1,060 research outputs found

    Domínguez Ortiz y la Historia social de la Iglesia

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    Cortés Peña summarizes the studies that have been focused on the History of Spanish Church during these last twenty five years, emphasizing a new tendency into social and economic history which is directly confronted with the traditional ecclesiastical history. $a Tomando como punto de partida la obra pionera de A. Dominguez Ortiz, se hace una balance de los estudios de historia de la Iglesia española en los últimos veinticinco años, subrayando la nueva tendencia de la historia social y económica frente a la historiografia eclesiástica tradicional. Starting from A. Dominguez Ortiz's pioneering researches, 520 3

    Multidimensional model of assessment of economic thinking in college students

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    The Economic Thinking in undergraduates is a strategic aspect of research in the framework of higher education, given its critical impact on the development of skills and professional standards expected in front of the Scientific and Technological Innovation. The main contribution of this study focuses on the development of a Multidimensional Model of Assessment of Economic Thinking, from the perspective of Self-Organizing Systems. The methodology has an approach empirical-analytic. In relation to the instruments and results correspond to a perspective of Adaptative System based in Item Response Theory (IRT), Complexity Theory and Fractal Models (L-system) about the competence in solving economic problems, knowledge of financial aspects, responsible consumption, sustainable development, and the attitudes to understanding the economic world

    Emergency management before flooding events caused by a tsunami in Chile: The case of Puerto Saavedra

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    La gestión de la emergencia ante un evento de inundación por tsunami en Chile fue estudiada en el área urbana de Puerto Saavedra, Región de La Araucanía. Este procedimiento consistió en tres etapas: (1) evaluación y zonificación del riesgo en base a la metodología propuesta por las Naciones Unidas (ONU), (2) ejecución de talleres de participación ciudadana según la metodología AIDEP, y (3) confección de cartografía indicando zonas de seguridad y rutas de evacuación. Los resultados mostraron dos categorías de riesgo: máximo, asociada al área urbana, y sin riesgo, asociada al cordón montañoso. La comunidad no percibió como máximo el riesgo de inundación por tsunami, lo que dependería de la localización de las unidades vecinales y de la priorización de los riesgos más inmediatos. La aproximación de este estudio es de utilidad para la actualización de planes de protección civil en zonas litorales, experiencia que puede ser replicada en comunas costeras del país y Latinoamérica.Emergency management of tsunami floods in Chile was studied in the urban area of Puerto Saavedra, Araucanía Region. This procedure consisted of three stages: (1) risk assessment and zoning based on the methodology proposed by the United Nations (UN), (2) implementation of citizen participation workshops, according to the AIDEP methodology, and (3) implementation of maps indicating safety areas and evacuation routes. The results showed two risk categories: maximum, associated to the urban area, and no risk, associated to mountain range. The community did not perceive the risk of flooding due to tsunami as a maximum, which depended on the location of housing developments and the prioritization of the most immediate risks. The approach of this study is useful for updating civil protection plans in coastal areas, an experience that can be replicated in the coastal districts of the country and the rest of Latin America

    Zonificación del potencial energético de la biomasa residual forestal en la cuenca del lago Ranco, Chile. Antecedentes para la planificación energética regional

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    Land planning comprises a stage of land management whose aim is to generate proposals from analyzing the information of the territory, which represents multiple variables of the geographic space. Some of the most recent lines of planning are renewable energies and particularly residual forest biomass since this is a non used environmental element but with a high growth potential. For this task, using technological tools like geographic information systems or remote sensing permits to handle these topics and express them in a spatial zoning for decision making. According to this, a prospective work was made in the watershed of Ranco Lake, where optimum spaces were defined to obtain residual forest biomass in four vegetational units (coigüe-raulí-tepa, roble-raulí-coigüe, evergreen and forest plantations). The results showed that there exists an overall potential surface to handle of 45,555 hectares, from which the forest type coigüe-raulí-tepa highlights with a 62.4 % of the surface. Under the assumption of availability of residual forest biomass in the watershed and a scene of energetic crisis, the importance of prioritizing regional policies and research concerning the development of non conventional renewable energies is recognized

    Business Family Engineering. Managing the Evolution of Business Driven Systems

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    Nowadays most companies in whichever field have a software system that helps managing all the aspects of the company, from the strategic management to daily activities. Companies are in continuous evolution to adapt to market changes, and consequently, the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must also evolve. Thus, software companies are currently supporting this evolution with ad hoc techniques. We think that, as it is being done for traditional software systems (non-oriented to business process) in the software product line (SPL) field, institutionalized techniques for performing a systematic reuse of business processes across different businesses can be introduced. in this paper, we propose to adapt SPL techniques, oriented to reuse software, to Business-Driven Development (BDD), oriented to reuse processes, across different businesses; we call this proposal Business Family Engineering (BFE). We present a first approach to build a SPL of BDD systems that evolves at runtim

    Business Family Engineering. Does It Make Sense ?

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    Nowadays most companies in whichever field have a software system that helps managing all the aspects of the company, from the strategic management to daily activities. Companies are in continuous evolution to adapt to market changes, and consequently, the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must also evolve. Thus, software companies are currently supporting this evolution with ad hoc techniques. We think that, as it is being done for traditional software systems (non-oriented to business process) in the software product line (SPL) field, institutionalized techniques for performing a systematic reuse of business processes across different businesses can be introduced. in this paper, we explore the feasibility of adapting SPL techniques, oriented to reuse software, to Business-Driven Development (BDD), oriented to reuse processes, across different businesses; we call this approach Business Family Engineering (BFE). As a result of our study, we show some of the problems we have identified and some of the key aspects needed to enable this new field

    Patch size and shape and their relationship with tree and shrub species richness

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    Se relacionó el tamaño y forma de 10 fragmentos de bosque nativo con la riqueza de especies de árboles y arbustos en la precordillera costera de la provincia de Osorno, sur de Chile. Se ajustaron cuatro modelos de regresión (lineal, logarítmico, exponencial y potencial), entre el tamaño de fragmentos (área = x) y la riqueza de especies de árboles y arbustos (número de especies = y). Se cuantificó la forma de los fragmentos a través de tres índices (índice de diversidad de Patton, índice de compactación y dimensión fractal), y se obtuvieron las correlaciones parciales entre el área y la riqueza de especies controlando el efecto recíproco del área y el perímetro. Los resultados permitieron concluir que: la riqueza de especies tiende a aumentar significativamente con el tamaño del fragmento, relación que fue explicada por los cuatro modelos. No obstante, el mejor ajuste se logró con el modelo de regresión lineal simple, con un R2 de 65,1% (y = 5,9 + 0,15x); las formas de los fragmentos fueron en general complejas asemejándose a la de objetos fractales, y el área fue el factor que explicó de modo más consistente la riqueza de especies (rxy.z = 0,699); la forma no tuvo un efecto significativo en las variaciones de riqueza de especies de árboles y arbustos

    Del mundo en que vivimos a la dinámica de la Tierra: el particular recorrido de las Ciencias de la Tierra por la Educación Primaria y Secundaria

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    En este trabajo se analiza la situación de los contenidos de Ciencias de la Tierra en los currículos de Educación Primaria (EP) y Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), su distribución y adecuación, así como la forma en que se han recogido en los libros de texto de la LOMCE. Se detecta que en Educación Primaria los contenidos se presentan como un conjunto de etiquetas con escasas explicaciones y sin conexión con algunos de los modelos científicos de referencia y, en el paso a la enseñanza secundaria, no se tiene en cuenta lo tratado en la etapa anterior. En la ESO el enfoque es diverso y depende de las editoriales. Tomando como referencia los modelos existentes sobre la estructura interna de la Tierra, se aprecia que en los libros de texto se mezclan los componentes de los dos modelos científicamente aceptados (geoquímico y geodinámico) y apenas se justifica cómo se han construido los mismos. The features, distribution and adequacy of Earth Sciences contents in the Spanish Curriculum (LOMCE) of Primary and Secondary Education are analyzed in this work. The contents that appear in LOMCE textbooks are also studied. In Primary Education the contents are presented to the students as a set of labels with little explanation and no connection to scientific models; and, in the transition to Secondary Education, the topics covered in the previous stage are not taken into account. In Secondary Education, the approach is diverse and depends on the publishers’ decisions. Taking into account the existing models about the interior structure of the Earth, we can see that textbooks contain a blend of components from two models scientifically accepted (geochemical and geodynamic) and the authors provide almost no explanations about how the models have been constructed