249 research outputs found
DIF in the Spanish Version of the Verbal Selective Reminding Test Using Samples From Hispanics in the United States, Mexicans, and Spaniards
Aim: Before a test can be used in the target population, it is necessary to demonstrate that there is measurement equivalence. One way to do this is by studying differential item functioning (DIF). Objective: In this study, we used the Mantel–Haenszel procedure and logistic regression to analyze DIF in the Spanish version of the Verbal Selective Reminding Test between Spaniards, Mexicans, and Hispanics in the United States. Method: Three balanced samples, matched by age, education, and sex, were studied: Spaniards, Mexicans, and Hispanics [616 healthy participants from Spain (n = 211), Mexico (n = 201), and the United States (n = 205)]. A six-trial version of the Spanish version of the Verbal Selective Reminding Test was administered and scored according to standard procedures. Results: Statistical analysis showed some DIF between the samples of Spaniards, Mexicans, and Hispanics. A bootstrap validation of results confirmed that the item pollo showed DIF: the Mexicans and Hispanics outperformed the Spaniards, holding a total score constant. The item oído also showed DIF and was remembered in greater measure by the Spaniards. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the Verbal Selective Reminding Test can be used with Hispanic populations
Bay leaves extracts as active additive for food protective coatings
Ethanolic extracts of bay leaves were obtained using the Soxhlet method (extraction yield of 22.3 ± 1.2%) and further analyzed through different methods, thus determining the chemical composition with gas chromatography, phenolic content with the Folin–Ciocalteu technique (11.8 ± 0.4% wt.) and antioxidant power with the radical 2,2′-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) method (75.06%). Furthermore, its effect on the growth of two bacteria, Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus, and on two yeasts, Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was determined, showing a minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.65 mg/mL on the growth of B. cereus. Finally, edible films were prepared using different polymers (carboxymethyl cellulose, gum Arabic, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, and polyvinyl alcohol) containing 0, 5, 10, or 15% wt. of bay leaf extract as troubleshooting for perishable fruits, specifically for cultivated strawberry. The prepared composites presented reduced water vapor permeabilities (up to 4.3 × 10−7 g·Pa−1·m−1·h−1), high specific transparencies (≈30%/mm), as well as the effective blocking of ultraviolet radiation (>99.9%). In vivo tests showed that the most suitable treatment for strawberry protection was the impregnation with a composite comprising polyvinyl alcohol and a 15% wt. bay leaf extract, resulting in a noteworthy reduction in mass loss (22% after 6 days). It can be asserted that food packaging with the designed composites would be an effective alternative for the reduction in postharvest losses
Leitura na infância e meninice: impacto na construção do sujeito leitor
This article considers that the periods of infancy and childhood substantially influence the construction of the subject reader. This process involves various actors: children, mothers, fathers, caregivers and teachers. However, the characteristics of the act of reading must also be taken into account. In this sense, it is necessary to understand its psychological, linguistic and contextual aspects. In conclusion, promoting the formation of reading subjects from infancy and childhood implies recognizing the profound and complex characteristics of reading in order to produce better teaching practices and motivation for this activity.Este artigo considera que nos períodos da infância e meninicie há um impacto substancial na construção do sujeito leitor. Esse processo envolve vários atores: filhos, mães, pais, cuidadores e professores. Embora as características do ato de ler também devam ser levadas em consideração. Nesse sentido, é necessário entender seus aspectos psicológicos, linguísticos e contextuais. Em conclusão, promover o treinamento de sujeitos leitores desde a infância e a meninicie implica reconhecer as características profundas e complexas da leitura, a fim de produzir melhores práticas de ensino e motivação para essa atividade.En el presente artículo se considera que en los periodos de la infancia y la niñez se incide sustancialmente en la construcción del sujeto lector. Este proceso involucra diversos actores: niños, madres, padres de familia, cuidadores y docentes. Aunque también se deben tener en cuenta las características del acto de leer. En este sentido, es necesario comprender sus aspectos psicológicos, lingüísticos y contextuales. En conclusión, promover la formación de sujetos lectores desde la infancia y la niñez implica reconocer las profundas y complejas características de la lectura para poder producir mejores prácticas de enseñanza y motivación hacia esta actividad
Selecting patterns and features for between- and within- crop-row weed mapping using UAV-imagery
This paper approaches the problem of weed mapping for precision agriculture,
using imagery provided by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from sun
and maize crops. Precision agriculture referred to weed control is mainly based
on the design of early post-emergence site-speci c control treatments according
to weed coverage, where one of the most important challenges is the spectral
similarity of crop and weed pixels in early growth stages. Our work tackles
this problem in the context of object-based image analysis (OBIA) by means
of supervised machine learning methods combined with pattern and feature
selection techniques, devising a strategy for alleviating the user intervention in
the system while not compromising the accuracy. This work rstly proposes
a method for choosing a set of training patterns via clustering techniques so
as to consider a representative set of the whole eld data spectrum for the
classi cation method. Furthermore, a feature selection method is used to obtain
the best discriminating features from a set of several statistics and measures of
di erent nature. Results from this research show that the proposed method for
pattern selection is suitable and leads to the construction of robust sets of data.
The exploitation of di erent statistical, spatial and texture metrics represents a
new avenue with huge potential for between and within crop-row weed mapping
via UAV-imagery and shows good synergy when complemented with OBIA.
Finally, there are some measures (specially those linked to vegetation indexes)
that are of great in
uence for weed mapping in both sun
ower and maize crop
Bistability between π -diradical open-shell and closed-shell states in indeno[1,2- a ]fluorene
Indenofluorenes are non-benzenoid conjugated hydrocarbons that have received great interest owing to their unusual electronic structure and potential applications in nonlinear optics and photovoltaics. Here we report the generation of unsubstituted indeno[1,2-a]fluorene on various surfaces by the cleavage of two C–H bonds in 7,12-dihydroindeno[1,2-a]fluorene through voltage pulses applied by the tip of a combined scanning tunnelling microscope and atomic force microscope. On bilayer NaCl on Au(111), indeno[1,2-a]fluorene is in the neutral charge state, but it exhibits charge bistability between neutral and anionic states on the lower-workfunction surfaces of bilayer NaCl on Ag(111) and Cu(111). In the neutral state, indeno[1,2-a]fluorene exhibits one of two ground states: an open-shell π-diradical state, predicted to be a triplet by density functional and multireference many-body perturbation theory calculations, or a closed-shell state with a para-quinodimethane moiety in the as-indacene core. We observe switching between open- and closed-shell states of a single molecule by changing its adsorption site on NaCl
Bodegas, un sitio de pescadores durante el periodo Tardío en el norte del Alto Magdalena - Colombia
The results presented below are part of the project entitled “Archaeological study of the impact of pre-Columbian fishing in the area of rapids of the Magdalena River, during the later period (vii to xvi century AD)” Colciencias - Universidad National de Colombia (Bogotá), carriedout by the research group in Archeology and Environment of the Institute of Natural Sciences. This project aimed to approach archaeological issues in the area of influence the Magdalena River rapids. Here, we studied archaeozoological and archaeoichthyological remains, particularly those associated with analysis of landscape units and the cultural contexts provided by the study of ceramics and stone industries. In this study, we present results of our research conducted at the site of Bodegas 1, dated in the xi century ad. The analyzes suggest that the settlement established some houses and orchards on the edge of a mean alluvial terrace located next to the river, where favorable fishing locations exist, particularly of fish species that carry out intense migrations during two annual periods. The changes in the frequencies and the decrease in size of some fish species could be related to the beginning of drier periods that affected their vulnerability.Los resultados que se presentan a continuación forman parte del proyecto titulado “Estudio arqueológico del impacto de la pesca precolombina en la zona de raudales del río Magdalena, durante el periodo Tardío (siglos xi al xii d. C.)” Colciencias - Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá), desarrollado por el grupo de investigación Arqueología y Ambiente del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales. Este proyecto se propuso abordar la problemática arqueológica del área de influencia de la zona de los raudales del río Magdalena, mediante el estudio de los restos de fauna y, particularmente, de peces migratorios, asociados al análisis de las unidades de paisaje y los contextos culturales que proporcionan el estudio de los materiales cerámicos y de las industrias líticas. Los resultados obtenidos en el sitio de Bodegas 1 indican que fue ocupado por grupos humanos del periodo Tardío en el siglo xi d. C. Los análisis arqueológicos y los estudios de los suelos sugieren que establecieron algunas viviendas y pequeñas huertas sobre el borde de una terraza aluvial media próxima al río, donde se localizan lugares favorables para la pesca, en particular de especies que realizan migraciones intensas durante dos épocas anuales. Los cambios en las frecuencias y la disminución en las tallas de algunas especies de peces podrían estar relacionados con el inicio de periodos más secos que incidieron en su vulnerabilidad
Mesa Redonda
Se recoge el debate final del ciclo de conferencias «Europa i Catalunya el 1640.350 anys de la Revolució Catalana», presidido por D. Antonio Dominguez Ortiz, y en el que se plantearon las intervenciones en torno a la problemática actual en que se centra la investigación sobre las revueltas y revoluciones en la Europa del Antiguo Régimen.These pages offer the final debut of the Conferences Cycle named ((Europe and Catalonia in 1640. 350 years after the Catalan Revolution», presided by D. Antonio Domínguez Ortiz. Over there, discussions and participations had place about the current problematic where in centred the invetigations of the revolts and revolutions in the Ancient Regime Europe
In vivo evaluation of Aloysia triphylla britton (lemon verbena) essential oil toxicity and citral anti-Trypanosma cruzi activity.
Introducción: Existe escasa investigación en enfermedades olvidadas. Las plantas medicinales son una potencial fuente de compuestos antimicrobianos. Objetivos: Determinar la toxicidad del aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla y la actividad del citral contra Trypanosoma cruzi en ratones. Diseño: Estudio experimental preclínico in vivo. Institución: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material: Ratones albinos. Intervenciones: La toxicidad aguda oral a dosis única fue evaluada en ratas albinas. Para la actividad tripanocida se utilizaron ratones asignados a los siguientes grupos: infectados y no tratados (G1), infectados y tratados con citral en dosis de 50, 150 y 300 mg/kg/día (G2, G3 y G4, respectivamente), infectados y tratados con benznidazol 100 mg/kg (G5) y no infectados y no tratados (G6). La parasitemia fue determinada individualmente cada 2 días por microscopia directa. En los días 14, 21 y 28 post infección, cinco ratones de cada grupo fueron sacrificados y los corazones procesados para análisis histopatológico. Principales medidas de resultados: Signos de toxicidad y mortalidad, y parasitemia. Resultados: La dosis límite de 2 000 mg/kg no provocó signos ni síntomas de toxicidad y los estudios anatomopatológicos macroscópicos y microscópicos no mostraron alteración de los órganos estudiados. La parasitemia fue reducida significativamente con la dosis de 300 mg/kg en los días 16° 18° y 20° post infección (p < 0,05). El número de nidos de amastigotes y de infiltrados inflamatorios en corazón fueron reducidos en 67,7% y 51,7%, respectivamente, con 300 mg/kg en el día 28°. Conclusiones: El aceite esencial de Aloysia triphylla es calificado como no tóxico y el citral en dosis de 300 mg/kg tuvo actividad contra Trypanosoma cruzi en ratones.Introduction: There is limited research on neglected diseases. Medicinal plants are potential sources of antimicrobial compounds. Objectives: To determine the toxicity of Aloysia triphylla essential oil and citral activity against Trypanosoma cruzi in mice. Design: Experimental study in vivo, preclinical. Setting: Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Biological material: Albino mice. Main outcome measures: Signs of toxicity and mortality and parasitemia. Interventions: Acute oral toxicity at single dose was evaluated in albino rats. For trypanocidal activity mice were assigned to the following groups: untreated infected (G1), infected and treated with citral at doses 50, 150 and 300 mg/kg/day (G2, G3 and G4 respectively), infected and treated with benznidazole 100 mg/kg (G5), and uninfected and untreated (G6). Parasitemia was determined individually every 2 days by direct microscopy. In days 14, 21 and 28 post infection five mice from each group were sacrificed and their hearts processed for histopathology. Results: The limit dose of 2 000 mg/kg did not cause signs or symptoms of toxicity and macro and microscopic anatomopathology did not show alterations in the organs studied. Parasitemia was significantly reduced at dose of 300 mg/kg at days 16, 18, and 20 post infection (p <0.05); the number of amastigote nests and inflammatory infiltrates in heart were reduced on day 28 by 67.7% and 51.7% respectively with 300 mg/kg. Conclusions: Aloysia triphylla essential oil is qualified as nontoxic and citral at 300 mg/kg dose had activity against Trypanosoma cruzi in mice
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