129 research outputs found

    Філософія популізму як варіант сучасної філософії

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    We have previously reported on the functional interaction of Lipid II with human alpha-defensins, a class of antimicrobial peptides. Lipid II is an essential precursor for bacterial cell wall biosynthesis and an ideal and validated target for natural antibiotic compounds. Using a combination of structural, functional and in silico analyses, we present here the molecular basis for defensin-Lipid II binding. Based on the complex of Lipid II with Human Neutrophil peptide-1, we could identify and characterize chemically diverse low-molecular weight compounds that mimic the interactions between HNP-1 and Lipid II. Lead compound BAS00127538 was further characterized structurally and functionally; it specifically interacts with the N-acetyl muramic acid moiety and isoprenyl tail of Lipid II, targets cell wall synthesis and was protective in an in vivo model for sepsis. For the first time, we have identified and characterized low molecular weight synthetic compounds that target Lipid II with high specificity and affinity. Optimization of these compounds may allow for their development as novel, next generation therapeutic agents for the treatment of Gram-positive pathogenic infections

    Understanding the roles of gingival beta-defensins

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    Gingival epithelium produces β-defensins, small cationic peptides, as part of its contribution to the innate host defense against the bacterial challenge that is constantly present in the oral cavity. Besides their functions in healthy gingival tissues, β-defensins are involved in the initiation and progression, as well as restriction of periodontal tissue destruction, by acting as antimicrobial, chemotactic, and anti-inflammatory agents. In this article, we review the common knowledge about β-defensins, coming from in vivo and in vitro monolayer studies, and present new aspects, based on the experience on three-dimensional organotypic culture models, to the important role of gingival β-defensins in homeostasis of the periodontium

    Enhancing Specific Disruption of Intracellular Protein Complexes by Hydrocarbon Stapled Peptides Using Lipid Based Delivery

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    Linear peptides can mimic and disrupt protein-protein interactions involved in critical cell signaling pathways. Such peptides however are usually protease sensitive and unable to engage with intracellular targets due to lack of membrane permeability. Peptide stapling has been proposed to circumvent these limitations but recent data has suggested that this method does not universally solve the problem of cell entry and can lead to molecules with off target cell lytic properties. To address these issues a library of stapled peptides was synthesized and screened to identify compounds that bound Mdm2 and activated cellular p53. A lead peptide was identified that activated intracellular p53 with negligible nonspecific cytotoxicity, however it still bound serum avidly and only showed a marginal improvement in cellular potency. These hurdles were overcome by successfully identifying a pyridinium-based cationic lipid formulation, which significantly improved the activity of the stapled peptide in a p53 reporter cell line, principally through increased vesicular escape. These studies under score that stapled peptides, which are cell permeable and target specific, can be identified with rigorous experimental design and that these properties can be improved through use with lipid based formulations. This work should facilitate the clinical translation of stapled peptides

    C-Terminal Substitution of MDM2 Interacting Peptides Modulates Binding Affinity by Distinctive Mechanisms

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    The complex between the proteins MDM2 and p53 is a promising drug target for cancer therapy. The residues 19–26 of p53 have been biochemically and structurally demonstrated to be a most critical region to maintain the association of MDM2 and p53. Variation of the amino acid sequence in this range obviously alters the binding affinity. Surprisingly, suitable substitutions contiguous to this region of the p53 peptides can yield tightly binding peptides. The peptide variants may differ by a single residue that vary little in their structural conformations and yet are characterized by large differences in their binding affinities. In this study a systematic analysis into the role of single C-terminal mutations of a 12 residue fragment of the p53 transactivation domain (TD) and an equivalent phage optimized peptide (12/1) were undertaken to elucidate their mechanistic and thermodynamic differences in interacting with the N-terminal of MDM2. The experimental results together with atomistically detailed dynamics simulations provide insight into the principles that govern peptide design protocols with regard to protein-protein interactions and peptidomimetic design

    An observational study on the expression levels of MDM2 and MDMX proteins, and associated effects on P53 in a series of human liposarcomas

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    Background: Inactivation of wild type P53 by its main cellular inhibitors (MDM2 and MDMX) is a well recognised feature of tumour formation in liposarcomas. MDM2 over-expression has been detected in approximately 80% of liposarcomas but only limited information is available about MDMX over-expression. To date, we are not aware of any study that has described the patterns of MDM2 and MDMX co-expression in liposarcomas. Such information has become more pertinent as various novel MDM2 and/or MDMX single and dual affinity antagonist compounds are emerging as an alternative approach for potential targeted therapeutic strategies. Methods. We analysed a case series of 61 fully characterized liposarcomas of various sub-types by immunohistochemistry, to assess the expression levels of P53, MDM2 and MDMX, simultaneously. P53 sequencing was performed in all cases that expressed P53 protein in 10% or more of cells to rule out mutation-related over-expression. Results: 50 cases over-expressed MDM2 and 42 of these co-expressed MDMX at varying relative levels. The relative expression levels of the two proteins with respect to each other were subtype-dependent. This apparently affected the detected levels of P53 directly in two distinct patterns. Diminished levels of P53 were observed when MDM2 was significantly higher in relation to MDMX, suggesting a dominant role for MDM2 in the degradation of P53. Higher levels of P53 were noted with increasing MDMX levels suggesting an interaction between MDM2 and MDMX that resulted in a reduced efficiency of MDM2 in degrading P53. Of the 26 cases of liposarcoma with elevated P53 expression, 5 were found to have a somatic mutation in the P53 gene. Conclusions: The results suggest that complex dynamic interactions between MDM2 and MDMX proteins may directly affect the cellular levels of P53. This therefore suggests that careful characterization of both these markers will be necessary in tumours when considering in vivo evaluation of novel blocker compounds for MDM proteins, as a therapeutic strategy to restore wild type P53 function

    Increased human defensine levels hint at an inflammatory etiology of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw: An immunohistological study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human β-defensins (hBD) are antimicrobial peptides that are an integral part of bone innate immunity. Recently, it could be shown that expression of hBD-1, -2 and -3 were upregulated in cases of osteomyelitis of the jaws. In order to gain insight into the possible impairment of hBD metabolism in bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (BONJ), the present exploratory study was designed so as to determine the qualitative and quantitative expression of afore mentioned hBDs in BONJ and infected osteoradionecrosis (ORN), both of which represent inflammatory bone diseases.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Bone samples were collected from patients with BONJ (n = 20) and ORN (n = 20). Non-infected healthy bone samples (n = 20) were included as controls. Immunohistological staining in an autostainer was carried out by the (Strept-ABC)-method against hBD-1,-2,-3. Specific positive vs. negative cell reaction of osteocytes (labeling index) near the border of bony resection was determined and counted for quantitative analysis. Number of vital osteocytes vs. empty osteocytes lacunae was compared between groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>hBD-1,-2 and -3 could be detected in BONJ as well as ORN and healthy bone samples. Immunoreactivity against hBD-2 and -3 was significantly higher in BONJ than in ORN and healthy jaw bone samples. Number of empty osteocyte lacunae was significantly higher in ORN compared with BONJ (<it>P </it>= 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Under the condition of BONJ an increased expression of hBD-1,-2,-3 is detectable, similarly to the recently described upregulation of defensins in chronically infected jaw bones. It remains still unclear how these findings may relate to the pathoetiology of these diseases and whether this is contributing to the development of BONJ and ORN or simply an after effect of the disease.</p

    On the Mechanism of Action of SJ-172550 in Inhibiting the Interaction of MDM4 and p53

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    SJ-172550 (1) was previously discovered in a biochemical high throughput screen for inhibitors of the interaction of MDMX and p53 and characterized as a reversible inhibitor (J. Biol. Chem. 2010; 285∶10786). Further study of the biochemical mode of action of 1 has shown that it acts through a complicated mechanism in which the compound forms a covalent but reversible complex with MDMX and locks MDMX into a conformation that is unable to bind p53. The relative stability of this complex is influenced by many factors including the reducing potential of the media, the presence of aggregates, and other factors that influence the conformational stability of the protein. This complex mechanism of action hinders the further development of compound 1 as a selective MDMX inhibitor

    RNase 7 Contributes to the Cutaneous Defense against Enterococcus faecium

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    Background: Human skin is able to mount a fast response against invading microorganisms by the release of antimicrobial proteins such as the ribonuclease RNase 7. Because RNase 7 exhibits high activity against Enterococcus faecium the aim of this study was to further explore the role of RNase 7 in the cutaneous innate defense system against E. faecium. Methodology/Principal Findings: Absolute quantification using real-time PCR and ELISA revealed that primary keratinocytes expressed high levels of RNase 7. Immunohistochemistry showed RNase 7 expression in all epidermal layers of the skin with an intensification in the upper more differentiated layers. Furthermore, RNase 7 was secreted by keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo in a site-dependent way. RNase 7 was still active against E. faecium at low pH (5.5) or high NaCl (150 mM) concentration and the bactericidal activity of RNase 7 against E. faecium required no ribonuclease activity as shown by recombinant RNase 7 lacking enzymatic activity. To further explore the role of RNase 7 in cutaneous defense against E. faecium, we investigated whether RNase 7 contributes to the E. faecium killing activity of skin extracts derived from stratum corneum. Treatment of the skin extract with an RNase 7 specific antibody, which neutralizes the antimicrobial activity of RNase 7, diminished its E. faecium killing activity. Conclusions/Significance: Our data indicate that RNase 7 contributes to the E. faecium-killing activity of skin extracts an

    mRNA Display Selection of an Optimized MDM2-Binding Peptide That Potently Inhibits MDM2-p53 Interaction

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    p53 is a tumor suppressor protein that prevents tumorigenesis through cell cycle arrest or apoptosis of cells in response to cellular stress such as DNA damage. Because the oncoprotein MDM2 interacts with p53 and inhibits its activity, MDM2-p53 interaction has been a major target for the development of anticancer drugs. While previous studies have used phage display to identify peptides (such as DI) that inhibit the MDM2-p53 interaction, these peptides were not sufficiently optimized because the size of the phage-displayed random peptide libraries did not cover all of the possible sequences. In this study, we performed selection of MDM2-binding peptides from large random peptide libraries in two stages using mRNA display. We identified an optimal peptide named MIP that inhibited the MDM2-p53 and MDMX-p53 interactions 29- and 13-fold more effectively than DI, respectively. Expression of MIP fused to the thioredoxin scaffold protein in living cells by adenovirus caused stabilization of p53 through its interaction with MDM2, resulting in activation of the p53 pathway. Furthermore, expression of MIP also inhibited tumor cell proliferation in a p53-dependent manner more potently than DI. These results show that two-stage, mRNA-displayed peptide selection is useful for the rapid identification of potent peptides that target oncoproteins