Members’ social networks in the inclusive judo club


Socialno vključevanje v športu (inkluzija) pomeni načrtno ustvarjanje enakih možnosti izbire športnih programov za vse in praviloma poteka v večinskem športnem okolju. Cilj doktorskega dela je bil s primerjavo velikosti socialnih mrež judoistov raznolikih zmožnosti ugotoviti podobnosti in razlike med njimi ter pomen, ki ga pripisujejo članstvu v klubu. Preverjali smo moč in kakovost vezi med člani judo kluba in njihove vezi z ljudmi izven judo kluba. Z metodo merjenja socialne opore na štirih razsežnostih (družabna, čustvena, informacijska in materialna opora) smo z anketami (n = 55) preverjali njihovo lastno zaznavo vključenosti. Judoiste smo razdelili v dve skupini. Prvo skupino (n = 24) so predstavljali judoisti, ki imajo o potrebnih prilagoditvah zaradi različnih okoliščin izdane listine (navadno odločbe) državnih institucij, npr. šolstva, zdravstva ali sociale. Poimenovali smo jih judoisti z listino (ZL), drugo skupino (n = 31) pa judoisti brez listine (BL). Med analizo podatkov je posebej izstopala podskupina trenerjev oz. vaditeljev (n = 11), ki smo jo poimenovali TR. Rezultate študije predstavljamo v obliki socialnih mrež podprtih s t-testi ter z diadami. Ugotovili smo, da so TR ključni pri vzpostavljanju vključujočih vezi v klubu. Mrežni pregled je pokazal podobnosti v velikosti socialnih omrežij anketirancev, s čimer smo inkluzijo lahko potrdili. Vendar pa smo z globljo analizo pokazali, da so ZL bolj odvisni od družinskih vezi in stikov s sorodniki, medtem ko se BL lahko opirajo tako na družinske člane kot tudi na prijatelje in znance. V diadnem odnosu smo preverjali, ali je vez med anketirancema vzajemna ali enostranska, ali se več medsebojnih vezi ustvarja znotraj posamezne skupine (homofilnost) ali tudi s člani drugih skupin (heterofilnost) ter kakšna je hierarhija teh vezi. V podporo inkluziji izpostavljamo predvsem: (1) kljub prevladujočim enostranskim povezavam, so te v družabni opori med ZL in BL procentualno uravnotežene(2) med TR in ZL je skoraj polovico vzajemnih družabnih opor(3) največjo heterarhičnost najdemo v informacijski opori v odnosu med ZL do BL1 (BL brez TR). Manj spodbudni rezultati za inkluzijo kažejo da: (1) se člani ZL v večji meri kot drugi, družijo le med seboj, (2) je med ZL in BL1 najti najmanj vzajemne družabne opore, (3) je skupina ZL najšibkejša tako v izmenjavi informacij kot v dajanju materialne in čustvene opore.Social inclusion in sport means the deliberate creation of equal opportunities for all, usually in mainstream sports organisations. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to identify the similarities and differences between diverse abilities judokas by comparing the size of their social networks and the importance they attach to club membership. We examined the strength and quality of ties between judo club members and also their ties with people outside the judo club. We used a method measuring social support on four dimensions (social, emotional, informational and material support) to examine their self-perceived involvement through structured interviews respectively surveys (n = 55). The judokas were divided into two groups. The first group (n = 24) consisted of judokas who have documents from state institutions, e.g. education, health or social services, stating that they need support or adaptations due to different circumstances. We called them judokas with a document (ZL) and the second group (n = 31) judokas without a document (BL). During the data analysis, a subgroup of coaches (n = 11) stood out in particular, which we called TRs. We present the results of the study in the form of social networks supported by t-tests and dyads. We have found that TRs are key to creating an inclusive environment in the club. The network scan showed similarities in the size of the respondents\u27 social networks, which allowed us to confirm the inclusion. However, a deeper analysis shows that ZLs can mostly rely on family ties and contacts with relatives, while BLs also mention an important network of friends and acquaintances. In the case of dyadic relationships, we examined whether the ties between respondents are reciprocal or unilateral, whether more interpersonal ties are formed within a particular group (homophily) or also with members of other groups (heterophily), and what the hierarchy of these ties is. In support of inclusion, the following results can be highlighted: (1) despite the prevalence of one-sided social ties, these are balanced in percentage terms between ZLs and BLs(2) between TRs and ZLs, almost half of the social support is reciprocal(3) the greatest heterarchy of informational support is in the relationship between ZLs and BL1 (BLs without TR). Less encouraging results for inclusion show that: (1) ZL members, more than others, socialise with each other(2) the least mutual social support is between ZL and BL1(3) the ZL group is the weakest in sharing information and giving material and emotional support

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