277 research outputs found

    Pathways for balancing CO2 emissions and sinks

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    Imbalance-P paper Contact with: Josep PeƱuelas, [email protected] December 2015 in Paris, leaders committed to achieve global, net decarbonization of human activities before 2100. This achievement would halt and even reverse anthropogenic climate change through the net removal of carbon from the atmosphere. However, the Paris documents contain few specific prescriptions for emissions mitigation, leaving various countries to pursue their own agendas. In this analysis, we project energy and land-use emissions mitigation pathways through 2100, subject to best-available parameterization of carbon-climate feedbacks and interdependencies. We find that, barring unforeseen and transformative technological advancement, anthropogenic emissions need to peak within the next 10 years, to maintain realistic pathways to meeting the COP21 emissions and warming targets. Fossil fuel consumption will probably need to be reduced below a quarter of primary energy supply by 2100 and the allowable consumption rate drops even further if negative emissions technologies remain technologically or economically unfeasible at the global scale

    Nutrient availability and climate as the main determinants of the ratio of biomass to NPP in woody and non-woody forest compartments

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    Key message: Once the effect of stand age has been taken into account, nutrient availability and climate play a crucial role in determining the B:NPPs of woody and non-woody tissues. - Abstract: Forest ecosystems accumulate large amounts of carbon in living tissues. The residence time of this carbon in the ecosystem depends largely on the turnover time of these tissues, which can be estimated as a surrogate of the ratio of biomass to net primary production (B:NPP). We used a global forest database of 310 sites containing data for biomass stocks and NPP to investigate the differences of B:NPPs among species and forest compartments and to determine B:NPPs main exogenous (mainly climate and nutrient availability) and endogenous (leaf habit and stand age) drivers. We used asymptotic exponential functions to adjust the B:NPPs of woody compartments to a theoretical stationary state to allow comparisons between forests of different ages. The B:NPPs of woody tissues (branches, stems, and coarse roots) were positively influenced by stand age, conversely to fine roots and leaves, which were weakly dependent on the age of the forest. The B:NPPs of woody tissues were positively correlated with nutrient availability, whereas fine-root B:NPPs decreased with increasing nutrient availability. The foliar B:NPP of evergreen forests was positively correlated with water deficit, and the fine-root B:NPP was correlated positively with the seasonality of precipitation and with annual thermal amplitude but negatively with water deficit. Our results support the influence of climate on the B:NPPs of non-woody compartments and identify nutrient availability as the main influence on the B:NPPs of woody tissues

    Microbial carbon limitation : the need for integrating microorganisms into our understanding of ecosystem carbon cycling

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated that fertilization with nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium increases plant productivity in both natural and managed ecosystems, demonstrating that primary productivity is nutrient limited in most terrestrial ecosystems. In contrast, it has been demonstrated that heterotrophic microbial communities in soil are primarily limited by organic carbon or energy. While this concept of contrasting limitations, that is, microbial carbon and plant nutrient limitation, is based on strong evidence that we review in this paper, it is often ignored in discussions of ecosystem response to global environment changes. The plant-centric perspective has equated plant nutrient limitations with those of whole ecosystems, thereby ignoring the important role of the heterotrophs responsible for soil decomposition in driving ecosystem carbon storage. To truly integrate carbon and nutrient cycles in ecosystem science, we must account for the fact that while plant productivity may be nutrient limited, the secondary productivity by heterotrophic communities is inherently carbon limited. Ecosystem carbon cycling integrates the independent physiological responses of its individual components, as well as tightly coupled exchanges between autotrophs and heterotrophs. To the extent that the interacting autotrophic and heterotrophic processes are controlled by organisms that are limited by nutrient versus carbon accessibility, respectively, we propose that ecosystems by definition cannot be 'limited' by nutrients or carbon alone. Here, we outline how models aimed at predicting non-steady state ecosystem responses over time can benefit from dissecting ecosystems into the organismal components and their inherent limitations to better represent plant-microbe interactions in coupled carbon and nutrient models

    Mannosylated nanoparticles for oral immunotherapy in a murine model of peanut allergy

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    Peanut allergy is one of the most prevalent and severe of food allergies with no available cure. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of an oral immunotherapy based on the use of a roasted peanut extract (PE) encapsulated in nanoparticles with immunoadjuvant properties. For this, a polymer conjugate formed by the covalent binding of mannosamine to the copolymer of methylvinyl ether and maleic anhydride was firstly synthetized and characterized. Then, the conjugate was used to prepare nanoparticles with an important capability to diffuse through the mucus layer and reach, in a large extent, the intestinal epithelium, including Peyerā€™s patches. Their immunotherapeutic potential was evaluated in a model of pre-sensitized CD1 mice to peanut. After completing therapy, mice underwent an intraperitoneal challenge with PE. Nanoparticle-treatment was associated with both less serious anaphylaxis symptoms and higher survival rates than control, confirming the protective effect of this formulation against the challenge

    Negative erosion and negative emissions : Combining multiple land-based carbon dioxide removal techniques to rebuild fertile topsoils and enhance food production

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    Funding Information: This research was supported by the Research Foundationā€”Flanders (FWO) and by the European Commissions (H2020 FET-open project Super Bio-Accelerated Mineral weathering: A new climate risk hedging reactor technologyā€”ā€œBAMā€). JS was supported by Spanish Government Project PID2020115770RB-I. Publisher Copyright: Copyright Ā© 2022 Janssens, Roobroeck, Sardans, Obersteiner, PeƱuelas, Richter, Smith, Verbruggen and Vicca.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Daylength helps temperate deciduous trees to leaf-out at the optimal time

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    Global warming has led to substantially earlier spring leaf-out in temperate-zone deciduous trees. The interactive effects of temperature and daylength underlying this warming response remain unclear. However, they need to be accurately represented by earth system models to improve projections of the carbon and energy balances of temperate forests and the associated feedbacks to the Earth's climate system. We studied the control of leaf-out by daylength and temperature using data from six tree species across 2,377 European phenological network (www.pep725.eu), each with at least 30 years of observations. We found that, in addition to and independent of the known effect of chilling, daylength correlates negatively with the heat requirement for leaf-out in all studied species. In warm springs when leaf-out is early, days are short and the heat requirement is higher than in an average spring, which mitigates the warming-induced advancement of leaf-out and protects the tree against precocious leaf-out and the associated risks of late frosts. In contrast, longer-than-average daylength (in cold springs when leaf-out is late) reduces the heat requirement for leaf-out, ensuring that trees do not leaf-out too late and miss out on large amounts of solar energy. These results provide the first large-scale empirical evidence of a widespread daylength effect on the temperature sensitivity of leaf-out phenology in temperate deciduous trees

    Nutrient availability alters the correlation between spring leaf-out and autumn leaf senescence dates

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    Leaf senescence (LS) affects tree fitness, species distribution and ecosystem structure and functioning. The drivers of LS and the processes underlying it have been studied, but the studies have mainly focused on environmental cues and have mainly been based on statistical analyses using in situ data sets. Experimental investigation and field verification of the processes and drivers are thus urgently needed. We conducted a nutrient-addition experiment after a spring-warming experiment in which an ~40-day range of leaf-out (LO) dates was induced in horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings. We found that both increased nutrient supply and advanced LO date significantly affected the timing of LS, but their effects were opposite, as the former delayed and the latter advanced the senescence. The effects of nutrient supply and LO interacted species specifically. In chestnut, the delay of senescence caused by fertilization increased with the delay of LO and was thus stronger for individuals that flushed late in the spring. On the contrary, in beech the delay of senescence caused by fertilization decreased with the delay of LO and was insignificant for individuals with the latest LO. The experimental findings for beech were confirmed with mature trees at a regional scale. The interactive effect between nutrients and LO on senescence may be associated with variable sensitivity to photoperiod, growth sink limitation and/or direct effect of foliar nutrition on the timing of senescence. Our novel results show that the interactive effects of LO and nutrient supply on the timing of LS should be further addressed experimentally in forthcoming studies. It would also be interesting to consider our results in the further development of phenological models used in assessing the effects of climatic change. The differences found in the present study between horse chestnut and beech suggest that the results found for one species cannot necessarily be generalized to other species, so studies with different temperate tree species are called fo

    Ecometabolomics for a better understanding of plant responses and acclimation to abiotic factors linked to global change

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    The number of ecometabolomic studies, which use metabolomic analyses to disentangle organisms' metabolic responses and acclimation to a changing environment, has grown exponentially in recent years. Here, we review the results and conclusions of ecometabolomic studies on the impacts of four main drivers of global change (increasing frequencies of drought episodes, heat stress, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO) concentrations and increasing nitrogen (N) loads) on plant metabolism. Ecometabolomic studies of drought effects confirmed findings of previous target studies, in which most changes in metabolism are characterized by increased concentrations of soluble sugars and carbohydrate derivatives and frequently also by elevated concentrations of free amino acids. Secondary metabolites, especially flavonoids and terpenes, also commonly exhibited increased concentrations when drought intensified. Under heat and increasing N loads, soluble amino acids derived from glutamate and glutamine were the most responsive metabolites. Foliar metabolic responses to elevated atmospheric CO concentrations were dominated by greater production of monosaccharides and associated synthesis of secondary metabolites, such as terpenes, rather than secondary metabolites synthesized along longer sugar pathways involving N-rich precursor molecules, such as those formed from cyclic amino acids and along the shikimate pathway. We suggest that breeding for crop genotypes tolerant to drought and heat stress should be based on their capacity to increase the concentrations of C-rich compounds more than the concentrations of smaller N-rich molecules, such as amino acids. This could facilitate rapid and efficient stress response by reducing protein catabolism without compromising enzymatic capacity or increasing the requirement for re-transcription and de novo biosynthesis of proteins

    Nutrient availability alters the correlation between spring leaf-out and autumn leaf senescence dates

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    Leaf senescence (LS) affects tree fitness, species distribution and ecosystem structure and functioning. The drivers of LS and the processes underlying it have been studied, but the studies have mainly focused on environmental cues and have mainly been based on statistical analyses using in situ data sets. Experimental investigation and field verification of the processes and drivers are thus urgently needed. We conducted a nutrient-addition experiment after a spring-warming experiment in which an ~40-day range of leaf-out (LO) dates was induced in horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings. We found that both increased nutrient supply and advanced LO date significantly affected the timing of LS, but their effects were opposite, as the former delayed and the latter advanced the senescence. The effects of nutrient supply and LO interacted species specifically. In chestnut, the delay of senescence caused by fertilization increased with the delay of LO and was thus stronger for individuals that flushed late in the spring. On the contrary, in beech the delay of senescence caused by fertilization decreased with the delay of LO and was insignificant for individuals with the latest LO. The experimental findings for beech were confirmed with mature trees at a regional scale. The interactive effect between nutrients and LO on senescence may be associated with variable sensitivity to photoperiod, growth sink limitation and/or direct effect of foliar nutrition on the timing of senescence. Our novel results show that the interactive effects of LO and nutrient supply on the timing of LS should be further addressed experimentally in forthcoming studies. It would also be interesting to consider our results in the further development of phenological models used in assessing the effects of climatic change. The differences found in the present study between horse chestnut and beech suggest that the results found for one species cannot necessarily be generalized to other species, so studies with different temperate tree species are called fo
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