socialnih omrežij anketirancev, s čimer smo inkluzijo lahko potrdili. Vendar pa smo z globljo analizo pokazali, da so ZL bolj odvisni od družinskih vezi in stikov s sorodniki, medtem ko se BL lahko opirajo tako na družinske člane kot tudi na prijatelje in znance. V diadnem odnosu smo preverjali, ali je vez med anketirancema vzajemna ali enostranska, ali se več medsebojnih vezi ustvarja znotraj posamezne skupine (homofilnost) ali tudi s člani drugih skupin (heterofilnost) ter kakšna je hierarhija teh vezi. V podporo inkluziji izpostavljamo predvsem: (1) kljub prevladujočim enostranskim povezavam, so te v družabni opori med ZL in BL procentualno uravnotežene(2) med TR in ZL je skoraj polovico vzajemnih družabnih opor(3) največjo heterarhičnost najdemo v informacijski opori v odnosu med ZL do BL1 (BL brez TR). Manj spodbudni rezultati za inkluzijo kažejo da: (1) se člani ZL v večji meri kot drugi, družijo le med seboj, (2) je med ZL in BL1 najti najmanj vzajemne družabne opore, (3) je skupina ZL najšibkejša tako v izmenjavi informacij kot v dajanju materialne in čustvene opore.Social inclusion in sport means the deliberate creation of equal opportunities for all, usually in mainstream sports organisations. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to identify the similarities and differences between diverse abilities judokas by comparing the size of their social networks and the importance they attach to club membership. We examined the strength and quality of ties between judo club members and also their ties with people outside the judo club. We used a method measuring social support on four dimensions (social, emotional, informational and material support) to examine their self-perceived involvement through structured interviews respectively surveys (n = 55). The judokas were divided into two groups. The first group (n = 24) consisted of judokas who have documents from state institutions, e.g. education, health or social services, stating that they need support or adaptations due to different circumstances. We called them judokas with a document (ZL) and the second group (n = 31) judokas without a document (BL). During the data analysis, a subgroup of coaches (n = 11) stood out in particular, which we called TRs. We present the results of the study in the form of social networks supported by t-tests and dyads. We have found that TRs are key to creating an inclusive environment in the club. The network scan showed similarities in the size of the respondents\u27 social networks, which allowed us to confirm the inclusion. However, a deeper analysis shows that ZLs can mostly rely on family ties and contacts with relatives, while BLs also mention an important network of friends and acquaintances. In the case of dyadic relationships, we examined whether the ties between respondents are reciprocal or unilateral, whether more interpersonal ties are formed within a particular group (homophily) or also with members of other groups (heterophily), and what the hierarchy of these ties is. In support of inclusion, the following results can be highlighted: (1) despite the prevalence of one-sided social ties, these are balanced in percentage terms between ZLs and BLs(2) between TRs and ZLs, almost half of the social support is reciprocal(3) the greatest heterarchy of informational support is in the relationship between ZLs and BL1 (BLs without TR). Less encouraging results for inclusion show that: (1) ZL members, more than others, socialise with each other(2) the least mutual social support is between ZL and BL1(3) the ZL group is the weakest in sharing information and giving material and emotional support

    Seed dormancy and germination of the rare, high elevation Balkan endemic Cerastium dinaricum (Caryophyllaceae)

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    Short or long-term ex situ conservation is becoming increasingly important in conservation of plants in today’s changing environments. One of the important steps in ex situ conservation is the collection and storage of seeds and the consequent establishment of seed germination protocols. Cerastium dinaricum (Caryophyllaceae) is an endemic, high elevation and rare species of European conservation concern. Because of its severely fragmented distribution along the Dinaric Alps, the populations are likely to undergo further shrinkage in the future, which addresses the need of a long-term effective conservation management. From the potential ex situ population management perspective, we focused our study on germination ecology of C. dinaricum. The study revealed that temperature considerably affected the germination of seeds, which germinate better at 20 °C rather than 10 °C. A period of cold-wet stratification also significantly improved the final germination percentage with more pronounced increase at 20 °C, while addition of GA3 increased the final germination percentage by breaking the dormancy of non-stratified seeds. Mechanical scarification did not improve germination; on the contrary, it resulted in the lowest germination success. Seeds grown in complete darkness germinated significantly better compared to control when they were exposed to cold-wet stratification. Contrary to previous studies on some alpine species, which germinate better when exposed to light, dark treatment resulted in the highest germination percentages with 70 and 90% germination success after 4 and 8 weeks of stratification, respectively.We thank the Croatian Environment Agency for collection permits for Croatia (no. 517-07-1-1-1-16-4) and the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation (no. 35603-4/2016 - 3) for providing seeds from the Slovenian population; Jure Jugovic for technical assistance; Jana Laganis for help in the field work in Slovenia, Jasenka Topić for the help in organising the fieldwork in Croatia and the anonymous referees for valuable comments on the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Lack of pollinators selects for increased selfing, restricted gene flow and resource allocation in the rare Mediterranean sage Salvia brachyodon

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    Range contraction and habitat fragmentation can cause biodiversity loss by creating conditions that directly or indirectly affect the survival of plant populations. Fragmented habitats can alter pollinator guilds and impact their behavior, which may result in pollen/pollinator limitation and selection for increased selfing as a mechanism for reproductive assurance. We used Salvia brachyodon, a narrowly distributed and endangered sage from eastern Adriatic, to test the consequences of range contraction and habitat fragmentation. Molecular data indicate a severe and relatively recent species range reduction. While one population is reproductively almost completely isolated, moderate gene flow has been detected between the remaining two populations. The high pollen-to-ovule ratio and the results of controlled hand pollination indicate that S. brachyodon has a mixed mating system. Quantitative and qualitative differences in the community and behaviour of flower visitors resulted in limited pollination services in one population where no effective pollinator other than pollen and nectar robbers were observed. In this population, self-pollination predominated over cross-pollination. Various environmental factors, in which plant-pollinator interactions play a pivotal role, have likely created selection pressures that have led to genetic and phenotypic differentiation and different resource allocation strategies among populations.This publication is based upon work from COST Action An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century, ConservePlants CA18201, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), bilateral grants between the Republics of Slovenia and Montenegro BI–ME/18-20-005, and by the project Research and Development of Plant Genetic Resources for Sustainable Agriculture, Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding (CoE CroP-BioDiv), Zagreb, Croatia.Abstract Introduction Results Population genetic structuring and gene flow Flower life-span and sexual functioning Floral rewards Mating system, pollen limitation and pollen-to-ovule ratio Flower visitors Floral morphology and seed weight Discussion Conclusions Methods Data availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary Information Rights and permissions About this article Comment

    Narrowing the Definition of Social Inclusion in Sport for People with Disabilities through a Scoping Review

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    The concept and practice of social inclusion in sport are still undefined, causing confusion both in the field of sport policy and practice. According to the United Nations (UN), a conceptual and analytical work on what constitutes inclusion is needed. Therefore, this study aims to define social inclusion in sport for people with disabilities by reviewing the existing literature. Using a scoping review framework, articles related to a possible definition of social inclusion in sport or to the elements of this definition were reviewed. For the eighteen (18) articles selected, the focus was on 152 statements, which were grouped into 6 main categories, namely: policy (29), fundamental conditions (28), key elements (30), soft skills (20), field gaps (31), and best practices (14). Ten keywords were extracted from each of the six categories using the free online program cortical.io. All 60 keywords were then compared with each other. After deleting the duplicates, 24 keywords remained, which were classified into five major categories: (1) key people, (2) key environments, (3) key ways to use, (4) key benefits, and (5) key barriers, in order to create a descriptive definition of social inclusion in sport for people with disabilities that can contribute to the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. In addition to the definition, relevant issues were also raised for in-depth discussion and further research