60 research outputs found

    Light absorption coefficient of an ordered array of spherical quantum dot chains

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    We considered intersubband electron transitions in an array of one-dimensional chains of spherical quantum dots in the GaAs/Alx_{x}Ga1x_{1-x}As semiconductor system. The absorption coefficient caused by these transitions was calculated depending on frequency and polarization of incident light and on Fermi level position, and temperature. We established the existence of two maxima of the absorption coefficient at the edges of the absorption band. It is shown that the absorption coefficient reaches its maximal value at the center of the region between the ss-, pp-like subbands and slightly varies with temperature. The change of the direction of the linearly polarized light wave incident on the chains from perpendicular to parallel leads to a sharp narrowing of the absorption band. It is obtained that the absorption bandwidth increases with the reduction of the quantum dot radius. We also analyzed the dependence of the absorption coefficient of GaAs/Alx_{x}Ga1x_{1-x}As superlattice on concentration of aluminium in the matrix.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Коефіцієнт міжзонного поглинання світла надґраткою квантових точок InAs/GaxIn1-xAs при низьких температурах

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    In the paper the InAs/GaxIn1-xAs superlattice system of small size cubic QDs (10 nm) has been considered. Dispersion relations for electron and hole subbands have been calculated for superlattices of different dimensionality. The dependences of the interband absorption coefficient on light frequency, quantum dot size and interdot distance have been researched.It is shown, that the dimension of the superlattice has influence on the shape of the absorption bands and the increasingof the distance between quantum dots is followed by narrowing of the absorption peaks for all three superlatticetypes.У роботі розглянуто надґраткову систему InAs/GaxIn1-xAs квантових точок малих розмірів (до 10 нм) кубічної форми. Для надграток різних вимірностей обчислено закони дисперсії для електронних та діркових підзон. Досліджено залежність коефіцієнта міжзонного поглинання від частоти світла, розмірів квантових точок та відстаней між ними. Показано, що вимірність надґратки впливає на форму смуг поглинання, збільшення відстані між квантовими точками спричиняє звуження піків поглинання для всіх трьох типів надґратки

    Fourier transform spectroscopy and coupled-channel deperturbation treatment of the A1Sigma+ ~ b3Pi complex of KCs molecule

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    The laser induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra A1Sigma ~ b3Pi --> X1Sigma+ of KCs dimer were recorded in near infrared region by Fourier Transform Spectrometer with a resolution of 0.03 cm-1. Overall more than 200 LIF spectra were rotationally assigned to 39K133Cs and 41K133Cs isotopomers yielding with the uncertainty of 0.003-0.01 cm-1 more than 3400 rovibronic term values of the strongly mixed singlet A1Sigma+ and triplet b3Pi states. Experimental data massive starts from the lowest vibrational level v_A=0 of the singlet and nonuniformly cover the energy range from 10040 to 13250 cm-1 with rotational quantum numbers J from 7 to 225. Besides of the dominating regular A1Sigma+ ~ b3P Omega=0 interactions the weak and local heterogenous A1S+ ~ b3P Omega=1 perturbations have been discovered and analyzed. Coupled-channel deperturbation analysis of the experimental 39K133Cs e-parity termvalues of the A1S+ ~ b3P complex was accomplished in the framework of the phenomenological 4 x 4 Hamiltonian accounting implicitly for regular interactions with the remote states manifold. The resulting diabatic potential energy curves of the interacting states and relevant spin-orbit coupling matrix elements defined analytically by Expanded Morse Oscillators model reproduce 95% of experimental data field of the 39K133Cs isotopomer with a standard deviation of 0.004 cm-1 which is consistent with the uncertainty of the experiment. Reliability of the derived parameters was additionally confirmed by a good agreement between the predicted and experimental termvalues of 41K133Cs isotopomer. Calculated intensity distributions in the A ~ b --> X LIF progressions are also consistent with their experimental counterparts.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Отраслевые принципы международного информационного права

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    Пазюк А. В. Отраслевые принципы международного информационного права / А. В. Пазюк // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П.Є. Казанського : матер. третьої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 2–3 листопада 2012 р.) / відп. за випуск М. І. Пашковський ; НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 32-36.Автор статьи считает, что по состоянию на сегодняшний момент времени, указанные принципы, хотя и были приняты на самом высоком представитель- ском уровне и вследствие этого имеют высокий уровень международной легитимности, еще не приобрели статус императивных норм, но в значительной степени определили направления дальнейшего развития международного информационного права на теоретическом и правоприменительном уровнях

    Fourier-transform spectroscopy, direct-potential-fit, and electronic structure calculations on the entirely perturbed (4)1Π state of RbCs

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    We performed a high-resolution Fourier-transform spectroscopic study of the (4)1Π state of the RbCs molecule by applying two-step (4)1Π ← A1Σ+ ∼ b3Π ← X1Σ+ optical excitation followed by observation of the (4)1Π → X1Σ+ laser induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra. In many LIF progressions the collision-induced satellite rotational lines were observed thus increasing the amount of term values and allowing to estimate the Λ-doubling effect in the (4)1Π state. The Direct-Potential-Fit (DPF) of experimental term values of 777 rovibronic levels of both 85RbCs and 87RbCs isotopologues has been performed by means of the robust weighted non-linear least squares method. The PFanalysis based on adiabatic approximation and analytical Expanded Morse Oscillator potential revealed numerous regular shifts in the measured level positions. The spectroscopic studies of the (4)1Π state were supported by the electronic structure calculations including the potential energy curves of the singlet and triplet states manifold and spin-allowed transition dipole moments. The subsequent estimates of radiative lifetimes and corresponding vibronic branching ratios elucidated a dominant contribution of the (4)1Π → A ∼ b channel into the total radiative decay of the (4)1Π state. The relative intensity distributions simulated for (4)1Π → X1Σ+ LIF progressions agree well with their observed counterparts even for the profoundly shifted levels of the entirely perturbed (4)1Π state. To get an insight into the origin of the intramolecular perturbations the relevant spin-orbit and L-uncoupling electronic matrix elements were evaluatedLatvian Science Council Project No. lzp-2018/1-0020 (LZP2018/5): ”Determination of structural and dynamic properties of alkali diatomic molecules for quantum technology applications”; the University of Latvia Base Funding No A5-AZ27; Post-doctoral Grant No, proposal No; Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) Grant No. 1603-00529

    Вивчення летких фракцій сировини моркви посівної сортів «Яскрава» та «Нантська харківська»

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    Common carrot is widely cultivated in many countries as a food plant. Raw material of this plant has antispasmodic, antibacterial, cytotoxic, antiparasitic, cardioprotective, and hepatoprotective activity.Common carrot in non-pharmacopoeial Ukraine, therefore, it requires in-depth pharmacognostic study. In addition, research of its most common varieties in Ukraine, namely “Bright” and “Nantes Kharkiv” remains relevant.The aim of research was determination of the volatile fractions components of aerial part and roots of Common carrot of “Bright” and “Nantes Kharkiv” varieties.Methods. Gas chromatography method was used for determination of Common carrot volatile fractions.Results. In result of the study, 32 compounds were identified in the volatile fraction of Common carrot aerial part of “Bright” variety, 34 compounds were determined in roots of the same sample. 20 components were found in the volatile fraction of Common carrot aerial part of “Nantes Kharkiv” variety, and in its roots 39 compounds were identified.All the volatile fractions studied characterized by the presence of Caryophyllene and Caryophyllene oxide in high amount. Sesquiterpene alcohol Carotol was determined in all the samples studied.Conclusion. According to the results of the given research, marker compound Carotol was found in all Common carrot objects studied. The obtained data can be used for standardization of aerial part and roots of Common carrot of “Bright” and “Nantes Kharkiv” varietiesМорква посівна – рослина, яка широко культивується в багатьох країнах світу як харчова рослина. Сировина цієї рослини виявляє спазмолітичну, антимікробну, цитотоксичну, протипаразитарну, кардіопротекторну, гепатопротекторну активність.Сировина моркви посівної в Україні є нефармакопейною, тому потребує поглибленого фармакогностичного вивчення. Крім того, актуальним є дослідження найбільш поширених в Україні її сортів, а саме «Яскрава» та «Нантська харківська».Метою дослідження було вивчення компонентного складу летких фракцій трави та коренеплодів моркви посівної сортів «Яскрава» та «Нантська харківська».Методи дослідження. Вивчення летких фракцій сировини моркви посівної проводили методом газової хроматографії.Результати дослідження. В результаті проведеного дослідження ідентифіковано у леткій фракції трави моркви посівної сорту «Яскрава» 32 сполуки, у леткій фракції коренеплодів цього ж сорту – 34 сполуки, у леткій фракції трави моркви посівної сорту «Нантська харківська» – 20 речовин, у коренеплодах даного сорту – 39.У всіх досліджуваних летких фракціях у великій кількості знаходилися каріофілен та каріофілен оксид. У всіх об’єктах дослідження встановлено наявність сесквітерпенового спирту каротолу.Висновки. За результатами проведеного дослідження в досліджуваних об’єктах моркви посівної встановлено маркерну сполуку – каротол. Одержані дані можуть бути використані при стандартизації трави та коренеплодів моркви посівної сортів «Яскрава» та «Нантська харківська

    Geographic variation in thermal and photoperiodic effects on development of zoophytophagous plant bug Nesidiocoris tenuis

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    Abstract The zoophytophagous plant bug Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) is increasingly used for biological control of various agricultural pests. Its native range includes Southern Europe, North Africa, Southern and South-Eastern Asia, although only the Mediterranean strains have been studied experimentally. We investigated effects of temperature and photoperiod on nymphal survival and development, rate of female maturation and egg load in two strains of N. tenuis originating from temperate and subtropical regions of South-Eastern Asia: the 'Temperate strain' (from Suwon, Republic of Korea, yearly average air temperature is 13.3°C) and the 'Subtropical strain' (from Miyazaki, Japan, yearly average air temperature is 18.2°C). Nymphs and adults were reared on tomato leaflets and fed with eggs of the grain moth Sitotroga cerealella under four temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C) and three photoperiods (10, 12 and 14 h of light per day). In spite of long-term (40-50 generations) rearing under constant laboratory conditions, the studied strains still show a correlation between thermotolerance indices and climate at origin. In particular, at the low temperature of 15°C, survival of nymphs of the Temperate strain was double that of the Subtropical strain, whereas at the higher tested temperatures, survival of the Subtropical strain was not significantly different or even was higher than that of the Temperate strain. The duration of nymphal development in the Temperate strain was significantly shorter than that in the Subtropical strain at 15-25°C, but not at 30°C. In both strains, nymphal survival, duration of nymphal development and rate of female maturation were not significantly dependent on photoperiod, and diapause was not observed under any conditions tested. We conclude that the Subtropical strain of N. tenuis is better adapted to high temperatures, whereas the Temperate strain is more promising for application in greenhouses at medium and low temperatures