699 research outputs found

    Relationship between Scientific Paradigm and Research Front. On Example of Information Science Research Production

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    Empirical indicators about time distribution and ā€œobsolescenceā€ of cited references are retrieved from doctoral dissertations in Information Science from 1978 to 2007 at Croatian universities. Cluster of most cited authors who are recognized as key authors for Information Science paradigm is gained from citation and co-citation analysis. Domination of these authors constitutes ā€œconceptual knowledge zoneā€ which is placed according to time distribution at the end of axes of obsolescence of cited literature. As opposed to that, research front, which is the period of most intensive research activity, is placed in the first time quarter (from zero to four years old cited literature), and there are 10% of most cited authors. Our research follows transit of researcher from research front to zone of paradigmatic knowledge. Hypothesis is that new authors who enter conceptual knowledge zone suppress ā€œoldā€ authors; so it can be concluded that incomers in conceptual knowledge zone are holders of new theoretical approaches and solutions for new problems. Duration and importance of ā€œoldā€ authors ensure paradigm and methods for solution of ā€œoldā€ problems, respectively for the production of professional papers and traditions of profession

    Power matrix means and related inequalities

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    This survey paper contains recent results for power matrix means and related inequalities for convex functions, Hadamard product of matrices as well as some inequalities involving exponential function of matrices

    Upravna kultura

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    One of the basic administrative tasks is the executive function, which should be implemented by the executive branch in accordance with the law. This concept is present in the mechanistic view of the world as a system of checks and ba lances, but ignores the implementation of abstract and general rules. Openness of action and decision-making, negotiation and dialogue between the parties lead to better decisions, harmony, and joint action. Although it seems that these features are about the goals of democratic governance, they are actually the means that lead to confidence in the stateā€™s action. Using the new (old) approaches to executive action could lead to more responsible behaviour, to the reduction of undesirable practices, and to the rational use of budget funds. The key lies in building trust based on mutual aid, in the cultivation of favourable working conditions, and in the enforcement of merits and of accountability. Administrative culture is largely a reflection of social climate ā€“ but it may also be alleviated to a higher level. The foundation for that is a legitimate expectation and commitment for its completion.Jedan od temeljnih upravnih poslova jest izvrÅ”na funkcija, koju bi trebala obavljati izvrÅ”na vlast prema slovu zakona. Ovaj koncept postoji u mehanicističkom pogledu na svijet kao sustav kontrole i ravnoteže, ali on ignorira primjenu apstraktnih i općih pravila. Otvorenost postupanja i odlučivanja, pregovaranje i dijalog između strana u postupku vode do boljih odluka, usklađenosti i zajedničkih akcija. Iako se čini da se radi o ciljevima demokratske vlasti, zapravo su u pitanju sredstva koja služe stvaranju povjerenja u postupke države. KoriÅ”tenje novih-starih pristupa izvrÅ”nim radnjama moglo bi potaknuti odgovornije ponaÅ”anje, smanjenje broja nepoželjnih postupaka te racionalnu upotrebu proračunskih sredstava. Ključ je u izgradnji povjerenja koje se temelji na međusobnoj pomoći, njegovanju povoljnih radnih uvjeta te uvažavanju zasluga i profesionalne i političke odgovornosti. Upravna kultura u velikoj mjeri odražava druÅ”tvenu klimu, no može ju se podići i na viÅ”u razinu. Podloga za to jesu legitimna očekivanja i odlučnost da se upravna kultura poboljÅ”a
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